After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 224 Lively Trial

What will happen if the knife becomes a sword? He is looking forward to it.

Seeing Li Fubo's weird smile, He Lingchuan turned his face away silently.

Then another pound of blood was drained, and just when He Lingchuan thought that the broken knife was deliberately sucking him dry, the small holes in the handle were finally filled.

It's full and can't hold any more.

"Okay, okay." Li Fubo breathed a long sigh of relief. If the customer had lost his life in the first step of planting the knife, his master craftsman and the signature of Songyang Mansion would have stains that could not be wiped off, "Hurry up. Stop the bleeding!"

Yao Yuan slipped in and skillfully stopped He Lingchuan's bleeding.

After applying its special elixir, the incision on He Lingchuan's arm stopped paining within a dozen breaths.

He shook his head, feeling a little weak, and quickly swallowed a tonic.

A normal person's body contains only nine to ten kilograms of blood. He drank out 20% of it at once, which made him feel dizzy.

The last bit of blood on the handle was eaten by the broken knife.

But anyone could see it, it was already so full that it couldn't swallow another drop.

"What now?"

"It's very simple, just pierce the knife into the gold mud." Li Fubo said, "At this temperature, the sword can accept it, and it will not burn the core of the knife."

He Lingchuan grabbed the handle of the knife and stabbed the broken knife into the gold mud.

The red light in the gold mud disappeared immediately, and the lava bubbles stopped popping up.

Instead, there was a plume of green smoke coming out of the contact surface between the broken knife and the gold clay, but there was no burning smell.

"Okay, very good!" Li Fubo nodded happily, "The cross section is completely integrated with the gold clay. From now on, this stove will be temporarily placed in the owner's house. From now on, this piece of gold clay can be called the Mountain of Knives."

Rock Wolf Lu Xin, who was lying in the corner watching the show, interrupted: "Can that stove be called Sea of ​​Fire?"

"Exactly!" Li Fubo said with a smile, "My dear, if you go through the mountain of knives and the sea of ​​fire, you will be able to show your sharpness later."

"What else to do?"

"No, the temperature has been adjusted. Just make sure that the sword is left here without being disturbed, and the sword will be ready in ten days!"

He Lingchuan was startled: "Is it that simple?"

He also thought that the process of starting a furnace to cast a divine weapon would be extremely complicated. "I thought it would take at least a few months to cast it."

"The road to simplicity." Li Fubo wiped the sweat from his forehead. Just now he had been kneading to suppress the furnace temperature, and the loss was actually not small. "Your Majesty and I have discussed it over and over again no less than ten times. We decided that the construction period can be greatly shortened, but it is not as good as the knife." It’s beneficial. Not to mention the two most difficult steps, smelting the gold and preparing the materials, are all done in advance. “Although these last few steps are important, they are all procedural processes and there are few accidents.

He Lingchuan took out the gold and silver and expressed his gratitude deeply.

From today on, Li Fubo must come again every day to check the temperature of the furnace and the progress of the knife.

After he left, He Lingchuan fell on the bed and fell asleep with the jade ginseng tablets handed over by Yao Yuan in his mouth.

If you lose too much blood, what you need most is rest.

This sleep was peaceful and dreamless.

When he woke up, it was dark.

I don't know where Rock Wolf went, but Yao Yuan was by his side. When he opened his eyes, he asked, "Do you have a headache? Are you feeling flustered and short of breath?"

He Lingchuan shook his head.

Yao Yuan did not go through the main entrance and jumped out of the window.

After a while, He Yue came in, holding a food box in his hand.

"Red dates and pork liver porridge, eat it while it's hot."

"Dad is back too?"

"We're back. You slept right through dinner. Lingguang said you needed to rest, but we didn't come to call you."

He Lingchuan brought out the pork liver porridge, and it turned out to be a big bowl. The rice and millet were mixed and boiled until they bloomed. The pork liver, red dates and ginger were almost cut into thin strips together, and it was hard to pick them out.

He Lingchuan asked while blowing the cool air: "Dad, it's your first time to be promoted to government office. Did it go well?"

"The Li family requested that the public trial be cancelled, and that the trial be closed instead. My father refused."

When the hall is closed, no one is allowed to watch. Just kidding, how could He Chunhua let go of such a good opportunity?

"Sure enough, the two families in the court were quarreling together, and they didn't look like aristocratic families at all." He Yue also felt that it was an eye-opener. "Li Rong, the second eldest son of the Li family, probably thought about it on the way. He didn't say much. The eldest brother, Li Zhi, was impassioned. His father asked them to provide evidence, but they only said that the evil magic weapon placed in the bedroom by Old Man Li was damaged, indicating that there was an intrusion of evil spirits. The only one who had serious disputes with the Li family recently was the Zhan family. As soon as they heard this, they stopped talking and started arguing with each other. The noise was so loud that it almost broke the roof. I have never seen such a lively courtroom in Blackwater City. "

He was assisting with official duties in Blackwater City, and it was common for him to watch court hearings, but it was never this chaotic.

"This case was originally presided over by the Magistrate of Dunyu County. No matter how many times we shot the scene, we couldn't suppress the Li Zhan family. Dad took over and had two basins of cold water poured on it, and everything fell into silence."

"As expected of you, daddy." Splashing someone with cold water is not considered a violation, but getting wet in the snowy weather is refreshing.

"Even if they wanted to curse again, it would be useless even if their mouths were shaking. The people behind them gave them coats to put on before the trial could continue, but they were much calmer."

