After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 225 A bad debt

Yue looked around to make sure there were no other creatures in the room, and then sighed:

"That's all. Everyone knows that the king has a soft ear. He believes in our father when he is impassioned, and he sympathizes with others when others burst into tears. Have you forgotten how the new coup law failed?"

He Lingchuan shrugged.

He didn't forget it because he had no memory at all!

It's no wonder that he was originally too careless about state affairs.

"Many people were disappointed by that failure, including Da Sima." He Yue sighed again.

He Lingchuan pointed his finger in front of his lips and said softly "Shh".

This younger brother is smart, but too ideal. He changed the topic: "Hey, you said that old man Li would die sooner or later, but he died before we arrived at Dunyu. Is there something fishy here? It's like - God help me?"

"After all, he is seventy years old, so he is in his twilight years." Even though the candle looked quite strong at first, "Even if he was killed by evil methods, there is no way to arrest him without any evidence."

"This old man has done many wicked things, and I'm afraid there are many people who will curse him. One day the amulet fails, he will be gone." He Yue didn't really care how Li Zhao died, but he cared about the impact of his death. , "Li Zhao is dead, the Li family is divided, and the four major families are divided, which is only good for us."

He Lingchuan suddenly asked him: "Will they doubt us? After all, the current situation is most beneficial to us."

"What do you doubt about us?" He Yue was stunned for a moment before he understood the meaning of the words, and smiled, "How is that possible! We have no grudges against the four families, and our father is an official of the royal court, and even Li Zhao's face I’ve never seen him before, so how could I harm him secretly?”

The louder he spoke, the more he argued, and He Lingchuan shushed him several times but failed to interrupt him.

"what happened?"

The courtyard door suddenly opened with a creak, and He Chunhua walked in: "Why are Yue'er so excited?"

He Yue stood up to greet him: "Father, my brother and I discussed how the Li family would interpret Li Zhao's death."

"Those who are clean will be clean themselves." He Chunhua's eyes swept over the two brothers and became very kind, "There is no need to pay attention to the gossip outside."

"How is your injury?" He also saw the bandage on He Lingchuan's arm. "Your medicine ape said that you let out at least two kilograms of blood with the knife."

He also noticed the stove placed in the corner of the room and walked over to observe the mountain of knives: "Is it enough to insert the knife like this?"

"Master Li said that it will grow back on its own in a few days, just like a living thing."

"Okay, I'll send more manpower to you. Don't let Xiaoxiao disturb the knife-growing process." He Chunhua said with a smile, "I have already discussed it with Marquis Songyang. Since Master Li is here, we might as well stay in Xiazhou for a while longer. . He helped Songyang Mansion open a new branch in Dunyu, and I gave them a good start. The first batch of orders were placed in this branch. "

"Order?" He Yue grasped the key point immediately, "Do we have to pay for it?"

"Of course... it's a public account." He Chunhua coughed lightly, "Since we first arrived in Xiazhou, Songyang Mansion agreed to open the account for us, and we can settle it in batches within one year without interest."

The He brothers looked at each other and offered help in times of need. This was quite a favor. Songyang Hou really has investment vision.

"Songyang Mansion is a Taoist sect, and the manpower in Dunyu is not sufficient. We usually do not make ordinary soldiers. I ordered a batch of weapons from Songyang Mansion for the use of the generals. Zeng Feixiong has wanted a iron spear for a long time. "

The weapons used by generals are different from those of soldiers, at least at the level of magical weapons. For example, Zhong Shengguang, Dong Haoming, Nian Zanli and even Sun Fuping all use treasures that are enough to leave their names in history. Even the Soaring Dragon Spear that Wu Shaoyi gave to He Lingchuan was once the pistol used by the famous general Liao Mozhao of the Xuan Kingdom. Even the strength of the Crocodile God could not break it.

Ordinary soldiers cannot do this.

Zeng Feixiong was only promoted last year, and his sword broke when he fought against Lu Yao. He has been trying to find another weapon, and this time it would be best to have a high-quality magical weapon.

He Yue's eyes lit up: "Father, cast one for me too!" As the son of Zhou Mu, he still has this privilege.

In the Northland, the position of general manager is equivalent to the state shepherd, the head of a state.

He Chunhua laughed and said, "Yue'er is a gentleman, and a sword is a gentleman's weapon. I will ask the master craftsman to forge a sword for you." He looked at He Lingchuan again, "Lingchuan, what about you? I seem to have swords, guns and bows. Already?"

The ghost-eyed bow of the rebel leader Hong Xiangqian was also with his son.

He Lingchuan opened his mouth, but then changed his words: "Oh, I haven't thought about it yet. I'll discuss it with Master Li."

He Chunhua nodded.

He Lingchuan saw the loving look on his face and felt a subtle feeling in his heart. Speaking of Old Man Li's death, did he think too badly of his father? After all, there is no evidence and any speculation is just based on speculation.

He Yue said worriedly: "My father acted vigorously and resolutely today. Although he has shown his methods, I am afraid that the four major families will not give in easily."

He Lingchuan chuckled: "Then when they clear a path, we will accompany them."

