After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 243 It’s better to die than to live

After all, bandits are everywhere now, and the big family's protection force is stronger.

"Yes, some have left," Ding Zuodong said, "However, the Li family and the Shu family have gone in the opposite direction and are also purchasing property on a large scale. They are the most important weather vane. If they don't leave, most people won't leave either."

"They saw what we were doing and wanted to take a gamble?"

"The property of these two families is spread all over Xiazhou. Dunyu is the most important thing and cannot be moved easily." Otherwise, it will be a strain.

He Lingchuan sneered: "I love gambling. After the swamps are dried in the summer, the biggest crocodiles will die at the bottom of the swamps."

Ding Zuodong was careful: "But they made the right bet, right?"

"It's right this time." He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, good news from the front is coming. Those who have confidence in the He family and Dunyu deserve to be rewarded."

Ding Zuodong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but felt that the young master's words were profound.

"Okay, how much money do I have left?"

When Ding Zuodong heard this, he quickly reported the account to He Lingchuan, and reported it in detail.

In the past six days, he had attacked everywhere and acquired many high-quality assets for He Lingchuan non-stop.

He has long seen what is good, what is bad, and what is poisonous. He was suffering from poverty before, but now he can operate with other people's money.

He hadn't been so high-spirited for a long time.

In just a few days, more than 80,000 taels of He Lingchuan's 100,000 taels of silver went out, of which more than 10,000 taels were sent out today, leaving only more than 10,000 taels left in the book.

Ding Zuodong was still unfinished and wished he could continue to chop off his hands.

"When the situation in Dunyu stabilizes and people have confidence, you can earn at least twice as much money just by selling these properties."

He Lingchuan shook his head: "Twice is too little."

How many mortal lives can the price of a purple golden pestle be worth?

"These are all steady businesses." Ding Zuodong said with a smile, "The usual rental income is endless."

It is a good asset if it can generate a steady stream of cash flow.

He Lingchuan took out a note: "Since I have a medicine shop, you go collect these medicinal materials for me and give them to Yao Yuan Lingguang." Now he buys medicine at cost price.

Speaking of which, he wanted to make money, but his original intention was just because he thought Yin Yang San was too wasteful of money, and he was afraid that he would be left with nothing. How did it become such a big stall?

Hey, you are really causing trouble for yourself.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, he called Shan Youjun: "By the way, Jiao Tai will be released in the evening, you can go and pick him up." Then he threw a sign and a silver coin, "After staying in the prison cell for so many days, His injury is unlikely to get better. If you use this card to go back to Xiangtang to see a doctor and get medicine, it will be on my account. You can pass the money to Jiao Tai and give it to me. "

Shan Youjun was overjoyed, but his feet felt weak again.

He Lingchuan had quick eyesight and caught him: "Stop kneeling, get out!"

This kid is worried about Jiao Tai, which can be considered affectionate; this kid is obviously worried about him, but he has tolerated it for six days, which can be considered a bit of a show of strength.

The people Sun Hongye recruited were pretty good.


Before going to bed that night, He Lingchuan patted the broken knife and said, "Remember, we will arrange a battle between me and Mengshan tonight."

Sure enough, when he entered the Coiling Dragon Dreamland, he simply appeared in the martial arts hall.

In the past few days, he had been training with Meng Shan, which showed that Broken Blade could indeed understand his words.

He walked to the edge of the north courtyard of Yuewu Hall and patted the fence hard: "Mengshan, come out!"

When Meng Shan saw him, he was already a little impatient: "Are you here to compete or to be tortured?"

He beat this kid to death in return. If others had been killed four times, how could this guy named He still be alive and come to challenge him the next day?

Could it be that the crisp sounds of cracking bones and fractures he heard were all fake?

He Lingchuan's method of stimulating generals only has three words, but it works every time:

"Are you scared?"

Mengshan's nostrils were filled with white steam. He strode through the coffin tower and walked to the south courtyard.

As soon as his figure appeared, the audience in the North and South Courtyards knew that there was something exciting to watch, and immediately gathered over, some whistled, and some cheered for He Lingchuan.

It is very sad to be defeated repeatedly, but to fight again and again after repeated defeats can also make people look at you with admiration.

In particular, Broken Blade's opponent is Meng Shan, a man who looks like a violent bear. Even the soldiers of the Gale Army in the North Courtyard were unwilling to fight with him.

The thin man emerged from nowhere, full of energy: "The market is open, the market is open, let's bet on how long the broken knife can last today!"

In the past few days, although He Lingchuan had not won, his persistence was getting longer every day. The thin man took advantage of this and made a lot of money.

He Lingchuan also joined in and threw a silver coin at him: "Skinny man, please let me hold on for more than a quarter of an hour!" He was the one who got beaten, and he was the one who suffered. There was no reason why he couldn't get a share of the money.


"Then I don't think he can hold on!" Meng Shan said with a straight face and cracked his knuckles, "Tell me, how do you want to die today?"

He Lingchuan waved his hand: "No hurry, let me ask you a question first."

"Say it." Mengshan had a rare good temper in front of such a humanoid punching bag that resisted being beaten.

