After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 239 The streets are full of opportunities

He Lingchuan's eyes flashed: "Your Majesty is right."

Li Qingge said meaningfully: "Where the power is, there is the money."

"I haven't taken office yet."

"But you are the son of Mr. He, the first heir to Mr. He, and you are right next to the power." Li Qingge said with a smile, "Those who are close to Zhuge Liang will be red. Why don't you, Mr. He, make good use of it in the future?"

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "I like this!"

"If you have confidence in your family and Xiazhou, you can buy goods at low prices now." Li Qingge continued to offer advice, "At this time, the identity of Master He is more useful than anything else, even if there is some resistance "

He Lingchuan stood up and bowed his head to her: "I'm so enlightened. Thank you Sir."

He had never done business before, so he lacked this strength. After being prompted by Marquis Songyang, he suddenly felt enlightened.

Yes, Quan Dunyu and all the people in Xiazhou wanted to curry favor with the new manager, but he didn't have to.

Why not make good use of such an advantage?

Don't talk about fairness or unfairness. A gentleman should be good at taking advantage of situations.

Li Qingge waved his hand: "It's a small matter, just a few gossips. The shop next door is really nice, do you want me to buy it for you?"

"Okay." He Lingchuan did not refuse this time. How could he wander around in the world without being tainted by human kindness? Just find an opportunity to repay it in the future. "Then I'll trouble Sir."

He expressed his gratitude, and Li Qingge also smiled with great satisfaction.

He Lingchuan looked at her and sighed: "Why did Sir Sir help me like this?"

"I told you, I have a good sense." Li Qingge was also very straightforward, "Songyang Mansion makes a living, the lowest level invests in farm shops, the middle level invests in business, and the top level invests in people - I am very optimistic about Mr. He . "Willing to befriend him for this.

He Lingchuan laughed at himself: "It seems I have to start from the lowest level."

Li Qingge chuckled.

After he finished speaking, He Lingchuan still had an unexpected surprise, so he stood up and left.

Songyang Hou stood by the attic window, watching him walk through the corridor below and back to the front hall, and then asked the maid behind him: "Has Manager Zhao talked about the shop next door?"

"We have already negotiated and the contract will be finalized at noon."

"Tell him to change the buyer to Mr. He, and send the contract to the He Mansion before dinner."

He Lingchuan went to the bank again and exchanged the 100,000 taels of silver note for a smaller denomination with odd amounts.

Then, he specially took a carriage and walked around the whole city.

Pedestrians on the street come and go in a hurry, with few smiles. Today's Dunyu is very fragmented. Business seems to be booming on the main street, and the big restaurants are full of guests at night. However, on the other side of the city, all industries are bleak and people are panicked.

He Lingchuan had just passed several grain stores, and there were long queues at the door. There happened to be two salesmen who put the sold-out sign in front of the vat, and the common people who didn't buy it were disappointed.

These are not good signs. He Yue told his brother that there is actually no shortage of food in Dunyu City.

So the sudden panic buying now stems from panic and reluctance to sell food.

By the way, it’s also because the local tyrants and gentry bought and donated grain in the past two days to curry favor with the Xinzhou officials.

He Lingchuan didn't believe that his father couldn't see this, but the government didn't make much effort to appease the people. They only posted a notice to calm the people, which was full of blunt official language. The difference in effectiveness can be imagined.

Before meeting Songyang Marquis, He Lingchuan could only lament the cruelty of war; but after coming out of Songyang Mansion, his perspective changed, as if gold and silver were waving to him all over the street.

If you don't take advantage of it, you'd be really sorry for yourself.

He Zhai, decoration is still in full swing. He Lingchuan returned to his courtyard, but Yanlang disappeared again. Its ears were too sensitive and it couldn't stand the endless tinkling, so it simply went out to play with He Yue's big black wolf.

He Lingchuan drank water while looking at the knife mountain, and saw that its color was getting more and more golden. It was obvious that the broken knife absorbed the gold very readily.

He was looking forward to the transformation of this knife.

He Lingchuan touched the handle of the knife and suddenly remembered the shop specially given to him by Pengcheng Department.

Is this Broken Blade reminding him that he can follow the same pattern in reality to solve the problem of money shortage?

It's a pity that he never understood it until Marquis Songyang pierced this layer of paper.

"Sorry, I'm stupid." This knife must be able to understand what he said, "But next time you give me a hint, can you be more direct?"

Of course Broken Blade wouldn't answer.

At this moment, Monkey jumped in from nowhere and knocked on the door frame: "Sun Hongye is here, and he brought someone with him."

It has almost become He Lingchuan's doorman. Can he get an extra salary?

Sun Hongye walked into He Lingchuan's courtyard, closed the door behind her back, pointed at the person she brought with her and said, "My boss, this is Shan Youjun."

One of the two private soldiers of the Li family that he wanted to recruit for He Lingchuan.

"After that incident, Jiao Tai was arrested and Shan Youjun also left the private army. They are no longer members of the Li family."

Shan Youjun knelt down on the spot and said firmly: "As long as I rescue Jiao Tai, the villain Shan Youjun is willing to do my best for the young master!"

The too much movement affected the wound on his posterior mound, causing him to grimace in pain.

