After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 227 Immortal’s suicide note

"Where are our casualties?"

"Fortunately, it's not much. After all, we took the lead this time." Queying did not say the specific number, but continued, "Zhu Erniang will negotiate with General Hong later."

"What did they say? Is it convenient to reveal it?"

Sparrowhawk didn't hesitate at all: "It's convenient, because I don't know either."


"We were all staying on the mountainside, including the other burrowing spiders. Only General Red and Erniang Zhu were talking at the top of the mountain." Sparrowhawk continued to eat, "We saw Erniang Zhu baring her teeth and claws, and seemed very angry, but General Red was calm throughout the whole process, and finally talked to It came back after negotiating terms. As far as I know, the burrowing spider will still abide by the original agreement and will no longer attack passing humans. Among them, there is a new one. The burrowing spider will help Panlong City defend the southern part of Panlong Wasteland. , that is, Zhu Erniang will send spider demons to patrol the main road in the south regularly, and report any abnormality. "

It's perfect for a local snake to do this kind of thing.

In the past, the agreement between Panlong City and the Cave Spiders was relatively loose and respectful, but this time Zhu Erniang attacked the Panlong City army, and General Red was not polite to them at all.

"Including General Nanke's defeat, we also lost a lot of manpower in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest. In fact, according to General Red's original plan, it seems that the Ghost Needle Stone Forest was to be burned down."

He Lingchuan went down to Zhu Erniang's lair and knew very well that there was a large pasture underneath. Now that foreign troubles have been temporarily eliminated, it is not easy for Panlong City to deal with the burrowing spiders, but it is not impossible.

Zhu Er's family has a great cause and has many descendants. It is difficult to find a second suitable habitat in the empty Panlong Wasteland. Probably because of this, it finally compromised?

"However, Panlong City also needs to transport 500 camels, 2,000 goats, 100 roosters, and 700 hens to the burrowing spiders before the onset of winter as their reserves for the winter. In exchange, the underground The burrowing spider will produce more demonic spider silk every month in exchange for Panlong City, which is a good thing for refining magic weapons, and also provides fluorescent spores, fungi, aphid dew, etc. In the past, the burrowing spider would produce more silk. I won’t give them to you, but from now on, these can only be sold to Panlong City, and can no longer be sold to other merchants.”

"You still want hens?" He Lingchuan was surprised. "What do you want hens for? Laying eggs?"

Thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem outrageous. Those burrowing spiders can grow moss and raise aphids like ants, and start a large pasture. Is it any wonder that they can also raise some hens to lay eggs?

The burrowing spiders indeed suffered heavy losses in the battle between the Baling people and the Panlong army, and both their nests and pastures were set on fire. If there is no other food, they are likely to feed on passing humans.

From now on, Panlongcheng will become the exclusive agent for burrowing spider specialties. Zhu Erniang is so angry, maybe the Red General has lowered the price too hard?

However, it is the losing side and the price it has to pay must be high.

"How do I know? I'm leaving." Sparrowhawk swallowed the last bite of meat and flapped its wings, "By the way, General Red and General Nanke both appreciate your bravery. I also heard that General Nanke intends to recruit Are you interested in joining the Guard?"

He Lingchuan sighed: "In other words, although General Red admires me, he has no intention of recruiting me into the Gale Army?"

He originally hoped that after making great achievements, his superiors would open a special expedited promotion channel.

"Being able to escape from the cave alive requires both agility and luck; but you are too young and still need experience." Sparrowhawk tilted his head, "These are the exact words of General Red."

He Lingchuan subconsciously straightened his back. The red general actually commented on him?

At this moment, there was a creaking sound of the door opening from the other courtyard.

Sun Fuling is back?

He Lingchuan asked in a loud voice: "Is it Miss Sun?"


With just one word, He Lingchuan knew it was her.

He Lingchuan's job is to patrol the country and he travels all day long. Logically speaking, he is the one who is often homeless. But he felt that this Miss Sun was the elusive one.

After their first meeting, he fell asleep three or four times again, and the courtyard next door was empty.

So he hesitated and decided to seize this opportunity: "Did you get the stolen guilt order back?"

"Bring it back." Sun Fuling's voice came through the wall, "The government sent it to me yesterday, and Liu Tailai from the west of the city was also taken for interrogation."

"That's good, that's good." He Lingchuan coughed lightly, "I have something to ask Miss Sun."

Sun Fuling did not answer.

He Lingchuan thought she was impatient and touched his face. Isn't it white enough? The eldest girls and young wives in Dunyu City have been ogling him a lot these past two days.

However, there was a crunching sound coming from the opposite side. It was unclear whether it was wood or bamboo, and then Sun Fuling's figure actually appeared on the wall.

Upper body.

"What's the matter?" She looked down at He Lingchuan, still covering her face.

It turns out she got a ladder to climb the wall.

"You got a new bird?" She also saw the sparrowhawk in the yard.

"No, it serves in the Gale Army."

The sparrowhawk ate the magpie as a snack, then flew to the wall, took two steps in front of Sun Fuling, and turned its head to look at her.

Sun Fuling didn't care that there was still some minced meat residue in the corner of its mouth, and reached out to touch its head.

He Lingchuan was a step too late to speak out, fearing that the sparrowhawk would stretch out its beak and peck a hole in her hand.