He Lingchuan took a sip of porridge: "Dad, did you punish the Li family?"

"Of course. They rushed to the Zhan family to beat people without any evidence, and were caught by the people in the city and the newly appointed manager. They couldn't deny it. In addition to compensating all the losses suffered by the Zhan family in this brawl, my father Those who take the lead in making trouble must also be detained. According to the law of this court, the person responsible for private quarrels and fights can be imprisoned for up to five years, and if someone is killed, he can be imprisoned for more. "

He Yue knew that his brother didn't like the formal official language, so he simply translated it into vernacular for him.

It was getting more and more interesting. He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Is it Li Zhi or Li Rong?"

The person who first calls out to assemble the private army is the person in charge.

"They didn't tell anyone, and of course the other Li family members wouldn't identify them on the spot." He Yue shrugged, "So my father sentenced them both to be detained together and interrogated separately. The Li family was immediately upset."

"I didn't expect that Li Zhi was stupid enough to ask why, and even brought up Li Shangshu's name and made offensive remarks. My father scolded him for his insincere words and for confronting the magistrate. If he continued to make trouble, he would slap him. I saw that all the officials around him were talking about it. The palm card was revealed, and Li Zhicai shut up."

People do not fight with officials, especially in court.

"Are Old Man Li's only two sons in Dunyu?" He Lingchuan laughed, "This is a pig opponent, and the difficulty has dropped several levels."

"Old man Li also has a third son, who left his hometown more than 20 years ago."

"Oh, yes, the hatred of seizing his wife!" He Lingchuan snapped his fingers, "If these two people are imprisoned together, the Li family will be like a pack. Well, they will be leaderless, which will make it easier for us to do things."

He Yue shook his head: "My father was held in high esteem and downcast. I think he had his own considerations. He said that he was considerate of the recent death of the Li family, and was willing to let one of Li Zhi and Li Rong go back to handle his father's funeral, but he had to pay 150,000 taels. The money is used as a deposit. If the suspect does not escape Dunyu and no longer violates the law within two months, the money can be returned; otherwise, the money will be a fine and will be paid into the treasury. "

He Lingchuan finished the last few mouthfuls of porridge and gave a thumbs up: "Jue. Are the Li family dumbfounded?"

"Yes, I think they are at a loss. My father is very considerate and lets them go home to discuss and come back within three days to surrender." He Yue said with a smile, "As for the three hundred private soldiers of the Li family who committed the crime, they acted according to orders, and Zhan No one in the family was beaten to death, and my father sentenced each of them to ten strokes of the imperial rod. Those who were particularly violent and took advantage of the opportunity to rob were sentenced to ten more strokes."

"By the way, if the Zhan family suffers further collateral losses, the government will pursue the case!"

"Every time ten people lay down on the ground of the government office to be tortured, 300 people would take turns in thirty batches, and the beatings were not completed until dark. The people nearby were stunned and said that they had never seen 300 people being beaten in such a spectacular way. scene.”

"Are you hitting the buttocks of the private army?" He Lingchuan raised his hand, "It's clearly the face of the Li family!"

He Chunhua wanted to establish his authority as soon as he arrived, which would inevitably bring disgrace to the Li family.

"There will be no peace in his family in the next three days. Li Zhi and Li Rong will be arguing over the number of people who can be released on bail pending trial. They have no time to hinder us for the time being. When it is decided who will keep the Li family and who will be detained, who can stay? They must seize the opportunity to consolidate their territory and have no intention of going against us.”

Li Zhao died suddenly without leaving any last words. His sons were already vying for the position of head of the family. Three days later, his rival went to the government office to work in prison. Didn’t the entire Li family belong to him?

In this case, how can external conflicts compare to internal struggles?

"Then what's the performance of the Zhan family?"

"I'm quite satisfied, and I'm very grateful to my father. They rushed back to clean up the damage." He Yue restrained his smile, "The other two of the four major families, namely the Shu family and the Xie family, have sent people to the government office. Express their stance. I think they will discuss it behind closed doors tonight.”

When the new general manager of Xiazhou arrived in Dunyu for the first time, the Li family's case was brought to public trial even before the p-shareholders became popular.

On the surface, he was seeking justice for the Zhan family, but in fact he slapped the Li family twice. More importantly, he showed off his carriage and attitude:

I'm here!

You all open it for me!

From now on, we must know who is the boss.

"We have all seen Dad's methods." He Lingchuan disagreed, "Isn't it a barbaric place like Qiansong County where people's lives are like grass and grass that Dad has taken care of in an orderly manner?"

"There is no old and famous family like Dunyu with big trees and deep roots." He Yue always expected enemies to be lenient. "Dunyu and even half of Xiazhou have their money, food, and people in their hands. It's not easy for us to pry them over." ?”

"The Li family was stunned by their father's methods. When they come to their senses, they will still fight and join forces with other families to fight against each other. After all, this is what they have always done. We still have a tough battle to fight in the future. It’s not necessarily a clear sword or a clear gun.”

"In addition to Li Shangshu, there are seven people from the four major families who are serving as officials in the court. They wrote letters here in their hometown and complained in the capital. I am afraid that the superiors will punish my father harshly."

He Lingchuan thought something wrong: "Didn't dad say that before he left the capital, he went to the palace to have a deep talk with the king, and the king ordered him to go ahead and do whatever he wanted in Xiazhou, and there was no need to worry about anything else?"

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