After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 238 Listen to your words

"Alas." He Lingchuan sighed, "Yes, it is said that it will be extended for a few more days." It was originally expected to be ten days, but now it will be extended.

Good things take time.

"This is a good thing." Li Qingge said seriously, "Li Fubo has been studying and refining weapons for twenty-one years, and even he made a mistake, which shows that the nature of the sword is complicated. The harder it is to grow, the more powerful the finished product will be. If such a treasure is in my hands, I would like it to last a few more days."

"Patience will be rewarded." She also took a sip of tea, "But after Li Fubo said that, I am also very curious. I wonder if I can go to the mansion to see it?"

"Of course." He Lingchuan thought without thinking, "You are welcome."

"I am going on a long journey, how about seven days later?"

She actually wants to set a date? He Lingchuan was fine with that: "Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

Li Qingge smiled slightly: "Don't worry, young master."

It seems that she understands very well. He Lingchuan laughed twice and said to himself: "How could that be? I have to turn it down even if it's urgent." Then he changed the subject, "How long do you plan to stay here, sir?"

"When the business here is on track, I have to go north."

"North?" He Lingchuan was slightly surprised, "Do you mean Xunzhou?"

"Beijia Kingdom."

She actually wanted to go to the northern demon country? "Can the northern country also be used?"

"Of course!" Li Qingge's laughter was soft and pleasant, making people feel numb in their hearts, "Businessmen can travel all over the world, and how many Taoist sects are confined to one country?"

He Lingchuan thought to himself that if there were no borders in such exchanges, wouldn't the king be suspicious? But he knew that there were very few Taoist sects that were loyal to only one country. The more prosperous it was, the more disciples would be spread all over the world.

It is said that the predecessor of the Taoist sect was the ancient immortal sect. At that time, there was no country. They were high above and independent of the mundane affairs. Today's Taoist sect has also inherited this tradition. The country does not make rigid requirements on them, but strives for the talents they have cultivated.

Usually, usually.

Thinking of this, He Lingchuan felt that Songyang Prefecture was even more bizarre. Li Qingge, who traveled to the northern demon country, was safe and sound, but her ex-husband was accused of treason.

"Sir, you come to Dunyu to open a store at this time, aren't you afraid that this place will become a front-line battlefield?" What businessmen yearn for most is stability.

Only when the world is peaceful can business last for a long time.

"I have the art of physiognomy, so I have confidence in the He family." Li Qingge leaned back lazily, pressed two fingers on her cheeks, and supported her delicate head. With a random movement, she showed a variety of manners, "Besides, it's not just Songyang Mansion, doesn't the Zhu family also want to squeeze into Dunyu?"

Although He Chunhua helped Zhu Xiyan find his long-lost granddaughter, the Zhu family was too enthusiastic about this steward He, and almost responded to every request. Li Qingge has lived in Shihuan for a long time, experienced the warmth and coldness of human feelings, and knows too well what kind of character these noble families are.

If there is no benefit, no sweetness, would the Zhu family be so "grateful" to He Chunhua?

Will the rich families still lack girls?

Xiazhou is rich in products, but it has always been controlled by the four major families. Among them, the Li family is the original family of Li Shangshu, and it is not easy for others to intervene. With the new steward taking office, external forces may be able to break the ice and enter the game.

Songyang Mansion has always adhered to the concept of multi-point layout, and this opportunity should not be missed.

"The art of physiognomy?" He Lingchuan became interested. "So in the eyes of the Lord, what will happen to my father in the future, and what about me?"

"Butler He, he will be extremely valuable in the future." Li Qingge glanced at him with a pair of almond eyes, as if to see through him, "As for Young Master He..."

She deliberately kept him in suspense, and He Lingchuan cooperated very well: "What?"

"You have to tell me your birth date."

Birth date is not something that should be told to outsiders. Some sorcerers use it to harm people. He Lingchuan reported it without blinking.

He has Yuanli and official status, so he has Yuanli to protect his body. What is he afraid of?

Immune to all evil!

Well, he deliberately reported the last two words wrong.

Li Qingge counted with her fingers, then looked at him carefully, staring at him intently.

Her eyes were soft and beautiful, and she looked at people with a watery effect. He Lingchuan let her stare at him, and couldn't help but be a little absent-minded.

Li Qingge's fingers were slender, and her nails were trimmed very evenly, and they were not long. He Lingchuan guessed that this was because she often practiced martial arts and refined weapons.

He thought of Sun Fuling for some reason. It seemed that this neighbor also had beautiful fingers, especially when she was writing. She didn't grow her nails either. Was it because she lived alone and had to do housework?

She seemed to have said that she would go and see his new shop, but she never showed up.

Shop, oh. He Lingchuan felt that although he only lived in a small wooden house of less than 15 square meters in his dream, it was more spacious than in reality.

At least in his dream, he was not short of money.

"What are you thinking about?" It seemed that someone asked him.

He Lingchuan answered without hesitation:

"Lack of money."

"Haha", a chuckle came from the front. He Lingchuan came back to his senses and found that Li Qingge was pursing his lips.

"Uh, what did I say?" He was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I was distracted."

Others saw her distracted, usually because they were fascinated by her beauty, but this young master He was thinking about lack of money. Li Qingge didn't know how many twists and turns his brain circuit had gone through.

