After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 228 On-site teaching

"Well, the token he mentioned is a turtle shell talisman. Do you have it in your hand?"

"Yes." There was a small piece of turtle talisman in the ring he took off from Master Dongli's hand.

"As a thank you gift, you can take the things in the Naturalization Tower by yourself."

Isn't this ridiculous? You can't ask for compensation when asking for help? "What's there?"

"Did not mention."

The Great Return Sect has been abandoned for many years, and Master Dongli probably isn't sure how much is left in it. However, Sun Fuling added: "Master Dongli learned divination from Master Mu Ling. This is the specialty of Dahuanzong."

He Lingchuan's heart moved, remembering the prophecy of the turtle demon: "Didn't it mean that after natural disasters, divination always fails?"

"Da Huanzong is good at this method. Master Dongli can't be the only successor." Sun Fuling said with a smile, "This Immortal Sect once had many talents. Master Dongli can correct divination, but others can't?"

He Lingchuan was awakened by a word.

The Turtle Demon’s divination comes from the lineage of the Great Return Sect. If you want to break this prophecy, with the lack of information and means today, wouldn’t it be best to go to the Great Return Sect and look for clues?

Moreover, Master Dongli also said that as long as he brings his relics back to the clan, he will be rewarded.

As time goes by, I hope the "reward" is still there.

"Where is Shoan Mountain? I don't think I've heard of it."

"Then have you heard of the Six Sects of Kaiyuan?"

He Lingchuan shook his head honestly.

"The Great Return Sect is one of the six sects of Kaiyuan, and it sits on Shoan Mountain, which is today's Xu Mountain!"

"Xu Mountain?" This place seemed familiar, "Eh? Could it be within the territory of the Northern Demon Kingdom?"

Yes, it was mentioned in the script he heard in Blackwater City. Then he will have to find a way to visit the Demon Kingdom later?

"No more, that's it for the final chapter."

He Lingchuan took back the rubbings he copied: "Thank you very much, otherwise I don't know where to find someone to interpret it."

"The existing magical powers were first improved by the immortals and then passed down." Sun Fuling said softly, "Nowadays, the remains of immortals are occasionally discovered, and sometimes new magical powers, mental techniques, and large sections of formulas appear, so mastering the immortals Language is necessary. If you want to learn it, I can teach you.”

He Lingchuan was overjoyed: "Miaoji, this will cause trouble for Miss Sun!"

"Teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish. Once you learn it, you won't bother me anymore. You can go to the history museum to check the books yourself." Sun Fuling lay on the wall and looked at him, "When do you plan to start?"

"Now?" He Lingchuan thought for a while and decided that it would be better to hit the sun. "If you have nothing else to do."

Sun Fuling shrank back again, and He Lingchuan suddenly realized that the two of them had been chatting for so long across the wall.

He heard her climbing the wooden steps back to the ground. The sparrowhawk did not fly away, but stood on the wall tiles and pecked its feathers.

He Lingchuan asked it: "You don't have to go on a mission?" Didn't you go somewhere else?

Sparrowhawk burped, "I just finished a high-intensity mission and want to take a nap."

It killed three fat magpies today. It was too full and needed to take a rest.

He Lingchuan just discovered today that Sparrowhawk can actually roll his eyes.

Flapping your wings and following General Red for a walk in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest is also called a high-intensity mission?

A few breaths later, the sound of opening the door and knocking on the door rang one after another.

He Lingchuan invited Sun Fuling in and said politely as usual: "Drink water? I also have some tea from Siro, given by other patrollers."

The tea from the West Luo Kingdom is of the highest quality here, and only big restaurants use it to entertain guests.

Sun Fuling had already taken off her face towel and said cheerfully: "Okay."

As soon as He Lingchuan opened the door, she saw the half-full courtyard and a mountain-like pile of gifts: "People like you very much."

He Lingchuan scratched his head: "Sorry."

Sun Fuling's elder brother Sun Jiayuan also died in the Battle of Guizhen Stone Forest and was honored as a hero. However, Sun Fuling's door was deserted and no one gave gifts.

"Sorry for what?" Sun Fuling looked at him strangely.


"Oh, you mean my brother?" Sun Fuling reacted and shrugged, "His address is not here, and people don't give gifts here. I went to his house twice and packed up all the gifts and donated them. ”

"Donate?" He Lingchuan thought. "There are too many things in my courtyard to be used up. It would be even worse to sell them. Is there a place where I can donate them?"

"Of course, in a place like Panlong City, how many widows and widowers will there be? The families of the fallen soldiers also need special care." Sun Fuling picked up a string of wind chimes made of ground shells and shook them gently, making a tinkling sound. It sounds nice, "If you are willing, I will donate it for you."

"Excellent." He Lingchuan was overjoyed, "Then I'll trouble Miss Sun and pass on everyone's thoughts."

Sun Fuling nodded.

He Lingchuan made the tea and served it, and neither of them spoke.

Phew, a gust of cold wind blew by, rolling up the leaves on the ground.

Uh, he brought Sun Fuling here for...?

He Lingchuan rubbed his hands and broke the strange embarrassment: "What should we do now?"

Sun Fuling put the thick book in her hand on the bench with a bang: "This is a comparative model of ancient and modern writing. You can memorize it."


