After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 252 Immortal Impression

She chewed the Poria cake slowly and said, "Do you want to be a thief? I agreed in advance that I don't recognize you. I don't know anything about what you said or what you did!"

"Really so heartless?" She was still eating the cakes he bought with money.

"It takes a lot of courage to break the law in Panlong City."

"For a few books, what do I care about?" He Lingchuan said honestly, "I have been wandering around Wenxuan Pavilion these days, and I found that the collection of books inside is not as rich as I imagined. Even books such as travel notes and scenery are only in quantity. Very few.”

Sun Fuling kicked away a small stone on the ground: "Although Chipa Plateau is rich in products and suitable for human habitation, Panlong City used to be just one of the cities in Panlong Wasteland. Although there were many business travelers passing by, not many people stayed. What's more, the folk customs here are strong and everyone values ​​martial arts. How many people do you think will take the initiative to read? "How can the collection be rich if there are few people who are literate and read?"

When He Lingchuan thought about it, it seemed to make sense.

Are his expectations too high?

"It has only been fifteen years since Commander Zhong took over Panlong City. Even if he teaches people to collect and compile books and establish folk studies, the inventory of Wenxuan Pavilion will not increase in a short time. As for your travel notes and historical records, I have heard that In the past, merchants and travelers brought them to Panlong City for sale, and the sales were very good. They were often sold out as soon as they were put on the shelves. "Later, Panlong City banned the circulation of such books."

He Lingchuan was surprised: "Why?"

"You know from these books that the outside world is so big and interesting. Do you want to take a look?"

He Lingchuan hesitated and nodded. He knew what Sun Fuling wanted to say.

"But you can't go." Sun Fuling seemed to smile bitterly, "When people yearn for things far beyond their abilities, they will become obsessions."

"There are too many people like this, and Panlong City doesn't want it." She sighed in a low voice, as if talking to herself, "Sometimes, ignorance is a kind of happiness."

Panlong Wasteland is an enclave of the Xilao Kingdom, isolated outside the country and surrounded by unfriendly countries on all sides.

This kind of geographical environment is doomed for the people of Panlong City to be imprisoned and unable to go anywhere. The more they are attracted by the colorful outside world, the easier it is for them to fall into the quagmire of not getting what they want.

He Lingchuan has heard an old saying, "The more you know, the more painful it is." He was silent for a while and then asked her: "Have you read these travel notes, what do you think?"

"I just want to see the sea. I heard that it is thousands of times bigger than the lake, and there are never-ending tides." Sun Fuling's voice was full of longing, "Then taste the sea water to see if it is Salty and bitter like legend.”

The word "yes" lingered on He Lingchuan's tongue for a long time, but he didn't go out. What qualifications does he have to say yes? My identity here is that I am also a resident of Panlong Wasteland, and it is also impossible for me to see the sea.

"There will be a chance." He said this without confidence. Even though everyone was confused, he knew the final fate of Panlong City.

No one here can survive more than twenty years!

Including the bright-eyed girl in front of me.

Not only during life, but even after death, he will be imprisoned in the wasteland by the big square pot, forever.

Sun Fuling's almond-shaped eyes curved into crescent moons again: "I accept your good words."

"Also..." He Lingchuan said, "Have you ever seen any divination books in Wenxuan Pavilion?"

Sun Fuling thought for a while and then said: "What kind of divination?"

"Divining good and bad luck and deducing the future."

"There won't be any."

He Lingchuan was surprised. This "no" was used very well. "Why?"

Sun Fuling said calmly: "Knowing too much will only increase worries. Going with the flow is suitable for most people."

He Lingchuan was completely speechless.

There is another saying that the more awake you are, the more painful it will be.

Sun Fuling glanced at him: "Why are you curious about this?"

He Lingchuan scratched his head: "Some people say that I am plagued by disasters and will die a violent death soon."

"You believe it?"

"The success rate of his predictions is quite high." He Lingchuan smiled bitterly, "He also predicted my past events correctly."

"Sounds like the words of a charlatan." Sun Fuling obviously didn't believe it.

But she then added: "Although there is no such book in Wenxuan Pavilion, Commander Zhong has a counselor named Wen Daolun who seems to have studied this theory carefully. He has come to Shujin Academy twice to give lectures, and he also said it casually. A word or two, I heard that Mr. Zhong relies on him very much. "

He Lingchuan immediately became energetic: "Will he come a third time?"

"Then I don't know." Sun Fuling said with a smile, "Such a busy person is too far away from me. If you expect him to come to Shujin Academy again, it is better to go to the official office for advice."

He Lingchuan rolled his eyes: "Where does he live?" How about just blocking the door?

"Then I don't know. You have to find out for yourself." Sun Fuling changed the topic, "By the way, Wenxuan Pavilion has many manuscripts of immortal language. Have you looked for them?"

She taught He Lingchuan how to use Wenxuan Pavilion last time. There were actually many books written in immortal language there.

"Uh, not yet." He Lingchuan scratched his head, "Beginner, it's too hard to watch."

After all, you have only been studying for a few days? He could still recognize individual ancient sayings, but they were connected into a dense mass, and just looking at them made him feel panicked and short of breath.

