After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 231 Danger is opportunity

Before entering the house, He Lingchuan heard a clanking sound.

Now He's house is full of people, busy unloading furniture, tearing down courtyard walls, and moving materials.

This is Mrs. Ying's renovation plan. Due to the limited budget, she has to do and check every link personally. He Yue originally suggested starting work again in late spring, that is, two months later. This would save a lot of money, but his mother's aesthetics decisively rejected it.

It's so ugly, I can't stand it even for a day!

The house is not as big as the old house in Blackwater City. It is built on the west side, so you can definitely hear it from the east side, and there is no peace at all. He Chunhua and He Yue were in the government office during the day, and He Lingchuan couldn't practice at home, so he had to go out to eat, drink and have fun. Even Yanlang Lu Xin, who has sensitive hearing, once suggested: "How about we go to the inn and get a room?"

Fortunately, he had spent the day wandering around and the sun was almost setting. He went back to the yard and took a shower before coming out, and the construction stopped.

Workers and employers alike have to go home to eat.

The He father and son also went home. They also took a bath and changed clothes, and the family reunited at the dinner table.

He Lingchuan glanced at the table and was surprised: "Hey, are you making a side stove today?"

"What side stove?" Mrs. Ying said with a smile, "This is called antique soup. The locals in Dunyu love to eat this."

There is a thin-skinned iron pot on the table, with two circles inside and outside. The soup is bubbling in Gulu. There are many raw foods on the table, meats are either pickled or cut, as well as a few pickles and vegetables.

Vegetables are hard to come by this season, even Chinese cabbage.

For He Lingchuan, isn't this just hot pot?

He sat down, rinsed the meat a few times, and dipped it in some seasoning. It's spicy and surprisingly delicious.

He Yue kept staring at him, and was obviously a little disappointed when he saw that he even rinsed several pieces of meat without stopping. "Brother, how does it taste?"

"It's very good." He Lingchuan ate the meat, his voice blurred, "If you don't eat it, it will be gone."

"Isn't it spicy?" The inner and outer circles of soup looked the same, but in fact a lot of peppers were added to the inner circle. He almost spit out the soup after just one taste.

Numb and spicy!

He Lingchuan had already seen the floating Sichuan peppercorns and chili peppers.

What's this? It's just a super...simplified version of the red pot. The difference is that it doesn't have that iconic layer of red oil.

In the past, when he had no money to spend at the end of the month, he could just grab a whole bottle of yellow lantern sauce and eat it directly.

He could hardly taste spicy food when he came to this world, and he was still not used to it in the first half year.

Yes, I’m not used to it even now.

After this familiar spicy taste, he almost screamed to the sky.

But he still had to be reserved on the surface: "It's not bad, don't you think the taste is quite enjoyable?"

"Yes." Although the tongue stung, it was surprisingly refreshing. Except for He Lingchuan, the other three people in the He family often wash the white soup from the outer circle and occasionally the spicy soup from the inner circle, otherwise they will not be able to bear it. "It's a pity that I don't dare to use it more."

He Lingchuan threw down his chopsticks and walked around outside. When he came back, he put a big bowl on the table:

"Here, if you think it's spicy, put it in your mouth."

When the three of them took a look, it turned out to be a big bowl of snow powder!

Mrs. Ying was a little worried: "Where did you dig it from?" If this boy dared to say that he dug it from the ground, she would beat him until she didn't even recognize him.

"On the trees in my yard." He Lingchuan was not stupid, "My yard hasn't started construction yet, so the dust can't get there. It's very clean."

The three of them felt relieved and took some spoonfuls of snow powder to eat. Sure enough, it instantly weakened the burning sensation in their mouths.

He Chunhua then asked: "Is there any movement in the Li family today?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan cooked the meat and told Li Shuang about the bribery.

"I've been to Dunyu's Xiangpu Ji." Mrs. Ying has the best say in this regard. "The things sold are not bad. The clerk said that there are many talents before and after the customs, such as Nianguan, Shangyuan, Shangsi, Hanyi, and usually maintain a balance of flow. ”

He Lingchuan angrily said: "You want to bribe people with this little money, who are you looking down on?"

"Li Shuang hopes that the government will delay the detention of his father for a few days." He Chunhua took a sip of glutinous rice wine and said, "Buy a little more time so that the Li family can report the news to the capital. When Li Shangshu puts pressure on him, maybe Li Rong won't have to Locked up."

"He has a wishful thinking, but he treats others as fools." He Yue said with a smile, "You can never accept this kind of money." Otherwise, the Li family would report to the minister together to expose the new Xiazhou general manager for accepting bribes.

He Lingchuan took a sip of snow powder and felt his mouth was full of refreshment: "Li Rong is already in the squad, do you want to get Li Zhi in too? It's easy to find fault with him, and you can also take away the 150,000 taels of silver as a security deposit." ”

As soon as he arrived in Dunyu, even his second generation ancestor felt the pain of lack of money.

"There's no rush." ​​Godly He Chunhua said, "Let him hang and worry day and night, so that the Li family can cooperate well. The frontline needs money and food, and we need people. It all falls on the four families. They are the leaders of the snakes." , If you don’t come forward and make concessions, other big and small families below will not sincerely contribute.”

