After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 214 First Contact

He Lingchuan couldn't help but notice that her facial features were deep, her nose was straight, and her cheekbones were a little higher than those of ordinary women. Her face was both three-dimensional and delicate, but she could not be compared to the elegant and gentle beauties of Xiaojia.

He then told what he saw after jumping into the spider hole, and deliberately omitted the part about killing himself.

Sun Fuling said nothing the whole time and listened carefully until he stopped and said: "The legend of Zhu Erniang has been around for a long time, but it is actually true? From this point of view, it seems that she was also a fairy in ancient times."

"Demon fairy?" He Lingchuan thought about it and said, "Yes, people who can become immortals are called immortals, and monsters who become immortals are called demon immortals."

"But now it is bound by Shanze. Well, at least it had an agreement with Shanze beforehand, so as not to harm the passing humans." Sun Fuling actually felt a little emotional, "It used to be a fairy, but now it's just mediocre."

"Are you interested in ancient gods?" This woman could hardly eat.

"It's just a bit of a sigh." Sun Fuling took out the chopsticks to stir up the firewood, "In ancient times, there were many immortals and magical arts. If we were born at that time, we could fly through the clouds and mist and fly out of the prison."

"Prison?" He Lingchuan heard what she said, "Over the years, Panlong City has been as solid as a rock, and a fierce man like General Red has emerged. Don't you like it? In fact, Panlong Wasteland is very big, some of the most dangerous. The area of ​​your small country cannot match it.”

"Other small countries are not in such desperate situations as Panlong City and have to struggle to survive." Sun Fuling supported her with her hands, "Baling and Xianyou have been determined to capture Panlong Wasteland and have not given up for more than ten years. It would be great if they could coexist peacefully with Panlong City."

"This wasteland is the corridor leading to Xilao Kingdom in the east and Luhu Lake in the northeast. If we can't conquer this place, Baling and Xianyu will not be able to expand eastward." He Lingchuan got some water from the rain tank and put it on the table. Drawing a map, "Luhu Lake is in the upper reaches of Hongchuan River. From here, you can take a boat all the way east to enter the sea."

"Then why do they have to expand?"

Now let’s ask He Lingchuan.

Although the world is never peaceful, the reasons for national expansion are usually specific and realistic. "Miss Sun knows?"

"They themselves were constantly being eroded by the Northern Demon Kingdom. Although there were several counterattacks, they still lost more and won less." Sun Fuling also dipped in water and continued to draw on He Lingchuan's map, "Like the Baling Kingdom, the four If we lost the Honghetai Highlands years ago, we would also lose our most important source of copper and iron ore. Some armies can’t even replace their rusted weapons. What’s the point of this in the long run?”

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "Their territory was occupied by the demon country, so they came to occupy our territory?" These histories were not included in the operas he had heard or read, and they were not even recorded in the local history museum.

Thinking of this, his heart moved. Among Sun Fuping's belongings was a notebook, which He Chunhua took away without showing it to the brothers. He said that there were too many heretical practices in it, and it mainly described Sun Fuping's various methods of finding a large square pot. But is it possible that the specific past history of Panlong City is also collected in it?

"Who made the West Luo Kingdom weaker?" Sun Fuling sighed, "The weak will not be sympathized with, they will only be invaded."

"Four years ago, the Baling Kingdom was defeated at the Battle of Honghetai. The old Imperial Master Qian Hang took the blame and resigned, and Shao Yan succeeded him as the new Imperial Advisor." She continued, "There are three Imperial Advisors in Baling, and Shao Yan is the later one. The battle between Baling and Panlongcheng has been dull and boring in the past few years. After all, it has been a tug-of-war for more than ten years, and Shao Yan probably thought that Panlongcheng had lost its defense. Suddenly, Shao Yingyang was sent to attack southward with his army."

He Lingchuan stared at her and said, "How do you know so much?" Again, girl, you can't even eat enough.

"I attend every class at Wenxiantang. In addition to situation analysis, there are also comments from famous experts, which are thought-provoking." Sun Fuling said with a smile, "Besides, I often go to the history museum to borrow books."

He Lingchuan was startled, then overjoyed: "There is also a history museum here!"

"Yes, right next to the Promotion Office where you often go, I also fed Mr. Zhang while standing upstairs in the History Museum."

"Zhang..." Is that the octopus demon who tests people's talents? This thing doesn't seem to be vegetarian. "Do you have any extra food to feed it?"

"I haven't always been so poor." Sun Fuling suppressed a smile. "I have to pay my salary in five more days. Now I don't have to pay off my brother's debt. I can just survive these few days."

"Then what does Miss Sun do for a living?"

Sun Fuling raised her head slightly: "I teach at Shuqin Academy."

"It turns out that I am a female gentleman from a government school. I am disrespectful and disrespectful." Shuqin Academy was well-known, and He Lingchuan had heard his neighbors to the east scold him, saying that if other people's children could go to Shuqin Academy, their ancestors would be proud of themselves. It was named after the mountain where it originated. It was originally a township school and was formerly called Shuqinxiang. It is said that Zhong Shengguang personally inscribed it as Shuqin Xuegong last year and the name was changed from then on.

This incident alone shows the huge change in Zhong Shengguang's mentality.

That's too far.

