After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 210 The thoughts of the people of Panlong City

There was a large hole in the roof beam, and more than a dozen termites were moving in and out head to tail, as if they were trying to get by. He Lingchuan stared at them for a long time before he realized that he had fallen asleep again.

Now there is only one destination in his dream:

Panlong City.

He wanted to get up, but his arms and legs were stiff and a bit unresponsive, as if a classic car that had been idle for five or six years was about to start again.

He Lingchuan just sat up and felt unnatural when he saw the bench in the room.

When he walked around his small house, he found that all the firewood had been removed and the two fat fish in the rainwater tank were also missing. He quickly walked back to the bedroom, moved two bricks from the corner and took a look.

Fortunately, the medicine and money hidden here are still there.

To put it simply, his home was robbed. The thief who comes in to fish for fish may even take a sip, thinking that his family is poor and has nothing to steal.

However, his sword was still leaning against the bed, and the thief did not dare to touch it.

At first glance, it looks like a military knife, with words and numbers on it. According to the laws of Panlong City, those who steal military supplies have their hands chopped off, and even if a thief steals the knife, he cannot sell it.

He Lingchuan was scratching his head when the courtyard door creaked open and Hu Min walked in.

When he saw He Lingchuan standing at the door of the house, he was startled at first, and then he was overjoyed: "Are you awake?"

Judging from his demeanor, you can tell that this question is not simple. He Lingchuan blinked: "I'm awake, what's wrong with me?"

"You have been in coma for three days! The military doctor treated your injuries and said that the spider poison in your body was too strong and it would take three to five days to be discharged. How many bites did you get from those burrowing spiders?"

He was also poisoned?

Seeing his confused look, Hu Min rubbed his hands: "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Falled into Zhu Erniang's lair." He Lingchuan said vaguely, "I thought I was dead, how come I'm still alive?"

"Everyone thought you were heroic, but no one could claim the pension from the Military Merit Department. It turned out that you seemed to have fallen into the underground river in the Spider's Den and rushed to Baiyang Stack. It was not until three days ago that you were discovered by a horse herder. He When I saw you wearing a gale uniform and clutching a knife in your hand, I rushed to report it. Boss Xiao guessed that it was you and went to pick you up personally. "

"The Ghost Needle Stone Forest is twenty or thirty miles away from Baiyangzhan. If you hadn't come up to the shoal, no one would have known that it is actually connected to the underground river of the Ghost Needle Stone Forest!" Hu Min patted him on the shoulder, "You boy, you are really lucky. Great luck!”

What could He Lingchuan say? He could only look up to the sky and sigh: "My life should not be cut off, God must help me."

He knew in his heart that this was just a cover-up in the Panlong Dream. Last time he suddenly went offline at the end of the river valley interception battle, and the dream also helped him arrange an ending in which he fell into the water.

"Do you have any creativity? Can you give me another excuse?" He looked like he was short of water?

Hu Minqi asked: "What did you say?"

"Nothing!" He Lingchuan laughed, "By the way, how did that battle end?"

"That was all eight days ago. Hey, you have done a lot of credit. I heard that you burned down the burrowing spider's nest. Zhu Erniang was so frightened that she stopped fighting and hurried back. Nan Only then could General Ke's team successfully escape from the Ghost Needle Stone Forest and defeat Huamuco together with the reinforcements sent from the city."

He Lingchuan knew very well that there were two flowers in bloom at that time: "Where is the battlefield on the other side?"

"While the main force of Wei City was led away by General Nan Ke, General Red led us to steal Wei City. There were many twists and turns in the process, but in the end Wei City was captured by us." Hu Min also participated in Wei City After the battle, he told everything he had seen and heard.

The battle on General Red's side was as twists and turns as the Ghost Needle Stone Forest. He Lingchuan listened with rapt attention and subconsciously asked: "Why did the Baling Kingdom suddenly send more troops to the Panlong Wasteland?"

You must know that in the previous fifteen years, Baling and Xianyou were old rivals of Panlong City. The war process was loose or tight, fast or slow. The two sides often even stopped fighting and did not invade each other, and they still did business. .

The two countries have become accustomed to the thorn in the side of Panlong City. They have been unable to remove it for more than ten years, so they simply ignore it. Even the frictions that often break out on the border are treated coldly.

But He Lingchuan already understood at this time that this situation was probably because there was an internal problem in the Baling Kingdom or the Xianyou Kingdom itself, and it was difficult to take care of both the inside and the outside, so they relaxed their occupation of the Panlong Wasteland.

Why did Baling Kingdom suddenly get excited again and send out 40,000 troops?

Hu Min shrugged: "Then I don't know." He was a soldier and only focused on fighting. It would take a long time for information from the upper levels to be passed down.

"However, Hua Mucuo did not give up after gathering Shao Yingyang's remnants, and turned around to attack Wei City. General Red led us to hold on, and Hua Mucuo had no good solution. After all, the city was fortified by him, so it was difficult to defeat it. He knows best." Hu Min laughed loudly at this point, "Then there was heavy snow and hail in the wilderness for three days and three nights!"

