After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 229 The sky... is unpredictable

"I think Commander Zhong is also happy to see them go back." Sun Fuling was marking the last few words, "Now that Wei City has been taken back, it must be guarded by people, and the land must be cultivated. In three months, the snow will begin to melt in spring, Wei City There are good fields outside the city, and it would be a pity if they were left uncultivated.”

In Panlong Wasteland, food has always been a big problem.

"Will the Baling people take Wei City back again?" In fact, He Lingchuan already knew the answer:


"Yes." Sun Fuling said calmly, "As long as I am determined to destroy the Baling Kingdom, I will definitely attack Wei City again."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh and listened to Sun Fuling leisurely say:

"This is the way the world is. You have to choose between dying or living."

She carefully dried the ink: "Okay, I'm done marking it. Let's have the first lesson."

The sparrowhawk beside the brazier immediately buried its head into the feathers on its back.

Go to bed quickly.

The sunlight hitting the window lattice became increasingly slanted and hazy.

Sun Fuling explained very seriously, but He Lingchuan was a little distracted. The two of them were sitting very close. From this angle, she could see her delicate chin line and perfect lips. Although her complexion was pale, her nose bridge was very straight, and her almond-shaped eyes were particularly smart and lively. How do you say that there are two pills of black mercury in the white mercury?

Other beauties have eyes full of water, as passionate as water; but Sun Fuling's eyes are full of light, like twinkling stars in the night, which is breathtaking.

How could such a look appear on a girl without any experience?

Although he knew that this was Sun Jiayuan's sister, He Lingchuan's doubts about her deepened.

"Do you understand?" Sun Fuling saw that he was absent-minded, so she stretched out her pen and waved it in front of his eyes twice.

"Ming, I understand." He Lingchuan suppressed the urge to yawn.

This lecture lasts for two hours!

How did she manage to talk for two hours without drinking any water?

It is indeed professional.

The sparrowhawk next to him was already snoring, and he was extremely envious.

One moment he could listen attentively to the lecture, but the next moment the words crawled up from the page and twisted into tadpoles in his mind.

Sun Fuling also saw his guilty conscience and stood up and said, "That's it for today. You won't be able to remember it if I talk too much."

"Yes, yes, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Sun!" He Lingchuan quickly got up and quietly stretched his stiff lower back.

"I'm back, you should rest early." Sun Fuling nodded to him and walked out.

If someone is kind enough to help, should he also be kind? He Lingchuan glanced at the paper bag of roasted chicken fat on the stove and suddenly remembered his new acquisition.

"Please wait a moment!" He went to the flower pot and took out a candy snail.

After leaving the warm and humid cave in the Yanshan Mountains, it turned into a frozen product in the cold air. He Lingchuan used a toothpick to pull out the snail meat, washed the shell clean, and then handed it to Sun Fuling.

"If you don't have much, just use this to help Fu Shuxiu."

"Sugar shell?" Sun Fuling took it and looked at it, her voice became brisk, "You really want to give it to me? This thing is very expensive, enough to pay for half a year's maintenance fee!"

She actually knows the goods.

The one given by He Lingchuan has a central spiral ring that is grass green, an outer ring that is pure black, and a large outer ring that is a bright gradient apple red. It is so beautiful that it looks natural.

Candy snails will grow colorful shells depending on the food they eat, and sometimes even the order of eating.

He Lingchuan spread his hands and said, "Swords are given to heroes, and pink powder is given to beauties."

Sun Fuling pulled back the broken hair at her temples, her eyes became brighter, and her voice became softer: "Thank you for your generous gift, I like it very much."

The two said goodbye, and Sun Fuling went back holding the candy shell.

He Lingchuan could not help but sigh at how attractive jewelry is to women. Even Sun Fuling, with her cold personality, couldn't take her eyes away when she saw the candy volute.

He looked at the remaining snails and sighed.

In reality, it would be great if he could also find the cave where this thing grows, then he would have an endless source of funds.

When he walked back to the kitchen, he found that a pack of roast chicken was missing from the stove, and the sparrow hawk beside the brazier was also missing.


The next morning, the people of Dunyucheng heard about two major events as soon as they woke up.

First, three more people died in the Zhan family during the night.

Technically, three and a half.

Two of them were seriously injured on the first day and survived until dawn but died of their injuries;

The last one and a half is the worst: Master Zhan’s pregnant wife is gone.

Fourth Master Zhan is already fifty years old, and his second wife, whom he married four years ago, is thirty-two years younger than him.

It is inevitable for an old man to love his young wife.

Yesterday, the Li family's private soldiers rushed into Zhan's house and knocked down his seven-month-pregnant wife. Her belly hit the rockery hard. The latter started to bleed under her skirt and fell unconscious on the spot.

The doctor called by the government went to save her immediately, but unfortunately he failed.

It took until midnight, one corpse and two lives.

It was still a baby boy, and Fourth Master Zhan almost went crazy.

Anyone who heard this news would say "ouch", shake their head and sigh.

However, these days, the probability of children dying in infancy is high, and there will always be one or two out of ten. What's more, the Zhan family, being one of the four richest families in Dunyu, has a bad reputation. When people talk about this, they always say, "If adults are wicked, their descendants will repay them" and then treat it as a topic of conversation after dinner.

