After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 206 Everyone is a second mother

At this order, the soldiers of the Baling Army raised their swords, spears, swords and halberds and greeted the red general.

Even a strong man will be beaten into a hornet's nest.

But when the tip of the first spear hit, the figure of the red general suddenly disappeared.

There was no warning, no afterimage of the action was left, it just disappeared.

The next stabs, stabs, and chops were all lonely.

Only a cicada slough the size of a little finger was left on the spot, and it floated up to the sky when the strong wind blew.

The art of Li Daitao's stiffness.

The first time the Red General entered the stable, he secretly released a cicada slough without anyone noticing. If He Lingchuan saw this scene, he would probably smile knowingly.

The red general who had exchanged places with Ghost Shadow Cicada, of course appeared in the stable.

Shao Yingyang glanced at it, and his hair stood on end: a shadow appeared in the stable of the inn, and he swung his knife to chop the bronze talisman on the ground.

He was so shocked that he didn't have time to think too much. He bit the tip of his tongue and pointed towards the stable, shouting: "Suppress!"

A silvery-white lightning appeared in mid-air, taking advantage of the overwhelming force and striking directly at the Red General's Tianling Cap.

This bolt of lightning illuminated most of the city. It was extremely powerful. After all, thunder was the dharma of heaven and earth, so it could destroy all monsters and monsters.

Unexpectedly, the red general stretched out the two index fingers of his left hand and pinched his head, as if he had planned it in advance.

The menacing lightning was really caught in his hand!

An understatement.

It still crackled and exploded, struggling like a living snake, but could not escape from the Red General's grasp.

The long knife in his right hand was not idle, and he smoothly drew a "Z" on the bronze talisman.

The knife moved lightly, but the mark was so deep that it almost penetrated the bronze talisman.

As soon as the green light disappeared, the formation immediately became inoperable.

The three zombies wandering around were originally afraid of the thunder and fled in all directions, but once the Red General crushed the thunder snake and broke the bronze talisman, they became louder like chicken blood and launched an even more fierce attack on the nearest target, as if Angry from shame.

Hundreds of three-corpse bugs invaded the host, and it was an indescribably sinister and strange scene. If anyone here can witness it with their own eyes, it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

The Ba Ling Army who was originally struggling with Xiao Maoliang and others were stunned, their pupils gradually lost focus, and their facial muscles became distorted.

Then they turned around, howled and waved their weapons at their companions behind them.

The battle situation suddenly turned one-sided, and the entire Baling Army collapsed.

During this period, the Baling people had not yet figured out a more effective way to deal with the Three Corpse Insects.

The Red General's plan was finally completed, despite many twists and turns.

The enemy suddenly switched sides. Xiao Maoliang and others breathed a sigh of relief and quickly pushed the city gate open again.

The enthusiastic sound of horse hooves finally came outside the city.

When the strong wind army arrives, the inside should be coordinated with the outside.

Summoning the Thunder Snake was a huge drain, but it was subdued instantly. Shao Yingyang vomited two large mouthfuls of blood on the spot. His expression immediately withered and his face shrank, but his eyes stared at the red general: "Impossible. Even the divine envoy can't catch Little Tianlei..."

His men held him up and shouted: "General, the city gate has been breached, we cannot stay in the mighty city for long!"

The gate of Wei City opened, and the gale army poured in like a tide.

Although there are only 400 people in this ambush, and there are more than 1,000 people in the Baling garrison in Wei City, most of the latter have been ridden by three corpse insects and have almost no fighting power. Even the people around Shao Yingyang took out their magic weapons and lit up their talismans to ensure that they would not be deceived.

The power of Wei City under the control of the Baling people is over.

Shao Yingyang looked around, and even though he was unwilling to do so, he had no choice but to give the order to retreat from the north gate.

He sat on the horse, looked at the stable and gritted his teeth: "There is a god three feet above your head, and you can't hide from it..."

