After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 211 The golden chicken that lays eggs

He Lingchuan stared at the note in a daze, feeling suddenly warm in his heart.

Hu Min didn’t need to explain, he understood immediately:

These things are all thank-you gifts from the family members of General Nanke's team. If He Lingchuan hadn't sacrificed his life in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest to blow up the burrowing spider's nest and lure away the big monster Zhu Erniang, even if General Nan Ke could escape, no one knows how many of his troops would have perished in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest.

These human lives are not numbers. Behind them are wives and children, a high school, a family's livelihood, and happiness in the world.

He sacrificed his life this time and saved many families from heartache? People's emotions are so simple sometimes, so you must give something to express your gratitude.

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Without saying anything in advance, Hu Min wanted to leave the surprise to him, "There are so many things, let me help you move them in."

The two of them moved into the courtyard one by one, and half of the space in the small courtyard was gone.

He Lingchuan felt strange while moving: "Why didn't the thief take these, but instead stole the fish and firewood in my house?"

"How do I know?" Hu Min shrugged, "Maybe holding things in front of your door is too conspicuous. Your door has been too busy recently."

At this moment, a five or six-year-old child stood by the door and poked his head in. Hu Min asked him: "Kid, what's the matter with you?"

"That's where I live." The boy pointed to the east.

"I know." He Lingchuan recognized that he was the child of his neighbor to the east. The last time Emperor Liujian appeared, when He Lingchuan went up to the house to uncover the tiles, he saw his father tying him to the table leg.

"You are He..." The child couldn't remember.

"Yes, I am."

"Wait a minute, don't close the door!"

The child ran away, and He Lingchuan heard him opening and closing the door, as well as the clicking of footsteps throughout the process.

Then the boy appeared at the door of He Lingchuan's house again, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand:

"My father told me to bring it to you as soon as the door opens. I'll say thank you again."

This was a huge bouquet of flowers. He Lingchuan could only recognize amaryllis, red begonia, and the white ones seemed to be daisies. He could not recognize the others. Anyway, they were colorful and in full bloom, and some were still covered with dew.

Of course, under the cold wind blowing outdoors, the dew quickly condensed into ice beads.

He Lingchuan quickly took it and put it inside the house to prevent the flowers from becoming frozen: "Is your father also a patrolman?"

He remembered that this boy's brothers and sisters were too young to join the army.

"No." The child shook his head like a wavy drum, "But my parents said you saved many people and you are a good person."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but touched his head: "Okay, thank you, parents."

Hu Min said, "It's freezing cold. Where did your father get so many flowers?"

The child grinned, one front tooth missing: "I don't know."

"Where does he work?"

"He often goes to the command post to deliver things!"

He Lingchuan and Hu Min looked at each other and smiled, that's it.

There are special greenhouses in the city to grow flowers. In addition to supplying large households, the official residences and residences of Commander Zhong are also in need. It is said that his wife loved flowers during her lifetime, and Zhongzhai would change a batch of flowers every few days.

He Lingchuan took out a bag of brown candies from the pile of thank-you gifts and handed them to the child: "This is for you, take it back and eat it."

The boy thanked him and went home happily.

Hu Min patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder: "I didn't expect that you are already a celebrity in this area, and you don't have to pay for meals."

He Lingchuan didn't know how he felt: "I really didn't expect it."

Since his adventure in the Panlong Ruins, He Lingchuan has been involved in life and death battles several times. He rescued the fairy villagers from the gangsters at Woling Pass, and rescued his whole family and Ke Jihai from the demon puppet master Dong Rui. But which time? No one had ever thanked him so frankly and warmly.

This feeling of being loved and thanked seems... not bad.

"How come the news spreads so fast?" He Lingchuan touched his nose, "The Battle of Ghost Needle Stone Forest only ended a few days ago, right?"

"After every important battle, the Military Merit Department will send people throughout the city to preach about the heroic deeds in the battle. The day after General Nanke returned to Panlong City, you and Sun Jiayuan were both posthumously named heroes. If it hadn't been too cold now, People would probably send flowers to your door. Later, you were rescued and it caused quite a stir in the area. It was a pity that you were unconscious at that time and could not come out to receive love. "

He Lingchuan understood.

It is in this way that Panlong City demonstrates its advancement and sets an example, and mobilizes everyone to join the fight to defend their homeland.

I never thought that one day I would be regarded as a model and role model.

This feeling is very subtle.

After all, only he knows that his bravery is based on "immortality".

For everyone here, death represents eternal sleep, but for him, it is just the time of waking up from a dream.

If he only had one life here, would he have dared to jump into the spider nest without hesitation?

He Lingchuan himself didn't know.

He sighed and drove away his thoughts: "So there are people here who thank me and people who steal from me?"

Hu Min looked up to the sky and laughed, and went out first: "Is this your first day in Panlong City?"

An hour later, He Lingchuan and Hu Min were standing at Pengcheng Department.

