After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 251 Poria Cake

So this "Man Tang Hong" contains lake shrimp, beef soup, fish fillets, the local specialty jumping mushrooms with a crispy texture, and some vegetables.

This dish was well received by everyone at the table, and Li Fubo said he would come often. Although the master chef was not too spicy and had to drink three sips of wine to relieve the pain after eating two bites of the food, it was so spicy that he couldn't stop eating it and wiped his nose with a soft handkerchief several times.

Mrs. Ying pulled He Lingchuan and said in a low voice: "It's delicious, but it's too spicy for the guests." The guests who ate this dish all had their faces flushed and their noses ran. What kind of high-end banquet did it look like? Eating with my family is okay, but entertaining guests is a bit...

He Lingchuan nodded repeatedly: "I'm right!"

He also saw fried snails in red oil on other tables, which showed that the new gadget was well received by diners.

Only three days after the reopening of the city, Hesu Tower was full again, and he could almost hear the sound of money clanging into the account.

Speaking of which, since the army sent by He Chunhua won the first battle, 80% or 90% of the civilians who fled Dunyu City have returned. However, the original order has almost been disrupted. So many houses, shops, fields, and industries have changed hands, and so many goods have plummeted. It will take some time for the turmoil to subside.

This actually caused huge trauma to Dunyu City. Among other things, thefts, robberies, quarrels and beatings were frequent.

The state government was also prepared for this, and He Chunhua issued orders one after another in order to calm the disputes.

As long as the person is still there and has confidence in the new general manager, the wound will heal sooner or later.

Everyone understands this.


Putting down the volume and rubbing his sore eyes, He Lingchuan stretched out, his joints crackling all over his body.

If he can read so hard, he must be in a dream.

Yes, now he is dreaming about Wenxuan Pavilion in Panlong City, which is the largest library in the area. In the past five days, he has read hundreds of books in the collection.

Yes, the past five days.

In the past, dreams would come back to reality within a day or two. But He Lingchuan found that this time was different. The dream world had alternated between day and night five times, and he was still here.

He took a few naps in the middle, thinking that he would return to reality, but when he opened his eyes, he was still facing the bookshelf of Wenxuan Pavilion.

I have to study in my dreams. Such a life is too hard!

However, complaints were complaints, and He Lingchuan opened the next book.

The reading speed of spiritual consciousness is faster than the normal speed in reality. It only takes one or two seconds to browse each page. And the books here are also thin, with few large ones.

Panlong City seems to be quite peaceful these days. The wave of monsters brought by the last emperor's ooze has basically passed. The new monsters are either smart enough to recognize who is the boss of Chipa Plateau or Panlong City. The patrol beat them until they realized reality.

This kind of operation happens every few years, and everyone is familiar with this set of procedures. Incidents of attacks on villagers and destruction of farmland have basically disappeared, and peace has returned to the Chipa Plateau.

Under this situation, He Lingchuan's workload as a patrol was greatly reduced, and he did not have to go out for several days.

The thin man complained about this.

In the past few days, apart from replenishing necessities, buying food and drinks, and going to the martial arts hall to fight, He Lingchuan also went to the library to recharge his batteries.

You will get tired of fighting too often. Mengshan is recuperating and has not come back yet, so He Lingchuan plans to change his taste.

There are many people in Wenxuan Pavilion, and everyone is thirsty for knowledge. There are often people standing in the corner, arguing in low voices.

I heard that some scholars and monks would come to Wenxuan Pavilion from time to time to give lectures.

However, He Lingchuan was a little disappointed. The collection of books in Wenxuan Pavilion did not seem to be as vast as he imagined.

This is a tall tower with six floors from top to bottom. Except for the top floor, which contains ancient books and certain secret materials, the other five floors are open to the public. But there is one thing:

No lending is allowed unless you obtain a special warrant.

The bookshelves on each floor are from floor to ceiling. If you want to get the books from high places, you have to climb the ladder.

But, but, the bookshelf is still half empty.

He Lingchuan discovered that there were very few travel notes, expositions, and magazines here, and the only dozen volumes they had were torn through.

The most numerous are political and military records, that is, works that record the politics, economy, and characters of neighboring countries, as well as analyzes of various famous scenes of ancient and modern wars. They are so diverse and dazzling.

What he has read the most these days is this kind of military book, and he has benefited a lot.

There are also various myths and monsters from the Middle Ages, which are mysterious and strange, and it is incredible to read them now.

But He Lingchuan vaguely felt that some of the content he wanted to see could not be found in Wenxuan Pavilion.

For example, the works of fortune tellers.

To be honest, he had collected some in real life, but they seemed either dazzling or uninteresting. Or maybe he himself is simply not qualified to study this field.

But there is no such book in the Wenxuan Pavilion in Panlong City.

He was dazzled by the list of books.

Is it because he is unfamiliar with this place and doesn't know how to search, or is it because the books he wants to read are locked on the top floor?

He picked up all the books he had read and was about to return them. At this moment, a figure flashed in front of him, and he looked familiar.

Thinking he was dazzled, he rubbed his eyes and looked again, he was right.