"Have you ever competed with the Red General?"

"Of course." Otherwise, how could he be convinced and willing to surrender?

"Is it easy for him to defeat you?"

Mengshan rolled his eyes and held out three fingers:

"Just five moves."

He was very proud in his words: "Some of those guys in the North Campus can't even survive two moves!"

Two Gale Army soldiers were unconvinced and yelled at him on the fence: "It's not because you are fat!"

The tonnage is also the cost.

He Lingchuan took a long breath.

There is no end to the Tao. This is indeed not a joke.

There is a long way to go.

It was a clear night with no wind or snow.

With God's blessing, the Zhan family's motorcade traveled south smoothly and finally arrived in Buxian County after traveling nearly forty miles at night.

Following this team, there were nearly 20,000 civilians, businessmen, and minor nobles.

Bu County itself has a permanent population of only 17,000, so it certainly cannot accommodate these uninvited guests. Besides, it's still dark and the curfew hasn't ended yet, so no one can go in.

The Zhan family stood under the city gate and negotiated for a long time, but the upright-looking gatekeeper refused to enter.

Therefore, everyone can only set up tents in open spaces outside the county town to rest. If you want to keep warm, if you go a step late, you will find that all the firewood in the grove has been picked up by others.

That's how it is when you're escaping, don't expect to see other people's warm faces, don't expect to drink hot water on the way.

For the leading figures of the Zhan family and many nobles, they have never been so depressed in their lives.

But when they thought that the Dunyu City they had escaped from was about to be covered by war, they were still very happy in their hearts.

It's better to live than to die.

Fortunately, it was early spring now. Although it was cold in the morning and evening, and the ice and snow had not melted yet, it was not as harsh as the cold winter two months ago.

After walking forty miles, everyone was so exhausted that they could even fall asleep lying on ice and snow.

As a result, before dawn, two fast horses came from the north. They stood under the city gate and shouted: "Expedited order from the state capital, open the door!"

After shouting three times like this, the city defenders gave the order and opened the door.

The sound spread far away, and the Dunyu people sleeping in the tent also heard it. Some are still asleep, while others are already whispering to each other:

Dunyu has sent a message, but it is urgent to send him a message.

What news could it be?

The Xunzhou army has moved south in large numbers?

This discussion soon spread to the Zhan family.

After another hour, the rooster sang and the city gate opened.

Zhan Song, the head of the Zhan family, immediately led his people into the city and found an inn to stay and rest. After sleeping in the wilderness for half the night, their whole bodies were sore and painful.

Of course, the Zhan family did not forget to send people to inquire around.

But Zhan Song and others had just finished washing up and sat down to eat the first steamed buns when the boy rushed back and shouted: "Win, win!"

"What's the victory!" Before Zhan Song could say anything, his family scolded him, "Where are the rules when you yell?"

Zhan Song was anxious and didn't care about etiquette: "Speak quickly!"

"Announcements were posted throughout Bu County, and special personnel were sent to preach. The new general manager sent troops to attack the Xunzhou army. They won great victories in Xinhuang, Hetao, and Lu'an. With 1,600 people, they defeated more than 9,000 opponents. , and beheaded two enemy generals!”

The buns Zhan Song was holding fell to the table: "The written like this?"

Zhan's family was in an uproar, and everyone said: "I don't believe it!"

"How can it be!"

"The state government is making lies to calm people's hearts. This is absolutely unbelievable!"

Zhan Song was so confused that he felt the crowd was buzzing and noisy. He couldn't help but slap the table: "Quiet!"

There was a bang and silence.

His wife asked him tentatively: "Master, do you think this is true?"

Zhan Song composed himself: "Send a fast horse back to inquire. We will all stay in Bu County today."

At this time, there was no better way, and the clansmen had no way to object, and thefts continued everywhere.

Everyone else left, Zhan Song sat in the room for a while, became increasingly depressed, and went out for a walk.

The guests coming and going have smiles on their faces, which seems to be an eyesore.

Finally he walked into a teahouse, where everyone at the tables was talking about his victory. As soon as he found an empty table and sat down, the waiter brought him a pot of hot tea and a plate of dried fruits.

"I didn't order this."

"It's a gift from the shopkeeper, one for each table." The waiter grinned, "Today we won a big victory in the north, we are proud of it. We are so happy!"

"It's not the first time I've won a battle, right?"

"That's two thousand versus nine thousand, and you still win!" The clerk put the towel on his shoulder, "The new manager really has two brushes."

"It's a good start. I hope he can withstand it later."

"That's right." The clerk suppressed a smile and sighed, "I don't know if the new manager can fight against that group of rich bastards in Dunyu City! A large number of people came from outside the county today, saying they escaped from Dunyu. Yes, I don’t know what’s going on. Do you still want to run after winning?”

"..." Zhan Song's smile turned bitter.

At this time, the streets outside were crackling, and someone actually set off firecrackers in celebration.

One hanging here, one hanging there, the whole city was as happy as if it was a festival.

Only the Zhan family's obedient Dunyu people were equally uneasy, and a notice was posted outside the city gate, as if it was posted specifically for them.

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