Liu Gongcao asked for a half-day leave. The person who received them today was Xu Gongcao. This man was thin and small, with an expressionless face.

"Are you alive?" After hearing his name, Xu Gongcao rummaged through the account books and finally said, "If I add you back to the military status, your merits will be calculated again."

"Everything else is easy to talk about. Give me that tin house first." He Lingchuan never thought that his stronghold in the dream would be robbed. "My old shabby house was just stolen."

"Only the families of fallen heroes will receive tin houses as compensation." Xu Gongcao looked at him with raised eyes, "Are you a hero?"

He Lingchuan was also stubborn: "Whether I die or not, I burned down the cave spider's nest. Why should I recalculate the credit?"

"Giving to the living is called a commendation, and giving to the dead is called a pension. The pension is generous, do you understand?" Xu Gongcao responded stiffly, "Since you are alive, you can't get the pension, and the tin house will be downgraded to a water house."

Hu Min came out to smooth things over: "The water house is not bad. I have been to the water house in Miss Zeng Lane. It is spacious and bright. The residents are either merchants, soldiers, or officials from Panlong City. It is different from the wooden house around you."

Isn’t choosing a house just about choosing a location?

Isn’t choosing a house just about choosing supporting facilities and neighbors?

Did you choose a pile of wood and a few tiles?

Xu Gongcao followed: "The water house is where I live."

He Lingchuan had no choice but to obey.

Because this time he was recorded as a single person who made great contributions, the reward was more generous than before. The reward alone was five hundred taels, as well as ten acres of high-grade paddy fields, thirty acres of medium-grade fields, and many other things. The reward was not included, and He Lingchuan did not listen carefully.

The farm property in hand suddenly increased from a medium two acres to a total of forty acres? Has he completed the transition from poor peasant to landlord?

Going out to fight is indeed the fastest way to gain military merit.

Of course it is also the most dangerous.

"I can't take care of the fields myself, so you can rent them out for me." He remembered Hu Min saying that Pengcheng Department also handles this kind of business.

The sergeants are usually either training or on patrol, so how can they have time to guard the fields? Their fields are rented out, and the tenant farmers grow food crops in exchange for money, thus giving them a way to make a living.

Tenancy is a very important part of Panlongcheng's economy.

"Or -" Xu Gongcao suddenly took out a land deed, "You can also choose to take out all the rewards for this military achievement and exchange it for a shop on Wanglin Avenue with a ten-year lease."

"Shopfront?" This was the first time He Lingchuan heard that shopfronts could be exchanged for military merit.

Hu Min shouted from the side: "Change, change, of course we have to change!"

"Do you know how difficult it is to get a shop in Panlong City? Not to mention a place like Wanglin Avenue where money is made every day!" Hu Min beat his chest, "Why can't I encounter such a good thing? Xu Gongcao , can you also change the store for me?"

"There is only one shop, and it was taken back because the twenty-year lease expired. This is public property. You can operate it independently or rent it out, but you cannot buy or sell it yourself."

"All the credits you mentioned include the water house?" The water house is at least two levels higher than the wooden house.

"Of course. If you change to a shop, then when you walk out of Pengcheng Department, you will only have a land deed with you." Xu Gongcao said bluntly, which is annoying, "Hurry up and decide, what you don't want is what others want, and what you can From here all the way to Wanglin Avenue.”

The military merit reward He Lingchuan received this time, including the paddy field and other odds and ends, plus a bounty of 500 taels, and a water house that even the rich could not buy, were enough for him to live a comfortable and decent middle-class life in Panlong City. . Do you want to exchange these for a shop of unknown size and location, and the contract period is only ten years?


"Okay, I'll change." He Lingchuan pushed everything forward, trusting Hu Min's judgment.

He could only watch helplessly as the deed to the water house that had just been taken out was taken away again.

His dream of upgrading and improving a larger house was said to be goodbye for the time being.

When Xu Gongcao completed the last procedure, a smile appeared on his serious face: "Congratulations, you deserve this."

"Ah?" Xu Gongcao must have some nephews and nephews in General Nanke's team, right?

He Lingchuan thought his next sentence would be "Listen to me, thank you", but Xu Gongcao was very concise and to the point:

"It's done, next one!"

So when He Lingchuan left Pengcheng Department, he only carried a shop contract that could float in the wind.

"If this shop can't earn me a thousand taels of silver and ten years of interest on this thousand taels of silver, I will take your house to live in!"

Hu Min didn't care about his threats and put his hand around his neck: "Please invite me to drink! No, this time you picked a golden chicken that can lay eggs. You have to invite Mr. Xiao and A Luo to drink together!"

“I don’t even know the exact location, so how can the store be so good?”

"Have you ever visited Wanglin Street?" Hu Min said with a look of disdain, "Yes, a poor guy like you has no right to go there. Wanglin Street only sells the best products, as well as novelties from other places. Things, high-ranking generals and their families are all there."

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