After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 215 The relationship between Songyang Hou and Sun Fuping

"Am I worried about her?" Mrs. Ying sneered a few times, but then quickly asked, "What do you mean?"

"She has a title and is the head of a dignified sect. She cannot be a concubine." He Lingchuan waved his hand, "There is no way that Marquis Songyang will marry into our family. What are you afraid of?"

Mrs. Ying was thoughtful.

The eldest son's words were the last word. A woman like Songyang Hou could only be a wife, not a concubine, but she still couldn't trust her husband.

He Chunhua is only thirty-four or five years old. He has a slender figure and handsome appearance. He is not only attractive to women, but also has strong needs for himself.

Besides, he is only fourteen or fifteen years older than Songyang Marquis. This age difference is nothing. An eighty-year-old man can accept a girl of twenty-eight years of age into his house.

At this moment, the great craftsman Li Fubo asked to see him.

Since Songyang Hou was traveling with the Ceying Army, Li Fubo often jumped in both directions. After all, one side was the boss and the other side was Party A.

This time he said to He Lingchuan: "My boss, the Lord has invited me."

He Lingchuan was surprised and pointed at himself: "Master, please invite me?" Instead of inviting dad?


As soon as Mrs. Ying, who was sitting next to her, heard this, she said to her eldest son: "You go." After we finished chatting with him, I talked about my son. Marquis Songyang was fine.

There are two inns in Ru County. Of course Songyang Hou lives in the one with the best conditions. The one with the best conditions is a single-door courtyard.

He Lingchuan smelled a strong fruity aroma as soon as he entered the door.

On the table of Songyang Hou Li Qingge was a fine white and gold-plated porcelain bowl. The porcelain was as delicate as jade. At first glance, it was not something that this small inn could handle.

The bowl was milky, but not milk.

She clapped her hands: "Come on, serve Mr. He a bowl of apricot cheese."

The maid came in with a tray.

He Lingchuan thanked him, raised his bowl and took a sip. It was warm and fragrant.

Apricot cheese is actually almond tea. In addition to being freshly brewed, there are additional ingredients.

"It has a rich milky fragrance." He smacked his lips, "And roses were added. Well, what else?"

There is also the aroma of flowers and fruits.

Li Qingge smiled: "Awesome, Mr. He's speculation is exactly the same as yours."

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows. It turned out that his father also drank almond tea here. I'm afraid there was more than one bowl. Li Qingge whispered: "Dried cherries are also added."

The silver charcoal pot in the room was burning brightly, making her cheeks faint. She is a beauty like porcelain jade, with skin like snow that can be broken by a blow. There is a bit of natural charm in her eyes, but her speech is dignified and appropriate.

Her beauty has nothing to do with coquettishness, but is like the sunshine at seven or eight o'clock in the morning, warm and friendly, making people want to get close to her unconsciously.

He Lingchuan knew his father's temperament and looked down upon vulgar fans, but this one in front of him...

No wonder Mrs. Ying felt angry.

He put down the bowl and coughed lightly: "Sir, what do you want from me?"

"Can I borrow the broken knife to take a look?"

Of course, the broken knife is worn close to the body, not to mention it is a medium for entering dreams, it has also saved the person two or three times. He Lingchuan took it off and put it on the table: "Please take a look."

Li Qingge held the sheath and pulled out the broken knife bit by bit, letting the edge slowly bloom.

The cold light was refreshing, and the temperature in the room suddenly dropped by two or three degrees.

"It's a good knife, even better than Li Fubo told me." Li Qingge moved slightly, and stroked his fingertips all the way down the back of the knife, then flicked it lightly and made a crisp and sweet sound.

"The nature of this sword is like a dormant beast, always eager to try." She was very curious, "Master He, what have you done to arouse it to this point?" The state of this sword was different from when Li Fubo reported it.

Less than half a month later, he became more and more violent.

Young Master He scratched his neck: "I used it as a dart. I hit people a few times, but it's gone." I can't tell you if I have it.

This knife is his key to entering the Panlong Dream. On the other hand, did what he did in the dream also affect the knife?

"Can you lend it to me for a few days for tasting?" The more I looked at this knife, the more complicated it became.

He Lingchuan laughed and said, "This is not good. I used to have nightmares, but since I started with Broken Knife, they have never happened again."

Anyway, he didn't have any other dreams.

"Okay, then it's not convenient for me to take away someone's love." Li Qingge smiled slightly, "Actually, this sword is very dangerous. The wearer will be weak and short-lived even if he doesn't suffer bloody disasters. Even if I want to keep it, I have to pray for it. , to suppress its ferocious nature. But Mr. He can handle it easily, and it will bring blessings instead of causing trouble. If you are not destined to it, Mr. He, you are not simple. "

He Lingchuan was very interested: "Which possibility does the Lord think it is?"

"Your Majesty said that you are a blessed general. I also heard that you even controlled the ferocious monkey Qian Xin Liu and turned it into a medicine ape. It defeated the four masters before." Li Qingge held his hat with his hand, " In Panlong Ancient City, on the banks of Xianling Lake, and at the foot of Luming Garden, you may not have been the first, but you were of great help. General Ke Jihai also praised you full of praise when he left Luming Garden and entered the palace that night. , the king has just given you a reward.”

He Lingchuan's heart moved slightly. This is how the reward given to him came?

