After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 248 Something bad

Village Chief Liang's family is prosperous, but because of entertaining the distinguished guests, everyone else was kicked out of the kitchen. Only He Lingchuan, Village Chief Liang and Zhou Shifu were seated at the large square table.

As for Shan Youjun and other personal guards, they also have meals in the kitchen.

The rock wolf got a whole live duck, and even the monkey got two fruits.

He Lingchuan's behavior is that of a wealthy family. Not only himself, but also the meals of his subordinates have to be taken care of by the village, which is what township officials often do. When the years are good, the big families in the countryside don't mind, but are proud of them.

He sat down and said with a smile: "One look at Village Chief Liang and he is very good at reception."

There was a large pot of goose meat roasted with potatoes on the table. The oil was black and golden, the fat was half a finger thick, and the goose meat was piled high in the pot. Other plates include fish, stir-fried dried bitter vegetables, stir-fried shredded bamboo shoots, and pickled beans. They are all farm dishes, not exquisite but practical.

Village Chief Liang personally put a handful of goose meat into He Lingchuan's bowl: "This is a big goose that has been raised at home for two years. It weighs eight pounds! Try it, it's delicious!"

He Lingchuan followed the local customs in the countryside and did not act like a young master. He ate a bite of meat and drank a sip of the village chief's home-brewed rice wine. He chatted and laughed with the two of them. He couldn't help laughing when he heard interesting things in the countryside, as if the previous conflict did not exist.

The village chief's family was eavesdropping and saw that they were getting along very well, so they gradually lost their wariness.

After all, they are from an official family and have names and backgrounds. Is it possible that they got violent and hurt someone during the dinner?

No way?

After drinking for three rounds, Yao Yuan Lingguang, who was sitting on the window sill, chirped twice.

This code only meant one thing to He Lingchuan:

There was no one around.

The rock wolf came over after nibbling the duck and lay down in the yard outside the dining room to lick its feathers.

With such a huge monster standing here, how could the villagers dare to approach it? The most you can do is stay outside the courtyard and observe from a distance.

Just when Village Chief Liang naively thought that Mr. Kuo was no longer planning to cause trouble after receiving his delicious food and drinks, He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder again: "You will see your life at the age of three. Your grandson has outstanding facial features and long growth." You will definitely make a difference."

"Thank you for your kind words." Before Village Chief Liang could smile, he heard his next sentence:

"Looks so much like you."

Village Chief Liang's smile faltered: "What?"

"Your grandson is exactly like you, with his eyebrows, eyes, and mouth."

"He is my grandson, of course he looks like me."

"That's not entirely the case." He Lingchuan chewed the goose meat and said slowly, "Is your son out there? I think my grandson looks more like you than him."

Village Chief Liang's hand holding the wine glass shook slightly, and he forced himself to calm down: "Young Master He, this is so rude. What exactly do you want to say?"

"Want to open the skylight and speak frankly?" He Lingchuan moved his chair closer, leaned over and whispered, "What I want to say is that you only have two grandsons, but you have three sons."

Village Chief Liang put down his wine glass with a snap: "What do you mean?"

"Shh-" He Lingchuan raised a finger in front of his lips, "Keep your voice down, don't let your family hear you."

The word "family" has a strong accent.

Zhou Shifu was also confused. He put one hand behind his back and couldn't count with his fingers.

Doesn’t Village Chief Liang have two sons and three grandsons?

Did Young Master He mean that?

No way, right?

"Liang Su is the son of you and your third daughter-in-law." He Lingchuan smiled frivolously, "You old man, do you want to enjoy such great wealth at home, or go to the fields to fight in the open air? Your son knows how high you put it on him Cuckold?"

Village Chief Liang didn't know what cuckolding meant, and he didn't have time to think about it. The muscles on his face were about to twist together: "Young Master He, you are ruining my reputation with your slanderous words!"

He subconsciously wanted to slam the table, but held back.

"Stop talking nonsense, the third daughter-in-law is almost crying when she looks at you, tsk tsk, it's not like looking at her stupid husband." He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder again, "We are all men, who can't see adultery?"

Village Chief Liang slanted his shoulders, avoided his hand, and said angrily: "Where is the evidence? Without evidence, you are just talking nonsense!"

Although he showed anger, he did not shout out loud, but lowered his voice.

He Lingchuan waved, and Yao Yuan Lingguang took out a bowl from nowhere and placed it on the table. The bowl was filled with water.

He took out two silver needles from his arms, with a translucent soft bag connected to the bottom of the needles.

This is the tool used by Lingguang to apply medicine, and it was temporarily requisitioned by He Lingchuan.

He Lingchuan squeezed one of the soft sacs open, and the blood inside dripped into the bowl. However, it did not faint, but sank and huddled at the bottom of the bowl.

He squeezed another soft bladder to draw blood, and then shook the bottom of the bowl gently.

All three of them saw that the two drops of blood at the bottom of the bowl met and quickly merged together.

Village Chief Liang's expression changed, and he understood.

There was a slight numbness on his arm just now, but he didn't take it seriously, thinking it was a mosquito bite. It turns out that this guy is the mastermind!

He Lingchuan said: "This is the blood of your 'third grandson' Liang Su. I'm sorry for pricking him secretly."

Village Chief Liang and Zhou Shifu finally understood why the child was crying just now.

