After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 212 Enthusiasm and Thieves (Additional update)

"It is also the earliest main street in Panlong City. Fifteen years ago, there were so few shops, and it is still so few now. There is not even one more shop!"

He poked the air in front of him with his index finger: "You can't buy it even if you have money, so you just say, is it popular or not?"

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Tianshuang Restaurant?"

"Who goes to that poor place? His best wine is secretly mixed with water." Hu Min said disdainfully, "If you want to go to Yixiang Tower!"

The quality of Yixianglou is reflected in the environment, and the price of food and drinks is twice as expensive as that of ordinary restaurants like Tianshuang Restaurant.

He Lingchuan touched his pocket. Fortunately, he had saved some money after completing patrol missions a few times before.

Xiao Maoliang was unavailable, so A Luo came as requested. He Lingchuan also invited Liu Tong, Men Pan, Fatty and Liu Tiao. When these current teammates heard that he was serving drinks at Yixiang Tower, they came without saying a word.

Only then did He Lingchuan know that the team had lost three members during the fierce battle eight days ago, and now there were only six people left alive, including him. This staffing will definitely need to be adjusted, and they can take a break before new personnel are added.

The sacrifice of comrades has always been a sad story. However, no one showed much sadness, and instead drank and ate very happily.

He Lingchuan knew that these people were accustomed to the life of licking blood from the blade of a knife, and had long been indifferent to life and death, enjoying themselves in time.

Even if it's sad, it's only temporary.

If you live in Panlong City, you have to learn to look away.

After every battle, big or small, the restaurants, restaurants, and Red Houses in the city always do very good business. Soldiers who have just received military merit awards don't mind going to the market to spend some money to have some fun and promote consumption.

At noon today, Yixiang Tower was packed with people.

The door panel grabbed the wine glass and stood up, shouting around: "He Lingchuan is here, who wants to have a drink with him?"

There was a sudden silence in the field, and everyone looked back.

Until the door panel stretched out his hand, pointed and pointed at He Lingchuan, and then shouted: "Ah? Who is coming?"

There was a loud bang, and a cloud of people responded.

A man who was stronger than the door panel jumped out of the bench first, stepped in front of He Lingchuan in two steps, and spilled less than half of the wine in the glass.

He raised his glass to his nose and said roughly:

"Good man, I respect you!"

What else could He Lingchuan say, he could only raise his glass and drink it down in one gulp.

The thin man quickly poured him wine.

Two more people came over, one of them was half a step ahead, and the wine glass almost hit He Lingchuan's nose: "You brought my fiancée back, I thank you!"

He Lingchuan was stunned, and everyone burst into laughter. Several of them shouted, "He risked his life to send your wife back, and you just say a few words? No, no, no, that's too shabby!"

The man grinned: "Do you want some advice from you guys? I gave them to you!" He asked He Lingchuan, "Do those jars of pickles smell bad?"

It turned out to be a gift from him! He Lingchuan couldn't answer for a moment, so he hesitated and said: "It stinks... it stinks!"

The man immediately beamed: "Smelly is the right thing! Smelly makes good pickles!"

He took another step closer: "Let me tell you, every time my mother's pickles come out of the vat, others are rushing to buy them. They are no cheaper than the Chuntai wine in the south of the city!"

He gave it as a good gift, and He Lingchuan drank another drink with him: "Okay, I'll ask you for it after eating."

The man gave him a thumbs up and made room for others.

After a few more toasters passed by, a woman came unexpectedly, with a pair of short thorns slung around her waist. She put the wine bottle in front of He Lingchuan, turned around and pointed at the man who brought the pickles: "I am his fiancée! If you hadn't jumped into the monster cave, maybe he would have gone to find the little girl now. Thank you. you!"

A Luo was drinking and choked when he heard this.

He Lingchuan looked at the woman's big shoulders and round hips, and then at her fiancé, who was thin and tall. He coughed lightly and said, "I wish you a happy marriage."

The woman said to He Lingchuan: "I'll toast you three glasses, you can do whatever you want." After that, she poured three glasses of wine, drank it with her neck up, it was more satisfying than drinking water, and then said, "My sister is not married yet. I’ve been involved in several marriages, and I’m very optimistic. Do you want to introduce me to me?”

Before He Lingchuan could speak, someone next to him answered: "Don't look at her, don't look at her, her sister is also a bitch, you can't run away if she gets involved!"

Everyone laughed, and the woman also sneered: "Wu Laoliu, get up, let's fight!"

The focus was no longer on He Lingchuan. He silently simmered a glass of wine and turned around to see that there were at least dozens of people lining up behind him and hundreds of people watching. He felt his scalp numb.

Just two-quarters of an hour later, he was half-stretched.

He lay on the table to hide from the wine. The thin man patted his back and said to everyone: "I'm drunk. I'm drunk. Stop the toast. Come early next time!"

He stood there for a while, and then the enthusiastic drinkers slowly dispersed.

He Lingchuan calmed down for a long time and used his strength to suppress his drunkenness.

In the Battle of Ghost Needle Stone Forest, everyone fought back-to-back in a desperate situation. He Lingchuan also sacrificed his life to blow up the demon nest. He immediately developed a firm revolutionary friendship with everyone. At this time, under the catalysis of wine, they became brothers again, talking and laughing as if they were old friends for many years.