He originally planned to say harsh words and then run away, but suddenly a spear flew towards him from the inn, as fast as thunder, with lightning surrounding him, and his reputation was unparalleled.

Shao Yingyang couldn't dodge at all.

Just when he was about to be stabbed on a skewer, a huge black shadow suddenly bumped into him and stood directly in front of him.

It was the giant stone puppet.

Just hearing a "pop" sound, the stone puppet was shot through the chest, and its huge body suddenly disintegrated in the electric light.

This lightning was returned in full by the Red General.

The spear's remaining power was not lost, and it pierced Shao Yingyang's throat again, bringing out a handful of red blood.

The stone puppet's obstruction failed to change his final outcome.

Shao Yingyang fell off his horse without even making a sound.

The power of a single shot is so powerful.

At this time, everyone discovered that what the Red General threw was not a spear at all, but a pitchfork from the stable, with only the prongs broken.

He just picks up whatever he uses and uses it conveniently.

"Too much nonsense."

The remaining Baling people were so frightened that they lost their fighting spirit. They picked up Shao Yingyang's body and retreated north.

This time it was the Gale Army that was in hot pursuit.

However, there were alleys and houses in Weicheng City and numerous obstacles, which hindered the interception efficiency of the Gale Army. Moreover, the bronze talisman array still running on the north gate also restored many Baling people to their sanity.

Finally, more than a hundred riders ran out of the north gate of Wei City and fled eastward.

In Wei City, Xiao Maoliang asked the red general whether to pursue, but the latter only said: "That's it, the leader has been eliminated, don't pursue the remaining enemies." He only took 400 cavalry to steal the city, and his troops were not sufficient. At the moment, he just wanted to consolidate the results. What's more, the Baling people still have an army of 40,000 wandering in the wilderness, and they will kill them at any time.

"Guard Wei City, Panlong Wasteland will naturally help us repel the Ba Ling army."

Xiao Maoliang agreed and went to arrange the task of defending the city.

No force attack was used to capture Weicheng this time. The city itself was intact, and even the gate only had a few extra arrows. By the way, the walls and gates of Wei City were re-reinforced by the Baling people and several defenses were installed. The Gale Army also found a lot of defensive supplies in nearby warehouses, and even food and salt were surprisingly sufficient.

Obviously after Hua Mucuo captured Weicheng, he wanted to run it as a bridgehead and further encroach on the Panlong Wasteland in the future. Unexpectedly, Shao Yingyang led his troops over to take command, and Wei City returned to the enemy's hands. When Hua Mucuo found out later, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

General Red walked to Stone Puppet.

Stones of various sizes were scattered on the ground, and one of them was as big as a fist and was still shaking.

The red general cut it in half with a knife. There was a red crystal hidden inside, with fine incantations engraved on the surface.

There is also a streak of gold paint embedded on the crystal, which is a sealing spell.

If you look closely, there seems to be something like smoke swimming in this crystal.

The red general scraped off the gold paint with the tip of a knife, then squeezed it hard, and the crystal opened from it. The wisp of smoke swam out and turned into the shadow of a bear in front of the red general.

"It turns out that the bear soul drives the puppet." General Red waved his hand, "You are free, go ahead."

As soon as he raised his hand, the light smoke flew four feet away in fear, then bowed to him twice and disappeared on the spot.

Iron, stone, etc. are inanimate. If a puppet made of such materials can move and fight, it must be driven by the soul of a living creature. And the stronger it is in life, the more solid the soul will be, and the more powerful the puppet will be.

The core of this stone puppet is the soul of a violent bear. It was three hundred years old. After being killed, it was trapped by the stone puppet and driven by the murderer. The core of the puppet can be used repeatedly. If the Red General does not open the seal, it will never be freed.

The red general then looked at his left hand.

The palm of the hand was almost penetrated and burnt.

It was either red or black. There was no good flesh except the back of the hand, and the bones were visible at the base of the finger.

