After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 247 Forced to keep food

Therefore, He Lingchuan did not hesitate: "Yes, this is the land deed for buying and selling farm bones, and the state government also recognizes it as such. Then the tenants who farm the land will still farm the land, and they will not be evicted as long as they pay the rent on time."

The village elders whispered to each other and nodded.

"Okay, let's get to the point." Here comes the highlight, "Villages need the consent of the township to sell their fields. What is the legal basis for this matter?"

The owner of the field bones could collect rent from the tenants. If these old guys interfere, the Xinxiang Mansion, which holds the land deeds, may not be able to collect the rent at all.

Other villages may be afraid of the government, but Shuangyu Village seems to be an exception.

The village chief said slowly: "This is a convention. Before the founding of Dayuan, this was the rule in Xinxiang, not just in Shuangyu Village."

"Thirty years ago, twenty years ago, Dayuan issued laws and decrees. If the wild laws and customs violate the national laws, they will be automatically abolished."

Village Chief Liang smiled: "But the whole of Xiazhou has always been like this, and I am not the only one in Xinxiang. Mr. He knows that the law does not punish everyone. If the state government wants to make trouble with us, then dozens of other townships and thousands of villages will They must be punished first!”

He Lingchuan slowly crossed his arms and said in a mocking tone: "In other words, you want to test the law by yourself?"

Village Chief Liang waved his hands repeatedly: "We cannot bear this crime. We are just protecting local customs. We have been like this for decades."

People who have never lived in the countryside will not understand the significance of the words "rural customs and village rules".

A villager outside the house shouted: "Yes, even if you can convict us, other villages and other townships cannot agree to do this!"

There was a chorus of responses, a large number of people.

He Lingchuan sneered. Other townships and other villages are none of his business. This is just the job that dad told me to do.

These villagers are honest and kind-hearted, but they actually mean the same thing inside and out:

Want the village to agree? Need to pay more.

When villagers sell their fields to outsiders, the village has to charge an additional "nod fee".

These guys are so brave, they dare to take advantage of the government.

Of course, He Lingchuan also understands that not all villages have this kind of courage. Most villages are not convinced and are at least as fearful of officials as tigers. Otherwise, how can the government exploit them? Shuangyu Village has a family of meritorious heroes, and there are also elders from the Taoist sect. Maybe there is some advice from an expert behind the scenes, so I am so brave that I dare to try out the qualities of the new state official.

The four members of the family had been beaten several times by He Chunhua recently, their flesh and bones ached, and they might want to regain some ground.

Other villages are also looking at this. If even the Xinzhou capital has to bow to the rural regulations, this trend will be even more unstoppable in the future.

He Lingchuan stood up loudly, and the seven men behind him pressed their hands on the handle of the knife. Shan Youjun also pushed out half of the blade, and the reflected cold light hit the village chief's eyes, as if he was going to kill someone at the slightest disagreement.

The faces of the village elders changed color.

The villagers outside were so excited that they all wanted to rush inside.

Shan Youjun looked at them sideways and sneered in his heart, a bunch of unruly people!

Yanlang suddenly stood up, ready to pounce, and roared like thunder on the ground, shaking everyone's hearts, lungs and hearts.

It was bigger than a lion when it exploded, and a series of low roars echoed throughout the room. The village elders and villagers were shocked and took a few steps back.

The fear of monsters is engraved in people's bones. In terms of deterrence alone, it is stronger than several other strong men combined.

Some villagers shouted: "What do you want to do? Can the son of the manager kill people?"

For a moment no one dared to step forward.

"Which of your eyes saw me killing people?" He Lingchuan sneered, "Village Chief Liang, what do you say about the business?"

Being stared at with wolf eyes, Village Chief Liang's spine was stiff and cold, but he still said bravely: "Township and township regulations cannot be abolished. Mr. He, you are threatening us with monsters and evil soldiers. We are going to the state capital to file a complaint!"

Other village elders hid behind him: "Yes, if the state government protects you, we will go to the capital to file a complaint!"

Zhou Shifu was also startled, and then said tremblingly: "Young Master, if you have something to say, it's easy to say it!" The evil wolf salivated at the corner of his mouth, and he did not dare to come forward.

He asked the state capital for reinforcements for mediation, but ended up having to come over and be the mediator instead?

"Imperial status?" He Lingchuan was stunned and suddenly burst into laughter. He put his right hand behind his back and waved to the guards.

"Qiang", Shan Youjun returned the knife to its sheath, and the others also let go of the knife handle, and their stance was no longer aggressive.

"Village Chief Liang has misunderstood. Why did I ever want to intimidate you?" He Lingchuan picked up the bowl of cold water on the table and drank it all in one gulp. "Now that we're done talking, why don't I stand up and stretch my hands and feet?" He turned his head and said, There were a few crisp sounds.

The village elders looked at each other, and Village Chief Liang frowned: "Have you finished talking?"

"Yeah, if you don't agree and we don't want to, doesn't the deal fall apart?" He Lingchuan said with a smile, "It's done, I'll go back and hand over the work."

"What is Mr. He doing?" Village Chief Liang looked displeased, "What's the final word on this land deal?"

"What should I say? I can't say. The knot is tied here. It will be solved by a capable person another day." He Lingchuan walked towards the door.

