After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 209: Monsters are born in troubled times

"It's not bad. Dunyu is closer to the front line, and the surrounding roads are easy to travel." Songyang Hou said thoughtfully, "But Songyang Mansion has no favors in Dunyu, and I have to trouble Mr. He to find me a good piece of land."

Of course He Chunhua agreed: "It's a small matter."

The two then chatted about the current situation.

He Lingchuan stood aside, drinking tea, eating fruits and being a spectator. This Songyang Hou has bright eyes, white teeth, and decent appearance. No matter who he looks at, he always makes him feel like a spring breeze is blowing on his face.

He Yue was so looked down upon by her that he couldn't hold his head up.

She was only twenty years old at most, but she was graceful and graceful. When discussing government affairs with He Chunhua, she was extremely insightful, and some of her political opinions coincided with each other.

He Chunhua has great ambitions, but he rarely has the opportunity to speak freely with outsiders. This conversation ran over time and accidentally lasted for more than half an hour.

Mrs. Ying gave him several cough signals before He Chunhua cut off the conversation, still not finished.

At this time, Songyang Hou was saying: "I heard that the evil puppet master Dong Rui will take revenge. This person has suffered a loss at the hands of you and his son, and he will probably not let it go."

"Thanks for reminding me." He Chunhua smiled bitterly, "I don't know who thinks so highly of me and pays a lot of money to pay for the murder."

"It's either Nian Zanli or Dong Haoming. The former has a grudge against you for killing his son, and the latter was ruined by you in seizing the artifact; and no matter who it is, killing you will help weaken the power of Wang Ting."

"Or maybe they're the remnants of Sun Fuping's side?"

Songyang Hou shook his head: "Sun Fuping's influence has been completely eradicated and can basically be eliminated."

He Lingchuan interjected: "I thought his disciples' old friends were all over the capital."

"Sun Fuping has disciples and old friends, but when he becomes the Imperial Advisor, he must deliberately distance himself, and the Censor will focus on supervision. This is one of the most basic national policies. If the Imperial Advisor has personal affairs with important ministers, the important ministers will be severely punished."

He Lingchuan shrugged: "Yes, so he and Da Sima colluded."

Aren’t national policies also in name only?

"Sun Fuping has no children, and he has no direct descendants to avenge him after his death." Marquis Songyang said with a smile, "When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. The eldest son is overly worried."

As she spoke, she covered her mouth and yawned.

It was indeed very late. He Chunhua saw the opportunity and stood up to say goodbye, and then said: "Since Sir Alex also wants to go north, why don't you join our army."

Marquis Songyang agreed: "It's a good idea. I have an army to escort you, so your journey will be worry-free."

As everyone walked out of the courtyard, He Chunhua looked back again before returning to the cottage.

The cottages have been allocated, and most of them have been given to the generals. Mrs. Ying has specially allocated two rooms for the use of the elderly and children.

The He family walked into the house, and the brazier here also burned charcoal, making them feel warm.

Seeing that there was no one around, Mrs. Ying said with a straight face: "In the wilderness, in the village that was just massacred, Marquis Songyang suddenly comes to 'encounter' her! This woman has ulterior motives, we must be on guard against her!"

When she looked at Marquis Songyang, she felt something was wrong.

He Chunhua was amused: "If she had a plan, why would she choose a place like this to only increase our vigilance?"

Mrs. Ying glared at him and then at her two sons.

He Yue received his mother's resentment and blinked, not wanting to get involved. But Mrs. Ying directly named her: "Yue'er, what do you think?"

He Yue could only cough lightly: "Father, the great master craftsman Li Fubo once came to inquire about Sun Fuping's relics, and it must have been under the instruction of Marquis Songyang. There is still some connection between this 'Grand Master' and Sun Fuping. Until we find out, it is better not to leave. It’s better to get too close.”

He Chunhua actually listened to these words, thought about it and said, "What you said makes sense."

Mrs. Ying gave her second son an approving look.

He Lingchuan patted the table lightly: "Marquis Songyang is actually a woman, how come you never mentioned it?"

He is known as Marquis Songyang, and usually everyone calls him "Master" or "Master". It's strange that he can think of this as a woman!

He Yueqi said: "Brother, you don't know?"

"Where do I know where to go?" He Lingchuan asked angrily, "Am I the only one living in a small border town with little information?"

"The Marquis of Songyang's surname is Li, and his given name is Qingge. His title is hereditary, but there is only one such lord in the dynasty who is a woman. I have heard slang women talk about it in Blackwater City." He Yue felt strange instead, "Brother, you How come you don’t know this if you love gossiping so much?”

He Lingchuan pointed at everyone in front of him: "So, you all know?"

Except for him, everyone in the He family nodded, looking matter-of-fact.

The butler Lao Mo who was waiting beside him also smiled and nodded.

So Li Fubo didn't mention it, Sun Hongye didn't mention it, and he didn't even mention Shi Huancheng's blasphemous Assistant Liu, just because this is a fact that everyone knows?

He Lingchuan stretched out and felt exhausted physically and mentally: "Where's dinner? I'm hungry!"


A dreamless night.

He Lingchuan was thinking about the aftermath of the battle, but unfortunately he could not dream back to Panlong. Perhaps Broken Blade was considerate of him because he was too tired in his dream the night before.

After getting up, he found that the boy He Yue was not awake, his face was swollen red, and he was mumbling something.

