After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 207 The Dead Village on a Snowy Night

He Lingchuan suddenly opened his eyes and turned over to sit up.

He was inside the carriage, the space was small, half a game of chess was spread out on the low table in front of him, and there was a small stain on the wall of the carriage opposite. There was a Dieshan incense burner at his feet, and he was breathing calming incense slowly.

He returned to reality.

He Lingchuan subconsciously touched his neck, his hands covered with cold sweat.

In mint condition.

He took a long breath, it was good to be alive.

This was his third death experience, and the feeling of the cold blade severing his trachea lingered - and he did it himself.

There's one bad thing about the Coiling Dragon dream: it's too real.

How long will it take for him to crawl out from the shadow of death this time?

He Lingchuan thought optimistically, if he died too many times, would he become numb?

Opening the curtain, the whistling sound of the wind became clear immediately.

That's right, his father was in a hurry and missed Sutou again. Now the supporting army can only move forward against the sudden wind and snow. He Yue played chess with Sun Hongye, He Lingchuan's new aide, to pass the time. He Lingchuan was also watching chess on the carriage and "accidentally" fell asleep.

There is no way, who makes the wind outside the window too gentle, and the two of them playing chess are too boring.

The curtain was lifted, and Sun Hongye poked her head in.

"Hey, young master, are you awake?"

He Lingchuan yawned: "Why did you run away halfway through the chess game?"

Sun Hongye coughed lightly: "The second young master said, it's better not to disturb your rest." The opposite was true. He Lingchuan snored like thunder, making the two of them unable to settle down.

"Come up and talk." He Lingchuan grabbed the cup and took two sips of cold tea, "I'm too tired!"

No one knew that while he was sleeping peacefully here, his consciousness had entered Panlong Wasteland to experience a vigorous battle, and he died once. He is still frightened to this day.

He had just experienced something thrilling, and the world knew nothing about it.

"I thought I heard you say before that the two generals Ke Jihai used your tactics to attack Woling Pass?" Then he fell asleep.

"Yes, it was me who proposed the plan to the Royal Censor. He was very happy. He went to the palace overnight and dedicated the plan to the king." At that time, Sun Hongye was working as a companion at the home of the Royal Censor, He Liwen, and wanted to meet He Liwen. Being a censor is not a difficult task.

"I've heard the story of two generals conquering Woling Pass. There are storytellers in the market, but your name doesn't appear in it at all." He Lingchuan snorted, "Old He said shamelessly that he came up with it on his own. The number of ways?”

"No, it's not."

It seems that He Yushi still wants to show some dignity.

"Lord He reported that this was a plan that his third son He Jing came up with after more than two months of sleepless nights because he was worried about national affairs." Sun Hongye smiled bitterly, "Afterwards, the king rewarded He Jing heavily."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but laugh: "It's an old trick of being an official to covet the merits of heaven for your descendants. It's not new, it's not new!"

"I was ignorant and couldn't hold back my anger in my words. As a result, it reached Master He's ears and he kicked me out of the He family."

The tea had already cooled down, and there was no charcoal in the car. He Lingchuan grabbed the body of the pot and used his strength. Soon, steam came out of the spout.

Then, he poured a cup of hot tea for Sun Hongye with his own hands: "In Luming Garden, the second eldest son of the He family, He Su, was rude to me and Zhu Xiuer. There was a problem with your carriage going down the mountain, and it had something to do with him. I originally wanted to Give him some color and then think about it, why not leave this opportunity to you? "

Sun Hongye's face moved slightly.

If it were anyone else, they would just advise him to forget it. What qualifications does little Bai Ding have to call out to the big officials of the government?

He Lingchuan then added: "Don't belittle yourself. Just look at the appearance of the second and third sons of the He family, and you know that the He family is not very prosperous. Follow me and hang out in the North for a few years, and the opportunity will come in a blink of an eye."

Sun Hongye thought for a while and nodded solemnly: "Okay!"

He was looking forward to following the He family to the north to show off his talents.

"By the way, I noticed a light on the mountain opposite. It might be a village. Mr. He has already sent someone to investigate." Sun Hongye said with a smile, "Mrs. Ying is quite subtle."

He Lingchuan also poured himself a cup of hot tea and drank it to warm his stomach: "She was frightened by the bandits by the Xianling Lake and thought that all the villages in the world had evil intentions towards us."

"Hunger and cold arouse people's hearts, and Madam's worries are not wrong." Sun Hongye lifted the curtain and looked at the mountains in the night. Sure enough, she saw stars and lights in front of her, which looked particularly friendly in the wind and snow. "It's just that our troops are strong and our horses are strong. Dare to covet.”

He Lingchuan said lazily: "What are you afraid of bandits? Our team has its own bandits."

Although Wu Shaoyi and the hundreds of subordinates who were recruited together did not have military uniforms to wear, they were already recruited by He Chunhua's support army.

Sun Hongye Surong: "Second Young Master told me about the battle of Xianling Village. Young Master, you are brave enough to stay behind, and you are lucky to survive falling off a cliff. You also took the opportunity to subdue the crocodile monster and Wu Shaoyi. This is You have wisdom, courage, and luck. You are not as simple as you appear."

"Do I look simple on the surface?" He Lingchuan rolled his eyes, "Praise me well, maybe I will give you a salary increase."

"The young man is cynical but has no hobbies, and is thoughtful but not soft. He is exactly the kind of general that is most needed for the Northland campaign." Sun Hongye said with a smile, "Master He has a discerning eye and will definitely entrust you with important tasks."

The sound of horse hooves suddenly came from not far ahead.

He Lingchuan lifted the curtain and saw a horseman running from the mountain road on the opposite side and joining the ranks in front of the supporting army.

Apparently, the scout who was exploring the way forward has returned.

Sure enough, not long after, an officer rode his horse back and forth to convey orders, asking the officers and soldiers to brace themselves and deal with emergencies.

He Lingchuan stretched out his hand to stop him: "What happened in front?"

"Slaughter the village," the officer replied, "Seventy or eighty men and women were killed in the village ahead, and the murderers did not even spare young children."

"Are bandits entering the village again?" The security situation in Dayuan is also very bad.

"It's not like we were injured by a sword. Master He asked us to continue moving forward, but be prepared for battle."

The wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier, and the supporting troops must find a place to stay. Although there is a dangerous village ahead, after passing this village, I don’t know how far away the next store is.

Marching in the wind and snow is more dangerous than rushing on a rainy night.

What's more, He Chunhua now has hundreds of soldiers under his command. Even in the wilderness, what force can pose a threat to him?

So the entire team moved forward as planned.

Since there were changes ahead, He Lingchuan couldn't continue to rely on the car, so he rode a horse and went ahead to find his father.

Two quarters of an hour later, the troops arrived at the village halfway up the mountain.

This village is smaller than Fairy Village. There are dozens of houses, including houses, firewood sheds, pens, warehouses, etc., and most of the houses have lights on.

There were blood stains on the floor and walls.

He Lingchuan did not see the body, but saw drag marks on the ground.

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