It is almost impossible for anyone in the world to catch the thunder without paying any price.

Shao Yingyang still has two brushes.

The soldier's sharp eyes saw it: "General, you are injured! Do you want to..." Do you want to find someone to come over and treat your injury?

The red general clenched his fists: "No need."


He Lingchuan's speed was not bad, but when he ran to the front of the passage, he found that the way in was blocked by heavy spider webs!

Looking back, the spider was already several feet away.

Even with its big belly, it moves incredibly fast.

The spider also said: "Little one, where do you want to run?"

He Lingchuan swallowed: "Zhu Erniang?"

"Otherwise, who do you think it is?" It doesn't look like Zhu Erniang, it is Zhu Erniang!

This monster actually returned to its nest without making a sound, and had already weaved a net on his retreat path in advance, and then went to block him in the cave.

It’s just that the force value is high, but the mind is more thoughtful than humans.

"You were the one who set the fire?"

Zhu Erniang received the report from the spider grandson, and when she rushed back, she saw raging flames burning in the nest, and she was really angry.

Although it used its magical power to extinguish the fire, at least one-third of the aphid pasture that had been cultivated for many years had been destroyed. Autumn and winter are approaching, and its spider army is likely to face the problem of insufficient food rations.

"There is only this one crypt." He Lingchuan said honestly, "The other crypts that caught fire were caused by the Ba Ling people."

"The damage they caused is not as bad as yours!" Zhu Erniang laughed angrily, "I will personally dissolve your muscles, tendons, and bones and turn you into a water bag. When my child eats you, you He must still be awake!"

Zhu Erniang slowly walked over, and countless spiders appeared behind her. The ground, rock walls, and ceiling filled the entire cave with clattering sounds, making people's hair stand on end.

This is doomed. He Lingchuan clasped his fists: "Anyway, I can't fly without wings. Can you please help me clarify my doubts before I die?"

This boy has become its prey, and there is really no hope of escape. Zhu Erniang saw that his attitude was particularly sincere, so she stopped and said, "Ask."

She saw a lot of people who were not afraid of death and ate a lot, but it was rare to find people who could calmly ask questions before they died.

She was a little curious.

Zhu Erniang has endless descendants in Ghost Needle Stone Forest, and even she herself doesn’t know how many burrowing spiders there are. But these silly things have limited intelligence. They lie down when they see them. How can they dare to talk to them?

Alas, there is no one to talk about. It is a second lady who likes to chat.

He Lingchuan pointed at the rock wall: "What's going on with those seven spider demons that look like matryoshka dolls? Are they your ancestors?"

It's like an exhibition hall here. Do spider demons have a tradition of collecting the remains of their predecessors?

This question made Zhu Erniang obviously hesitate, and then she said: "Yes, and no."

It stood next to the largest giant spider and judged its size: "The seven remnants here are all my predecessors!"

This answer shocked He Lingchuan: "What do you mean, these seven are all you?"

"Ignorant humans, do you think I am an unknown wild monster on the roadside?" Zhu Erniang said proudly, "In ancient times, I used this body to wander in the Panlong Wilderness, which was called Panlong Wilderness at that time. This is my cave. , Qixiaju!”

He Lingchuan finally knew what words were engraved on the big stone tablet outside the crypt.

"What about the remaining sheds at the back?" The so-called "remaining sheds", in He Lingchuan's understanding, refer to the replaced skins and bodies.

"Later on, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth declined rapidly, and it was not enough to support the activities of my original body, just like a giant whale cannot live in shallow water." Zhu Erniang's voice was very helpless, "I had to give up my original body and transform into a new self."

He Lingchuan was startled and moved.

Is this big monster saying that its original body was more powerful in ancient times, but unfortunately it could not adapt to the drastic changes in the environment, so it had to voluntarily abandon it and exchange it for a weaker body?

It also has an interesting expression, “degeneration.”

For such a big monster, it’s actually degeneration, right?

