After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 216 Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing the heart

"If you draw one wrong line on a charm, the entire charm will be scrapped."

"You mean, Lu Yao's painting didn't take effect because it was useless?" He Lingchuan couldn't laugh or cry, "It's something that is used as a life-saving trump card. No matter how reckless he is, he shouldn't be so scornful, right?"

"I've heard of Lu Yao's name. He's called the cannibal general. He came from a rough background." Li Qingge smiled, "But you're right. This spell is skillful and delicate, showing many years of attainment. It should be It’s not something Lu Yao can do.”

"This is just an ordinary talisman. It depicts the wind-fixing technique..." Li Qingge suddenly stopped, picked up the talisman and looked at the brazier.

She got closer and closer, and He Lingchuan thought she was going to throw the talisman into the brazier. Just as he was about to speak, the talisman suddenly caught fire.

"Hey!" If you can't see it, there's no need to burn it. This is the ration of the divine bone!

He Lingchuan wanted to take it back, but Li Qingge pressed his arm: "Don't be impatient!"

The tone was firm and stern, completely different from the previous gentleness.

The flames burned out in twos and twos. Miraculously, the talisman was still intact, but there was a smell of smoke in the air.

"As expected." Li Qingge turned the talisman towards him, "Take another look."

He Lingchuan stared at it, looking at the red letters on the black paper, but the stroke patterns seemed a little different.

"Is this what it is?"

Li Qingge didn't answer, put it back on the table, spread it out, and looked at it carefully.

"I've only read about this kind of talisman in ancient books, but I didn't expect to see it in action today." She said seriously, "This is the Jiao God's talisman."

"What's the function?"

"Use yourself as a skin and ask the gods to come and show your supreme power."

So Lu Yao didn't intend to save himself or escape when he swallowed the talisman, but wanted to ask the gods to come down to earth and use a wave of ultimate moves to kill all the enemies?

He had no intention of surviving and wanted to be buried with him. Lu Yao lived up to his reputation as a tough bandit.

"What's the difference between that and divine descent?"

"Have you heard of the divine descending?" Li Qingge glanced at him, "The divine descending must go through long-term and careful arrangements in advance. The gods will descend into the designated skins that can withstand their power; however, the divine curse is temporarily removed. If you ask the gods, the skin you sacrifice may not meet the gods’ requirements.”

"Can I invite any god?"

"Of course not." Li Qingge smiled and said, "The gods don't like to be offended. The person who draws the talisman must pray and communicate in advance, that is, say hello first, and ask the other party to come if there is trouble. So every drawn talisman is actually Xanadu already corresponds to a god.”

"So, which god does this correspond to?"

"Then it's not clear. There is a correspondence in the dark, and it won't be shown on the spell." Li Qingge said softly, "I heard that the cost of the divine descending technique is huge, let alone this kind of divine incantation. When it is used, the victim is either desperate or exhausted, so the chips are paid to the gods in advance. When humans swallow the talisman, they ask the latter to show up to help. After Lu Yao swallowed the talisman, no gods came. That’s why he was so surprised.”

Got it, this is a check, cash it when it's time to cash it. As a result, Lu Yao's ticket was bounced.

The gods actually broke their promises. One can imagine Lu Yao's despair and confusion.

After hearing this, He Lingchuan was frightened for a while: "Thank God for not killing him, otherwise none of us here would be able to survive?"

"Absolutely." Li Qingge changed to a cup of hot tea, "I have never seen the god come, so I don't know its power. But since it can be used as a trump card, its power should not be weak. I guess this is not Lu Yao. It should be made by Hong Xiangqian.”

Hong Xiangqian is known as the "Holy Master". Isn't it surprising that he can communicate with gods?

"Why didn't the gods come?" If this spell was made by Hong Xiangqian, it should be very reliable, and the price was paid by Hong Xiangqian in advance, so Lu Yao could just use it.

"It's hard to say." Li Qingge thought for a long time, "Maybe the spell itself has flaws. After all, there are no standard versions of these secret techniques to compare with; maybe the gods don't like Lu Yao and are too lazy to help him - Anyway, Hong Xiangqian is dead. Logically speaking, this talisman should be a contract between Hong Xiangqian and the gods; or maybe... the gods are busy and cannot come in person? "

"Anyway, it comes down to that sentence -" she pushed the talisman forward with a smile as bright as a flower, "Young Master He is truly a lucky man, and you will be lucky enough to meet him like this."

"It seems I should go back and have a drink to calm down the shock." He Lingchuan put away the talisman, thanked Li Qingge and left.

Marquis Songyang looked at his back, thoughtfully.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Li Fubo came to see him. He happened to pass by He Lingchuan on the way.

Marquis Songyang discussed with him how to improve the method of breaking the knife. Since the knife nature is very active, the time for cultivating the knife may be shortened to less than ten days.

After the official discussion was over, Li Qingge asked Li Fubo: "You have been with He Lingchuan for seven or eight days. What do you think of this person?"

Li Fubo thought for a while: "Except for his preference for practicing martial arts, he is no different from other rich people. He has a somewhat reckless personality and spends money lavishly, so he is not disliked in the military."

"Mangzhi?" Marquis Songyang smiled, "Spiritual weapons choose their owners. Do you think Zhong Shengguang's sword will choose a reckless man as its owner?"

