After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 246 Rural Regulations VS Young Master He

Hurry up? Did this happen suddenly?

He Lingchuan didn't think much about it, but Ding Zuodong behind him changed his face slightly: "Young Master, we haven't got all the evidence yet!"

"Nothing to do today?"

"It won't work."

what to do? The original plan was disrupted. He Lingchuan rolled his eyes and immediately agreed: "Then let's do it hard."

He whispered a few words to Yao Yuan Lingguang, who was obviously stunned, then nodded after hesitation.

So He Lingchuan whistled, and Rock Wolf Lu Xin jumped back from nowhere.

"Let's set off and aim for Xinxiang."

He Chunhua usually indulged his eldest son, but He Lingchuan couldn't stop him at the critical moment.

More than a quarter of an hour later, the group left Dunyu and rode straight to Xinxiang.

Jiao Tai was brought out of the dark cell just two days ago. He had abscesses in his wounds and needed to be nursed for another two days. Following He Lingchuan were four or five strong men besides Shan Youjun.

They were originally private soldiers of the Li family and the Shu family. After He Chunhua issued an order, the two families had to disband their private armies on the spot. Most of the private soldiers will be recruited by the army, but Shan Youjun introduced these people to He Lingchuan, saying that they were carefully selected from fifteen to six hundred people. They were excellent in terms of strength and character, and they had no burden behind them. .

Only when you use it will you know whether it is easy to use. So He Lingchuan simply called them all to go on errands together.

There has been no snow or rain in the past few days, the road conditions are good, the horses are galloping at full speed, and it takes less than an hour to reach Xinxiang.

The stingy husband from Xinxiang, whose surname was Zhou, was stunned when he saw He Lingchuan, secretly saying that he lived up to his reputation. The opponent was riding a tall green and red beast, holding a monkey on his left and driving a wolf on his right, and followed six or seven evil servants behind him. Young Master Kuo was full of style as he patrolled the countryside and bombed the streets.

This beast was the filial piety of a certain minor nobleman, and of course it was "sold" to He Lingchuan in name only.

"Where is that ignorant village?" He Lingchuan called his men to give up a horse for Zhou Shifu to ride, "Lead the way."

The stingy man is the tax collector in the village. However, the township government has a small establishment and insufficient manpower. In addition to collecting taxes, he also has to do some chores, such as coordinating conflicts between the state government and the township, and between the township and the village.

The ground was still frozen, but the remaining snow had faded away, and He Lingchuan could still see a little bit of fresh green in the mud cracks on the roadside.

The woods and shrubs are still bare, but if you look carefully, some of them have sprouted buds. The pheasants are grazing in the fields, and the doe eats from morning to night, and runs away when she sees people.

Just looking at these animals, you can tell that there is actually no shortage of food in Dunyu. Although farmers' taxes are heavy, they are still better off than elsewhere.

Winter is coming to an end, and spring is coming.

On the way, He Lingchuan asked Zhou Shifu: "You said that Shuangyu Village refuses to hand over its land and is threatening you?"

Zhou Shifu secretly felt bitter in his heart. This young man came here without knowing the cause and effect. What should he do if there is trouble and stalemate later? I heard that Young Master He has a bad temper, but Shuangyu Village is a tough nut to crack.

But on the surface, he still had to explain: "Yes. A few days ago, the newly appointed officials of the General Manager's Office purchased ten hectares of fertile land from the villagers, with all the seals and deeds. But when the local government came to collect the land, Shuangyu Village refused to do it. It said that all land sales in the village must be stamped by the village elder first, otherwise the sale will be invalid; in addition, the ten hectares of land have been rented out, and the lease term is still seven years, so the state government bought the bones of the fields instead of the surface. , The land cannot be taken back. Last time I went with the county magistrate, and even the county magistrate was pushed to the ground. "

"Hey, is there such a arrogant village?" It is common sense that the people do not fight with the officials. Why can Shuangyu Village go retrograde? He Lingchuan only focused on the key points, "They don't make sense, do they?"

"You can't say that." Zhou Shifu said, "Places such as Xinxiang and Yongbai Township have rural regulations. In the past few decades, villagers have to agree to sell their fields. This is an old unwritten rule, and the villagers have Accept. The new officials in the General Manager’s Office may not be familiar with our place and don’t know these things.”

He Lingchuan hummed. As soon as my father took office, he took off the hats of many old officials and put them on the heads of new ones. This move has advantages and disadvantages. Although the atmosphere of the officialdom has been renewed, and the new officials are more loyal to He Chunhua, they are new to the country and are not familiar with the local customs, so they are sure to step into the trap.

Look, isn't this a minor trouble?

"Who said all the villagers recognize it?" He Lingchuan sneered, "I see that the few villagers who sold their land to the state capital have no intention of recognizing it. Where are these people?"

"They all abandoned their hometown and went south, and never came back."

He Lingchuan understood: "You have deceived the state official, how dare you come back? This is a one-time deal."

In the days when the rumors spread, people in Dunyu and surrounding towns were in a state of unrest. Many residents were planning to go south to seek refuge.

He Chunhua's order to close the city was put into practice as soon as he threatened it.

If someone sells it, the state government will take it over at a low price, which is called buying back the public land.

This practice of buying private property into public property was not only pioneered by He Chunhua, but also used by Dayuan at least twice in history. The reason was that public land fell into the hands of the powerful for various reasons and too much was lost. Later, the state tried to buy it back.