He Chunhua nodded: "Don't forget the plan we made in Ru County... If we only focus on Dunyu, it may not be too petty to fight with these wealthy gentry families. We came to Xiazhou to settle the accounts with Nian Zanli. At that time, he The envoy Nian Songyu deceived our father and son into entering the Panlong Desert to work for his family's rebels, causing us to almost commit treason. This matter will eventually be resolved on the battlefield. "

The northern frontline is the top priority of Xiazhou General Manager.

"Yue'er, you come to the state capital tomorrow. I want you to help calculate the account books and count the population so that I can recruit soldiers and buy food later." This is the second son's specialty, and He Chunhua will certainly not waste it. "Chuan'er, that grandson of yours Hongye also has some talents, let me lend them to you for the time being.”

Although he recruited nineteen people in Shihuan and conducted many inspections along the way, he still felt that he was stretched thin when he arrived in Xiazhou.

Alas, in a small place like Qiansong County, there were too few people to manage the government, and he couldn't even bring out a few.

"Take it and take it." He Lingchuan said happily, "By the way, let him settle the accounts, so I don't have to go, right?"

He Chunhua smiled half-heartedly: "Do you understand?"

He Lingchuan coughed.

He Yue said: "Dunyu has so many ridiculous things, and the local government can be called corrupt."

"Otherwise, why would I ask for your help?" He Chunhua said calmly, "Just after today's court hearing, I went to check the treasury documents over the years, and they still wanted to fool me with bad debts."

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "The next step is to sort out these things." Then he said to his eldest son, "By the way, starting from this month, your monthly payment will be reduced to one hundred and fifty taels. Okay, okay. Be patient, shut up and listen to me!"

He Lingchuan was about to open his mouth to protest, but he stared at him and stopped him.

"We have just arrived in Xiazhou, and our expenses are higher than before, and our accounts are smaller than before. There are a lot of things to take care of when we bring this little money from Blackwater City. I took the time in the afternoon to take a rough look at the treasury of the state capital. They are all in rags, and there is not much left. Money is on the line." He Chunhua patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "So, in addition to increasing revenue, we must also find ways to reduce expenditures. Monkey and Yanlang's expenses are all on Madam's account. You have to spend the one hundred and fifty taels carefully. . Once you get through the current difficulties, it will gradually improve for you later.”

His father was so doting on his brother that he even apologized for giving him a hundred and fifty taels of silver. He Yue was envious of him. His monthly allowance is only fifty taels, although he can never spend it all.

He Chunhua was busy with all kinds of things, so after he finished speaking, he got up and left in a hurry.

On Dunyu's first night, he must burn the midnight oil to fight.

He Yue saw that his brother's face was still very pale, so he wisely said goodbye and left.

He Lingchuan poured himself a large cup of tea and thought as he sipped it slowly. Fortunately, he still had a hundred thousand taels of silver notes hidden in his pocket.

This was the money he hid secretly after selling Sun Fuping's purple golden pestle to Songyang Mansion.

However, his practice of Ziwu Jue is about to enter the next stage, and the Yin Yang Powder he takes needs to be upgraded, and more expensive drugs must be added to have better effectiveness.

One hundred and fifty taels per month is not even enough to buy half a pair of medicinal materials.

Dad is right, to reduce expenditures we must increase revenue. Now that he has arrived in Xiazhou, he has to find a way to make money to avoid sitting in vain.


Today's weather is cloudless in Panlong City, and He Lingchuan has just returned from patrolling the wasteland.

Recently, Liu Tong's team was rotated to watch in the wasteland. There is not as much water here as on the Chipa Plateau. It has a typical tundra climate. Standing on a high hill, you can watch for dozens of miles.

The number of monsters born in the wasteland is not as high as that on the Chipa Plateau, and there are even fewer who do evil. For most teams, they are just idle work. However, Liu Tong was very experienced. When he saw that it had snowed a few days ago, he took his teammates to the Yanshan Mountains, thirty miles west of Panlong City.

As its name suggests, the mountain emits smoke, which is sometimes pungent. When He Lingchuan walked to the end of the field, he discovered that it was a volcano, and it was very active, because large clouds of steam often emerged from the cracks in the mountain for no reason, and could burn people's arms if they were not careful.

It has not erupted for a long time. Due to geothermal heat, the mountains are covered with snow, but the foot of the mountains is actually a bit green.

The foot of the pine and spruce trees is uneven, and when the snow melts, it forms ice pits or puddles, which nourish moss and lichen.

Liu Tong led everyone into a cave.

The cave is located at the foot of the mountain and is very long. The air is filled with the smell of moisture. Walking in the cave feels soft on your feet because the moss is almost woven into a blanket.

It's still warm here, and the cold outside can't invade.

However, He Lingchuan did not expect that there was someone guarding the outside of the cave. Liu Tong revealed his identity, and the other party let him go. He also said: "Each person is only allowed to take five."

"There are only six people left on my team."

The guard was silent for a moment, and then said: "Everyone takes one more."

What kind of treasures can be found in the cave? Liu Tong quickly revealed the answer:

It's actually a snail.

He found a snail without much effort and showed it to everyone: "This kind of candy snail has a bright shell, and there are almost no two of the same color in the world. It is one of the specialties of this wasteland. Strictly speaking, it is a plate The specialties of Dragon City cannot be found anywhere else.”

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