After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 241 Don’t believe the rumors and don’t pass them on

"Madam knows that she has deliberately exercised restraint. The government does not dare to let go of hiring people. Apart from Qian Ma and me, there are only two maids, two cooks and handymen, three long-term workers, and one gardener. If the manpower is not enough, just I plan to use part-time workers to make it happen.”

He Chunhua nodded. Other mansions with the same area would not be able to function without twenty or thirty servants. Even Qian Guanshi, who has been working for him secretly, only acts as an agent for the Zhu family's business in Dunyu, and he also has seven or eight servants.

He lay down on the couch, and all the fatigue came to him: "Where is Chuan'er?"

This was just a casual question, but Lao Mo actually said: "The young master has been on the move these days."

He Chunhua still had his eyes closed: "Is this kid starting to cause trouble again?"

Not surprised, his mood remained calm.

"It's not like causing trouble." Old Mo, the housekeeper, said with a smile, "The young master took in a few people and then started spending money to buy properties in Dunyu and nearby counties."

"Buy property?" He Chunhua opened his eyes, truly surprised, "What did you buy?"

Purchasing a property is not something that an eldest son would do. "No, who did he accept?"

"We took in several private soldiers who were retired by the Li family, and we also took in a local steward named Ding." Old Mo, the steward, had obviously done his homework, "These properties were purchased by steward Ding and taken over one by one. "

"The people he recruited are quite smart." He Chunhua nodded, "The help of local people cannot be underestimated."

"Yes, yes, we have also hired a lot of people. We can do a lot of things. Without these locals, we really can't do it." Lao Mo continued, "As far as I know, the eldest young master has bought many shops and dozens of acres. The fields are irrigated with good water, a fishing ground to the west of Qinghu Lake, Dunyu’s old restaurant Hesulou, and a business name.

"He won a fishing ground?" He Chunhua stroked his chin, "It's interesting."

"I heard that the east side of Qing Lake has the most abundant water plants and the most fish, while the west side is less so."

"It's good if he can buy it. He's lucky." Fishing grounds can't be bought with money. The large rivers, lakes, forest farms and mines in Dayuan are all owned by the state, and arbitrary fishing and logging are not allowed. However, it is difficult for local governments to take care of it themselves, so they often contract these out and share the profits with the lessees.

Qinghu Lake on the outskirts of Dunyu is a huge freshwater lake with three water sources flowing into it. It is rich in fish, shrimps, crabs and shells, so it is divided into 27 fishing grounds, all of which are famous for their owners. In order to recuperate and recuperate, the official regulations stipulate that fishing is closed for two seasons every year, and fishing can be done in two seasons.

When the fishing season arrives, except for the fishery's own staff, outsiders who want to dig clams on the tidal flats have to pay first.

Simply put, this is a semi-monopoly industry. Holding a fishery with good resources means trapping hens that lay silver eggs.

"I heard that this fishing ground was originally chosen by the Shu family, but Manager Ding stepped in and showed off our He Mansion's sign."

"Okay, this guy is pretty good at speculating. Where did he get so much money? Is he using it too much?"

The housekeeper Lao Mo was stunned by the question: "That's not clear."

This fishing ground alone would probably cost a lot of money, even though these are extraordinary times. He Chunhua thought back, had he ever given He Lingchuan so much money before? Is it possible that this kid survived all?

Weirdly tight.

Perhaps Chuan'er gained something from the previous campaign against bandits? Lu Yao's relics were touched by him. Besides, from Heishui City to Shi Huan and then to Dunyu, there were quite a few people who wanted to curry favor with him through Chuan'er. Maybe some of them paid heavy bribes?

Or is it that this guy secretly bought and sold something by force?

But there are still a lot of troubles waiting for him to deal with right now, and trivial matters like the eldest son are not even a priority. He Chunhua chuckled: "Okay, don't worry about him, he can buy what he likes."

To be honest, he was quite happy.

The local tyrants and gentry in Xiazhou were selling their assets like meat, which showed that they had no confidence in Xiazhou's defense line and in him as the new general manager, and they just wanted to escape south. Although this was the result of He Chunhua's secret promotion, he was still a little angry when he thought about it.

The eldest son entered the market to buy at the bottom, but his actions proved that he had full confidence in his father.

My father was very relieved.

"But I want to know how much property he bought in the end."



Early the next morning, Dunyu City issued an official notice that starting from dusk today, that is, Xu time, the entire city is not allowed to enter or exit. Business travelers who want to leave the city must hold a special order from the relevant authorities before the city gate can allow them to leave.

The notice also specifically mentioned that the northern defense line is peaceful, the officers and soldiers are fighting smoothly, and the situation is stable and improving. Please do not believe the rumors, do not spread the rumors, and live with peace of mind.

As soon as the notice was posted, there was a wave of panic in the city!

Just like it is not easy to limit the increase in trading, the price will increase if the limit is exceeded, and it is also difficult to limit the price, and the price will decrease if the limit is exceeded. As soon as this announcement came out, the first thought in many people's minds was:

It's over, run!

There must be something going on in the north. Ninety-nine percent of the Xunzhou army is about to attack!

