After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 222 Manager He is here!

Just when the head of the Zhan family was dragged out and knocked to the ground by the Li family's private soldiers, with several big footprints on his face, a large group of people came running all the way from the south gate of the city, with the sound of hooves rumbling like thunder, and they ran The dust was flying, and the people along the way couldn't help but give way.

The soldiers have bright uniforms and armor, and the horses are full of energy and energy.

Moreover, there were two giant wolves accompanying the army. They were as big as lions, and their scarlet tongues were drooling. They were so frightened that no one dared to approach.

The flag soldiers at the front held the flag high, and the bright red word "Congratulations" could be seen from afar.

The officials looked at each other, couldn't it be?

The army arrived at Zhan's house in an instant. The handsome man leading it raised his chin, and naturally hundreds of cavalry companies rushed into Zhan's house to "break up the fight."

Two giant wolves also roared and rushed in.

With them around, the minds of these two families can clear up faster.

In full view of everyone, the handsome man dismounted and walked towards the officials, asking: "What's going on? Is this how Atsushi greeted me?"

A man came out from behind him, it was Peng Ju'an who was engaged in military affairs.

The latter hurriedly said to the officials: "This is Mr. He, the new general manager of Xiazhou, who is also our superior."

He Chunhua turned his left hand, and the light of the Sheji Order shone brightly.

Everyone no longer had any doubts and bowed together.

"No courtesy." He Chunhua waited for them to complete the etiquette before saying, "From now on, Peng Ju'an will resign as a soldier and serve as a military officer. He has another assignment; Zeng Feixiong——"

Zeng Feixiong jumped off his horse and ran towards him in long strides.

He Chunhua threw a kite coin to him, which he took from Peng Ju'an: "I appoint you as the military officer of Xiazhou General Manager's Mansion, in charge of military affairs. You do a good job for me!"

Zeng Feixiong responded "yes" loudly.

In less than a few breaths, Xiazhou's soldiers were replaced.

The officials understood that it turned out that the new general manager did not go directly to Dunyu City. Instead, he first went around Qingping Township to reveal his identity, and directly took away more than a thousand troops from Peng Ju'an before turning back to Dunyu.

They didn't know that Cai Ying's army had also rushed directly into Peng Ju'an's home. He Chunhua took out the imperial order and various talismans and seized the military power directly in front of the approaching Xiazhou army.

How aggrieved he was when he faced Sun Fu who came with the king's order, and Peng Ju'an felt equally aggrieved when he faced him today.

Only by taking military power can he have enough manpower and prestige to quickly establish himself in Dunyu.

Now, He Chunhua's army has expanded to more than 2,200 people.

At this time, the team separated, and more than 200 people were escorted out. Among them were the Zhan family and private soldiers of the Li family. They all had signs of fighting, their clothes were disheveled, and some of them had bruises and bleeding.

He Chunhua said with a straight face: "Someone was committing murder on the southern county road, and I caught him and brought him back."

The supporting troops who rushed into Zhan's house were like wolves and tigers, and were actually more ferocious than the fighting parties. The officials were afraid of the Li family and did not dare to let go of anyone, but the supporting army did not have such worries.

The private soldiers of the Li family got red-eyed and tried to resist, but were either slapped or kicked to the ground. However, He Chunhua's men were mixed, including not only the gangsters from Blackwater City, but also the rebels from Woling Pass. He knew very well how to use dirty tricks to inflict pain without killing him.

The crowd gathered around more and more, their eyes shining brightly at the excitement.

Soon, the commotion in Zhan's house stopped, and both sides of the fight were escorted out. Li Zhi and Li Rong originally didn't have to die, but now their clothes were scratched and they were also injured.

The Zhan family on the opposite side was even worse. More than a hundred people were injured, and a dozen more were knocked to the ground. They didn't know if they could still breathe.

"That's unreasonable!" He Chunhua tightened his grip on his horsewhip and pointed it at the Li family, reprimanding him with a voice as loud as thunder, "You break into people's houses without permission, raise private armies, bully the weak, and plunder property in broad daylight. Do you want to overturn the world? Do you still have the law in your eyes?"

The officials nearby took the time to introduce his identity.

Seeing the majesty of this unfamiliar official, both families guessed it. The head of the Zhan family, Zhan Qingmao, was shocked and delighted. He vomited out a broken tooth first, and then begged Manager He to make the decision. The Li family was stared at by two giant wolves that were ruthless. Their anger plummeted and their fear rose rapidly.

The three hundred private soldiers brought by the Li family were also disarmed and stood aside with their heads down.

Li Rong took a step forward and defended himself: "My old man was killed, and these people have nothing to do with it!"

Li Zhi moved her lips but said nothing.

He Chunhua said coldly: "Save some face for you, follow me to the government office now to hold a public trial. These private soldiers beat people and will be detained; help all the injured people into Zhan's house, you-" He pointed Engage in treatment, "——call doctors to Zhan's house to treat injuries, keep accounts of expenses, and the Li family will be responsible for the rest."

He called another driver to come forward: "As for you, help the Zhan family count the losses. Three hundred suspects are here. You are responsible for collecting all the stolen goods from them as evidence in court! As for you, put them in jail pending trial!"

"Okay, Li Zhan's family is in trouble, come with me now!"