"Get up." He Lingchuan lifted him up. Shan Youjun only felt that the opponent was so powerful that he stood up involuntarily, feeling slightly surprised.

This rich young man seems to have two brushes.

He Lingchuan asked Sun Hongye: "Can you get Jiao Tai out?"

"I have found three or four witnesses who can prove that there is another person who pushed the pregnant woman and hit the rockery, not Jiao Tai." Sun Hongye said, "They have gone to the government office to confess. Once the real culprit is caught, Jiao Tai should be there soon." Just come out.”

He paused and then said, "The Li family should know about it soon if I do these things."

"The person who pushed down the pregnant woman was just the small leader of the private army and a distant relative of Li Zhi. The Li family will not deliberately protect him at the critical moment. If Li Shuang was smarter, he would have tied him to the government office as soon as possible." He Lingchuan smiled at Danyou. Jun said, "Don't worry, this matter will be settled soon."

In the past two days, Shan Youjun's heart was broken, and his heart was full of frustration and aggrieved by his inability to save people. But Young Master He in front of him decided the life or death of two people with just a few words.

He was about to kneel down again, but He Lingchuan grabbed his arm to prevent him from kneeling: "Okay, okay, your knees are so weak, how can you do anything for me?" He turned around and poured a cup of hot tea for each of them.

Sun Hongye accepted it calmly, while Shan Youjun was a little trembling.

"In the next two days, you must try to recruit another person for me." He Lingchuan made another request to Sun Hongye, "This person must be an old man who knows Dunyu's people and sophistication very well, and can understand both the upper and lower classes. Qing Dynasty, the parents of the four wealthy and squire families have their secrets at their fingertips, just like..."

He thought for a while and thought of a target person: "Just like Deputy Liu in Shihuan City."

Sun Hongye only became a staff member before He Lingchuan left Shi Huan. He had only met Assistant Liu once or twice, but he knew very well what people like "Assistant" did.

"What the boss wants is an assistant who is proficient in Dunyu's affairs?"

Summarizing it well, He Lingchuan raised his index finger and shook it: "Not only that, this person himself must be proficient in business and can handle property matters for me."

He could predict that the main theme of his future life would be either cultivation or fighting, so how could he have any time to make a living?

So, he needs a suitable manager.

When Shan Youjun heard this, he suddenly said: "The villain has a recommendation."

"You said." Yes, this guy is also a local.

"He is the old butler of the third master of the Shu family. His surname is Ding, and his name is Ding Zuodong. He is from Dunyu and has lived here for more than forty years. When the third master was alive, Ding Zuodong was in charge of the purchase, purchase and management of the family, and he made all the arrangements. Everything is in order. Among the Shu family’s masters, his house is the most orderly.”

"Later, the old man of the Shu family died. The third master didn't know what he was doing, so he wanted to fight with the boss, but he didn't win, and he was ostracized from then on. Two years later, the third master Shu went to work in other places and drowned in the river. The Shu family found a Ding Zuodong was kicked out for a reason."

"Ding Zuodong has been looking for several jobs, but he was ruined by the Shu family. He is extremely depressed. He wants to take his family to the south these days. That would be a pity."

Sun Hongye asked: "What's this person's character like?"

"It's good." Shan Youjun said, "Just after Mr. Shu died, a gentleman in Daji Township in the south hired him as a housekeeper, and the salary was very high. Ding Zuodong didn't go because Mr. Shu left behind a widow and three children. . As far as I know, after Ding Zuodong left the Shu family, he arranged and handed over the last bit of Mr. Shu's property. "

He Lingchuan nodded and suddenly said: "How do you know so clearly?"

"These housekeepers under the four major families are the most criticized by everyone. Ding Zuodong's reputation is pretty good." Shan Youjun coughed, "Also, he is my uncle. I used to live in Xu County in the north. I came to Dunyu to join him.”

He Lingchuan smiled, no wonder.

"Then why is he working as a housekeeper in the Shu family, but you are working as a private soldier in the Li family?"

"When I arrived in Dunyu, he happened to be kicked out by the Shu family." Shan Youjun sighed, "He also had no time to take care of himself, so he found someone to force me into the Li Mansion."

He and Sun Hongye looked at each other, and the latter nodded slightly.

He Lingchuan then said: "I don't avoid relatives when I am in charge. Go back and talk to him. If he is willing to work for me, he will come for an interview tonight."

Shan Youjun was overjoyed: "Okay, I'll go right away!" After saluting, he left.

Sun Hongye said to He Lingchuan: "My boss was full of joy when he came back, but what did he gain outside?"

This guy is very observant. He Lingchuan then explained what Marquis Songyang had said.

"That's true. I should have thought of it earlier." Sun Hongye blamed herself after hearing this, "The streets are full of opportunities, but I turned a blind eye?"

"Your talent is not about making money for a living." He Lingchuan laughed loudly, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have been working in Shihuan for so long and only made a few extra patches."

The afternoon flew by.

Before dinner, Manager Zhao from Songyang Mansion came and gave He Lingchuan a box.

It contains the deed of the shop next door to Songyang Mansion. He Lingchuan still has to go to the relevant departments to record the deed and make a record, so that this real estate truly belongs to him.

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