After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 233 Sun Hongye’s Suggestions

He Chunhua is a local official, and the Li family is a citizen. Although several members of the clan are officials in the court, Li Rong has no position or title. How can he defeat the government on the surface?

Manager He was killing the chicken to scare the monkey. Quan Dunyu and even the big and small gentry in Xiazhou looked on with wide eyes.

"Before Li Rong went in, his sons came to take care of things and donated 200,000 kilograms of corn flour and more than 100,000 kilograms of sorghum flour to the treasury." Sun Hongye said with a smile, "People like Li Rong are not allowed to eat in the squad room. It’s not hard. Instead of dealing with the government officials, it’s better to go directly to Mr. He.”

"Li Shuang is not stupid at all."

"Sure enough, before Li Rong moved in, the yamen did a thorough cleaning of the dormitory and sprayed it with pesticides. It is said that more than 30 rats were killed, as well as countless cockroaches and bedbugs. Li Rong occupied the largest space, closest to the door, and was well ventilated. The lighting is good and the beds are brand new. ”

"When Li Shuang donated another 500 pairs of cotton coats, 300 pairs of cotton socks, and 600 pairs of military boots, his father's meals would be reduced from two to three meals a day, as well as wine, and the Li family would also send meals ”

He Lingchuan smiled. With Li Rong in hand, He Chunhua could hold his hand.

"The second big thing is that when Mr. He took office, a total of 66 Dunyu nobles, gentry, and businessmen came to give gifts." Sun Hongye raised a second finger, "Each gift list is very long. Just these gift lists. It can fill a carriage."

The old man punched the Li family hard, and the wealthy gentry who were watching seemed to be shocked, so they gave gifts more sternly. He Lingchuan perked up: "How much did you collect?"

"Master He sent them all back without accepting any of them."

His face fell: "Not even one thing?"

"Not a single thing."

He Lingchuan had no expression on his face, knowing that his hope of raising the case fee was dashed. "Are these guys so stupid that they won't give you anything?"

"That won't happen." Sun Hongye said with a smile, "It just so happened that the news that Li Rong's sons were rejected as gifts and donated materials instead spread. These people suddenly got the idea and converted the original gifts into military supplies and donated them to the treasury. The revised gift list was then presented to your mansion. I had also stayed in the Imperial Palace for a few years, and it was the first time I saw such down-to-earth things as pickled pork and vermicelli written on the gold-plated gift list. Grain, causing grain prices to rise by half in just two days.”

After all the calculations, grain is actually the cheapest, with a delivery costing more than 100,000 kilograms. The large quantity has a good reputation.

"Sent to the front line?"

"The inventory was only completed yesterday, and Mr. He sent someone to escort them there." Gifts, no, the donations are all these fragmentary materials. Just counting and reviewing them is laborious, but now it is what the front line needs.

He Lingchuan murmured: "These wealthy gentry really have everything they want."

"The third major event follows the previous one. In the past few days, the state government's inventory of supplies was inefficient, and there were two errors in the accounts. Mr. He was furious and ordered all the old officials of the state government to do so on the grounds of dereliction of duty, laziness, and incompetence. The old officials were directly demoted to 30% and used for other purposes. Such a big change has not happened in fifteen years, and it shocked the whole Dunyu."

"The weather in Xiazhou has changed. They should get used to it as soon as possible." He Lingchuan nodded, "It cannot be destroyed or established. Are they all replaced by our people?" As the head of a state, He Chunhua has the right to appoint and remove personnel and promote key personnel.

"Mo Zhe Jingxuan, Zhao Qinghe, etc., as well as the nineteen people recruited by Mr. He from Shihuancheng, have filled in the blanks and assigned positions." This group of people will be He Chunhua's basic team in the short term. "By the way, Mr. He also wants to arrange I work as a bookkeeper for the state government, specializing in paperwork."

"Oh? The official is not young yet." Did dad also poach his people?

Sun Hongye shook his head: "I declined."

"Why?" He Lingchuan's expression changed slightly, "You have been idle here for a long time, and you don't have anything serious to do."

"You were the one who met Shi Huanhui at the beginning." Sun Hongye said sternly, "That's why I followed my boss, not Mr. He."

He Lingchuan held up his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, okay!" Who doesn't like loyal subordinates?

"Besides, I like to build something from scratch and don't want to just follow the steps in the state capital."

Sure enough, this guy has a great heart and is not the type to clock in at a certain time.

Sun Hongye repeated it again: "My boss, this is not the right time for you to retreat. You missed a great opportunity."

"What's the meaning?"

"Enemy traces were discovered near Wutu Town in the north two days ago. When the news came, Master He sent Zhao Qinghe and Wu Shaoyi to lead the attack."

The last three news did not include this powerful tyrant. He Lingchuan's heart sank: "Is the fight about to begin? How many people are there on the other side?"

"It's said to be a guerrilla force. The number of troops has not been announced by Mr. He. Zhao and Wu's teams set off this morning." Sun Hongye sighed, "If you had left the border half a day earlier, this good job might have fallen on you." At least I have a share.

"If you miss it, you miss it. There will be another chance." He Lingchuan is also very single. "It seems that dad has already planned how to fight this battle."