Liu Tong explained to He Lingchuan: "I reported your performance. The superiors appreciate it very much, but think that you have joined the patrol for a short time and have insufficient experience, so you will not be promoted for the time being."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Once promoted to team leader, he would have a chance to be selected into the Gale Army, but now he has not even become the fire chief.

But as Liu Tong said, he lacks battlefield experience, so how can he command others?

Liu Tong blushed, patted his chest and assured him: "Brother He, you are brave and lucky. As long as you don't die in a few more missions, you will definitely be promoted!"

Liu Tiao's drinking capacity is greater than that of men, and he has already drank two small bottles. However, she likes to laugh when she drinks too much, and she doesn't look like she usually looks like everyone owes her money.

She slapped He Lingchuan on the shoulder hard: "These men are so cowardly that they dare not personally hand over Sun Jiayuan's pension. They say they can't stand a woman crying, but they let me go. You tell me, I'm not familiar with the person named Sun!"

She patted it again and lowered her voice: "After the pension was delivered, his sister Sun Fuling didn't cry at all and was very calm. I even chatted with her for a while. It turned out that Sun Jiayuan owed a lot of bad debts outside. , is the so-called donkey-skin debt, and the interest has been rolled over many levels. The most recent one was to steal Sun Fuling's land deed and Xiruan, and he lost again. He swore he would never gamble again, and then... he died just before he started chopping off his ring finger."

No wonder Sun Jiayuan is determined to die. The only thing he can't owe in this world is gambling debts. "He is regarded as a hero and his gambling debt can be written off in one go?"

"Of course. Although the creditor is unwilling, Panlong City stipulates that the families of heroes and martyrs have one chance to offset their crimes and debts. Not to mention not paying back the money, even murder can be offset. This is called clearing both merit and demerit."

"Is this okay?" He Lingchuan ate a peanut. The peanuts at Tianshuang Restaurant cost one penny a plate, but here they cost four penny a plate, and they didn’t taste anything special. Well, it’s very expensive. “I thought gambling was prohibited in Panlong City.”

"Are you kidding? Of course gambling is prohibited in Panlong City!" the thin man who had been busy drinking said, "But gamblers will definitely find a place, just like cats can always smell fishy smells."

He Lingchuan shrugged. Sure enough, light and darkness always go together, and there are a lot of things that should be there and things that shouldn't be there.

Liu Tiao patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder again, but he dodged it. This woman was drunk and her attacks were neither gentle nor serious.

After having enough food and wine, everyone went back to their respective homes, and the thin man even packed up all the leftovers. According to him, in response to the official frugality initiative, don’t waste food, especially since it is so expensive.

He Lingchuan and A Luo both lived in wooden houses, and they found a donkey cart to go home together.

Arlo was confused and almost fell when he got out of the car.

He Lingchuan finally recovered and became much more alert. He paid the fare and helped him into the house before walking back to his home.

He stood in front of his house and sighed.

This kind of door is useless and can be jumped through with one hand. However, all his rewards have been exchanged for shops, so he can only save more credits and strive to change houses as soon as possible.

In fact, Panlongcheng's military exploits are not easy to earn. This time, he only got the opportunity to make major contributions by himself. Like the usual patrol missions, you have to face crazy monsters, which is very dangerous, and the accumulated military merits and rewards are only a few.

Most soldiers can only climb slowly within this system, like a snail climbing a tree, and they are not allowed to break the law or make mistakes. It is difficult to accumulate military merit, but easy to lose it.

Didn't Arlo make a big mistake and become a pauper living in a wooden house? I haven't turned over yet.

Just as he was about to open the door and go in, a voice suddenly came from the side:


Very close, right on the edge.

He Lingchuan turned around and saw a woman and a boy of seven or eight years old standing four feet away.

She covered her face with a cloth, revealing her almond-shaped eyes, slender eyebrows, and skin as white as milk.

"What's up?"

As soon as He Lingchuan spoke, the boy jerked away as if he was about to run away, but was controlled by the woman.

He originally thought they were a mother and son, but when he looked carefully, she grasped the boy's shoulders with one hand. He was as skinny as a monkey, but looked like a wolf cub, and he bared his teeth at everyone.

How is this going?

The woman spoke again: "What did you throw away?"

"How did you..." She was so confused that He Lingchuan took a moment to react, "A bundle of firewood and two crucian carp."

"This kid broke into seven houses nearby, including you. He came to your house for the second time and tried to steal something at the door, but he was yelled at by passers-by, so I chased him." The woman grabbed the boy and pulled him forward. , "Well, I am also a sufferer."

"Where have I seen you before?" He Lingchuan felt that this boy looked a bit familiar. After thinking about it carefully, damn, wasn't he the little thief he met in Panlong City when he first entered the dream?

At that time, the kid was about to steal the divine bone necklace. He Lingchuan planned to give him some advice, but Hu Min happened to call him in the street. The two met in surprise and were busy reminiscing about old times, and the little thief took the opportunity to escape.

After going around and around, this kid still stole his things. "Oh it's you!"

The boy turned his head but didn't look at him: "I don't recognize you!"

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