After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 221 Group fight

The strange thing was that he seemed to recognize this woman, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her.

The girl was gesturing. Because there was a tree blocking her, Li Zhao squinted for a while before he realized that she was pointing desperately in one direction.


Li Zhao turned around and saw the water rushing in from a distance, and the turbid waves that filled the sky were like thousands of horses and thousands of troops.

"It's flooding, run quickly!"

The friends screamed and ran to the shore. But the Li brothers were standing in the middle of the river. The water here was up to their navels. It was too slow to walk back!

Before they could reach the shore, the violent tide swept them away.

There was water all over the place, pouring straight into Li Zhao's mouth and nose, as well as grass roots, mud, sand and broken branches. Occasionally he was pushed out of the water, and he could hear the exclamations of people on the shore.

He fluttered desperately and suddenly grabbed a tree root in his hand.

It was a piece of dead wood that had been in the river for several years.

This life-saving tree root was much harder than straw. Li Zhao grabbed it with all his strength, and then his brother slid over and grabbed his leg.

The lives of the two boys hung on this dead wood.

On the shore, the Li family's servants were thinking of ways to rescue the two young masters.

After Li Zhao took a few sips of water, he discovered to his horror that the roots of the tree could not withstand the water flow and began to fold outward.

It's about to break.

"Hissing", the root of the tree was torn off along with a large section of bark.

Two boys screamed in fright.

The bark is still hanging on the branches and is no longer secure.

Li Zhao turned around and shouted to his brother: "Brother, the roots of the tree are about to break!"

But the usually smart brother didn't listen at all. He just kept shouting: "Pull me up, pull me up quickly!"

He pulled Li Zhao's leg hard, and every time he pulled, the bark of the tree broke off.

If this continues, both of them will die.

Li Zhao looked at the bark of the tree, then looked back at his brother, and suddenly kicked his brother's hand.

The brother screamed: "What are you doing, save me!"

He stubbornly hugged Li Zhao's legs, but the latter kicked him harder and harder, and finally kicked him in the head. The brother was kicked so hard that he felt dizzy. After taking a few mouthfuls of water, his grip loosened.

My brother was swept away by the water.

Li Zhao cried loudly, grabbing the bark and climbing up the dead wood.

But before he could climb more than two feet, his waist fell, as if someone was grabbing him and pulling him back desperately. The force was frightening.

He turned around and saw his brother floating in the rapids, grabbing his belt and pulling him hard.

The elder brother's facial features and body were swollen and white, his eyes hung outside the eye frames, and he was still smiling at him:

"I miss you every day, I can't let you go, I want to take you with me!"

Li Zhao was shocked. When he lowered his head, he found that the belt his brother gave him had turned into a water snake spitting out letters. Before he could make any next move, the water snake bit him on the waist.

Li Zhao screamed in pain and let go.

Just then a wave hit him and swept him directly into the water.

He still wanted to struggle, but his brother hugged him hard and sank directly to the bottom of the river.

He didn't know how much waterweed he had swallowed, and the last thing he saw was his brother's swollen and ferocious smiling face.

"I finally waited for you, and we will be together forever. Are you happy?"

It was dawn, and the girl who was warming the bed vaguely heard the sound of "ho ho" coming from Old Mrs. Li's throat, but she didn't take it seriously. Is there any abnormal noise when the old man is sleeping?

But the sound suddenly got louder, and the old man opened his mouth wide but couldn't breathe, like a fish out of water.

"Oops, the old man is clogged with phlegm again."

The two bed-warming girls were fighting each other, and the loser curled her lips and waited for a long time before lowering her head to suck the phlegm of Mrs. Li.

But it's no use.

Soon, the entire Li family became a mess. The sons saw their father's face swollen into a purple color, but no first aid method worked. Before the doctor arrived, Mrs. Li stretched out his legs and left.

Just leave.

Later, the Li family specially invited a widow from the government for an autopsy, and the latter dug out a ball of green vegetables from the bottom of the old man's throat.

"Did the old man choke to death?" The Li family didn't believe it. Li Zhao's sixth grandson had a sharp eye and suddenly noticed something unusual on the gauze curtain in front of his grandfather's bed.

"The evil shield is broken!"

Everyone squeezed over to take a look, and sure enough, both bronze medals were cracked with a fine line. Although the gap is not big, the effect of the bronze medal has essentially disappeared.

"But these two lovesick birds are still alive. Doesn't it mean that evil spirits will eat the birds first when they come?" The two lovesick birds were jumping up and down in the cage, very active.

At this time, Mrs. Li's eldest son Li Zhi took the sachet from the top of the bed and took a look, his expression changed drastically.

He poured the contents onto the table:

The yellow talisman paper was soaked in water, and the cinnabar writing on it was mushy.

To put it simply, this amulet is no longer effective.

"This is the amulet made by Master Zhang of the first Luxiu Peak in Chuanyunge!" Li Zhi gritted his teeth and said, "Evil spirits must not come near. Someone must have poured water in here and chipped the bronze medal!"

Everyone's eyes focused on the two bed-warming girls, and the maid next to them knelt down: "The old lady personally inspected them before going to bed last night. Both of them are in good condition."

Mr. Li is very careful about his life and indeed checks these two lines of defense every night before going to bed. Li Zhi looked at the boy beside him, who nodded like a fool: "That's right, that's right. I saw the old lady check with my own eyes, and then he went to bed to rest."

