After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 223 Planting Knives

After walking for several dozen feet, the team split up.

The government office could not accommodate so many idle people, so the housekeeper Lao Mo happened to take the family members of the army to the designated post house to settle down. Of course, the more important thing was to send Mrs. Ying and others to the new home of the manager of Xiazhou.

According to He Chunhua's prior arrangement, He Yue went to the government office with him, while He Lingchuan accompanied Mrs. Ying.

About a quarter of an hour later, Mrs. Ying and her son finally arrived at the family's new residence.

This place is fifteen feet away from the back of the official office, making it convenient for the manager to work nearby. The residences of other officials are dotted around the chessboard. Magistrate Dunyu also lives nearby. There are two or three rows of official residences directly behind.

He Lingchuan accompanied his mother and walked around. The servants began to carry luggage, tidy up the house, and sweep the courtyard. The originally empty residence immediately became popular.

The house has been prepared by the state government a long time ago. It is relatively clean, and several servants have been arranged to clean it regularly. As soon as the housekeeper Lao Mo arrived, he gave these servants generous rewards and then sent them away.

The mistress of the house is only willing to use the people brought from her hometown, and of course she will gradually recruit people later.

For Mrs. Ying, who had been looking forward to it all, this official residence was a huge disappointment: not to mention comparing it to the Li family, even the silk merchant Hu's house that she passed earlier was twice as big as the housekeeper's house. The furniture inside is relatively old, and I don’t know who it is; although the walls and roof tiles have just been repaired, the wind and rain corridor is still damaged, the bluestones in the yard have sunk or collapsed, and even the plants are arrogant and overgrown. presumptuous.

Mrs. Ying's sharp eyes even found several cavities on the legs of the table in the living room.

This place was far below her expectations, not as comfortable as the old house in Blackwater City.

Seeing that her face was getting darker and darker, He Lingchuan quickly comforted her: "Don't be angry, mother. This place is too dilapidated. I can't even tell you what should be thrown away, what should be repaired, what should be repaired, and what should be bought." What, don’t you just want to show off your skills? Our family is short of this money?”

Their house in Blackwater City was also set up bit by bit by Mrs. Ying.

Maybe women are born with a love for decoration. Mrs. Ying thought that when her husband came back, she would be able to complain to him. In the next few months, she would be able to repair the house and tidy it up to her liking, and her mood gradually improved. .

"Who are you calling old? Why isn't our family short of money? Your father has recently arrived in Xiazhou, and his expenses for socializing have increased. However, the income of the new official has been less. He should save money if he can... Well, look at this garden. The ground has collapsed anyway, so we might as well dig a deep water cellar and freeze some fruits and wine in the summer!”

A water cellar is a pond, but it is very deep. The water depth is at least one foot. No matter how hot the summer is, the sun cannot penetrate the bottom, so the bottom of the cellar is still cold and ice-cold, which is perfect for refrigerating food. In addition, it can store fresh water and be used as a fire hydrant.

Mrs. Ying said that her husband had less money after he was promoted, which is also true. He Chunhua is an out-and-out king of the land in Qiansong County. He is both a high-profile and a low-profile person, with a variety of incomes. Otherwise, if the eldest son spends money like water, how can he afford the county governor's salary?

As for being promoted to general manager of Xiazhou, it's hard to reach out when you're new here. A veteran like He Chunhua will definitely understand the various local methods first.

People like He Chunhua were not only not considered corrupt officials in the Dayuan Dynasty, but were actually capable and practical representatives. At least he didn't dig deep into the ground to suck out the blood of the common people. Mrs. Ying is still very proud of this.

She was also kind to her eldest son this time. Before her husband came back, she gave He Lingchuan a courtyard facing the east.

The two brothers' residences are about the same size, which is also a bit of her own selfishness.

Mrs. Ying went to work. He Lingchuan walked into his property and saw that the yard was smaller than the residence in Heishui City, but it was enough for martial arts training. The row of peach trees beside the wall had grown into old piles. Next summer, You can eat peaches without leaving home.

There is a big jujube tree in the courtyard. In winter, only its bare branches are left. He Lingchuan was thinking about building a small tree house up there in a few days for the medicine monkey Lingguang to use.

Rock Wolf also followed, sniffing left and right, unable to escape the canine habit. He Lingchuan asked it kindly: "Lu Xin, can I also build you a small wooden house in the courtyard?"

"Okay..." Lu Xin was about to agree, but immediately realized something was wrong, "No! Do you think I'm a dog and want me to sleep in a doghouse?"

Isn't a wooden hut just a doghouse?

Faced with its low growl, He Lingchuan shrugged: "Then you sleep in the living room and squat in the thatched building. You are not allowed in the courtyard! Also, you are not allowed to pee at the base of the wall!"

Lu Xin gritted his teeth, this was too embarrassing for the wolf.

The facilities in the house are quite complete, but according to Mrs. Ying's temper, they all have to be thrown away or changed.

The housekeeper Lao Mo has already sent someone to bring a charcoal basin, hot water and a tea tray.

As soon as He Lingchuan made himself a cup of hot tea, the courtyard door rang.

"My boss, it's me."

You can tell it's Li Fubo just by the sound of his voice.

"The door is not closed, go in by yourself."

When Li Fubo entered the house, He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Didn't you go to the government office to watch the excitement?" He really wanted to go.

