After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 249 Mr. He is not a serious person

"You don't know, haven't you been living well these past few years?"

The thing is, now we know. Village Chief Liang was about to cry but had no tears. He also felt as if there was a pair of eyes staring at him from outside, full of resentment.

It's still noon, so what happens at night?

"If you have nothing to do, make more offerings. Also, the child died in the water, and will only emerge from the water in the future. If you have nothing to do, stay away from the water." He Lingchuan is not an expert in this way. "After Elder Liang comes back, You can ask him."

Village Chief Liang perked up. Yes, there is an expert in charge of the village now!

He Lingchuan ignored him and asked Shangyan Lang and Shan Youjun to wait before riding.

But at this moment, several horses ran in from outside the village. The knight's demeanor is very different from that of ordinary people, especially the leader, who is about forty years old, has a high crown and narrow eyes, and his facial features are somewhat similar to those of Village Chief Liang.

As soon as they entered the village, the nearby villagers gathered around and greeted them with smiles. Some people knelt down and worshiped, shouting "O land immortal".

This kind of treatment is very different from He Lingchuan and others.

Who is coming? Needless to say?

He Lingchuan immediately thought of the guests from the General Manager's Mansion, who had given his father a favor at noon. No, it was the guest of Chuanyunge who was having a big dinner, Elder Liang.

Village Chief Liang was also very energetic when he saw them. He quickly stepped forward and said, "Fourth brother, you are back!"

Elder Liang smiled at him, turned to He Lingchuan and others, and looked at each other.

Village Chief Liang then introduced both parties.

He Lingchuan's face was full of smiles: "I've admired you for a long time. Did Elder Liang have a great time chatting with Manager He at noon?"

In fact, he took advantage of He Chunhua's efforts to hold Elder Liang back and came here to threaten Village Chief Liang. In the end, he was blocked by Elder Liang. It was really a little embarrassing.

But who is He Lingchuan? It's completely invisible on the face.

Elder Liang nodded and smiled.

He Lingchuan waited for a few breaths, but didn't wait for him to speak.

Why? Dad didn't say that the distinguished guest from Chuanyun Pavilion was mute.

The disciple behind Elder Liang took a step forward and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, master is practicing the secret formula and rarely speaks. If you have anything to say, I'll do it for you."

He Lingchuan let out a long "Oh" without any grudges: "If you can't say it, don't say it. It doesn't matter. I've finished my work. You can talk about brotherhood. Then I'll leave first." After that, he smiled at everyone. Laughing, he turned over and rode with his subordinates, and ran towards the outside of the village.

When their backs disappeared, Elder Liang stretched out his hands and plucked them. Everyone understood this move, and the onlookers quickly dispersed, not daring to stay and disturb them.

They treated Elder Liang with much more respect than they treated Village Chief Liang. Everyone knows that the success of Shuangyu Village depends largely on the Dao Sect elder in front of him.

After entering the room, Elder Liang made a few gestures to his brother.

He has been practicing the Silent Mouth Technique for twenty years, but rarely returns to his hometown. Village Chief Liang is not familiar with the Silent Language, so he has to look to his disciples.

If you have something to do, I will accept your help. Here is the translation and explanation:

"Master wants to ask you, what is the matter that the government sent these people here to deal with?"

Village Chief Liang's smile faltered, and he sighed: "Yeah, but don't be angry, what they said makes sense, so I, I..."

He hesitated twice, and seeing his fourth brother's bright eyes, he had no choice but to continue: "I've stamped it."

Elder Liang made a few more gestures, and the disciple translated: "This is a village matter, you can decide."

He doesn't come back even once in several years, and he doesn't take offerings from here. What does the affairs in the village have to do with him? If the village elder hadn't used his tiger skin as a banner and his brother had begged him to intercede with the new manager, he wouldn't have wanted to wade into such troubled waters.

"Okay, okay." Village Chief Liang agreed again and again with a smile on his face, "Then I'll go find the village elder."

He had already made up his mind and said that it was Elder Liang's order to compromise with the government. Naturally, the other village elders had nothing to say. Even if they had opinions, they did not dare to raise them to Elder Liang face to face.

Elder Liang looked at his back and shook his head. He knew exactly what his brother was thinking.

"The newly appointed state official clearly promised you a good promise at the banquet, but secretly sent people into the village." The disciple seemed to be aggrieved.

Elder Liang made a few gestures.

"On the contrary...respect?" Why isn't Master angry? "Disciple doesn't understand."

Elder Liang smiled and stopped explaining.

In this room, He Lingchuan and others walked forward two or three hundred steps along the mountain road. Zhou Shifu couldn't help but said to He Lingchuan: "Young Master He, that elder Liang just now probably already knows."

He Lingchuan saw that his smile just now was very flattering: "You and I are on official business, and he is just a civilian here. Are you afraid of a bird egg?"

The truth is this, but the reality is reality. Zhou Shifu gradually understood the young man's temper, and without further argument, he turned to his doubts: "Did the water ghost in Shuangyu Village really be killed by the village chief?"

"What water ghost?"

"Didn't you just say..."

He Lingchuan gave a whip: "I lied to him, do you believe it?"

"..." He believed it.

