After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 244 If you want to play, play big

The Zhan family also stopped moving in Buxian County, which made rumors more prevalent.

Many people began to regret it.

The waiting time is always extremely long.

Four hours later, the sun began to set in the west again, and the spies sent by Zhan Song to Dunyu rushed back. The news they brought was not sure whether it was good or bad for the Zhan family:

"Dunyu posted a notice in the middle of the night yesterday, saying that today there will be lights and colorful decorations everywhere, and every restaurant will be full at noon. The Song family troupe will set up a stage to sing in the Xiaojiangtian Square in the south gate. I heard that it was arranged by the state government and they will have to sing for most of the day. "

The spy added: "There are dozens of heads hanging on the city gate. It is said that they are all generals of the Xunzhou cavalry, as well as the leaders who looted and killed the most. They have been sprinkled with lime, and there are many people watching."

"By the way, Dunyu City has reopened and is no longer closed."

The enemy's head is hung on the tower?

Dunyu opened the city again?

Zhan Song held the back of the chair and sat down slowly, his heart feeling cold: "We have been fooled. We have been fooled."

The tribesmen are looking at him eagerly, what should they do now?

Someone asked: "Could it be fake again?"

“How can there be any reason why the city was closed yesterday and will be lifted today?”

"We have just arrived in Bu County, and news of the great victory has also arrived. How can there be such a coincidence?"

"Yes." Zhan Song suddenly answered, "There is no such coincidence."

Everyone was stunned: "You mean, Manager He didn't win?"

"We won the battle." Zhan Song smiled bitterly, "But I'm afraid he didn't report it and used this news to set a trap for us! After all, it's not him who has the final say when the victory report will be sent back?"

The atmosphere was heavy for a moment.

When Dunyu City was in crisis, they felt uncomfortable.

But when General He defeated the enemy and beheaded the enemy generals, they seemed to feel even worse.

Now that more than 200 people from the clan have come out, what should we do next?

Return to Dunyu City again?

In the past few days, they have sold everything they can and have taken away all their property. What else can they do if they go back?

What's more, the four families only left their family, and if they just went back like this, they couldn't be laughed to death by the other three families?

Zhan Song's heart was as tight as a twist, so tight that he felt uncomfortable.

This dumb guy is really suffering a big loss.

But who said he lacked concentration? Seeing as the Li family came out yesterday to shop for goods, could it be possible that they got wind of it first?

After feeling regretful for a long time, he let out a breath and said, "We won't go back. Let's continue walking south. We still have our property in the south. The tribesmen who moved away earlier are all in Canglin County, and the houses there are enough for us to live in."

He still had more to say:

Not only is the Zhan family's property there, but it is also closer to the border. Once Dunyu is defeated, they can escape from Xiazhou with just a few steps.

Clan members, you look at me and I look at you, they all shrink their heads and have no objections.

But Fourth Master Zhan got up and said angrily: "If you don't go back, I have to go back! I still have an unsettled account with the Li family!"

His wife and children died at the hands of the Li family's private soldiers, and he is still waiting for justice. "I told you before, don't leave, don't leave, but you don't believe it! Now that it's over, a huge mistake has been made, which one of you has the nerve to go back?"

Second Master Zhan looked at Zhan Song's face and coughed lightly: "You shouldn't say that, Fourth, you are impulsive. We were about to move south, and we had no intention of going back."

Zhan Song nodded: "Fourth brother, please go back. Don't let the Li family live too freely."

He raised his hand and called a housekeeper to come closer: "Take two of you to accompany Fourth Master Zhan back and take good care of his daily life."

It would be good for Zhan Si to go back and keep an eye on him, so as to urge the state government to handle the case fairly and early. Even if the Zhan family leaves, they can't give the Li family any advantage, and the Li family should pay no less in compensation!

Dunyu City.

One day ago, it was a cold and windy night here, all businesses were depressed, and even the dogs didn't come out to bark.

One day later, lights and colorful decorations were everywhere, and the streets were crowded with people.

There are two different worlds: hot and cold, the only difference is a hearty victory.

He Chunhua specially held a banquet at Hesu Tower to "bless the wind and wash away the dust" for the victorious generals headed by Zhao Qinghe and Wu Shaoyi——

In fact, this team returned triumphantly the day before yesterday, but they had been hiding in the countryside. They only returned to the city grandly today, and were welcomed by the people.

The generals were all very excited when they talked about the battle on the front line during the banquet.

He Chunhua specifically did not choose a private room, but directly reserved the second floor. In this way, the noise upstairs can be heard clearly by other guests when it is transmitted downstairs.

When the generals talked about the wonderful things, some guests came upstairs and insisted on toasting them.

This happened again and again, so He Lingchuan simply opened a running water table on the first floor so that anyone could come and eat and have fun together.

After they have had enough wine and food, all the gossip and details here will spread throughout the city with added fuel and jealousy, just as the Hes and his sons expected.

The meal lasted from noon to evening, and everyone left happily.

He Lingchuan grabbed He Chunhua and said, "Dad can't cheat his son. The money for today's banquet should be settled as soon as possible!"

He Chunhua was happy today and a little drunk. He simply waved his hand: "The debt will be charged to the state government!"

In fact, He Lingchuan already knew that the team sent by He Chunhua indeed won, but this victory was somewhat mixed. The Xunzhou army they captured and defeated was far less than nine thousand.