He Lingchuan leaned over to listen more carefully, but unexpectedly He Yue suddenly opened his eyes, looked at him and shouted "Ah".

Both of them were so frightened that even the guards outside the door rushed in.

He Lingchuan took out his ears and said, "What's it called? You almost made me deaf." The magic sound penetrated his brain.

He Yue's face was very red and he didn't look at him: "I, I... I just want to take a nap. Why are you coming over here?"

"I heard you say 'Okay, okay', and then 'Slow down'." He Lingchuan was so busy, "What on earth is both good and slow?"

"Uh." He Yue glanced down, suddenly jumped up and ran out, "I need to pee!"

"There's a bucket at the back."

I don't know if He Yue heard it or not, but he threw on a coat and ran away in a hurry.

The snow has stopped, but the morning outside is extremely cold. He Lingchuan clicked his tongue twice, the young man was full of firepower.

He suddenly made a not-so-wonderful discovery:

Ever since he got Broken Sword, his dreams were only related to Panlong City, or he would just bury himself in deep sleep without having a single dream.

The only exception was the dream about the Immortal Cave, but that was also related to the divine bones, and from the side, it was also related to Panlong City.

In other words, he lost the ability to visit other dreams.

Could it be that his dreams for the rest of his life can only be related to Panlong City? That's too boring.

He was still young, and he still wanted to have youthful dreams like He Yue, full of energy, sweating profusely, full of passion, and flying to heaven...

"Brother, let's discuss it." He Lingchuan patted the broken knife, "Can you let me have other dreams occasionally?"

Of course there will be no reaction from Broken Knife.

But He Lingchuan was sure it heard it.

The dead villagers had been buried, and He Chunhua offered them a stick of incense and recited a prayer before the team set off.

"In this world, only human life is worthless." Songyang Hou Li Qingge also clasped his hands, "Master He is so kind."

At this time, the little mink standing on Wu Shaoyi's shoulder squeaked twice, and Wu Shaoyi whispered to everyone: "My mink said, the crow on the branch has been staring at us, and there is still a lot of human blood on it." odor."

He Chunhua looked up in surprise and saw nearly a hundred crows sitting on the big tree next to the grave. They were staring down at everyone.

Crows are also common birds in winter. The army had seen many of them along the way, so they subconsciously ignored them.

But when Wu Shaoyi reminded everyone, everyone realized something was wrong:

When did the crows become so quiet?

And there are more than a dozen of them that are larger than the same kind, almost catching up with the vultures. They stare at humans with strange eyes, like staring at dead flesh.

But the two wolf demons on the ground were also staring at them, licking their mouths all the time.

He Chunhua said slowly: "These things have sharp mouths, do they look like crane-bill pens?"

The more I look at them, the more they look like each other.

He Lingchuan grabbed the Ghost Eye Bow from the storage ring and wanted to show these crows their power.

But before he could nock the arrow, the crows seemed to recognize him very well. They shouted "Ahhh" and fluttered their wings, flying to the back mountain like a blanket of sky.

The shock only made the big trees rustle with snow.

He patted the snow flakes on his body helplessly: "The imperial liquid not long ago was obviously low in quantity and poor in quality, how could it still activate so many monsters?"

He Chunhua Su Rong: "In troubled times, evildoers are born, but in peace, there are few evil spirits."

Li Qingge looked at him and said, "Then how can we achieve peace?"

He Chunhua shook his head. Is this the answer that many powerful people are searching for? Instead, He Lingchuan smiled and said, "I'll probably have to wait for a peerless hero."

Although these man-eating crows are hateful, people cannot catch them, especially in broad daylight. So both He Chunhua and Li Qingge gave up this plan, packed up their tents and set off on the road.

The murderer is at large, and the reality is always this helpless. The so-called widening of the legal net is nothing more than words that people deceive themselves.

There are so many new monsters wandering around the land of Yuan Kingdom, and how much can these six hundred people interfere with them?

The staff member Mo Zhe Jingxuan could only comfort the angry Mrs. Ying and said: "The monsters that have just begun to awaken their spiritual intelligence will always go through a period of chaos. After a while, they will stop." Most of them will stop, otherwise there will be human armies soon. Teach them to be good monsters, after all, this is the Yuan's territory.

But He Lingchuan understands that this refers to "normal circumstances". Now that Dayuan is struggling with two fronts of war, does it still have the energy to eradicate these "scabies" from its territory?

That's why He Chunhua lamented that evildoers arise in troubled times.

If some diseases are not cured, they will eventually develop into chronic diseases that invade the bones and rot the marrow.

When the troops left, a flock of crows flew in the sky and followed them for more than ten miles, squawking all the time, which was both sarcastic and provocative, and extremely arrogant. Some of them even tried to fly onto everyone's heads and defecate, making Mrs. Ying scream in fright.

Zhao Qinghe and Zeng Feixiong suddenly ordered the bows to be drawn, and they coordinated the troops to shoot arrows together.

Arrows rained from the sky, shooting down a dozen crows on the spot.

These ghosts will show up on their noses and faces if they don't show their strength.

The crows were frightened and fluttered their wings. Everyone fired again and shot four or five more. The two giant wolves rushed out and carried them back to the car one by one. They had lunch and toys.

After suffering this time, Wu Wu realized that the group of people in front of him were different from ordinary villagers and could not be offended at all, so he turned around and left in frustration.

It's snowing again.

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