He gave orders smoothly, arranged things clearly in a blink of an eye, and used his full strength as soon as he spoke to ensure that everyone present could hear clearly.

This vigorous and resolute style was deeply loved by the onlookers. Some people started to applaud, and the applause slowly spread.

The people all felt that today's play was perfect. The Li and Zhan families acted hard, and the new manager came and ended it neatly and without any sloppiness.

He Lingchuan, who was riding on the horse, smiled and glanced at the crowd. Mao Tao and a few of his subordinates, wearing casual clothes, hid in the crowd to act as an atmosphere group. They were the first to applaud.

Dad's carefully prepared debut ceremony was more effective than expected. Now everyone in the city knows that the new Xiazhou manager is here, and he has suppressed the local gangsters of Li Zhan and Zhan as soon as he appeared on the scene. Not only is he impressive?

Unfortunately, the applause was not enthusiastic, which shows that most people are deeply afraid of the Li family.

Zeng Feixiong, the newly appointed Bingcao officer, left behind 200 soldiers to assist officials such as Zhizhong and Biejia, as well as to support them. These soldiers have been with the He family father and son for the longest time. They are big-bodied, round-chested, and dark-hearted. Their discipline and execution ability are far better than the local soldiers in Xiazhou. If you have any problems, they can be solved on the spot.

All the prominent figures in Li Zhan's family were packed away by He Chunhua. Without them getting in the way of Joe, state officials breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhizhong and Biejia looked at each other and whispered as they entered Zhan's house: "This Manager He looks very different. He knocked down the heads of both families when he arrived."

"The days are still long. Let's wait and see. Who among the officials here will not fight with the Li family? But -" Zhizhong whispered, "Old man Li is dead at this moment. It is the Li family's bad luck." , the new manager He is in good luck."

As the army entered the city, He Lingchuan looked left and right, and many people pointed at him.

"Wow, there's a monkey sitting on that man's shoulder, a monkey wearing a bamboo hat." A girl said.

Young Master He straightened his back even more.

"This man is so handsome." The person who said this smiled shyly, but why was he a man!

He Lingchuan shuddered and took the initiative to treat the crowds of people watching as a welcome.

Now the team is heading north, crossing the city center. He Chunhua obviously wants to strike while the iron is hot. On the surface, he is taking Li Zhan and his family to the government office to settle accounts, but in fact, he is giving them a blow.

According to He Lingchuan's observation, the streets in Dunyu are quite wide. The main street can accommodate five cars driving abreast. The auxiliary streets are narrower, but going deeper, some alleys can only be passed by one person. Fat people and pregnant women may not be able to survive. .

The houses are built solidly, without extraneous frills, but there are more two- and three-story buildings than in Blackwater City.

He did see a few very beautiful mansions, with a large area of ​​land, beautiful facades, and even the bricks on the walls were very neat.

He recruited a local official from Xiazhou and pointed forward: "Which big family's house is this?"

"A big family?" The official's head shook like a wavy drum, "No, no, no, this is the house of the Hu family, a silk merchant. How can it compare to the splendor of the four families?"

Doesn't that count?

After walking for more than a hundred feet, you will see a row of luxurious houses in front of you, with black tiles, gray walls, and carved brick flying buttresses, which combine beauty and style. The team walked along the outer wall of his house for dozens of days.

This is called a real mansion. Compared with the one in front of you, the house of the silk merchant from before immediately pales in comparison.

The official didn't wait for He Lingchuan to ask and immediately answered:

"This is Li Zhai."

"Okay, okay." Although He Lingchuan had seen the wealth and grandeur of Shihuan City, he was still amazed when he saw the Li family's mansion. Judging from the grandeur of the Li family, my father would definitely have more money and opportunities in Xiazhou than in Qiansong County.

Yeah, that's wrong, there is a future.

This official looked like he was a smart person, so He Lingchuan asked him by the way: "When did Mr. Li pass away?"

I had a meeting in Ru County a few days ago, and my father was still worried that the old man of the Li family was difficult to deal with. As soon as he entered the city today, he received news of his death. Is there such a beautiful thing in the world?

"Early this morning, something happened suddenly." The official already knew that this was the eldest son of the chief steward, and he knew everything about it. "It seems that the Li family thought that the Zhan family was responsible for the evil, so they brought people here to take revenge."

"The scale is very large." This is the capital of Xiazhou, not a field. The Li family dared to bring more than 300 people to beat the Zhan family without thinking. This is simply a textbook operation with no law, "You are here Do you often have private fights and provocations?”

"This..." The official was speechless for a moment. Wouldn't he be denying his work by giving a positive answer? "Countrymen are brave, sometimes it is unavoidable, we all try our best to mediate."

But facing hundreds of people from the Li family, they didn't dare to wave the chains and locks. In the past, an official was injured by these gangsters. In addition to getting some medical expenses, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Being beaten is also in vain.

He Lingchuan had stayed in the mixed-race Blackwater City for so long, and he understood it all at once.

The further north you go, the more people follow behind the team, and it's as lively as a festival. As soon as everyone heard that the new manager He was going to be tried in court, and that the two big families in Dunyu were being tried, they immediately cheered up. Even the wind and snow could not dampen their enthusiasm.

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