After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 250 The new sword

"Not necessarily." Li Qingge had a different opinion, "My king hates stereotypes the most. Maybe the final national preceptor will not rely on seniority or background, but on youth and ability. That's why I said Fan Ke and Yan Lixin Even more advantageous. Especially Yan Lixin, who founded the Xiyun Sect in his early twenties and became the leader of the Southeast Taoist Alliance at the age of thirty-one. His reputation and talent are at the peak of his powers."

He Chunhua praised twice before saying, "But it's not that easy for him to become a national master, right?"

"Of course! Is it so easy to get the position of national advisor? Fan Ke is suppressing him, and the veterans in the court also have strong opinions, thinking that he is too young to coordinate the destiny of a country. After all, the other two national ministers The teachers are all over fifty." Li Qingge put down his tea cup and said, "Okay, today is a good day for Mr. He to draw his sword. Let's not talk too much and just go and watch."

As soon as He Lingchuan took two sips of hot tea, he stood up and said, "Please."

Li Fubo was already waiting outside.

He Lingchuan's residence welcomed so many guests for the first time.

The color of Daoshan has faded into brilliant pure gold. It can be seen at a glance that the content of gold in it is almost zero. Li Qingge stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife, but in the next second he retracted his hand, as if he had been stung by a bee.

Everyone was shocked. Li Qingge looked at the palm of his hand: "The ferocity of this knife is extraordinary. I only held the handle of the knife and could feel its resistance." It was like a wild liger being imprisoned in a cage. Here, they will show their teeth and claws whenever someone comes near. "However, it also shows that this knife cultivation was very successful."

He Chunhua was a little worried: "Can Chuan'er control such a fierce sword?" If not, it might backfire on its owner.

He Lingchuan stepped forward and put one hand on the handle of the knife.

He has done this action countless times in the past ten days without any problems.

This knife is like an old acquaintance of his, cordial, friendly, and sometimes greeting each other.

He asked Li Fubo: "Can it be pulled out?"

Li Fubo seemed to be more nervous than him, and said without blinking, "Okay!"

He Lingchuan held the handle of the knife and slowly exerted force, and suddenly realized:

Isn't this the sword in the stone?

After he pulls it out, will he become the child of destiny and have the halo of the protagonist from then on?

Li Fubo suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

He Lingchuan's breath was suffocated before he heard him continue: "Why don't you give it a name first? A sword must have a name."

"How about a name?" That's right, this thing can't always be called Broken Knife. He Lingchuan didn't know why the previous owner Zhong Shengguang didn't name it. As Li Fubo said, a sword must have a name.

At this moment, He Lingchuan thought of the fleeting prosperity of that ancient city, the vast yellow sand of Panlong Desert, the joys and sorrows of the little people in the city, the unparalleled loyalty and bravery of the Gale Army, and the desolation and silence in front of Zhong Shengguang's grave.

Almost everything that this sword has experienced has passed away with the wind and dissipated in the smoke and dust of history.

However, they must be unwilling to do so.

He realized something, stroked the handle of the knife and said softly: "From now on, you will be known as 'Fu Sheng'."

Remember it, think about it, be wary of it, and then welcome the new life.

The blade of the sword suddenly trembled slightly, as if the sword was also rejoicing, and he was clearing his name.

He Lingchuan grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it out bit by bit.

After so many days of solidification, the gold mud has become harder than cement, but it is no better than tofu in front of the sword.

Then, he saw two more engraved characters on the blade near the jaw.

He Lingchuan had been diligent in studying recently and recognized at a glance that this was ancient fairy language.

Li Qingge read it directly:


Mrs. Ying let out a long sigh: "Did it carve this word on it by itself?" It was really different from ordinary soldiers, and she felt that it was an eye-opener.

Li Fubo was very pleased: "The sword has spirit, so I accepted this name."

While speaking, He Lingchuan had already pulled out the sword.

Everyone saw that "Fu Sheng" had been completed, from the jaw to the tip of the knife, it was perfect.

Compared with the past, the length of the current blade has almost remained unchanged, but the arc is larger, making it more suitable for chopping. There is a bright bleeding groove on each side.

Other than that, there seems to be nothing special about it. Even the blade is not as cold and refreshing as before.

He Lingchuan thrust it into the ground and the knife stood still.

Mrs. Ying subconsciously asked: "Isn't it said that cutting iron is like clay?" How can you stand still?

He Lingchuan pushed lightly on the handle of the knife, and the blade sank silently, reaching the jaw.

When he wants to be blunt, the knife is blunt; when he wants to be sharp, the knife is sharp, whatever he wants.

"Try splitting this." Li Qingge threw something dark.

He Lingchuan held a sword in his arm, and the object broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

It turned out to be a piece of dark wood.

"This is wood struck by lightning, stronger than a thousand years of cold iron." Li Qingge clapped softly, "Okay, Mr. He, you and Master Li have joined forces to make a rare sword."

Mrs. Ying was puzzled: "It's just sharp, can it be called rare?"

Li Qingge smiled and said: "As for the characteristics of the knife, only the owner knows it. It is not convenient for us to ask more."

