Li Shuang stood on the turret and watched their backs, her heart heavy.

Stay or go? It would have been a life-or-death gamble for anyone, but he had decided to stay.

To his surprise, Li Zhi also chose to stay behind instead of taking advantage of the chaos to escape from Dunyu.

Uncle Li is currently on bail awaiting trial. If he leaves Dunyu City, the 150,000 taels of silver deposit will be confiscated, and he will not be able to return to the Li family at all.

But the Li family doesn't care about this little money, and I believe Li Zhi doesn't care either.

Li Shuang had always believed that this uncle was mediocre and impulsive, but this time his concentration was surprisingly good.

He felt very unhappy. If Li Zhi escapes, the Li family will be left without an owner again, and he will easily take over.

Now, he has to wait for a few more months.

The situation in Dunyu City was changing day by day, and he really couldn't wait any longer.

It was getting dark, and Ding Zuodong also arrived at Hesu Tower.

Shan Youjun came with him. Today's Dunyu City is in chaos. Ding Zuodong is carrying valuable contracts and is afraid of being robbed.

Few restaurants in the city are open for business today, with the exception of Hesu Restaurant.

From cook to waiter, Ding Zuodong promised huge sums of money. Of course, the most important thing is that this restaurant is now owned by Mr. He. As the owner of the restaurant is so calm, the servants are reluctant to accept it.

However, there are only two tables of customers in this time-honored restaurant tonight. They are both regulars and drunkards. They will come before the sky falls.

Ding Zuodong sniffed as soon as he came in: there was an indescribable fragrance in the air.

As a serious lover of fried peanuts, he can tell that there must be a thick aroma of oil inside, but what is the rest of the smell that can penetrate into people's lungs arrogantly?

He called the waiter over and asked: "Where is the boss's house? Also, what is the cooking in the kitchen that tastes so delicious!"

The guy answered these two questions in just one sentence:

"My boss has been in the kitchen for two hours and said he didn't see anyone except you."

Ding Zuodong and Shan Youjun were both surprised. At this juncture, their boss actually stayed in the kitchen all afternoon?

He's so big-hearted, things are going crazy outside!

The two rushed to the kitchen, and unexpectedly saw Mao Tao outside the door. Ding Zuodong recognized that this was He Lingchuan's horse boy, but he didn't expect that this man had made a chair and sat at the door, actually guarding the door.

Fortunately, Maotao also recognized Ding Zuodong and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Boss, Manager Ding is here!"

He Lingchuan's voice came from the kitchen: "Manager Ding, please come in."

Maotao then stood up and gave way.

The two of them were full of curiosity. When they walked in, they found that there was no one else in the kitchen except He Lingchuan.

"Master, what are you doing?"

There are pots one after another on the table, and at first count there are twenty or thirty. Fortunately, this is a large restaurant, and the number of tableware is astonishing. The basin is filled with red...

Ding Zuodong pointed to the basin: "Wait a minute, is this oil?"

He was sure that the strange fragrance came from the basin. But the liquid in the basin is bright red with red gold, which always gives people a murderous feeling.

He Lingchuan came over: "Yes. How was your result today?"

He could smell oil all over his body, especially his hair.

When he mentioned the results of the battle, the wrinkles on Ding Zuodong's face relaxed: "We got it! Boss, we successfully took down the 'You Tiger'!" After saying that, he took out a stack of contracts from his arms and handed them over. "I also took the opportunity today to buy two stores and thirty acres of water to irrigate the fields. It was too cheap to let go."

Shan Youjun poked his head at the side: "An old brand that specializes in sesame oil, 'Youhu'?"

"Is there a second one? Unless it's a fake!" Ding Zuodong was rarely elated, "Originally, 'Youhu' was ready to be sold to the Shu family, but I intercepted it and the price was ten taels higher than the Shu family! Hehe, no matter what He's even taller than ten liang. You haven't seen that brat from the Shu family, his face is as angry as pig liver."

Back then, he was kicked out by the Shu family on random charges. He had been feeling sulky until now, and he finally let out a little of it.

"Is he bidding with you?" He Lingchuan raised a large spoon and fished something out of the boiling pot.

"We only competed once. I gave him a few jabs, and he threw up his sleeves and ran away."

The last time the Shu family's steward saw Ding Zuodong, he looked at him through his nostrils and sent him away with a handful of money. Fortunately, this time, it was still the same steward, but Ding Zuodong was so angry that he didn't dare to talk back, so he could only complain. gone.

The feeling of bullying others cannot be said to be refreshing, it can only be regarded as relaxed and happy.

Ding Zuodong once again felt that the thigh in front of him was the right one.

"Congratulations to the owner, the entire 'Oil Tiger' industry, including more than ten hectares of fields, five oil mills, and seven oil stores, is yours!"

One of the key products of Dunyu and its surrounding areas is oil.

Peanut oil, rapeseed oil, and sesame oil can all be sold as far away as possible inside and outside the state, and even presented to the capital as tribute.

"Youhu" is a 30-year-old local brand in Dunyu. It even has its own raw material fields, the quality is controllable, and it is deeply loved by people.

It has always been one of the key points that Ding Zuodong suggested to He Lingchuan to take into his pocket. However, before today, the other party couldn't let go of it and was half-hearted. Even the Shu family couldn't grasp it.