"When Village Chief Liang and his third daughter-in-law were acting wildly by the river, there was more than one spectator in the grove." He Lingchuan said leisurely, "He pushed the child in yellow clothes into the water and drowned him, thinking that killing the witness would be enough. But he didn't expect that the child's friend was hiding in the long grass a few feet away, not daring to move. Not only did he witness Village Chief Liang's affair, but he also witnessed the whole process of his murder. "

"When Village Chief Liang left, the friends rushed home and told their parents everything." He Lingchuan paused, "My parents were afraid of the village chief's power, so of course they wanted him to keep silent. Not many people knew about this. Know."

Zhou Shifu suddenly realized: "So that's it! Then how did you know?"

"The parents of this young witness were one of the seven villagers who sold their fields to Tian Cao to join the army. They were leaving anyway, and the buyers who took over the fields were officials, so they simply wrote down this confession and included it in the transaction. "It's in the land deed." He Lingchuan chuckled, "I've been holding this in for several years. I won't be happy if I don't say it."

It seems that the villagers secretly have a lot of opinions about the village chief.

Tian Cao joined the army and saw this piece of paper and handed it to He Chunhua. After the latter read it, he started to worry about it, so he sent He Lingchuan to take action.

Zhou Shifu was amused: "Then Village Chief Liang won't even dare to take a shower from now on." For Village Chief Liang, where there is water, there may be water ghosts.

"Then it depends on whether Elder Liang has great powers and can exorcise the village chief's inner demons." Young Master He originally wanted to collect some more evidence. There are so many pairs of eyes in the village that are not blind. It is impossible for Village Chief Liang’s personal affair to be leak-proof. However, Elder Liang went straight to the state capital today to ask for favors from Shuangyu Village. He Chunhua ordered his eldest son to handle the matter quickly. He Lingchuan could not Don’t come early.

Arriving at the outskirts of Xinxiang, Zhou Sifu said goodbye to He Lingchuan with those precious land deeds in his arms.

This Young Master He's acting style is really...

Be informal.


When He Lingchuan returned to Dunyu, the sun was already setting in the west.

As soon as he entered the house, Lao Mo led him to the living room. There is a new guest here, and even He Chunhua and his wife have to accompany him personally——

The master of Songyang Palace, Li Qingge.

There was a small pile of fruit shells on the table. It was obvious that Marquis Songyang had been sitting here for some time.

When He Lingchuan saw her, he was startled at first, and then pointed at He Chunhua: "Don't be surprised, Marquis Songyang, it was Mr. He who temporarily sent me out to do the task!"

Li Qingge had made an appointment with him a long time ago to come to watch Broken Knife today. In fact, this agreement has been postponed twice because Li Qingge is extremely busy.

As a result, He Chunhua assigned an urgent task to his eldest son. He Lingchuan led the monkey and wolf out with his subordinates, forgetting to inform Li Qingge that today's appointment was postponed.

Marquis Songyang arrived as promised, but wasted no time and had to chat with He Chunhua who returned home for a long time.

As for why Mrs. Ying was present, He Lingchuan figured it out on his knees.

He Chunhua laughed and scolded: "You are really my good son!" He immediately pushed me out to take the blame.

Li Qingge smiled without any sign of impatience: "It doesn't matter, Mr. He is on business. The manager and I have also settled several transactions."

He Chunhua explained: "Xiazhou Prefecture will hire seven disciples from Songyang Prefecture to serve in the mansion and the army."

Li Qingge nodded: "We cannot let Chuanyun Pavilion take the lead."

He Chunhua asked his eldest son again: "How are things going in Shuangyu Village?"

"It's done. The village seal has been stamped on the land deed, and Zhou Shifu went back happily." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "I met a man as soon as I left the village. He was wearing a high hat and his eyes were raised to the sky. Could it be Elder Liang?"

"After I had lunch with Elder Liang, he went back to Shuangyu Village." He Chunhua took a sip of tea, "He came this time to pay a visit on behalf of Chuanyun Pavilion, and recommended a dozen outstanding disciples to me. "

I understand, I just came to pay homage to the pier.

Then why send someone who can't open his mouth?

However, Chuanyun Pavilion was well-known in the north, and He Chunhua was a new official, so he had to give Elder Liang some slack no matter what. In He Lingchuan's view, the relationship between Taoism and the government is somewhat similar to that between a university and the government. Most of the talents trained by Taoism are interested in official careers.

Both parties had needs, so He Chunhua was very polite and considerate to Elder Liang and Marquis Songyang.

He Lingchuan looked at Li Qingge. She is too young, and people always forget that she is the head of a sect and is on an equal footing with the head of Chuanyun Pavilion.

"By the way, after Sun Fuping's death, the position of Imperial Master became vacant." Li Qingge added, "I heard the news from the capital. The list of candidates has come out, and there are three people. I hope that this time, our king can choose A good national teacher.”

He Chunhua's eyes moved slightly: "Sir Sir Alex is really well-informed. Among the candidates, which one do you prefer?"

"These three are all outstanding people and have connections." Li Qingge pondered, "Relatively speaking, I am more optimistic about Fan Ke and Yan Lixin. The final national master should be chosen from among them."

"Our country originally had three national masters, and if we remove one Sun Fuping, there are still two." He Chunhua said with a smile, "The environment in the capital is a hundred times more complicated than Dunyu's. To be able to climb up to the position of national master in the end, strength and power are indispensable."

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