Rock Wolf followed him, no one dared to get close.

The village elders couldn't figure out his tactics, and they always felt that people sent by the state government would not give up so easily, but it was a good thing that the deal could not be reached today. The longer it was delayed, the better it would be for Shuangyu Village.

Anyway, the land has always been cultivated by our own people. If the state government is late to coordinate this matter, it will lose one day of income.

However, He Lingchuan paused when he walked to the door and suddenly said: "By the way, it's already noon. Does Village Chief Liang care about the guests' lunch?"

Village Chief Liang really didn't want to take care of it, but since the other party brought it up, and it was very common for township officials to eat in the village, he had no choice but to say: "No, it's just that there's nothing good to eat in the countryside."

"No, I think your dining here is very original." He Lingchuan approached the village chief, ignoring the warning eyes of others, reaching out and patting him on the shoulder, "Don't look at me like this, the official business has been discussed, privately I am a very A friendly person.”

He was a head taller than Village Chief Liang, and he was condescending when he slapped people on the shoulders.

Village Chief Liang didn't believe that his official business was over, he just felt that this guy was going to use other tricks. If the hard one doesn't work, use the soft one. He often uses this trick himself.

But the other party was an official and the biological son of the new manager, so he still had to give him face. What's more, the rock wolf has retreated to the corner of the room to lie down, and the evil servant behind Young Master Kuo is no longer aggressive.

If this young master wants to act, he will accompany him to the end.

So Village Chief Liang said "Okay" a few times with a smile on his face, and then said to the villagers: "It's not lively and interesting here, so let's all disperse."

The village elders looked at each other. The two oldest ones went home first, while the rest stayed to keep company.

They also felt that this young man would be a bit mysterious.

However, He Lingchuan did nothing extraordinary next. He just grabbed Village Chief Liang to visit the village and the countryside, asking questions from time to time. A large group of people followed behind him, just like a superior leader inspecting the countryside.

It was still warm at noon, and seven or eight village children were playing and playing. When He Lingchuan saw them, he took out a handful of candies from his arms and said with a smile: "Who wants to eat candies?"

The candies he took out were beautifully packaged in colorful packaging. The children in the village were not afraid of strangers, so they swarmed up and stretched out their hands to ask for them.

He Lingchuan gave two to each person.

In fact, he felt a little confused. There were five boys here, three of them had round heads, and their hair was basically shaved. Only a small amount of hair was left on the top of the front and back fontanelles.

They have the same hairstyle, the same age, and the faces of human cubs look exactly the same. How do you tell them to identify them?

He looked at Shan Youjun, who also blinked without giving any hint. So He Lingchuan peeled another candy with his own hands and handed it to the youngest child.

"Little friend, what's your name?"

The boy was four or five years old. He took the candy and stuffed it into his mouth, saying vaguely: "My name is Liang Yu."

"Oh." He Lingchuan immediately changed his target and handed over the candy himself.

The next child is called Liang Su.

That should be this one. He Lingchuan smiled even more kindly: "Whose child are you?"

The child pointed at Village Chief Liang. The latter immediately said to He Lingchuan, "This is my third grandson."

He Lingchuan picked up the child and said, "How many grandchildren do you have?"

"Three grandchildren, this is the youngest; four granddaughters."

"What about your children?"

"Two sons and three daughters."

He Lingchuan teased the child and said with a smile: "The village chief is so lucky to have a family full of children and grandchildren at such a young age."

He seemed to like Liang Su very much, and he hugged her all the way. He had little experience, so Liang Su finished both candies and felt uncomfortable in his arms, twisting and turning but unable to break free.

Village Chief Liang's heart beat more and more when he saw this: "The child is naughty, please put him down, so as not to get mud on his clothes..."

"I think this kid is quite fun. Let's hold him for a while."

When He Lingchuan saw his expression, he didn't care about the mud spots on his body.

Liang Su twisted twice more and then burst into tears.

They had already approached the cottage, and the loud cries of the child could be heard throughout the village. A woman walked out of the big house not far ahead, wiping her hands and walking quickly: "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

She came here for the child, and He Lingchuan handed the child to her. As soon as the woman took the baby and coaxed it a few times, Liang Su stopped crying and buried his head in her arms.

He Lingchuan flicked the mud on his hand: "Who is this?"

Village Chief Liang introduced: "This is my third daughter-in-law, and she is also Su'er's mother."

The woman held the child in her arms, nodded to the village chief and He Lingchuan, turned around and hurried away.

He Lingchuan's eyes remained glued to her back.

Village Chief Liang had long been used to seeing a man look like this at his daughter-in-law, so he had to cough hard twice, feeling contemptuous in his heart. He then heard He Lingchuan say: "Village Chief Liang, no wonder your grandson is so cute." It turns out that the mother is beautiful.

Village Chief Liang didn't know what to say, so he could only smile perfunctorily. Fortunately, his daughter-in-law turned around and added:

The meal is ready.

It’s dinner time, and the smell of rice is everywhere in the village.

He Lingchuan wanted to stay at the village chief's house for dinner, but the village elders and villagers were too embarrassed to follow him to the village chief's house to continue watching, so they had to disperse.

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