Fortunately not.

She kneaded it twice, and Sparrowhawk still closed his eyes, looking like he was enjoying it.

"This monster doesn't seem to be very ferocious." Sun Fuling scratched its neck, "What do you want to ask me?"

"Oh, there's something I want you to take a look at." He Lingchuan took out a piece of paper from his arms, raised it above his head, and spread it out for Sun Fuling to see.

He is tall and can reach the top of the wall with his hand. This shows that the wall is designed to guard against gentlemen and not against villains.

"Do you recognize this kind of writing?"

He once obtained a rubbing from the Immortal Cave, which was also one of the only relics left by the unknown "immortal". The other thing is of course the cave core that was eaten by the divine bone.

"This word is so ugly."

He Lingchuan said. Rubbings are real objects, so of course they cannot be brought into dreams. He spent some time memorizing the glyphs in the rubbings one by one, and copied them after falling asleep.

Since his soul has become more solidified during his practice, memorizing an unknown ancient text is much easier than before.

"But I recognize it." Sun Fuling's answer made him overjoyed, "Well, let me see -"

"Which subject do you teach at Shuxin Academy?"

"Arithmetic, national history." Sun Fuling's eyes followed the lines of words, "Where did you get this?"

"A cave in the wild." He Lingchuan did not say the specific location, but restored the interior of the Immortal Cave to her.

"I heard that this is an immortal cave, so the remains inside are really immortals?"

"Not necessarily, but it has some connection with the ancient immortals, just like there are more than just mice appearing in the mouse hole." Sun Fuling explained, "This kind of writing was popular two or three thousand years ago, and it is also called the immortal language. The current text is actually derived from it. evolved."

"What did immortals teach humans?"

"According to legend, immortals teach humans more than just this." Sun Fuling stared intently, "Well, the master of this cave is called Dongli Zhenren, and he is the 227th generation true disciple of the Great Huanzong. He studied under Mu Lingshang. Respecting the same lineage, he died at the age of seven hundred and sixty-seven years."

"This Master Caiju, or not, Master Dongli, has lived for more than seven hundred years?" He Lingchuan was envious. He was satisfied with living for only two fractions.

"He wrote it himself, who knows if it was exaggerated." Sun Fuling was rational and objective.

"Here again, he also adheres to the instructions of the Supreme Being. He was the forefather of mortals, enlightening the ignorant and making them not forget their origins. Unfortunately, the trend is irreversible. Humans and immortals have different paths, and they go farther and farther." Sun Fuling narrowed her eyes slightly, as if Carefully identify it, "Well, here's the key point. As his aura becomes weaker and weaker every day, it will be difficult for him to live forever. His face will become white and wrinkled, his skin will gradually loosen, and he will be in pain and helpless. Therefore, he fell into the devil's path and converted to believe in gods and demons to seek the magic power of immortality. Because of this, he made many mistakes, which he did not regret until his death."

"Convert to gods and demons?" He Lingchuan thought of Sun Fuping and Nian Songyu, and then thought of Hong Xiangqian. These people all believed in gods and demons, and Nian Songyu even used her body to welcome the gods.

But none of them ended well.

Is this the exception or the rule?

He couldn't help but think of General Red again. Everyone knows that Zhong Shengguang worshiped the gods, and Panlong City worshiped the gods.

The final fate of this city and these people is also...

Sun Fuling's words brought his attention back: "It was then that he understood the inner teachings left by the master and revised the "Collection of Passing Waters". This was originally a divination book handed down by the Master Mu Ling, but under the influence of Reiki There were deviations in the disappearing descendants, and the calculations were repeated. Dongli made some adjustments and changed his name, and it was engraved in the golden book for future generations. "

He Lingchuan perked up when he heard the word "divination book", but then he remembered that he had searched through the Immortal Cave and couldn't find the third useful thing, let alone the golden book.

Sun Fuling was also asking him: "Have you seen "The Collection of Passing Water"?"

He Lingchuan shook his head: "It was taken away by an old turtle monster. No wonder it knows this very well and is not like an ordinary mountain spirit wild monster at all." It turned out that the old turtle had obtained the treasure left by the ancient immortal.

"Zhenren Dongli said that time is like passing water and will never return. Today, with the decline of aura, prophets and early enlighteners are like fish in the water. They try their best to occasionally jump up and see the scene ahead, but it is only a quick glance. It is difficult to see the scene ahead. See the whole picture.”

"...That's it." He Lingchuan was disappointed.

If even Dongli Zhenren, who revised "The Collection of Passing Waters", believes this, his hope of changing his future destiny seems to be even slimmer.

Sun Fuling sighed slightly: "Sure enough, this is how the immortal disappeared in the end. Master Dongli's death was too ordinary."


"Whether you call him Zuo Hua, I think he is more like Lao Si - like a mortal."

"..." Daqing Immortal died of old age in the end? "This ending is so boring."

"No matter how strong a fish is, it will die if it stays out of water for a long time." Sun Fuling said, "He asked whoever saw this suicide note to send his token to the old site of the Reunification of Shouan Mountain and put it in the Guihua Tower . Even though Da Huanzong is no longer here, he still hopes that the fallen leaves will return to their roots."

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