After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 232 New Weapon +1

Early the next morning, He Chunhua sent people to the northern front line to transport food.

Zhao Pan's army was short of food and clothing. Even though the five thousand shi contributed by the Zhan family was not much, it could at least enable them to hold on for ten more days.

Military supplies are morale. With this batch of food, Zhao Pan can temporarily breathe a sigh of relief.

Then the problems facing He Chunhua are probably three: raising money and food for the front line, recruiting soldiers and horses for himself, the general manager of Xiazhou, and assisting Zhao Pan in expelling the Xunzhou army from Xiazhou.

At this critical moment, He Lingchuan actually went into seclusion for four days.

He himself didn't know it clearly beforehand, he only knew that his recent breath adjustment always gave him a sense of fulfillment that was about to be completed, but it was just missing a little bit of fire. On this day of practice, I finally forgot about things and myself, my true power circulated throughout my body, and I finally made a breakthrough!

Everyone was a little worried at first, and even He Chunhua took time out of his busy schedule to come and visit three times. Fortunately, Lingguang diagnosed that He Lingchuan showed no signs of going crazy, so everyone had no choice but to let him go.

Only He Chunhua found it strange: "The "Traction Technique" passed down from my family's ancestors has never been heard of practitioners showing such signs."

Lingguang explained: "Practice depends on the individual. My master's talent is very good, so his performance will naturally be different."

It only accepted He Lingchuan's letter of appointment and only worked for He Lingchuan. It didn't mention a word about the owner's private purchase of extremely expensive medicinal herbs to assist in cultivation. The practice of taking alchemy is so common that the He family is not surprised.

This is how Qian Xin Liu Yao Yuan talks about professional ethics.

Even He Lingchuan himself felt that this training was particularly long. The most important achievement is that the two snakes of yin and yang that he has worked so hard to cultivate finally met in victory in Dantian. After four days of testing and entanglement, they went from looking at each other disgustedly and throwing mud at each other, to the point where you and I can wear one together. Pants, that is, deep integration.

The process went surprisingly smoothly. He Lingchuan heard Mr. Man from the Panlongcheng Promotion Department say that "Ziwu Jue" is very challenging. Although the practice process is fast, powerful and short, it has requirements for the practitioner's physical fitness. It would be fine if it were done step by step, but some people like He Lingchuan spend a lot of money to refine elixirs, swallowing sky-high price medicines for free, trying to speed up forcefully, but when the two powerful snakes meet in the Qi sea, they actually burst the Qi sea!

That moment of fusion is the most critical. If you can get past it, you will be mixing honey with oil. If you can't get past it, you will be half disabled. It will take several years of hard work to slowly repair the Qi Hai.

In addition to talent, He Lingchuan's greatest asset is his boyhood. In the original words of the octopus demon, it is "full of vitality and blood, and full of essence." It can seal the sea and lock the pass, and the two snakes of yin and yang can do whatever they want, so it has the effect of harvesting two things from one.

The meeting of these two powerful snakes in the Qi Sea means that they have opened up the twelve main meridians. After fusion, they will circulate continuously for several days, and then try to attack the eight extraordinary meridians.

The difficulty of getting through the serious classics and the strange classics is not on the same level. If getting through the serious channel is like driving a boat on the river to fish for floating leaves and picking duckweed, then hitting the strange channel means that the river is severely blocked, and even the boat can't pass through it, so it can only be dredged with shovels and hand planers.

Only then did He Lingchuan realize that the novel was not a lie, and it was really not an easy task to get through the "two branches of Ren and Du". After two or three days of digging, he couldn't even get through the first node.

After a few rounds of trying to unblock, no, after a few rounds of trying to impact, this real power will break back into the two snakes of yin and yang, and each will go back to his own territory, pick up the yin and yang energy again, and accumulate strength to wait for the next impact.

It's a bit slow for them to exert their own power alone. Within the scope of financial resources, the owner should also help and try to get some extremely yin or yang things to assist. Of course, the real sun fire that can be seen when looking up is not enough. He Lingchuan can't bear it at the moment. As long as he draws a little bit of energy into his meridians, he won't be able to burst his meridians and spontaneously combust to death.

He can only do it step by step. In the future, as his own strength gradually increases, he will also need to absorb more powerful yin and yang external forces.

When can I fully recharge my energy by basking in the sun? He Lingchuan was very envious.

The breakthrough in the first stage of Ziwu Jue has brought the operation of true power to a higher level. If it usually seemed like a trickle, now it is like a small river flowing. As for the six senses, it is much more open than four days ago.

He Lingchuan stood up, moved his hands and feet, and then asked someone to prepare water for him to take a bath.

But when he was only halfway through washing, the window suddenly opened and a gust of cold wind blew over.

Yao Yuan Lingguang stood on the window sill and grinned at him: "You are out of seclusion!"

"Close the window, it's freezing to death!" He Lingchuan looked at it with one hand behind its back, "It's hiding something. Could it be that I asked you to get it..."

Ling Guang shook his head quickly, took out a hook and rope from behind and threw it over.

"Li Fubo came yesterday and asked me to hand it over to you." Ling Guang closed the window with his hand, "He went to prepare the store with Marquis Songyang and won't be here for the next two days."

"Store?" He Lingchuan was startled, "She negotiated it so quickly?" As expected of Marquis Songyang, he is a good business negotiator.