However, the new officials appointed by He Chunhua did not know the local rural rules. The money was given to others, but the land could not be recovered.

As the good news from the north spread to all directions, the people who fled south thought about it, retreated and went back.

Most people fled in such a hurry that they didn't have time to sell their houses. They thought about it on the way and said, since they have a house to live in, they should go back.

Secondly, is it so comfortable to escape? Ordinary people simply cannot bear the kind of life that wanders around like wild dogs, being looked down upon, despised, and robbed.

Unless absolutely necessary, who would want to be a refugee?

So as soon as they heard that Dunyu was fine and the officers and soldiers won the battle, 80% of the more than 10,000 civilians who followed the Zhan family returned home. They have been returning to their hometowns and into the city in the past few days.

However, those Shuangyu villagers who sold their land to the state capital were so cunning and cunning that they certainly did not dare to come back. These ten hectares of land became a conflict between Xinxiang and Shuangyu Village.

"Let me ask you one more thing." He Lingchuan then asked the main point, "Is there any connection between Shuangyu Village and Chuanyunge, a Taoist sect?"

Zhou Shifu immediately said: "Of course it is. Who from all over the country doesn't know that the second elder of the south courtyard of Chuanyun Pavilion was born in Shuangyu Village!"

"So...Elder Liang?"


He Lingchuan snorted. No wonder his father secretly sent someone to urge him to come to Shuangyu Village, 90% intending to get this matter done before Elder Liang.

If it were any other state official, he might have given in.

He Chunhua didn't.

Zhou Shifu added: "Shuangyu Village is also somewhat related to Dunyu's Shu family. If you refuse to admit it this time, maybe..."

He Lingchuan sneered: "In other villages there are obedient people, but here we are unruly people!"

These big families have suffered too much at the hands of He Chunhua recently, and they may want to take the opportunity to vent their anger and make things difficult for the state capital.

Zhou Shifu hesitated again and then said: "Counsellor Tian Cao also collected a lot of fields from other places this time. They must also be looking at Shuangyu Village."

The government VS Shuangyu Village, in the end, whether the government bows its head or Shuangyu Village admits defeat, this will set an example for the handling of such incidents in the future.

He Lingchuan snorted: "Isn't that nonsense?"

After galloping across the wide fields, we arrived at Shuangyu Village.

There are actually more than 130 households in this village, a large number of people. Zhou Sifu said that this is the largest village in Xinxiang and it occupies the best land.

Because of the trouble caused by buying the land, all the young people in the village were there. When they saw He Lingchuan leading the crowd, they all raised their farm tools to greet him.

Seeing the undisguised disgust and contempt in their eyes, He Lingchuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The atmosphere was tense, and Zhou Shifu hurriedly stepped forward and spoke: "The state government is here to coordinate the land sale. Please invite the village chief!"

After a while, the village chief came.

Different from the white-bearded old man in He Lingchuan's impression, the village chief of Shuangyu Village is only in his early forties. Although he has some wrinkles, he is still in the prime of life.

He bowed when he came up, but did not reach the ground, and then invited He Lingchuan and others to enter the village for a detailed discussion.

He Lingchuan looked around and saw that Shuangyu Village was no different from an ordinary village. Chickens and dogs could hear each other and smoke was curling up from cooking stoves. As more people walked, the thin ice on the ground turned into water, and every step on it turned into mud.

News spreads fastest in a place like this, so half a quarter of an hour later, He Lingchuan sat in the big room where Shuangyu Village held meetings. Opposite him were six or seven village elders, most of whom were older than the village chief.

The villagers gathered outside the house, stretching their necks to hear something.

Village Chief Liang started: "Who is this?"

He Lingchuan was sitting with a big horse and a golden sword, two monsters lying beside him, and seven big men behind him standing with their hands behind their backs.

"I am Tian Cao's deputy in the army."

I think Tian Cao joining the army is like your killer. Of course, the village chief did not say this complaint, but gave him a ceremonial smile.

Zhou Sifu beside him immediately added: "He is still the eldest son of the new manager, Mr. He!"

The village elders on the opposite side all let out a long "Oh" with complicated expressions. Why did the state official send his own son here? Do you want to use your power to overwhelm others?

"Master He ordered me to mediate the dispute over the purchase of public land. Tian Cao joined the army to replace Xinxiang and purchased ten hectares of irrigated farmland from seven households in Shuangyu Village. The deeds and certificates are in place. Is this fact clear?"

The village elders immediately spoke up, but there was so much talk that no one could hear clearly. He Lingchuan could only see that they were a little excited.

Village Chief Liang pressed his hands to silence the others.

After a while, the room became quiet. Village Chief Liang said: "We have read those deeds. What Tian Cao joined the army bought from them was the bones of the fields, not the noodles."

Ding Zuodong explained to He Lingchuan in detail yesterday what Tian Gu and Tian Noodles are. In summary, the ownership of a field is called the field bone, and the person who owns the field bone is the landlord; the right to use it is called the field surface, and the person who owns the field surface is the person who rents the land, a tenant. The northern border of Yuan Kingdom implements a one-field and two-owner system, and the fields and fields can be separated and bought and sold separately.

In the south of the capital, this system has not yet been promoted, so the talents He Chunhua recruited from the capital suffered a heavy loss after they took up positions in Xiazhou Mansion.

He Lingchuan also read the land deed. Although there was no special marking in it, He Chunhua and the officials of the state government also believed after research that this transaction should refer to the field bone transaction.

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