The extra properties of the sword may be the key to victory in future battles. The owner usually treats them as top secret and will not disclose them to the public.

Mrs. Ying looked at her eldest son suspiciously, only to see him smiling and saying nothing, as he deserved what he got.

In fact, when He Lingchuan held the sword in his hand, he naturally felt several additional special effects on the weapon -

"Breaking the Void": This knife accompanied the two previous owners in and out of Qingming, so it can also deal with intangible objects.

Intangible things, He Lingchuan understood as ghosts, resentful spirits and the like. This feature is very good. To deal with ghosts, you need specially refined magic weapons, and ordinary weapons may not be able to hurt them.

As for what "no body" means, well, he doesn't quite understand. We'll see in the future.

"Broken Army": This sword embodies the will of hundreds of thousands of people in the past and present. When the master faces an enemy, there is a small chance that this will will burst out. Even if the opponent has elemental protection, it will directly break through the defense and deal real damage.

"One throw is sure to hit": The owner likes to use it to throw enemies. After successfully planting the knife, "Fu Sheng" remembers this feature, but it can only be used once every quarter of an hour.

"Password": The sword master who has inherited the inheritance can enter Dafang Hu's dream world "Coiling Dragon Realm" through the sacred bones; of course, this content does not stop there and needs to be expanded.

At first glance, it doesn't look like it has any towering characteristics.

But Li Fubo told him in advance that a knife is a dangerous weapon and does not need fancy special effects. As long as it is fast, powerful and indestructible, it is a good knife. If you can delve deeper into this area, it will be extremely valuable.

If we think about it more carefully, the characteristic of "breaking the army" is actually quite telling. The opponent possesses the Sheji Order and has Yuanli to protect their body, which can be used to strengthen various magical powers and formations, and the damage caused by others to them can only be reduced. The existence of "Pojun" is to use BUG to eliminate BUG, ​​use magic to defeat magic, and directly return real and effective damage.

How much it should be originally is how much it should be.

Of course, he also noticed the words "very small chance", and Fu Shengdao kindly hinted to him that the chance could be improved.

How to improve it? Unknown at this time.

As for the last special effect "passing order", He Lingchuan believes that it is not a special effect at all, and at most it can only be regarded as a passage mark for entering and exiting the dreamland. But it also contains useful information. For example, what does it mean to "take over the inheritance"?

This sword was gifted by Zhong Shengguang. This can be considered as taking over the inheritance, right? In other words, even if someone else gets the knife but doesn't hand it over to He Lingchuan, they won't be able to enter the Coiling Dragon Dreamland?

In addition, he finally confirmed where he went in his dream at night. It was really a big square pot! A long-standing question has finally been answered in the affirmative.

The large square pot coveted by gods and mortals did not disappear or hide, but was connected to him through the sacred bone necklace and the floating sword.

There is another key point:

It turns out that it is not the Fu Sheng Dao, but the Divine Bone Necklace that allows him to enter the "Dream World" of the Dafang Pot, and it is also specially marked as the "Coiling Dragon Realm".

Why did he buy the divine bone necklace long ago but not send him to sleep? Perhaps it was after he got the broken knife that he started this dream.

In other words, the sacred bone necklace is the key to the large square pot, and the floating sword is the specific path that leads to Panlong's dream.

It's no wonder that after he got "Floating Life", he couldn't have other dreams.

So can he understand differently that there are actually other dreams waiting for him in the big square pot? The following "to be extended" also provides similar imaginative space.

These possibilities really made him excited.

Li Fubo was also looking at "Fu Sheng", and even borrowed it to caress it. He and Li Qingge repeatedly appreciated and appraised it, and then reluctantly returned it to He Lingchuan: "The shape of the knife has changed. The original scabbard is no longer suitable. I will make another one for you." you."

Both of them looked very emotional. They rebuilt the spiritual weapon without hurting their eyes. This in itself was a huge success, and even Songyang Mansion could brag about it.

He Lingchuan was indeed grateful and bowed to him and Li Qingge: "Thank you both!"

Without Songyang Mansion's magical skill of cultivating swords, a broken sword would be a broken sword, with almost no hope of repair.

"It's easy to talk about." Li Qingge pursed his lips and smiled, "The experience of growing this kind of sword is very precious and will be of great benefit to us."

He Lingchuan has always been generous, and of course he will not be stingy at this moment: "It's a great day today. Everyone, please go to the Sulou. I'll treat you tonight!"

He Chunhua asked the housekeeper Lao Mo to go to the state capital to summon He Yue, and they went to the restaurant together.

Hesulou has added several new signature dishes, one of which is called "Man Tang Hong".

What came up was a big bowl with a layer of red oil half a finger thick floating in it. It was so hot that it made people wary at first glance.

Of course He Lingchuan knew that the chef of Hesulou introduced new dishes based on the red oil he gave. In his original world, this was called "Shui Zhu", but here, Hesulou wanted to give it a loud and auspicious name.

After all, this is a high-end restaurant, so it’s not easy to boil pigs, cattle and sheep in water, lest the high-ranking officials’ banquets would be ruined.

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