"No. Your Majesty has already gone and asked me to come over first to do something for you."

"Working?" He Lingchuan didn't react for a moment.


He Lingchuan slapped his head: "Even Marquis Songyang is more interested in me than me!"

This boss is really big-hearted. "The sword needs to rest for half a month, and it cannot be moved during this period. Is it convenient here?"

"It's right here." He Lingchuan rubbed his hands, unable to conceal his excitement, "Come, let me see Songyang Mansion's knife skills."

Li Fubo first took out something and handed it to him: "This has been repaired, please pass it to your father."

He Lingchuan took a look and saw that it was the walnut boat, officially known as the mustard boat, which he used to throw at Dong Rui's ghost monkey and broke it last time.

"You repaired it so quickly? You are truly worthy of Master Li!" Praises cost nothing and he could just open his mouth.

Li Fubo smiled: "Our lordship built this with his own hands."

He Lingchuan said a long "Oh": "I will definitely tell you."

He thought to himself that my mother would definitely get angry.

Li Fubo took out a copper stove from the storage ring, threw it on the ground, and muttered two tips.

The palm-sized copper stove became as tall as a person.

He Lingchuan was already familiar with Songyang Mansion's technology.

"Master, take a few steps back."

He Lingchuan backed away as instructed, Li Fubo patted the furnace body, and the lid folded open in all directions, followed by a powerful burst of hot air. He Lingchuan was still ten feet away from the stove, but he felt a wave of heat. In such a spacious house, the temperature has risen by at least five degrees.

You must know that this is the result of Li Fubo's efforts to control the furnace temperature, otherwise the real fire would sweep through and the wooden bed and counter would be instantly ignited.

The lid folds open and the furnace body becomes a platform, making it easier for the craftsman to operate.

He Lingchuan saw the piece of gold mud at first sight.

At this time, its color changed from red gold to black with dark gold, and there was a little green and a little light yellow in some corners, like a charcoal pile in the countryside that had been visited by cats, dogs and geese... It was not as beautiful as before. .

But as soon as Li Fubo controlled the firepower, the most intuitive change was that its volume more than doubled, and although it remained in a solid state, one or two lava bubbles appeared on the surface from time to time, and the dark red liquid inside slowly It flows, and even red light shines through the cracks in the mud shell.

Simply put, it's like a piece of molten lava that's burning internally.

He Lingchuan humbly asked for advice: "How to operate? Where is the gold?"

"The thallium gold has been melted into the gold mud, and there are seven other raw materials." Li Fubo said seriously, "Two of them were specially given by the Lord. As for the specific formula, please forgive me for not being clear."

"Has the thallium gold melted?" He Lingchuan asked curiously, "I thought that the essence of gold is the strongest in the world. If it doesn't melt for ten days and a half, it can't be melted by lightning from the sky."

"Real gold is not afraid of fire." Li Fubo smiled slightly, "Unless there is a catalyst."

Then he took out two fist-sized pieces of gold and handed them to He Lingchuan: "These are the leftover materials. Please keep them."

Don't look at the two so-called scraps left, which are several times more expensive than the same volume of gold.

He Lingchuan collected it and picked it up.

It can be seen from this that Li Fubo was very arrogant. Before he smelted the tungsten gold, he did not find He Lingchuan to witness it with his own eyes. Mr. He indeed said that he would be in charge of the whole process, but without seeing Rongjin in person, who knows if Li Fubo took advantage of it and enriched himself?

After all, He Lingchuan bought so much gold and smelted it, and no one knew if he even stole a piece or two.

"As you already know, I started smelting tungsten gold from Ru County. I couldn't stop simmering it in a dark fire, and it took a lot of effort to bring it to the carriage." Li Fubo pointed to the internally burning gold mud and said, "Thannium gold is The most important material for planting a knife must be completely fused with the medium of gold mud before it can be absorbed by the knife. Now that its temperature has dropped rapidly, you can plant it."

"What method?"

Next, He Lingchuan took off the hand wrap on the handle of the knife and used the liquid handed over by Li Fubo to clean the surface of the handle.

I don’t know what it was, but it made a hissing sound when it was poured on, and green smoke rose up. The handle of the knife was riddled with holes, like a honeycomb.

He Lingchuan felt distressed when he saw it, but Li Fubo said: "Bleed and cover the hilt of the knife."

This step is called feeding the knife and must use the blood of the owner.

It was not easy to just take heart blood. He Lingchuan took a knife and pricked his ring finger. The blood dripped on the handle of the knife and poured into the small hole.

"Apply evenly."

He Lingchuan did the same thing, but soon discovered that the handle of the knife was like a sponge, absorbing all the blood.

That kind of speed can only be described as hungry.

He simply made a big incision on his arm and intensified the bleeding.

Broken Blade was not polite, he drank as much as he wanted, and didn't mind draining him dry at all.

Li Fubo also watched intently.

He Lingchuan fed him for a long time, and his heart went crazy. He couldn't help but said: "Hey, is this normal?"

"It's not normal." Li Fubo's answer made He Lingchuan's heart skip a beat. "The other swords I have planted only use 20% of its HP at most. But it has come to this point, so you should be satisfied with it."

This was the first time he had seen a sword that was so bloodthirsty and thirsty for its master's blood.

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