He Lingchuan rushed over in three steps, but because he moved too fiercely, he was even "booed" by the old man in charge of the book collection.

He rushed behind the figure and coughed lightly: "Miss Sun...?"

The man ignored him.

He Lingchuan could only emphasize his tone: "Sun Fuling!"

The girl in front then turned around.

She still has snow-skinned red lips and bright almond eyes.

She said softly, as if she was surprised: "Why are you here?"

"Come here to read a book." He Lingchuan raised the book in his hand, "I haven't seen you for a few days."

He went home occasionally these five days, and Sun Fuling's yard was even deserted than his.

"Shujin Academy organizes the year-end exam. I am one of the examiners, so I have not been able to step out of the academy in the past few days." In order to avoid leaking the exam questions.


"The exam is over today, and I'm planning to go back." Sun Fuling exhaled, "The children have a thirteen-day winter vacation, and I can rest."

"Thank you for your hard work. Is it a paid holiday?"

"No, we don't get paid if we don't have classes." Sun Fuling smiled, "But the academy gave us some rice, oil, and three kilograms of mutton."

Isn’t this more practical than giving out money? An enviable winter vacation. "Do you still need to turn on a small stove for your children during the holidays?"

"What kind of stove are you turning on?" Sun Fuling blinked, not quite understanding the new word, "I don't know how to cook."

"..." Since arriving in another world, this was the first time that He Lingchuan heard a girl say so confidently that she couldn't cook.

"I mean, will you give special tutoring lessons to certain children?"

Sun Fuling shook his head: "This is not allowed in the Academy. Once found, you will be severely punished."


"We are afraid that we will hide our secrets in class and only teach the key points during tutoring. It is unfair to other children."

He Lingchuan went to return the book first. When the two of them walked out of Wenxuan Pavilion, he discovered that Sun Fuling still had two books in her hand.

"Can you borrow it?"

"Yes." Sun Fuling brushed her temples, "I am a teacher at Shulin Academy."

There are privileges!

The sun is shining brightly today, and the snow on the steps is so thick that it creaks when you step on it.

Outside Wenxuan Pavilion is a long street with two rows of corridors, and the ground is also paved with water-milled bricks. With the weather being seven to eight degrees below zero, vendors are reluctant to stand guard outdoors, but most of the shops are open, and some people come out to solicit business.

He Lingchuan could smell the aroma of rice cakes wafting from the shop in front of him from a distance, and couldn't help but twitch his index finger. What he has eaten most in the past few days is pancakes, stuffed with chopped green onions and eggs. They are suitable for hot or cold meals, but they get boring after eating too much.

He asked Sun Fuling: "Are you hungry?"

Sun Fuling exhaled a breath of white mist: "I'm hungry. I've been eating at Shuqin Academy for the past few days. I only have the same food here and there. I've long been tired of it. Well, what should I buy?"

"Is this the only one?" The rice cakes taste too good. When the weather is particularly cold, he needs enough carbohydrates.

The two walked in and saw that the store was small, but steaming with white steam made it very warm.

This is a steamed stuffed bun shop, with flower rolls, steamed buns, meat buns, scallion-sugar buns, and various pastries all waiting in the drawer.

But these were not the source of the aroma that He Lingchuan smelled.

He sniffed hard and walked to a cage. When I opened the drawer lid, I saw a square white rice cake inside. It was as clean as freshly fallen snow, but it was piping hot and fragrant.

"I want this." With Sun Fuling's consent, He Lingchuan handed over a few copper coins.

"Okay, okay, do you want Poria cake?" The lady making the buns has a round face and looks like a white bun.

"Uh..." Sun Fuling's Poria?

Sun Fuling nodded first: "Yes, cut it into large pieces. If it's bigger, cut the dates on top as well."

So the two of them walked out of the store holding the square brick-shaped Poria cake. In the freezing weather, this pastry warms the palms of your hands.

He Lingchuan ate it happily. The food was soft, dense, and warm. In addition to the unique aroma of Poria cocos, there was also a sweet aftertaste of starch as he chewed it. The store also added some longan meat to it.

The most important thing is that it is really full.

Looking at Sun Fuling again, she held the cake in her hands and bit it quickly, which reminded He Lingchuan of a chipmunk chewing nuts.

Looking at the way she eats, you can tell that the food is really delicious.

He and Sun Fuling walked side by side, walking in the endless flow of people. He Lingchuan actually felt lazy for the first time in Panlong City and felt the small happiness that belongs to ordinary people.

These people in this city are actually full of fireworks.

He couldn't help but take a long breath.

Sun Fuling turned her head and asked him, "What's wrong?"

"Have you been to the sixth floor of Wenxuan Pavilion?"

Her voice was calm: "I went with others to carry some information."

"Are there a lot of secrets?"

"Of course, maybe the official decided that some secrets were not suitable to be disclosed to civilians, or maybe they kept them in a secret cabinet because they were afraid that the enemy would steal them." Sun Fuling said with a smile, "Otherwise, why should that floor be locked and guarded?"

"Well, why do you ask that?"

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