"I think Young Master He will be in trouble within three years." She said something shocking, "and it will be a disaster."

"...Sir, if you set up a stall on the street to tell fortunes like this, I'm afraid it will easily lead to disaster."

Li Qingge cleared her throat: "But as long as you get over this hurdle, you will have a bright future."

This routine sounded too familiar, "Can you tell the truth?"

"Maybe." Li Qingge laughed, "I can tell 50% to 60% of the truth."

He Lingchuan touched his nose: "Then I still have a 40 to 50% chance of escaping the disaster. I feel very forgiving when I think about it." It doesn't matter, he doesn't know whose horoscope has been reported, and 90% of the people who will suffer disaster are not him. .

Li Qingge coughed lightly: "What did you just say, lack of money?"

The topic came back again, and He Lingchuan smiled bitterly: "Can you pretend you didn't hear it?"

"What's so strange about being short of money?" Li Qingge crossed his fingers, "The rich families I know are all in high profile, and six to seven out of ten are short of money all year round. If all expenses require support from the family, this is normal."

I couldn't answer this. He Lingchuan had been a wealthy young man for so long. For the first time, he felt that eating what was from the family, drinking what was from the family, and using what was from the family seemed a bit unfair?

The most important thing is that He Chunhua's pocket money for his two sons is rationed, so they can't spend it freely.

He Lingchuan made a serious face: "They came to you to cry?"

"They will come to Songyang Mansion to sell some good things. After all, we have a good reputation, know the goods, keep secrets, and don't lower the prices to death. We are much better than ordinary pawn shops." Li Qingge said slowly, "I recognize it. There is a young man from the capital, whose family is very prominent, but he has gone to Songyang Mansion four times with his ancestral Tianluo Yi, and redeemed it when he had money. "

Some high-ranking people only look good on the outside.

Dayuan's country is so powerful that it's hard for its subjects to be alone.

She leaned forward slightly and asked He Lingchuan: "If Master He is tight on money, does he need help from Songyang Mansion?"

He Lingchuan waved his hand immediately: "No need."

He had no debt, he just had no source of money. What's more, he was deeply wary of the woman in front of him.

The money owed to her probably won't bring any good results later.

Li Qingge didn't force it: "It doesn't matter. Young Master He is in the middle of the game. I don't know if this game can be broken with a backhand."

Can the backhand be broken? He liked hearing this, and he liked to do things that were not difficult. He Lingchuan immediately sat upright and said, "Please teach me, Sir."

"The rich young men in the capital only have public fame because they can't run a house or talk about affairs, so the money they get is limited."

He Lingchuan nodded, what's the difference between this and him?

"But it's because Capital City and Shi Huan have been at peace for too long, and the money-making business and avenues have long been controlled by others, and latecomers like them have little chance." She smiled, "I asked Young Master He, what do you think of Xiazhou and He? Is the general manager confident in resisting the Xunzhou army?"

"There must be." They are all a family, and he and He Chunhua are just grasshoppers on the same rope. Besides, you can still look forward to Dad’s skills.

"So there are great opportunities all over the city right now." Li Qingge pointed eastward, "For example, the owner of the shop next door to Songyang Mansion Branch was also anxious to sell it. I compared the two houses back and forth, and then I chose the one with a lower price. In these extraordinary times, Mr. He can just go and lower the price, and the shop can easily buy it. If it's inconvenient for you, I'll ask Manager Zhao to buy it."

She said softly: "I asked someone about it. In the past, these prosperous shops on the main street cost at least six to seven hundred taels. Those with good locations and large shops could cost more than a thousand taels. Now you can buy them at a 63% discount. If the owner is in a hurry, It’s possible to exchange money and get a half discount.”

"What are they anxious about?" He Lingchuan's eyes flashed, "Want to run away?"

"Yes. Seeing that Xiazhou is about to become a front line, they want to take advantage of the fact that Wang Ting has not announced the restriction on relocation." Li Qingge obviously understood the situation in Dunyu, "A few days ago, even the Zhan family was As we begin to retreat southward, ordinary nobles and common people are even more shaken. To put it bluntly, although General Manager He has taken office, everyone's confidence is still unstable."

He Lingchuan came by carriage today and passed through the less prosperous streets and alleys. He also noticed that one shop after another was closed, and some civilians packed up their bed and took their children with them, obviously about to flee.

The thunder of war is getting louder and closer. Although the authorities are trying their best to suppress it, panic is spreading throughout the city relying on the phenomenon of human-to-human transmission.

Confidence is more important than gold, and if people's hearts are unstable, Dunyu's real estate will naturally fall in price.

What's more, Yuan Ting has issued movement restriction orders in the border areas for many years, prohibiting border residents from moving into the mainland. Xiazhou was not originally a frontline, and people did not have such concerns. However, as the Xunzhou army moved south step by step, Xiazhou would soon become a battleground for military strategists, and Yuan Ting might classify it as a border area.

By then, it will be too late to escape.

"Young Master He still has some spare money, right? If it's not enough, you can borrow some from me."

"I have."

"It is much easier to collect things from these people than before. In a crisis, if there is no danger, how can we have a chance?" Li Qingge smiled and said, "Let's go deeper. Manager He has taken office as a new official, and he is not familiar with the place. , The situation in Xiazhou is extremely complicated, and the people he relies on and trusts the most right now are his own family. "

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