Li Fubo shook his head: "My subordinates believe that when selecting the owner of a spiritual weapon, temperament and temperament will not be considered, only strength and courage will be considered."

Songyang Hou pondered: "Then, at least these four words are there."

He Chunhua was scheming, while the eldest son He Lingchuan was straightforward.

Is it like this?

At this time, the maid came to report: "The business news from the branch of the Northern Demon Kingdom has arrived."

"Bring it in."

So someone came in to deliver the message.

Li Fubo took the opportunity to resign.

Since there was nothing to learn from the black talisman, He Lingchuan conveniently fed it to the divine bone necklace before returning to the inn.

Surprisingly, both He Chunhua and his wife were there.

When Mrs. Ying saw him, she asked, "You and Marquis Songyang have been chatting for so long. What did you say?"

"Let's discuss the plan to reforge the broken sword, and I'll ask her to analyze what Lu Yao left behind." He Lingchuan yawned, "Her almond tea was delicious, but it's gone."

"What?" It was He Chunhua who spoke.

"A black talisman, I picked it up from Lu Yao." He Lingchuan shrugged, "It turned out to be a talisman to invite gods to come down to earth to help with revenge. He used it but it didn't work. Hey, I walked in front of the gate of hell. Without knowing it.”

"Let me take a look." He Chunhua stretched out his hand to him.

"It's gone." He Lingchuan scratched his head, "The pattern on it needs to be close to a fire to be displayed. I accidentally burned it to ashes."

He Chunhua said oh, but didn't seem to take it to heart. Mrs. Ying sighed softly: "Songyang Marquis is also very pitiful. He became a widow at a young age."

"She...?" Is she married? He Lingchuan was stunned.

Forget it, he was tired of saying "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Mrs. Ying was very satisfied with her eldest son's cooperative expression: "Li Qingge married secretary supervisor Fan Linong at the age of sixteen. This was a marriage designated by her grandfather. It can be said that she was well-intentioned. I heard that Mr. Fan is very talented and beautiful. He was the youngest secretary-supervisor since the founding of the Republic of Dayuan, and he and Li Qingge were a perfect match. Unfortunately, he was not blessed with the beauty's grace, and died of illness within two years of their marriage. He was really jealous. Talent."

The Secretary Supervisor is the chief of the Secretariat Department, in charge of classics, illustrations, astronomy and calendars. He sounds like he is of high rank, but he is actually equivalent to the director of the National Library and has no real power in this dynasty.

It seems that the old Marquis Songyang knew very well that high positions, high power, and high risks meant that he found a leisurely husband for his granddaughter who was far away from the center of the political storm.

He Chunhua smiled: "Where did you hear about this, madam?"

Mrs. Ying squinted at him: "The aristocratic families in Shihuan City have all the news." This time she made many friends in Shihuan City, and the news was much better than before. Have you passed?"

"Fan Linong was indeed talented, and he did die young, but he did not die of illness." He Chunhua turned to the housekeeper, Lao Mo, to handle the matter, and then continued, "He was on the wrong team in the battle for the throne. As a result, after Jin Sheng inherited the throne, he When the reform was promulgated, he ridiculed and criticized it, believing that the reform was weak and ineffective, and advocated the enlightenment of the northern demon country. Later, someone accused him of sympathizing with the rebels and secretly aiding the rebellion, and the king had his head chopped off. "

He said slowly: "Guess who is the person who reported him?"

He Lingchuan looked at Mrs. Ying, whose face was full of shock.

Collaboration with the enemy and treason is a serious crime. If the evidence is conclusive, why is this trial not made public? Instead, the real cause of Fan Linong's death is covered up under the pretext of death from illness?

Taking a step back, why is it that Li Qingge is okay and can still run her Songyang Mansion well?

How come the Fan family is fine and not implicated?

The answer is almost obvious.

Mrs. Ying hesitated for a moment, then asked tentatively: "Could it be Li Qingge?"

"'Someone secretly sent evidence of crime into the palace and presented it to the king.' These are the exact words. I don't know if it is Marquis Songyang. The only ones who know the truth may be the king and the informer himself." He Chunhua sat back on the chair and said, "But I heard that Marquis Songyang had just entered the palace two days before Fan Linong was arrested. Not many people know about this, and the king intends not to spread it."

Mrs. Ying stroked her heart and trembled: "This woman has such a cruel heart!"

She and He Chunhua have a happy relationship and everything goes smoothly. She can't imagine how other women could accuse their husbands.

But after hearing this, she was mostly relieved. Since her husband knew that Marquis Songyang had a vicious heart, he would probably be wary of her?

He Lingchuan was also surprised. Is this considered knowing people but not knowing their hearts?

At this time, the housekeeper Lao Mo came in and reported: "Master, everyone is here."

He Chunhua sat up straight: "Let them come in."

Seeing that he had to do business, Mrs. Ying left the scene quickly.

Before arriving at Dunyu, He Chunhua wanted to convene his subordinates for another meeting. This time everyone came together, including the father and son of the He family, Zeng Feixiong, Wu Shaoyi, Zhao Qinghe, Mo Zhe Jingxuan, and the three newly promoted generals of the Caoying Army.

These are the backbones that He Chunhua can trust.

Before speaking, he gave each of his men a green leather bamboo tube with a stopper at the mouth.

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