In fact, there are only 1,200 people on the other side.

After Nian Zanli tore a hole in Zhao Pan's defense line, he dispatched the army south, hoping to take the opportunity to capture a few more cities and expand the results of the battle, so that he could gain a firm foothold. Otherwise, it would be easier to deliver food if the army went deep alone.

But at the same time, he also sent several cavalry groups to continue to fight small groups of guerrillas southward. While harassing towns and plundering people, he also searched for the route of the official grain transport team and prepared for a surprise attack.

These cavalry units are very mobile, but their number is only a few hundred.

He Chunhua knew that Xiazhou's army was neglected in training and its combat strength was exhausted. If they started fighting on the frontal battlefield, they were afraid that they would disperse in a rush. However, there is still some chance of winning by using more troops to defeat fewer troops on their own territory.

Before setting off, he rehearsed countermeasures with several generals. Wu Shaoyi and Zhao Qinghe were also very lucky this time. They caught one accurately and with the help of the local people in Xinhuang, Hetao and Lu'an, they successfully ambushed two enemy armies, but the last one actually retreated without a fight and was killed. Didn't really fight them.

The Xunzhou army suffered a loss because they didn't know that He Chunhua had already arrived at Dunyu. They thought that Xiazhou's defenses were empty. In addition, they had not encountered any decent resistance in the previous raids on villages and counties.

He Chunhua caught them off guard to achieve such a good effect. But even so, our own casualties still reached more than 400 people.

When He Lingchuan knew the real figures, he couldn't help but give He Chunhua a thumbs up: "As expected of you, dad, if you want to play, play big, adulteration is so much water!" Fake it five times!

"How do you think morale and military morale can be raised?" He Chunhua smiled bitterly, "Half of it depends on bragging!"

"With this victory as a foundation, they will be more courageous when they face the Xunzhou army next time." Manager He Da's eyes were half filled with joy and half with worry.

Fortunately, this victory laid a solid foundation for his prestige in Dunyu. There were subtle changes in power and status between him and the famous families headed by the four major families.

The big stone weighing on He Chunhua's heart was relieved by half. With this victory, many of his subsequent decrees can be carried out smoothly.

The troubles are also obvious. Xiazhou's army's irresistibility has been exposed. His recruitment and training plan must be implemented as soon as possible.

But in any case, the most difficult moment when they first arrived in Dunyu was over.

That night, He Lingchuan fell into a dream again. Meng Shan, who had just finished repairing several opponents, put up the no-fight card. The reason was that he was tired from fighting and wanted to rest for a few days.

Last time, He Lingchuan almost broke his Adam's apple.

Although He Lingchuan was forced to disconnect by holding his neck in the end, Mengshan was not like him who received special care from the dreamland. He was injured and could not recover the next day, so he needed to rest for a few days.

Now, He Lingchuan could last more than a quarter of an hour under his command.

It stands to reason that the rules of Yuewu Hall are actually more beneficial to Meng Shan, because the sharpness of weapons has no effect here, and the advantages of blunt weapons and huge strength are obvious. Mengshan had rough skin, thick flesh, and immense strength. No matter whether He Lingchuan stabbed him with a knife, a gun, or a stick, the damage caused to him was limited.

What's more, this is a head-on confrontation, and sneak attacks and ambush tricks are basically useless.

But even so, He Lingchuan persisted for longer and longer.

Although his lack of military merit cannot be exchanged for new supernatural powers, he has been in the martial arts hall for a long time, and he has also learned from the strengths of others and installed another extremely useful weapon:

Sleeve arrows.

As the name suggests, this thing is hidden in the sleeve and can attack enemies within thirty-four steps with just a lift of the wrist. The sleeve arrows provided by the Yuewu Hall were made of wood, including the arrow boxes, so their durability and quality were not very good. Even so, He Lingchuan used it to plot against Meng Shan and almost blinded him.

After returning to reality, he immediately asked Li Fubo to order a sleeve arrow. The arrow box was made of copper, and the arrows were mixed with a little fine gold, and two arrows were fired in succession.

At the same time, two talismans need to be engraved on the arrow body, that is, two magic circles are added. One is "wind control" to protect it from the influence of wind and avoid being carried askew, and the other "elite" is to improve the penetration of the arrow. After all, The power of sleeve arrows is not as good as that of long bows and requires additional support.

A set of quivers, six short arrows, which can also be quenched with poison.

He also asked Li Fubo to combine the hook rope with the sleeve arrow, that is, the rope should be connected to the back of the arrow in case of emergency.

Just to make such a thing, three hundred taels of silver were gone again.

This is worth the price of half a shop floor. Even though Songyang Mansion's expert customization is so expensive, it's still a friendly price with a 50% discount.

Li Fubo gave him a thumbs up, trying to soothe the customer's psychological trauma: "This thing is practical, and you have a good vision. Many regular customers in Songyang Mansion must have it, and they ask us to replenish arrows when they use it up."

He Lingchuan didn't even bother to roll his eyes. Since it was useful, why didn't you recommend it to me earlier?

It's not that he hadn't thought about another hidden weapon he had read about in the book, the famous "Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle", but after Li Fubo told him the cost, especially since it was impossible to recover all the dozens of special needles shot at one time, he gave up this idea instantly. idea.

Who came up with such a wasteful thing!

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