Lingguang shrugged, it only sent messages.

He Lingchuan slowly unfolded the hook in his hand.

This was a new weapon that he asked Li Fubo to build before going into seclusion. The latter immediately agreed and said that he had a set of finished products in his hand and could deliver it with just a few modifications.

The main body of this weapon is a rope made of three kinds of spider silk. The tip is a five-clawed tiger-head golden gripper that can be opened and grasped like a human hand.

Although it looks simple, it is actually a magic weapon. He Lingchuan dripped his own blood on the rope handle in his hand, and the object automatically recognized its owner. From then on, he can shoot out his hook like a spider, use foreign objects to climb and reverberate, and the tiger-head golden hook at the top of the hook can also be opened and closed freely according to his will.

He can also live a Spider-Man addiction.

Ling Guang watched him play with great joy: "Is it easy to use?"

He Lingchuan pulled out the hook and smashed the crystal peach on the plate with one claw, causing the sweet juice to splash everywhere.


Lingguang looked at him resentfully. Is it easy to buy fresh peaches in winter?

"Mistake!" He smiled dryly, originally wanting to catch Tao Zi to Ling Guang. It seems that if you want to master this skill, you have to gain a lot of proficiency. There is no shortcut.

In Panlong's dream, two teammates, including Liu Tiao, are equipped with hooks and ropes. When performing tasks, they look like apes and are much more maneuverable than others.

This skill is relatively unpopular on the battlefield, but it is actually very practical. If you go to Pengcheng Department to redeem it, it will cost military merit. He Lingchuan was also enthused, so they taught each other how to use the hook without any secrets.

The stronger the companion, the safer the team is.

If there was a hook when he fell into the spider's den, he could swing up casually, and there would be no need to use dangerous moves like Li Daitao. After all, if the Ghost Shadow Cicada's cast was not accurate, he would be turned into meat on the spot.

He Lingchuan had enough fun and got up and got dressed. Lingguang came over and felt his pulse, checked his energy, and nodded repeatedly: "Sure enough, you have reached a new level. Your energy and blood are getting thicker and thicker. The ordinary ten supporting sergeants are no longer your opponent."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but think of the sand leopard he met at the bottom of the cliff on the day he arrived. Young Master He was originally killed by it. If it were him now, killing that sand leopard should be easy, right? "By the way, have you bought the Ghost Shadow Cicada's shed?"

Lingguang took out a small cloth bag from somewhere and opened it. There were three cicadas lying inside.

"This is a rare item. I went to seven medicine shops to find it. What medicine do you want to refine?"

He Lingchuan picked up one and looked at it. Yes, it was this thing. In reality, he finally got the Ghost Shadow Cicada to cast off: "It's for casting spells."

"Thirty taels a piece."

The cicada slough in my hand suddenly felt extremely hot. He Lingchuan smiled bitterly and paid for it.

As for anything that has something to do with supernatural powers, the price cannot be estimated using common sense. Just three inconspicuous cicada sloughs cost him more than half a month's money.

He has to find a way to make money, make money!

Lingguang added: "During the retreat, Sun Hongye came to see you twice."

"What happened in the past four days?"

"A lot." Lingguang blinked, "But I can't tell clearly." It only cares about matters within its scope of responsibility.

He Lingchuan touched its head and turned to look at the broken knife.

The mountain of swords formed from gold clay seems to have brightened in color, gradually revealing a pure gold background. It was mixed with various materials such as tungsten gold. He Lingchuan remembered that the tungsten gold was pure black, which meant that the metal material in the gold mud was being slowly absorbed by the broken knife.

So far, the repair process of the broken knife has been relatively smooth.

He Lingchuan was very satisfied. He went out and asked someone to find some fruits for Lingguang to reward him for his support in the past few days. He went to Mrs. Ying to say hello, said a few words, and then went back to the yard to practice with the newly acquired toys - —The coiled hook.

This thing is a typical thing that seems to be easy for others to play, but you can master it as soon as you see it, and you can't do it as soon as you learn it.

Fortunately, He Lingchuan has been practicing projection day and night for months. Since the word "projection" is involved, it has the same purpose but the same purpose. After the sun went down, he had developed some touch.

Neither He Chunhua nor He Yue returned home tonight. Mrs. Ying had been tired from supervising the decoration all day, so she only ordered the kitchen to bring the meals to everyone's yard, and then took a bath and rested directly after eating.

As soon as He Lingchuan finished cooking, a servant came to announce: Sun Hongye is here.

"Have you eaten?" He Lingchuan personally welcomed him in after not seeing him for many days, "Can I ask the chef to cook you a dinner?"

"No, I just ate steamed buns with mutton soup in the evening." Sun Hongye looked He Lingchuan up and down, "My boss, you are in good spirits. It seems that your cultivation has reached a new level."

"Yes, I accidentally broke through." He was stating the facts.

Sun Hongye congratulated immediately.

He Lingchuan didn't bother to exchange pleasantries and got straight to the point: "You came to see me twice before. Is there something urgent?"

"You chose a bad time for seclusion. A lot of things happened in the past four days." Sun Hongye stopped smiling and raised a finger, "The first thing is that Li Rong entered the class room, and Master He didn't even give him an extra day to accommodate him. time."

"When I sent back the gift from Li Shuang, they should have known better." He Lingchuan was not surprised at all, "Dad is going to use him to establish his power."

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