"Obviously someone destroyed the talisman and cast evil spells." Veins popped out on Li Zhi's forehead, "Check, check immediately!"

"Could it be the Zhan family?" Li Rong, the second eldest child, also had anger in his eyes. "His family is not dealing with us. Recently, they have been swearing at each other because of the low-price acquisition. It was very unpleasant. I heard Zhan Laoqi curse with my own ears. The old man is scolding you very viciously. Besides, there is a junior in the Zhan family who has learned some magical powers and is very likely to harm the old man!"

The other Li family members turned their grief into anger and shouted: "Yes, tie up the Zhan family members to pay for the old man's life!"

Li Rong hesitated for a moment: "Wait a minute, we need to find some evidence to convict."

"Where's the evidence? They use evil methods to harm people, just because they can't get the evidence!" Li Zhi sighed, "Then what do you think we should do?"

Li Rong was not in a hurry, but at this time his mind was in a state of confusion and he could not form words. His most valued sixth son happened to be away from Dunyu today, and there was no one to discuss it with.

Another person said: "Half the Zhan family has fled the city. If we don't pursue them, it will be too late."

The Zhan family started moving out yesterday.

From now on, they would not live in the same city as the Li family. Before leaving, it sounded reasonable to resort to evil tactics and vent the evil that had been pent up in their hearts for many years.

The crowd in the Li family was furious and shouted, "Blood debt must be paid with blood."

Li Rong originally felt that it was inappropriate to act like this and advised everyone to calm down, but Li Zhi squinted at him and sneered: "My father was cursed to death, but you want us to calm down? You are the only one who is sober while everyone is drunk alone?"

Li Rong was speechless, and Li Zhi pointed at him and cursed a few more times. The tribesmen became excited and responded one after another.

Seeing how Li Zhi raised his arms and his tribe responded, and even his own men wanted to follow him, Li Rong had no choice but to change his stance.

Neither of them has the ability to stand alone, nor does they have the prestige of Mr. Li. If they dare to hold back and be discouraged at this time, let alone prevent the clansmen from taking revenge, as long as they say "calm down" one more time, they will definitely lose in the battle for power later on. .

Two brothers, one more radical than the other.

In front of the whole clan, Li Zhi and Li Rong burst into tears, each wanting to be more distressed and impassioned than the other. In this way, they continued to talk and express their feelings, and in the end, the private soldiers who guarded the courtyard were summoned amidst the loud cries of the Li family.

There was a lot of commotion here, which naturally attracted the attention of the government and the people in the city.

By the time they arrived, Li's private soldiers had already rushed into the Zhan's house in the south of the city, detained the women and children, and beat the men violently. The huge Zhan's house was in a mess.

Some people fish in troubled waters and rummage through boxes and cabinets to search for property.

The Zhan family is also a famous aristocrat in Dunyu City, with a fortune of tens of millions. The big-headed soldiers raised by the Li family can take whatever items they want and sell them later for private money.

The Li family's private soldiers also detached a branch and went south to chase the evacuated clan members of the Zhan family.

Because the new general manager has not yet arrived, the affairs of the state pastoral office are temporarily handled by Zhizhong and Biejia. When the two rushed to the scene, they saw their scalps were numb and quickly called the police to stop them.

The Li family was used to running rampant in Dunyu City, and now they were so angry that they couldn't listen to advice.

The Zhan family also has a nursing home, but it is a pity that it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

An ignorant official stepped forward to pull him away, and was punched in the nose by Li Zhi, causing blood to flow out. He had just been on the job and was young. He didn't recognize Li Zhi, so how could he not fight back?

Li Zhi was beaten, and the Li family's private soldiers rushed up and aimed at Guan Cha's head with a few explosive dunks.

Those who beat people, those who break up fights, those who fight to break up fights, the whole south of Dunyu City turned into a mess.

The surrounding people gathered around three floors inside and three floors outside, stretching their necks to watch the excitement.

This is the Li family and the Zhan family. They are usually aloof, so why are they lying in the mud and fighting each other like today?

Even nobles who fight to the death are like dogs biting dogs.

"Where is Peng Ju'an?" The situation was out of control, and the Zhizhong officer was in a hurry to find someone. "When something like this happened, where did he, the soldier officer, hide?"

The subordinate kindly reminded: "Master Peng seems to be resting at home today."

"Go to Qingping Township and bring him back!" The weather is so cold, but the Zhizhong officer is breaking out in a hot sweat. "And his more than a thousand people, bring them back quickly to suppress the chaos!"

There are 1,600 soldiers in Xiazhou, and before the arrival of the new general manager, they all work under the Bing Cao.

The men took the order and hurried away.

I didn't come back for a long time after leaving.

It was only a little over ten miles from Dunyu to Qingping Township. Even if you didn't ride a horse and just ran there, it would take several times to go back and forth.

The treatment center is even more uneasy:

Peng Ju'an didn't come, and his men didn't come back. Could it be that Qingping Township was attacked by the enemy?

A small group of troops from the north who had been sent to the enemy to harass border towns had sneaked into enemy lines more than once or twice. Although Qingping Township was a little far away from the northern line, this possibility could not be ruled out.

The mobility of the opponent's cavalry is good.

Taking advantage of this lull, the Li family's private soldiers beat the Zhan family until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. Many of them fell to the ground, unable to move.

The women and children in Zhan's house cried together, it was so miserable.

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