No wonder. No wonder Wang Ting didn't reward him at all for his first two meritorious services.

However, Ke Jihai entered the palace overnight to discuss secrets with the king, so there must not have been many people present at the time. But Songyang Hou knew what Ke Jihai said, and this woman could be said to have great hands and eyes.

He Lingchuan finally understood why He Chunhua always ran here. Dad probably also noticed that she had a good network of connections.

For a man who loves power, how could he miss such a good resource?

Li Qingge added: "Since the nature of the sword has changed, I will discuss with Li Fubo how to improve the sword cultivation method. He said that Mr. He broke this sword with his own hands?"

He Lingchuan nodded.

"It's strange. This sword has a spirit, so how could it be so close to the person who cut it?"

He Lingchuan recalled the black dragon in Panlong's illusion, the scene where Zhong Shengguang held the knife to him, and shrugged: "It was purely an accident. Besides, I used it to fight Sun Fuping and Nian Songyu. Maybe it has a common enemy? "

Li Qingge was startled: "Have you ever fought with Sun Fuping?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan's heart moved again, "Didn't you mention it in the battle report?"

He thought that the whole process of his father and son foiling the conspiracy of Sun Fuping and Nian Songyu would be reported to the royal court.

Li Qingge smiled and answered the question: "I'm not being discouraged. Sun Fuping has great supernatural powers and has the ability to turn rain and clouds. It's amazing that you survived from him."

Now He Lingchuan understood why his father liked to talk to Marquis Songyang. She clearly said that your cultivation level was weak, and Sun Fuping could kill you with one finger, but it was still very useful to you.

Li Qingge returned the broken knife to He Lingchuan with a somewhat reluctant expression: "Commander Zhong's relics are all destined to you. Mr. He is indeed a lucky general."

When the young man lowered his head, he saw that her slender fingers, although she did not have nails, were lightly dyed with cinnamon, and looked like budding peach branches when pressed against the faded scabbard.

The contrast between old and new is sharp.

It's a pity that his mind was focused on the three words "Sun Fuping": "Songyang Marquis and Sun Fuping are related to each other, right?" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he remembered that his father should have asked this question.

Li Qingge cast a pair of wonderful eyes on him, took a sip of apricot cheese, and then said slowly: "Master He, don't you know? I thought you had heard about it in Shihuan. Master He will have a talk with me. Many times, not a word was said about it.”

It's Shi Huan again, he is the only one who is ignorant, right? He Lingchuan spread his hands and said, "When I was in Shihuan City, I thought Marquis Songyang was a man."

Li Qingge choked immediately. After coughing several times, the almond tea flowed onto her clothes. The maid behind her quickly handed her a handkerchief.

Songyang Hou calmed down for a while, then sighed and said: "Young Master He is an upright man, and he doesn't even bother to ask for gossip."

He Lingchuan smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty said that I was closed."

In the past few months, his mind had been focused on cultivation and the Panlong Dream, and he paid little attention to external matters.

Li Qingge waved his hand: "When I was young, I went out with my parents and encountered a strong enemy sniper on the road. My parents were killed and I was separated from the team. My ancestors searched for it but couldn't find it. Two years later, Sun Fuping went out to hunt for treasure and found it in a wolf den. I will pick it up and return it to Songyang Mansion."

She paused and said, "This matter also caused a sensation in the capital back then. Even the late king and the current king knew about it."

He Lingchuan took a breath: "Sun Fuping is your savior." He suddenly remembered that the nobles in Luming Garden had heard about Zhu Xiuer's experience, and that someone in Songyang Mansion had the same situation.

It turns out they were talking about Li Qingge.

Could it be? He immediately remembered the sudden attack under Lumingyuan.

"But he has been asking for less from Songyang Mansion in recent years." Li Qingge said lightly, "Maybe it's inappropriate for me to say this. He opened his mouth several times, and even the great kindness was filled. Since the death of his grandfather, Since I took over the charge of Songyang Mansion, I have basically cut off all contact with Sun Fuping. Otherwise, how could our Songyang Mansion be safe and sound if his rebellion happened?"

This last sentence is the most convincing. He Lingchuan had long heard that the monarch was suspicious. If he was suspicious of Songyang Mansion again, would Li Qingge still be able to sit here properly now?

Li Qingge continued: "Songyang Mansion even helped hunt down Sun Fuping's accomplices, which made great achievements. This matter is known to both the government and the public."

He Lingchuan gave a thumbs up: "Marquis Songyang is loyal and patriotic, I admire him!" Then he changed the topic and said, "Marquis Songyang is very good at making weapons. He has one more thing to ask for advice on."

"Please say."

He Lingchuan took out a talisman from his arms and placed it on the table: "I would like to ask you about the function of this talisman."

He remembered that Marquis Songyang's toy courtyard was sealed with talisman paper. It was similar to this thing, right?

This talisman is made of red characters on black paper, which is different from the ordinary ones. Li Qingge picked it up and looked at it twice, frowning: "Where did Mr. He get it?"

"I seized this from Hong Xiangqian's general Lu Yao. At that time, he was already beaten to death by us, and it was difficult to save him. Then he grabbed a black talisman and ate it. "

"What effect does it have?"

"It was useless, nothing happened." He Lingchuan shrugged, "Then his head was chopped off with a knife. I still remember the look of disbelief on the dead man's face."

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