After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 240 Passing the Interview

Of course, this is not free. The total cost of buying the shop is five hundred and fifty taels, which can be said to be a huge bargain. If there was no war, such a prosperous shop on the main street of the state capital would still be so big that it would be impossible to buy it without 1,200 taels.

This shows how determined the original owner was to abandon the shop.

After Manager Zhao left, He Lingchuan couldn't help but blow a long whistle. Even in reality, the uncle is someone with property in his name!

"Congratulations." Ling Guang stretched out his paw in front of He Lingchuan, which was called "pleasant".

He Lingchuan had no choice but to grab a handful of winter melon toffee and give it to it. This thing is a specialty of neighboring counties and is not cheap.

He was such a pure and stoic medicine ape, why did he become more and more worldly by his side?

When the monkey was happily eating sweets, the servant came again to report:

Shan Youjun is here.

The first errand He Lingchuan asked him to do, he did not neglect as expected, and brought over his recommended candidate Ding Zuodong before dinner.

Ding Zuodong is dark, thin, tall, and a little hunched, which is almost the opposite of the image of a housekeeper in He Lingchuan's impression.

As soon as he saw He Lingchuan, he bowed his head to the end and said, "Ding is not talented. I would like to be a helper under the young master. If you need anything, just ask me to run errands."

He Lingchuan didn't get married and didn't own a house independently. Ding Zuodong couldn't be a housekeeper, so he simply called himself a "helper". This was a type of person who accompanied wealthy young people to eat, drink and have fun and run errands for them.

"Okay, let me test you." He Lingchuan asked him to sit down, "A new Songyang Mansion branch opened on the main street today, did you know?"

Ding Zuodong nodded: "It was opened in the morning. Manager He and several government officials went there, and the Li, Zhan, and Shu families also sent people to support it."

"Do you know the origin of his family? Tell me."

Ding Zuodong thought for a while and then told everything he knew.

He Lingchuan listened. Not only did he know the main business of Songyang Mansion, he even knew the gossip about Songyang Marquis——

In other words, what a former housekeeper in Xiazhou in the far north knew, he had no idea about in Shihuan City!

He Lingchuan once again lamented his own isolation.

When he sighed like this, Ding Zuodong became a little worried: "Why are you sighing? I made a mistake?"

"Yes, it's my fault."


"Shan Youjun slaps his chest and assures me that you know Dunyucheng well."

"He exaggerated. I just know some gossip."

"You are taking care of Mr. Shu's original property?" This is not simple. As far as He Lingchuan knows, most of He Chunhua's property in Heishui City is not handed over to the housekeeper Lao Mo, because the latter mainly manages it. Miscellaneous matters in He Mansion.

When Ding Zuodong was working under Mr. Shu, he had to manage both internal and external matters. He was a model worker.

"Exactly." Ding Zuodong was not modest this time.

The Shu family had blocked his way of life in Dunyu. If he didn't want to go to the countryside in despair for the rest of his life, he had to find a job with Young Master He before he could break through and be reborn.

"How much do you know about the shop next to Songyang Mansion and the one to the east?"

"The east side? Is it a medicine shop? It's called Huixiangtang?"

He Lingchuan thought about it, and it seemed that it was indeed the case.

"The owner of Huixiang Hall is surnamed Cui. He is originally from Daji Township and has been practicing medicine for generations. He is the second generation to settle down in Dunyu. But his medical skills are mediocre. Did he open this Huixiang Hall? For such a good location, the business is just So-so. There has been a shortage of medicinal materials shipped from the south recently, and the war in the north has been very bad. He heard that the Xunzhou army came all the way and slaughtered two villages in Xinxiang, so he probably had the idea of ​​​​moving south. "

Rumors are spreading all over the place right now, and they are the most powerful thing to shake people's minds. He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Isn't this shop in a good location?"

"That's a prosperous shop. Do you want to buy it?" Ding Zuodong thought for a while, "What a coincidence. If you had come two days earlier, I could have negotiated the price for you."

"Isn't it possible now?"

"I met the guy who was returning to Xiangtang at noon. He said that the shop had just been sold, just before the opening of Songyang Mansion next door." Ding Zuodong sighed, "There is nothing we can do if we leave after selling out."

He Lingchuan's heart moved: "Before Songyang Mansion opened?" Wasn't that before he went?

Songyang Hou Mingming said that she only bought one shop.

Apparently, she bought both houses and quietly transferred one to He Lingchuan.

Yes, who would complain about too many shops in such a good location?

He Lingchuan suppressed his doubts: "If I had sent you to negotiate at that time, how much price could we have negotiated?"

This time Ding Zuodong thought about it for a while and then said: "I can try to get it to five hundred taels."

He Lingchuan laughed, took out the deed to return to Xiangtang, and showed it in front of him: "Although I didn't win, it's not far away. The purchase price is five hundred and fifty taels."

When Ding Zuodong saw it, he was very surprised: "Ah, it turns out that the young master bought it, he has a good vision!"

"This room is still used as an incense hall, and the purpose will not change, because I also need medicine for my practice." He Lingchuan asked him, "How about I leave it to you to run it from now on? It can take as little as ten and a half months, or as long as forty or fifty days, depending on the situation in Xiazhou It will be stable. As for the transportation to and from the mainland, you don't have to worry too much. "He is from the He family. The transportation team doesn't transport other people's things. How dare you not transport him?"