"That's all." Sun Fuling shook her head, "I read a lot of books, you can ask me first."

"Where did those manuscripts come from?" He Lingchuan said rudely, "Are they really written by immortals?"

"It should be said that they were written by the immortal and his sect disciples." Sun Fuling said, "These books are all copied from ancient books. And the ancient books... were either kept and circulated by Taoist sects or unearthed from the immortal cave and ruins. Didn't you also copy from the immortal cave? Did you get any rubbings inside?"

"The Taoist sect is rumored?" He Lingchuan remembered something, "I heard that the Immortal Sect is the predecessor of the Taoist sect."

"Indeed." Sun Fuling nodded, "This is a recognized fact. After the immortals disappeared from the world, the word 'immortal' in the Immortal Sect could no longer be maintained. In the end, it was downgraded and had to be renamed the Taoist Sect."

"I have been reading in Wenxuan Pavilion these days, and I found that some books praise the immortals for their upright integrity, and their efforts to educate the remaining mortals after the great cataclysm of heaven and earth, to help them resist the invasion of monsters, and to keep the fire of Wentong alive, so that future generations can benefit from it. You won’t fall into ignorance again.”

"However, there are also many books with fierce words, scolding the immortals for enslaving mortals, and accusing them of treating civilians like ants and taking life and death from them." He Lingchuan shrugged, "Both types of books can provide a lot of evidence, such as immortals testing poisons on their own bodies for the sake of the common people, Subjugate demons, or the disciples of the Immortal Sect actually slaughter tens of thousands of people just to get their souls to refine the banners.”

"If you understand the ancient scrolls left by the immortals and disciples, you will know that both of these statements are correct, but they are also one-sided." The two left the long street and walked towards the wooden house. The flow of people on the road began to decrease. "That year After the natural disaster that changed everything, the spiritual energy in the world weakened rapidly, but the immortal's ability did not disappear immediately. "

He Lingchuan thought for a while: "They still have cultivation, and there are still mysterious crystals in the world?"

"Yes, it's just like you are walking in the desert. Although the environment is dry and hot and there is no water source, your water bladder is basically full, so you can last longer." Sun Fuling said slowly, "To sum up, I According to the immortal notes I have read, at least for two to three hundred years after the natural disaster, the immortals still had the ability to ascend to heaven and earth.”

"But this is water without a source and cannot last forever." He Lingchuan thought of the original Zhu Erniang he saw in the cave spider's lair. "The female spider in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest is also an ancient monster. It keeps removing the heavy old shell. Throw it away and replace it with a smaller and weaker skin, so that you can survive to this day."

To maintain the body of an immortal or an immortal demon, the consumption of spiritual energy is too great. After a natural disaster, it will be like a giant whale stranded on the beach. If it cannot wait for the help of the tide, it will inevitably die.

"Immortals and other fairies are not like spider demons who can cut their feet to fit their shoes. They have no choice but to perish after their own spiritual energy reserves are exhausted." Sun Fuling said, "Immortals are also born out of mortals, and humans have always paid attention to inheritance. They know that their lives are not long. , so it’s not strange at all to educate the common people and spread the flames of education, isn’t it? Look at Shujin Academy and me, isn’t this what we are doing now?”

"As for what you read in the book, the Immortal Sect enslaves mortals and does all kinds of evil -" she sighed, "This must be true and has been recorded. But think about it, the aura of heaven and earth has declined to the point where it is difficult for immortals to maintain it. "Sheng, in order to fight for the last bit of limited resources, what will the Immortal Sect do?"

He Lingchuan did not hesitate: "If it were me, I would do anything."

"That's right." Sun Fuling smiled slightly, "Immortals are originally immortal because they have no desire and no pursuit; when they have to use all their strength to survive, what is the difference between them and us mortals?"

He Lingchuan also sighed.

When the immortal falls from the clouds, the darkness of human nature cannot be hidden.

In the end, all living beings suffer.

"I still don't know something."

"Say it." Sun Fuling didn't look impatient at all.

"Where did Yuanli come from?" He Lingchuan read a lot of books but couldn't understand. "I read that some people say that this is taught by immortals to humans to resist monsters. There are also records in classics that this is a method taught by gods to humans. , used to fight against the oppression of immortals, and of course monsters.”

"The earliest record of Yuanli seems to be more than two thousand years ago. If no earlier evidence is unearthed, it is likely that it was a power discovered after natural disasters." Sun Fuling shrugged, "As for the true source of Yuanli, There is no conclusion yet. The old men in Shuling Academy, Panlong City and Wenxiantai are arguing every day, and they can't agree on anything."

"Putting aside others, what do you think of Miss Sun?"

"Me?" Sun Fuling turned her head and thought for a moment, "I prefer it to be a method taught by gods to humans."

He Lingchuan's heart suddenly moved, and this idea coincided with his: "Why?"

"Yuanli can only be formed by the concerted efforts of thousands of mortals. If immortals teach this to humans, they are just shooting themselves in the foot and thinking of ways for mortals to fight against themselves."

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