Mrs. Ying also asked: "How is the front line? Didn't the Xunzhou army break through Baiche Gang and move south? Will they attack Dunyu?"

"It's not that fast for the time being. Dunyu is closer to the southern boundary of Xiazhou than to the north. The Xunzhou cavalry has to cross the Hundred Car Post to reach Dunyu, and they have to run fast for a day and a night. This is on the premise that there is no obstruction or interception." He Yue Then he said, "This is also the reason why the four families are still holding tight to their own pockets and unwilling to cooperate."

Mrs. Ying said angrily: "When you are about to die, you still worry about the little money in your hand!"

"If Nian Zanli's army can push it as far as Dunyu, they will withdraw south early. The disaster of war will not befall them. At most, they will lose some property."

He Yue sighed: "At any time, the most unlucky people are the poor."

"The Zhan family wanted to leave, but now that I have taken office, they are holding back. They want to see if I can withstand it." He Chunhua said slowly, "These wealthy gentry are very careful with their calculations. They think that when fighting on the front line, the treasury should provide money and food. It’s none of their business and they refuse to give up their money until the last moment. This is the case in Qiansong County and the same is true in Xiazhou. The legacy of the ‘Bai Che Gang’ military and civilian unity has long since disappeared.”

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to put in so much effort to control the Li family.

Mrs. Ying looked around and saw her servants standing far away, then she said softly: "That's inappropriate to say, but I'm quite glad that Mr. Li is gone at this time."

"If Old Man Li were here, these four families would be as hard to chew as turtle shells." He Yue said with a smile, "Now, we can defeat them one by one."

Li Rong is about to go to the shift room.

A place like a prison cell, hehe, even though it is just a place where suspects are detained, the environment is worse than that of a regular prison. It is not only dirty and filthy, but if someone is bitten by a flea in there, he will be shaken all over, and he will immediately fall ill and die. . Even if the Li family has taken care of the government officials, can Mr. Li, who is used to fine clothes and fine food, endure such a place?

Li Zhi was only released on bail pending trial. The case would go to trial two months later, and he would have to go to jail together with his brothers. In order to obtain leniency, he will also cooperate well with Manager He. After all, he can't put all his money on Li Shangshu. Who knows what kind of temper Mr. He is, what if the oil and salt don't come in?

Let’s talk about Li Shuang. After all, he is not senior enough. After his two elders are imprisoned, if he wants to get involved in the power of the Li family, he may have to rely on the influence of the official family. Besides, before Li Zhi goes to trial, he must arrange for his successor, and this person must not be a descendant of Li Rong.

The huge Li family will be very lively in the next two to three months.

What He Chunhua is afraid of is that they unite as one and face the outside world together. Things like today are the best.

Old man Li Zhao, before he passed away, he was still thinking about how to fight with him, right?

Ha, naive.

How could he give Old Man Li a chance to fight with him?

"The enemy in the north is the enemy of the entire Xiazhou." He Chunhua pondered, "On this point, we can make a fuss."

The army of Xunzhou has entered the territory of Xiazhou. This is not only a geographical event, but also a major breakthrough in the psychological defense line of the people of Xiazhou.

Everyone, including the four major families, has a sense of crisis.

Crisis is a crisis, and when danger is exploited well, it becomes an opportunity.

He Yue's face also became serious: "What do you think, father?"

He Chunhua said resolutely: "I have just taken office, and I must win the first battle!"

Whether he was rectifying internal affairs, military affairs, or cleaning up a few prominent families in Xiazhou, no matter how vigorously he did it, he was only making trouble on his own land.

Commonly known as Woliheng.

At most, it will make the wealthy gentry and noble families fear and refuse to obey.

Only by defeating powerful foreign enemies can he, the newly promoted general manager, truly gain a foothold and establish prestige in Xiazhou.

Follow-up plans can be fully implemented.

This battle, this victory is so important that it must be planned carefully.

"Xiazhou's army is of poor quality, but Nian Zanli's army is the Northern Demon Army, which has been honed for many years." He Chunhua shook his head, "In a head-on battle, the chance of winning is too small."

The battle had to be fought bit by bit and the meal had to be eaten bite by bite, but he was not discouraged.

If Xiazhou Bing is so easy to lead, it won't be his turn to fill this fat vacancy, right?

He Yue couldn't help but said: "The recruitment order has been sent out, but the effect is not good."

"It's not surprising that no one wants to join the army and fight. Military service is not just something you don't want to do." He Chunhua raised his eyebrows slightly, "What I care about is that the population on the account books is very different from the actual number of residents. This This point is very prominent in Ru County. I went to the county specifically to check and found that the number of registered households was only about 1,500. But I asked the local elders and they found that there are at least 13,000 people in Ru County; and Guazhou During last summer’s Fire Jumping Festival, the natural river square that can accommodate 3,000 people was full. You should know that the number of registered households in Gua Xiang is only 230.”

"There are so many things, I have to do them one by one." After eating too much spicy food, his nose turned red. He Chunhua wiped it with a towel, "Take your time, I hope God will give me more time."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but said: "Dad, what can I do?"

He was free every day and had nothing to do.

"Good boy, you are sensible now." He Chunhua patted his shoulder and said happily, "Don't worry, you will have a chance soon."

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