He Lingchuan asked tentatively: "Is that equivalent to giving up cultivation and preserving one's own spiritual consciousness?" This should be the innate talent of the species, and humans probably cannot do it.

The old turtle demon's "bold solution" technique is very similar to it. It can only be said that it is a wonderful creation.

"Yes. In such a long time, I have compressed my cultivation seven times before I found the way to survive today." Zhu Erniang sighed longly, "All the spores here emit light and heat, originating from the slough. Residual power."

In a deep environment like a burrow, without fluorescent spores, moss blankets cannot be grown, cows cannot be raised, and giant aphids cannot be raised.

In other words, it actually supports the entire ethnic group on its own.

Who can understand the hardships it has endured for thousands of years? Not only do you have to live well, but you also have to support your family.

"After answering, where do you want me to start?" She walked towards He Lingchuan, a little impatient.

"I have two last questions!" He Lingchuan seized the time, "Was the ancient times the age of immortals? Why did spiritual energy decline so sharply?"

Regarding the decline of spiritual energy, historical opinions are extremely controversial, and hundreds of schools of thought can truly disagree.

The people of later generations looked back and forth, and the more they looked, the more confused they became.

Zhu Erniang knocked on the ground: "Yes."

It tapped the ground again to indicate the answer to the second question: "I can't remember clearly. In the process of changing these seven skins, I lost a lot of key memories." Cutting down on cultivation and secretly seeking immortality is inherently counterproductive. How could it be possible for God to do something without paying the price?

Of course, the most important thing is that its patience has been exhausted and it is too lazy to answer again.

Enough chatting, this cat-and-mouse game should be over. Yes, it is an impatient second mother.

"About ancient times, I only remember sporadic fragments and scenes, and these have nothing to do with you!"

It was tall and long-legged. It walked up to He Lingchuan in a few steps, opened its mouth, and revealed its sharp fangs.

Looking up from He Lingchuan's perspective, the pair of fangs were dark and shiny, as big as two curved forks, with saliva dripping from the surface.

To describe the prey that has been injected by these fangs as "cannot survive but cannot seek death" is an understatement.

"You're right, it has nothing to do with me." He Lingchuan smiled bitterly and pulled out the long knife with a clang.

This ant-like human still wants to resist? Come on, come on, it likes to see its prey struggling, so that the food will taste more delicious later. Zhu Erniang smiled contemptuously, but saw him wipe her neck with a backhand, neat and clean!


A man should die happily.

Avoid suffering.

Something flew over from the sky and circled twice in Weicheng.

The red general raised the fluorescent spore and shook it twice before the thing confirmed its position, flew down and landed on his shoulder.

It was the sparrowhawk that came back.

"Panlong City's reinforcements have arrived outside Guizhen Stone Forest, and they are cooperating with General Nan Ke outside and inside to control the flowers and trees." The sparrow hawk was tired. It came here very fast and urgently, and its wings were not idle the whole night. " On the way back, I also saw Captain Sun’s team, leading the Ba Ling army in circles in the wilderness.”

The task of the Gale Army was to distract the main force of the Baling Army so that the Red General could take the opportunity to steal the city.

It opened its mouth, panting and dissipating heat, and added: "General Nanke was at a disadvantage against Zhu Erniang in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest, so he had to burn its lair to divert its attention, and then he led the army to successfully escape from the stone forest."

Then, it talked about the whole process.

The red general fed it water with his own hands, and stroked its feathers - his hand was already healed - and let the sparrow hawk rest for more than a quarter of an hour before he said: "Go to Lieutenant Sun and ask him to return the favor." The city is coming. From now on, we will switch to defense."

At dawn, the battle is about to enter its second half.

The sparrowhawk took the order, fluttered its wings and flew away.

General Red glanced in the direction of Ghost Needle Stone Forest and fell into deep thought.

This volume ends here, and the next chapter enters the new volume "Atsushi".

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