"The Baling people are freezing, with no food or clothing, and no place to stay near here. They are like wild dogs in the wilderness. How pitiful! By the way, a team of Baling people seems to have escaped early. There may be internal strife among the high-level officials. . At this time, the Red General sent people to attack the Baling military camp at night. After winning the battle, Hua Mucuo stopped pretending and took off his armor and returned home. "Hu Min couldn't close his mouth, "They haven't finished withdrawing yet. , you have never seen such a listless coward!"

He Lingchuan also smiled.

After Wei City was captured, the Baling people had no stronghold in the eastern part of Panlong Wasteland. How can these 40,000 people live on the wind and dew? So the withdrawal is a foregone conclusion.

In the past year and a half, both sides have been fighting guerrillas. Affected by the objective conditions in the wilderness, the number of troops invested in each battle ranged from a few hundred to one or two thousand. Both sides have become accustomed to this rhythm. As soon as Shao Yingyang arrived, he had to surprise Panlongcheng by setting up a trap and attacking quickly, so that the army from the sky would crush Panlongcheng's small team.

The most important thing among them is to seize the time to create an information gap.

According to his plan, by the time Panlong City reacts, the elite of the Gale Army will have been eaten, and maybe the Red General will also be captured, which will directly shake the foundation of Panlong City.

However, this strategy has both pros and cons. If you don't eat all the fat that comes to your mouth, the contradiction of insufficient logistics will immediately become apparent. Even Wei City cannot support so many troops, not to mention that the 40,000-strong army has now become a wandering army?

Next, the right time, place and people will be lost, and the entire Panlong Wasteland will be against you.

"So we took back Weicheng again." Hu Min sighed, "Your home is back."

home? He Lingchuan said indifferently: "How is the person named Shao doing?"

"He's dead. General Red killed him with his own hands."

What He Lingchuan was thinking about was the information revealed by Hu Min.

Those words that Shao Yingyang said to General Red, what do they mean by "the former Mitian Empress" and what do they mean by "divine envoy"?

Mitian is the god who protects Panlong City. What is the difference between the past and the present?

After all, he received too little information about the gods.

God's envoy is easy to understand. Does it refer to the person who has inherited the "divine descent", or in other words, the skin?

He was curious, did the invincible Red General completely obey Mi Tian's will, or did he still retain his own consciousness and thoughts?

In other words, was the war fought by Mi Tian or by the Red General himself?

At this time, Hu Min took out a few more coins and gave them to He Lingchuan: "This is the money you won."

"I won?" Why wasn't he impressed?

"Before the war started in Ghost Needle Stone Forest, did you place bets on the team?" Hu Min said with a smile, "Your teammates came twice, but you didn't wake up. Finally, a skinny monkey asked me to hand over the money."

He went out to scoop water and wash his hands, and took a look at the tank. It was empty: "Hey, did you eat the fish?"

He Lingchuan shook his head: "My house seems to have been robbed. The fish and firewood were stolen, but the knife is still there."

"No matter how blind a thief is, he wouldn't dare steal a saber." Hu Min said with a smile, "Are you going to report the crime?"

"Can I get it back?"

"Honestly, I don't think you can recover it." Hu Min said matter-of-factly, "Although the city regulations impose heavy penalties on thieves, if you are unconscious for three days, anyone can come in, so it is difficult to catch the thief."

And all that was lost was a little firewood and two fish. The amount was so small that even the officials probably didn't bother to care.

"I thought Panlong City was a paradise, but I didn't expect Xiaoxiao's thieves to be found everywhere." This was the victim's complaint.

"It's inevitable for humans." Hu Min comforted him, "You have made great achievements this time. It's time to change your residence. If you move to a better location, no thieves will come."

He Lingchuan looked around the small courtyard, which only took three steps from the courtyard door to the bedroom: "It's time for me to change rooms."

It's becoming more and more inconvenient to practice martial arts here. I can't really stretch my hands and feet, let alone shoot.

Stepping out of the hospital, He Lingchuan was stunned:

There were so many things outside the door, such as jars and jars, large and small bags, that he could hardly get out.

"What is this?" He picked up a jar and brushed away the white snow at the mouth of the jar. He found that it had been sealed with yellow mud and had not been opened. He came closer and smelled it, "It smells so good, it seems like wine?"

This jar of wine is at least thirty kilograms, and the clay seal has the word "Chuntai" on it.

Hu Min looked at it and smiled and said: "This is Chuntai wine, produced by an old wine shop in the south of the city. It is very smooth and the price is not cheap."

He also helped He Lingchuan check a few more earthen jars, and covered his nose as soon as he opened the lids: "Oh, does it smell so strong?"

These jars are full of pickles, pickles, cabbage, radishes... Judging from the smell alone, the month is enough.

If Chuntai wine is bought as a gift, then these jars of pickles are pickled by others themselves.

He Lingchuan opened the cover of another basket and found five large fish that were frozen hard with bright eyes. There was also a note full of fishy smell on the body, which read crookedly:

"My son is back home alive, thank you."

The signature is Zhu Dapang's house in Wuzhi Lane.

Another large package of bacon was yellow and fragrant. It was wrapped in three layers of oil paper and tied tightly with straw rope on the outside. On the outer layer of oil paper, it was written directly: "Good people are rewarded. I will deliver it after eating."

Although these two things were written on charcoal strips, they were messages at least. Most of the things had no notes or signatures, and I don’t know who sent them, but it was clear that they were thoughtful.

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