If you run late and run slowly, you will be trapped and die in Dunyu.

Rumors had been flying all over the sky these days, but as soon as the announcement came out, their wavering hearts immediately turned into a firm determination to escape.

Prices have plummeted, including food.

Rich merchants had a large amount of grain in their hands. They could not transport it all at once, so they had to sell it in an emergency. The grain on the market had originally risen to about six cents per catty, but in less than half a day it had dropped back to two cents. The bulk price for a group purchase of more than ten dan was only one cent!

It's a guaranteed price regardless of the cost.

This is true for food, not to mention other businesses. They all want to have a clearing sale before the city is closed.

The state government sent officers to the streets to beat gongs to stop people from panicking, and at the same time to maintain public order and stop looting and riots.

Even He Chunhua himself came forward in person and preached at Caishikou to appease people's hearts.

Seeing the certainty of his words and seeing that the government's vigorous and resolute style was different from the past, the emotions of most civilians were soothed and calmed down a little.

However, there are strong undercurrents below the surface.

The squire and nobles asked their men to sell off their assets and left first. For example, Mr. Zhan's long motorcade drove from the door of his house to the city gate, almost causing a traffic jam.

Under such circumstances, Ding Zuodong was still away from home all day long, and his wife and children were eagerly waiting for him, which made his heart, liver and lungs anxious.

When did my man become so unreliable?

Fortunately, Ding Zuodong finally ran home in Shenshi. In such a cold weather, he was sweating profusely: "Where's the water? Where's the food? Bring it to me. I'm starving to death after running outside all day!"

His wife hurriedly poured him a glass of water and said anxiously: "The official announcement has been made. Everyone has to run away. Our neighbors, the Wang family and the Yin family, have already left with their boxes and babies. Can we, can we run?"

Ding Zuodong gulped down water: "Where are you running to?"

"Fleeing south. Our things are all packed, our horses are harnessed, and we have fed them in advance. Your son is watching outside to prevent others from stealing our horses!"

"He is right to stare at the horse. At this time, the horse is more expensive than anything else." Ding Zuodong was very calm, "You put the things back in their place, heat up the rice, and bring it to me."

"But, but, if the Xunzhou soldiers come and kill..."

"Who told you that?"

"Everyone says so, sir. This is not groundless. The situation in the north is not good." The wife quickly grasped the handkerchief, "Did you hear anything from Mr. He?"

"Yes, everything I heard is good news. Let's stay and those fools can leave if they want."

Although the wife is doubtful, she always follows her husband's lead. He said firmly, and she went to work in the kitchen.

At this time, the five-year-old grandson slipped over and hugged Ding Zuodong's thigh.

When his wife came out with the food, she saw Ding Zuodong playing with his grandson, so she wiped his hands on the cloth and said, "I don't know who the killer is, but he stole all the money you gave Bao'er! I promised Bao'er Zhuma, I didn’t buy it.”

Ding Zuodong raised his head when he heard this: "I took that money."

The wife was stunned.

What, can I still get back the money I gave to my grandson? This old guy!

"The big house at Dongjiekou - you know which one I'm talking about, the one with the peach forest in the wall - the owner sold it at a low price. I didn't have enough money, so I filled it with Bao'er's pocket money." Ding Zuodong said from his arms. He took out the house deed and waved it in front of his wife, "Look, from now on, you are the mistress of this house!"

Such a beautiful house is about to become hers? The wife was stunned, and it took her a while to realize: "Have we invested all our money?"

"I also bought two small shops." Ding Zuodong had not smiled so heartily for a long time. "Today, not only are we doing errands for Mr. He, but we are also picking up some bargains ourselves."

The wife's palms were sweaty: "Master, this is a big gamble." If they lose the bet, they will be penniless and trapped, waiting for people from Xunzhou to come knocking on their door.

Ding Zuodong clenched his fists and his smile gradually faded: "Haven't you had enough of the idleness? If you want to stand up, you have to win big."

He finished planning the meal, wiped his mouth and stood up: "I'm going out."

His wife watched him leave and saw the last ray of sunshine coming from the setting sun in the west.

It's getting dark, and Dunyu is about to close the city.

Staring at the sunset under the same sky were not only the Ding family, but also the largest wealthy family in Xiazhou.

The Li family is also in panic. The servants all packed their luggage, but the head of the Li family did not speak for a long time.

The clan members took turns to persuade him, but Li Zhi closed the study door and saw no one.

At this time, the relatives thought of Li Shuang again. After all, Mr. Li always praised Xiao Liuzi for being smart, thoughtful and insightful.

Li Shuang shook his head: "I won't leave."


"If the front line is lost, why is Mr. He spreading money around the city these days and buying properties?"

Li Shuang added: "If Dunyu is in danger, why does the state government ask us to buy grain and buy back farmland at this time?"

Of course, He Lingchuan's journey and the actions of the state capital could not be hidden from local snakes like them.

The reasons given by Li Shuang are reasonable but not sufficient to convince the public.

When people feel anxious, they need solid evidence to support their confidence. So soon some members of the clan couldn't bear the pain anymore and dragged their families and left.

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