In fact, Panlong City is mostly like other places, with private schools and clan schools everywhere, and Shupin Academy is an out-and-out official school. Not everyone’s children can go to school, not even those with money can get in.

Similarly, it is not easy to get into the teaching staff of prestigious schools. Sun Jiayuan's sister has two brushes.

As an official teacher at Shujin Academy, Sun Fuling's salary is not to mention higher than that of ordinary residents, but at least she has no problem supporting herself.

"You're welcome." Sun Fuling tilted her head in return.

After the water boiled, He Lingchuan made a drink for her: "No wonder you are so knowledgeable. I will have to ask you for advice when I have difficulties in the future."

"Okay." Sun Fuling took it but didn't drink it, as if she was warming her hands. "Liu Tiao said that you just moved to Panlong City not long ago, and you are unfamiliar with the place. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can ask me directly." After that, she stood up and said goodbye, "It's late, so I won't bother you anymore. You should go to bed early." She left He Lingchuan's courtyard and closed the door with her backhand. This Miss Sun walked so fast. Does she usually have to catch the bell to go to the academy? He Lingchuan picked up the cup of hot water that was rejected and drank it all. ¥¥¥¥¥ Once the two teams of the Support Army and Songyang Prefecture merged, they became even larger. With the blessing of Yuanli, how could monsters and bandits dare to block the road? The next journey was very peaceful. The next day, the Support Army arrived in Ru County, which was only a step away from the border of Xiazhou. He Chunhua couldn't help it, and cleaned up two rebellious monster nests and bandit nests during the march. The Support Army followed him all the way from Black Water City to here, and experienced large and small battles. Their mental outlook was completely different from when they set out. Because of the existence of natural barriers like the Panlong Desert, the border has been quite peaceful in recent years. The main tasks of the Blackwater City Army are to fight sand bandits and patrol the Red Cliff Road, and there are not many opportunities for regular combat.

However, the army is like a weapon, the more it is polished, the sharper it will be.

Although this team is not comparable to the Dafeng Army in He Lingchuan's eyes, it is much worse than the Panlong City Patrol Army, but Mo Zhe Jingxuan and Wu Shaoyi now have a high evaluation of it. The original words are "It can fight against the king's army without being inferior, but it's a pity that the number of people is a little less."

He Lingchuan doesn't think they are just flattering. After thousands of miles of land and water, he also witnessed the current situation of the Dayuan Kingdom's military preparations being abandoned and the military discipline being loose.

Especially as his experience increased, he found that even the official army, whether local or central, was really not good at fighting.

No wonder Hong Xiangqian led a group of peasant volunteers to defeat the official soldiers one after another, and even Woling Pass was occupied, causing Shihuan and the capital to be in danger frequently.

The ice is three feet thick, but it didn't freeze overnight.

The successive victories in suppressing bandits and demons certainly boosted morale, but He Chunhua's mood did not improve at all, because judging from the worse conditions along the way as they went north, the people's livelihood in Xiazhou was in decline, demons were in chaos, and bandits were rampant. I'm afraid the situation in the south is much worse!

From now on, that's his territory.

Which leader can be happy when there are so many troubles in his own territory?

That day, the team arrived at Ru County and stopped there for supplies. From here, it takes less than fifteen hours to go north to reach the capital Dunyu.

The arduous Long March was finally about to reach its destination. Mrs. Ying was in a good mood. She washed off the wind and frost of the journey at the post station, changed into a brocade dress, and tidied her makeup. She felt radiant in the mirror before she walked out.

In the lounge, there were only two sons, a monkey, and two wolves warming themselves by the fire, and her husband was nowhere to be seen.

In just such a short time, she only washed and dressed for less than an hour!

Mrs. Ying's expression suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy: "Where is your father? Did he go to see Marquis Songyang again!"

He Chunhua rarely talked about government affairs with his wife, but he had a great time chatting with Marquis Songyang all the way north, as if they had met too late. Mrs. Ying was very annoyed, but her husband talked to him about business matters, either the situation in the north or the cooperation between the He family and Songyang Mansion, and she had nothing to say.

Every time he talked about something appropriate, He Chunhua laughed heartily, and Mrs. Ying was so angry that her teeth itched. The day before yesterday, her husband sent someone to send silver charcoal to that woman, how thoughtful!

This man and woman got more and more in sync as they talked, and in the end, did they just applaud together?

Her voice suddenly became sharp, and He Yue was startled. He Lingchuan said lazily: "Mom, please be at ease. Dad has gone to the county government to do some serious work."

Mrs. Ying was skeptical: "Are you serious?"

"It's true." He Yue replied, "Father went there with a stern face."

Mrs. Ying said embarrassedly: "Really?"

It's good that the husband doesn't go to find a woman.

He Lingchuan crossed his long legs on the low table: "Dad is now thinking about rectifying government and military affairs."

Of course, he only said half of the words. There is no conflict between a playful mind and serious work. Men have always had two heads.

The first few times of fighting monsters and bandits, He Chunhua treated it as training, and sent several generals to lead the troops to take turns. Even He Yue had a good time, and only He Lingchuan was at ease from beginning to end.

He also wanted to go, but He Chunhua smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken?"

When did he become his father's butcher knife? "In fact, the person you don't have to worry about the least is Songyang Hou."

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