So thick, as generous as his palm!

After finally saying goodbye to the age of memorizing books every day, he actually still has to practice old lessons and study hard in his dreams?

Nightmares and nightmares reappear?

"Your expression is exactly the same as that of my student." Sun Fuling couldn't help but smile, her almond-shaped eyes turned into crescent moons, "Don't worry, it's not difficult. This article is based on the old characters, there are traces to follow, and I will teach you. If you are more serious, you can master it in two to three months at most.”

Just like regular script and seal script?

"Sit down and take out the rubbings. Starting from it, we will mark and compare."

He Lingchuan led her into the kitchen.

The room is too small, the courtyard is too cold, and only the kitchen has a small table.

He quickly added charcoal to the brazier, and then took out the rubbings honestly.

Before closing the door, the sparrowhawk also took the opportunity to fly in, fluttering its wings to shake off the cold air, and stood by the brazier to keep warm.

Who wants to stand outside and get cold when there is a brazier for roasting?

"Don't touch my things!" He Lingchuan warned it. Hidden in the basket on the stove were two packages of roasted chicken, each weighing four kilograms. They were the side dishes he bought along the way.

Ah. The sparrowhawk ignored it and started preening its feathers again.

Sun Fuling breathed into her hand: "Paper, ink and pen?"

"Uh..." No. He was either practicing martial arts or taking a shower in this room, so how could he have a chance to use a pen?

Sun Fuling didn't know where to conjure these three things. Just when she was about to sharpen her ink, He Lingchuan was very discerning and said: "I'll do it."

He poured some water on the inkstone and gently pushed the ink.

In that room, Sun Fuling had just spread out the rubbings when she heard him ask: "When I entered the city, I saw the former Weicheng County Sheriff leading the people out of the south gate to return home. The number of people was at least more than 30,000."

"I know, I've encountered it too. This is a big deal in Panlong City today, and everyone is talking about it in the streets." Sun Fuling dipped her pen in ink and began to compare and mark, "This is just the first batch, there should be more to come. Weicheng residents are moving back to their hometowns one after another.”

"I asked an old acquaintance of Wei City why he wanted to go back. He only said that he was not used to this place."

"A land and water support a person. Immortal Dongli also asked you to return his relics to the Great Return Sect. This is how people are, they are attached to their homeland and hope that fallen leaves will return to their roots." Sun Fuling changed the subject, "How can you live in Panlong City? Habit?"

"Get used to it." He Lingchuan said without hesitation, "My life is refreshing and easy."

In his dreams, he could be himself, either practicing martial arts or fighting. He could also chat and brag with his friends. This is far easier than reality, not to mention having to deal with He Chunhua and others.

"That's because you chose the fastest way to promotion, which is to go into battle and accumulate military merit." Sun Fuling said softly, "In Panlong City, if you have military merit, you have almost everything; on the other hand, if you can't earn military merit or earn military merit, you will have everything." People who are too slow will not be happy with their lives.”

He Lingchuan thought of Liu Sanjiu and his wife, and the bitter smiles on their faces.

None of them are good at fighting. They are standard civilians who can only exchange their hard but stable labor for living supplies. Want to save more in exchange for military merit?

More than just the word "difficult"?

However, Panlong City is not a place where you can argue that "everyone has his own ambitions". If you can't provide it with what it needs most, then I'm sorry, just wait in line.

Living in this cruel land, the city's rules of survival are equally cruel.

"I heard that there were even residents of Panlong City who wanted to fish in troubled waters and left the city with them. As a result, they were turned back when they registered at the government office."

"It's a bit silly." He Lingchuan shook his head, "No matter where the poor people are, life is difficult. Panlong City at least has safety guarantees."

"They will know when they get out." Sun Fuling continued, "It seems that the county governor of Weicheng is also named Sun?"

"Yes, Lieutenant Xiao went to meet them, but Commander Sun fled with thirty or forty boxes of family property. He also blocked the ramp so that the refugees behind could not get through."

Sun Fuling marked without raising her head, but she seemed to smile again: "Although this Commander Sun is rich, according to the Panlong Law, he can only buy a gold house at most in the city, and he will have to use it for third-class luxury houses. Military merit is beyond his reach. If I remember correctly, the army he brought would have been dispersed long ago. "

There are four levels of luxury houses in Panlong City. The lowest level is the Golden House, which is also the only luxury house that rich people can buy with money. Many big businessmen have already bought gold houses. Sheriff Sun lives in the same block as them. Looking at them, they are all nouveau riche and profiteers. He probably feels uncomfortable.

What's more, Panlong City does not allow private ownership of armed forces such as armies and private soldiers, so Commander Sun can only leave a few nursing homes at most. The worst part is that he can't even use a slave here!

Yes, the qualification to serve servants must be exchanged for military merit! For these rich people, living in Panlong City is too inconvenient.

Of course, there is another way. Contributing more to Panlong City can be exchanged for military merit. Of course, the connotation of this "contribution" is very broad, and Governor Sun's pocket is worrying.

He Lingchuan nodded: "I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail."

Instead of staying in Panlong City and being a lowly person, Commander Sun might as well return to Wei City and continue to dominate.

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