"Don't worry, young master, it will be done properly." Ding Zuodong stood up and saluted him, "Mr. Shu also has a medicine shop under his name, and I am in charge of it."

"You have a way, wonderful!" He Lingchuan pulled him to sit down again, "You and Shan Youjun are so strange, one loves to stand and the other loves to kneel."

Both men laughed.

He Lingchuan added: "From now on, just call me boss. Well, you also know that I have just arrived in Dunyu and I need to buy some assets here. If you see something suitable, just buy it for me."

Ding Zuodong couldn't help but lean forward: "Is it okay to make a living in the mountains and rivers?"

He Lingchuan smiled slightly: "Of course."

The so-called mountains and rivers business refers to the minerals and wood on the land, fish and salt in the lakes and rivers. Although these daily necessities are also available in the market, mines, lumberyards, fisheries and salt fields are not something that ordinary businessmen can operate.

Those are all businesses with the prefix "zhou", and are managed by dedicated people.

Even if there are sellers who want to sell during this turbulent period, those who want to pick up must be qualified.

In Dunyu, needless to say, there were only four major families who were originally qualified.

Now, suddenly, there is another family named He.

Ding Zuodong was overjoyed and stood up again: "I'll go back and make a detailed list!"

He Lingchuan waved his hand: "Don't worry, let's be clear first. I only have one hundred thousand taels in hand."

Ding Zuodong pondered for a while: "It's enough to calculate and use it. Nowadays, good products are cheap. Don't worry, boss, I will save what I should save and spend what I should spend."

He Lingchuan smiled and threw him an ingot of ten taels of silver: "Go and buy some clothes first. It's too shabby to work for me. The rest will be used to buy some fruits and snacks for your kid, just say it was my invitation."

With the money in hand, Ding Zuodong's serious expression melted. Thinking back when he was managing Mr. Shu's property, how could he take a hundred thousand silver in his eyes?

Alas, things change and people change, and a penny cannot defeat a hero.

Last time his grandson clamored for ice cream, but he was reluctant to buy it.

Ding Zuodong bowed his head to He Lingchuan and said, "Ding will definitely give his all."

He Lingchuan pointed at Shan Youjun who was watching the whole process and said: "Take him back to Xiangtang for treatment and give me back a lively gold medal fighter as soon as possible."

It was getting late now. After bowing and thanking each other, the two people said goodbye and left.

After they left, Sun Hongye said: "We only met once, now the boss has revealed the truth?" People at that time liked to keep their wealth secret.

"There is no need to be suspicious. People who are desperate can be trusted." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "When he becomes the majestic Butler Ding one day, I will be on guard against him."

He expected that Ding Zuodong would seize the last straw and do his best to do things for him.

At least that was the case for a long time.

"Shan Youjun and Jiao Tai were captains and deputy captains when they were rangers in the north. They had done all kinds of camping, ambush, reconnaissance, and interception, and also killed many people. Shan Youjun was calm and calculating, Jiao Tailu said directly "Loyalty." Sun Hongye said, "When I found Shan Youjun, he had already visited the squad room twice and told me that as long as Jiao Tai was rescued, their lives would belong to the employer."

"Do you have a family?"


"Okay. After rescuing Jiao Tai, let them swear a blood oath to follow me." He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder, "You've done a really good job on this matter. Keep up the hard work." Buy one and get one free, and you'll get more for free. Got a Ding Zuodong.

Ding Zuodong has successfully passed the interview, and I hope this guy can work hard in the future.

Five days passed quickly in the mixed emotions of Dunyucheng people.

He Chunhua and his son spent three days eating, sleeping and working in the government office, and they also patrolled everywhere when they went out. When He Chunhua returned home on the evening of the fifth day, he received Mrs. Ying's resentment that almost overflowed the house.

"Madam, I have no choice but to do this!" After finally appeasing his wife, He Chunhua and his wife took a shower and changed clothes, and the family of three had a sumptuous dinner.

He Lingchuan is missing.

He Chunhua also hasn't seen his eldest son for several days. In the past, He Lingchuan would still run to the office, but now I don't have time to see his son, and his son doesn't go to see me anymore?

"Where's Chuan'er?"

"Where's my brother?"

Father and son said in unison.

"He went out early this morning, and he didn't say where he was going. You only told me at noon that he would return home at night, and I couldn't find him." Mrs. Ying said quietly, "I am an old woman and I am busy, so I am an old woman who will guard the mansion."

The father and son apologized quickly, and He Yue smiled and said, "Isn't my mother also having fun?"

While the renovation of the mansion under Mrs. Ying's supervision was in progress, there were constant noises all day long. He and his father were away from home for three days. Besides being busy, they were also afraid of the noise.

Mrs. Ying snorted and did not refute. She was having a great time.

After dinner, He Chunhua returned to the study.

The housekeeper, Lao Mo, brought some tea for mouthwash and closed the door behind his back.

"How are you doing at home these days?"

"Everything went smoothly, without any setbacks," Lao Mo said, "except that my wife was dissatisfied with the corridor in the west wing and asked the foreman to tear it down and redo it."

"What about the family expenses?"

Lao Mo answered a few key figures, which did not exceed He Chunhua's expectations. "When we first arrived in Dunyu City, we had not yet established ourselves. We had to save our money and not spend it lavishly."

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