He Chunhua's first battle in office is of great significance, and he must win but not lose.

"The advantage lies with me." Sun Hongye analyzed, "The Xunzhou army broke through Baiche Gang and went south. It just opened a hole in General Zhao Pan's battle line. They will definitely find a way to capture one or two cities nearby. They must consolidate first to expand the results. . Judging from the location of Wutu Town, it has penetrated more than 150 miles into the interior of Xiazhou. The number of the Xunzhou guerrilla team must be small, and it will only be a small raid. The main task of Wu and Zhao is probably to collect intelligence. As long as you catch them by the tail, it's not difficult to defeat them."

No wonder Sun Hongye called this trip a "good job." He Lingchuan smiled and said, "That's right. When the news comes back, we will make a good show of it."

The main reason is that the news that "Xunzhou soldiers have reached Wutu Town" is too shocking. As long as He Chunhua defeats that army, his morale and prestige will be greatly improved.

Sun Hongye continued: "It has only been a few days since Mr. He took office, and the news may not have reached the people of Xunzhou yet. They probably thought that Xiazhou was still as empty as before, so they sent out teams to invade. Taking advantage of this opportunity, We can also make a difference. If I am not mistaken, Mr. He will make big moves next."

At this point, he changed the topic: "By the way, I also want to suggest something to my boss: you can't have no one under you."

He Lingchuan's eyes narrowed.

These words really spoke to his heart.

"Go on."

"I've been observing for a long time, and you only have the appearance of wealth, but you don't have the manpower at your disposal." Sun Hongye lowered her voice unconsciously, "I have seen so many high-ranking officials and royal nobles, even a rich man who has no time to live has his own way. Team. You will become a powerful person in the future. Isn’t it embarrassing that there is no one under you?”

He Lingchuan's eyes moved slightly. Yes, for some unknown reason, the original "He Lingchuan" had no confidants, only a group of unreliable gangsters outside. Until he took over this skin, the He family was always in the midst of intense changes. , either going on adventures, killing thieves, or migrating long distances, and he didn't have much time to recruit people.

He was always modest and easy to ask: "What do you think?"

"In the early days, the quality of manpower is not as high as that of many, just slowly identify them."

He Lingchuan nodded repeatedly. He couldn't afford more. Now his monthly income was only one hundred and fifty taels of silver. A monkey and a rock wolf could eat him up, let alone hundreds of pot-bellied men?

Since he is called a confidant, he is not allowed to receive a salary from him? If Dad is asked to pay, how can his subordinates be loyal to him?

"I think the sand bandit Maotao you brought from Blackwater City is pretty good. He is agile and has nothing to do with the others. He can be counted as one." Sun Hongye calculated, "There are a few good players in the support army, but after all, they He is your father's subordinate and should not be included in the Guards."

"What do you mean, choose from Dunyu locals?"

"My boss is smart." Sun Hongye once again felt that this Young Master He was actually very transparent and far less reckless than he appeared. "The Li and Zhan families fought each other a few days ago. I think there are two people in the Li family's private army. Personally it’s pretty good.”

"Oh?" He Lingchuan was amused, "Where are you focusing your attention on?" Li Zhan was fighting, while others watched the fun, but Sun Hongye watched people carefully.

"One of these two people is called Jiao Tai, and the other is called Shan Youjun. I think they are both pretty good, one is agile, and the other is strong. They are more than enough to defeat six or seven people in the Zhan Mansion. What is commendable is that they also blocked a few swords for their companions. Don’t be afraid of getting hurt.”

When he said this, He Lingchuan let out a long "Oh": "You are talking about those two people! I have an impression."

He was also at the scene, and he did see two men beating up the Zhan family's nursing home as if for fun. They had a clear plan and knew the severity of their attacks. Unlike the other private soldiers of the Li family, they were rough guys recruited from the market.

"I have inquired privately. They used to be rangers at the border, and they are also good at fighting in Li's private army. They don't want to be provoked by others, but they don't get along with the leader. This time, Fourth Master Zhan's wife was killed and two were killed. It was blamed on the unlucky guy Jiao Tai, saying that he pushed the pregnant woman to the rockery. "

He Lingchuan was most interested in the scapegoat: "Have they all been beaten?"

"On the day Mr. He arrived at Dunyu, they were beaten ten times in public in the government office." Sun Hongye investigated clearly, "After Mr. Zhan complained to Mr. He, the Li Mansion sent Jiao Tai away. Official, I'm waiting in the waiting room right now."

He shrugged: "Li Zhi and Li Rong will probably not suffer the pain of flesh and blood, but this Jiao Tai will only die. It is useless to let him scream in the class room until his voice is broken."

He Lingchuan rubbed his hands: "Great, then I'll leave this matter to you. Give him justice and give me two good men."


Sun Hongye said goodbye with a smile. He Lingchuan adopted his own advice, and he began to be useful.

He Lingchuan was also in a good mood. Sun Hongye advised him on these two people, indicating that he was sure to recruit them.

This kid is right, it's time for him to have his own wings.

He had just sent Sun Hongye out of the gate and was about to turn back when he saw two people walking around the corner of the street, chatting. Could it be He Chunhua and He Yue and his son?

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