"If today's situation was not special, I might not be able to win it."

"Thank you for your hard work." He Lingchuan poured the contents of the pot into a bowl, then poured the bright red oil in the basin into it, "Here, have a taste."

The two of them took the bamboo chopsticks handed over by their host in a daze, and hesitated for a moment: "Ah this?"

This Young Master He doesn't look like a good cook. Could it be that he is hiding his skills?

Shan Youjun was more cheerful, stretched out his chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat soup.

Another handful, a chopstick of sprouts.

He stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it. His cheeks slowly stopped and his eyes became rounder and wider.

He Lingchuan didn't see what he wanted to express: "How?"

Before Shan Youjun could reply, he sneezed twice.

Thanks to him remembering to turn his head first.

"Choke! Cough cough cough..." Shan Youjun couldn't speak coherently, and his face turned red.

He Lingchuan was already prepared. He brought a glass of water, cut two balls of ice and snow from the branches outside, added it to the cup, and handed it to him: "Just drink it."

Shan Youjun took it and drank it in one breath, letting out a long "ah".

Ah, relief.

His performance was too exaggerated, so He Lingchuan found a pair of chopsticks and took a bite himself.

Well, not the best flavor I remember, but passable. After all, he is just a foodie, not a chef.

"Old Ding, try it."

Seeing Shan Youjun's performance, Ding Zuodong felt uneasy, but his boss asked him to do it, so he had no choice but to raise his chopsticks.

He didn't know what he had eaten, but the taste exploded in his mouth.

Numb, spicy, and fragrant, all taking turns, finally coalescing into the word "fresh".



He Lingchuan asked him with a smile: "How is it?"

"I, I can't tell." Ding Zuodong felt that he was speechless for the first time, "What did I eat?"

"Pig red."

"I'll try it again." Ding Zuodong stretched out his chopsticks and picked up another piece of meat soup.

Shan Youjun watched from the side and couldn't help but said: "Don't you think it's spicy?"

"It's spicy that tastes good." Red oil dripped from the corner of Ding Zuodong's mouth, but he didn't even notice it, "You're not a local, you don't understand!"

People in southern Xiazhou like to eat spicy food. He Lingchuan had known it for a long time. Small peppers are even abundant here.

Shan Youjun saw that he was enjoying the meal and couldn't help but stretch his chopsticks again.

Although it was spicy and sizzling, it tasted weird. The spicier it became, the more I couldn't stand it and the more I wanted to eat it.

The two of them had one chopstick and one chopstick. The bowl quickly reached the bottom, leaving only the red oil. The last bean sprouts were gone, but Ding Zuodong fished them out a few times, still wanting more.

Shan Youjun, whose throat was filled with smoke, ran directly outside to chew on the snow.

He Lingchuan threw two pieces of paper over: "Wipe your mouth."

"I've lost my temper, I've lost my temper!" Ding Zuodong wiped his mouth and the paper was covered with red oil, "It's a joke to my boss, but this bowl of food is indeed delicious."

He went to the water tank and took a spoonful of water to drink, and then went to find a piece of paper.

It's so spicy that my nose is open.

He Lingchuan pointed at the red oil and asked, "Do you think Dunyu people will like this?"

"Yes!" Ding Zuodong gave a thumbs up, "Definitely, definitely."

Dunyu people love spicy food, but they never combine oil, spicy, salty and numbing. With this smell, Ding Zuodong felt that they would definitely start to tremble from the depths of their souls.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Let the chef at Hesulou study the dishes as soon as possible, and I'll write you the ingredients."

Ever since Ding Zuodong took over a time-honored restaurant, He Lingchuan began to ponder the "Collection of Hundred Fragrances" obtained in Panlong's dream. The spices there do indeed have their own preparation method for the "spicy" series. Besides, he has eaten so many spicy hotpots, maocai, skewers, and red oil pots in his previous life, and the taste has long been burned into his memory. Once touched, I have an uncontrollable urge to eat.

So this afternoon he took some spices from the drug store and tinkered with them here.

Barely successful.

As the owner, he would have stopped at this point and would not be able to invest more energy. The ones in the back will depend on Ding Zuodong and Hesulou.

Ding Zuodong was full of joy: "We have a medicine shop and an oil shop, so making this is not a problem. The formula needs to be made by a dedicated person so that it can be kept secret, adding another sign to Hesulou!"

He Lingchuan laughed: "No matter how much you keep it secret, it will still spread. Even if others don't know, they will try it."

Red oil is not difficult at all. Its very existence points the way to others.

Ding Chok Tong also understands this truth: "A moment is a moment that can be saved."

He Lingchuan scooped water and washed his hands when he heard Ding Zuodong say again: "The Zhan family has left. I heard that their remaining grain and fields were sold to the state capital, including the farmland that was originally eaten."

"Before we came to Dunyu, the Zhan family was selling off their property and moving away half of their people. Now they have no reason to stay." He Lingchuan was not surprised, "A lot of people also followed the Zhan family, right?"

When a large family moves like this, other small nobles and common people who intend to leave will follow, firstly to follow the crowd, and secondly for safety reasons.

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