"The other injection is your blood." He Lingchuan breathed softly, "Liang Su's and your blood are completely fused, which shows that we have the same blood. This is the evidence. What else do you have to say?"

Village Chief Liang was shocked and angry. He lowered his voice and said hastily: "Who knows what medicine you put in the water!"

He Lingchuan squinted at him: "Do you recognize it?"

"Recognize me!" Village Chief Liang said rudely, "I am innocent, and my third daughter-in-law is also innocent!"

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Yes, you two are innocent together."

Zhou Shifu was dumbfounded when he heard this, and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

"If you don't admit it, I will call the whole village over now and do another experiment." He Lingchuan shrugged, "It doesn't matter if you don't agree. We will discuss it then."

Village Chief Liang's dark face was originally red from drinking, but now it has turned white again, and the tip of his nose is sweating.

As long as this evil young man summons the whole village to mention this matter, he doesn't even need to conduct an experiment. As the village chief, father, and grandfather, he has already been completely defeated!

If the experiment is completed, the reputation will be ruined; if the experiment is not completed, there will still be rumors, which will never be eliminated in this life.

What would his son think of him? What would the villagers think of him?

Can he still hold the position of village chief?

After He Lingchuan finished speaking, he raised the wine jar and poured another glass of wine for the three of them. Zhou Shifu didn't move, just admiring Village Chief Liang's dumbfounded expression.

This village chief usually takes himself too seriously and is not very polite to the township officials, but now retribution has come.

After a while, seeing that Village Chief Liang was still silent, Zhou Shifu couldn't help but said: "Village Chief, it's just a few land deeds. Just stamp the village seal and that's it. Why bother making everyone unhappy?"

Village Chief Liang's eyes moved and he looked at He Lingchuan: "As long as I agree to seal it, you won't make it public or spread it?"

"Of course." He Lingchuan smiled, "I wouldn't come to a place like Shuangyu Village without a mission. I have no grudges in the past, and there is no need to quarrel with you, the village chief, right?"

Village Chief Liang turned to Zhou Shifu, who didn't wait for him to ask questions and assured him: "I will keep it secret, and I will never say a word in my life. Don't worry, Village Chief!"

Village Chief Liang was silent for a while, then got up and went to the inner room to get a cloth bag, and then came back:

"The land deed is here, take it out."

Inside the cloth bag was a seal. He took a breath and stamped the title deed.

According to local custom, with this mark, the land bone buyers in Shuangyu Village can find tenants to collect rent.

Zhou Shifu checked all the land deeds and saw that the seals were correct. He breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to He Lingchuan, and carefully put them away.

As for how Village Chief Liang explained it to the village elders and villagers, He Lingchuan didn't care. People have two skins. If they don’t have any skills, how can they become the village chief at such a young age?

He asked again: "Has Elder Liang from Chuanyun Pavilion come back?"

Village Chief Liang's face was stiff: "I came back yesterday."

"He went to the state capital today." He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Is he interceding for you?"

Village Chief Liang was silent.

He Lingchuan wiped his mouth: "The mission is completed, I won't disturb you anymore."

Shuangyu Village refused to follow the rules and followed its own private rules. Then don't blame him for not taking the right path when doing things.

Use crookedness to stop crookedness, use negative energy to overcome negative consequences, and you can achieve positive results.

Just as he was about to stand up, Village Chief Liang suddenly said: "Where did you hear about this?"

He Lingchuan stared at him for a long time, until the village chief was furious, and the rich young man said: "It's better that you don't know."

"Please make it clear!" Village Chief Liang said, "Otherwise, when Elder Liang comes back, I will say that you got me drunk and took the opportunity to force me to seal it."

He Lingchuan smiled and waved, and Yao Yuan Lingguang jumped on his shoulder and sat down.

He touched the monkey's head and said to Village Chief Liang: "I am a monkey with a pair of yin and yang eyes. I can see things that others cannot. We were discussing things in the village house just now. There was a well under the eaves in front of the house. We sat by the well. A boy of seven or eight years old cried to my monkey and said that you drowned him by your own hands."

Village Chief Liang was stunned. He opened his mouth but made no sound, like a fish.

When Mr. He approached the village house earlier, he seemed to have stood at the door for a while.

It took him a long time to find his voice, which was frighteningly rough: "What did you say?"

"I said, that child cried to my monkey..."

He Lingchuan was about to repeat himself when Village Chief Liang interrupted him: "What kind of child?"

"Skinny and small, with sparse hair, wearing yellow clothes, he said that his mother bought him before the Chinese New Year." He Lingchuan whispered, "By the way, he even kicked off one of his shoes when you drowned him. He asked you to take away the shoe. Give it back to him."

Village Chief Liang gasped, and made a broken sound like "Er——", as if someone was strangling his neck. The wine he just drank has now turned into sweat.

Maybe it became something else.

"Is it still by the well now?" The village chief didn't dare to look at the door at all. He only asked Yao Yuan, his voice trembling.

Lingguang shook his head.

"How could these things be hanging around outside at noon?" He Lingchuan said leisurely, "They probably hid in the well. Is there water in there?"

Village Chief Liang nodded numbly.

He Lingchuan stood up, patted his shoulder again, and said sincerely: "Take care!"

Village Chief Liang grabbed his arm, like a drowning man grabbing a straw: "What should I do?"

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