The second big news is that the Xunzhou soldiers broke through Baiche Gang and tore a long hole in General Zhao Pan's defense line.

In the past, Yuan Gaozu attacked Xiazhou and received a lot of help. The wealthy and gentry families near Dunyu sent grain, grass, clothing and armor. There were often carriages and horses walking on the post, and there were often hundreds of carriages on it, hence the name.

But the current Yuan Kingdom army is obviously no longer as good as it used to be. It lacks clothing and food, and its military morale is disorganized. This pass has also been taken away by Xunzhou.

The fall of Baiche Gang was the mockery of Nian Zanli to Yuan Ting.

More importantly, the terrain to the south of Baiche Gang is flat and there is no danger to defend. Xunzhou's army can use this as a breakthrough point to march south.

When the news came, the entire Dunyu City was shocked.

The straight-line distance from Baichegang to Dunyu City is more than four hundred miles. The most amazing thing is that from there to Shangguan Road, the march speed can be faster.

For the first time, the dark clouds of war hovered so clearly over the entire Dunyu City, or perhaps in the hearts of every Dunyu person.

So much so that the people of Dunyu paid more attention to the war than the case tracking of the three and a half lives of the Zhan family.

During breakfast, Mrs. Ying told He Chunhua the news about the Zhan family, and the latter couldn't help but pat the table:


He wanted to say, "God helps me," but when he saw Mrs. Ying's stunned eyes, his words suddenly changed: "There are unforeseen circumstances in the sky." But the expression on his face became lighter.

Several people in the Zhan family died, which in itself would intensify conflicts, and his backup radical methods would no longer be used.

Not long after, the housekeeper Lao Mo also came to report on the war situation in the north.

He Chunhua took a long breath after hearing this. Someone gave him a pillow as soon as he fell asleep. He couldn't believe his good luck.

These two major events were a double blessing for him. What looks like danger to others, looks like a great opportunity to him.

The eldest son is truly a blessing.

Facing the rising sun in the east, He Chunhua couldn't help but feel complacent:

His new chapter is finally about to begin.

Sure enough, as soon as he had breakfast, Zhan Song, the head of the Zhan family, came to visit with several carts of heavy gifts. With red eyes, he added additional charges against the Li family and begged the manager to seek justice. Because the case of murder committed by private soldiers of the Li family cannot be officially started until the suspects come to the net two days later, so the Zhan family's current appeal is that the sentence must be severe and harsh by then!

He Chunhua's face was full of sadness and compassion, saying that he would never let the perpetrator go unpunished.

The main event is here. Zhan Song is also a veteran, he knows that he has something to ask for, and the one he wants to investigate is the Li family, the top tyrant of Dunyu. The difficulty level is directly maxed out, so he can't do it without some blood. So he took out a redemption ticket from his arms and put it on the table:

"Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, Mr. He has to face the difficulties. The Zhan family is grateful and is willing to donate this redemption ticket to the state capital. With this ticket, the government can collect the five thousand shi of grain from the Zhan family's store."

One stone is equal to one hundred and twenty kilograms, so five thousand stones of grain is equivalent to approximately 600,000 kilograms, which can alleviate the urgent needs of the front line.

He Chunhua smiled slightly: "The Zhan family is too polite."

He acted reserved, and the head of the Zhan family knew immediately that this was too little. Zhao Pan has more than 30,000 soldiers. Even if they don't fight, they can only stay put for ten days with five thousand stones.

"If God has eyes, my Zhan family can get justice, and I am willing to donate another five thousand stones."

He Chunhua stood up and said: "The sky net is vast and there is no leakage. The Zhan family will just wait for the good news."

This is a clear statement. Zhan Song breathed a sigh of relief and said goodbye.

In the past, he would never have believed that the government could investigate the Li family, but this manager He was newly appointed. He heard that he had made outstanding achievements in guarding the border and suppressing bandits in the west, so he rose to prominence by killing Sun Fuping and had nothing to do with high officials in the court. .

After walking out of the He Mansion, the head of the Zhan family looked up at the sky and sighed softly. He has never been so eager for the government to handle cases impartially.

Of course, his behavior was seen by the spies staying not far away, and he quickly reported it to the Li family.

As for the conversation between General Manager Xiazhou and the head of the Zhan family, He Chunhua didn't even need to spread it deliberately. It reached the ears of the Li family brothers in about two hours.

Li Rong sneered again and again: "Ten thousand dan, the Zhan family just gave out 10,000 dan of food, and they want to kill us?"

Having said that, his face was as white as paper. He had barely slept in the past two days. The Li family was flat everywhere, but from last night to now, he stumbled at least three times and almost fell.

At this time, a servant came to report: "The Sixth Young Master is back."

Li Rong jumped up immediately: "Quick, find him and come in!"

The beginning of spring has passed long ago, and the lake outside Dunyu City is still two feet frozen.

He Lingchuan showed off the style of a son of an official family. Instead of walking a bird in a cage, he held a monkey and walked a wolf. He was dressed in a royal robe and was followed by four or five bodyguards including Mao Tao. He first went to the best restaurant in Dunyu for a meal, and then went to Xiangyun. Yuan listens to music.

Everywhere you go, there is pomp and circumstance.

In terms of prices, Dunyu is much more expensive than Blackwater City.

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