Sun Fuling smiled and said, "Only if the gods are high above the nine heavens and have no real conflict with human beings, can this be possible. You see, since the emergence of the country in the world and the use of Yuan Power by the country, the demons and immortals are gradually becoming more and more important. No matter how weak and mountain monsters are, the Taoist monks will even want to kowtow to the emperor and find a prince to worship him. "

He Lingchuan wondered: "In that case, why do some people still say that Yuanli is taught by immortals?"

"Historical records show that monsters were rampant in the Middle Ages and poisoned the people. People listed floods and monsters as two major disasters, and immortals or practitioners were mortal enemies of them." Sun Fuling explained, "The aura between heaven and earth is becoming more and more powerful. For a long time, practitioners hope to seize it from monsters, and vice versa. Some old scholars believe that Yuanli is taught by immortals because for a long time, the sect and the country have become allies to deal with monsters together. The sect is deliberately showing favor to humans, but the gods are too elusive to be seen or tested."

Therefore, countries established by humans are spread all over the world, while most monsters are driven to the mountains and swamps.

Outliers like the Northern Demon Country are, after all, in the minority.

"God..." This is a mysterious term, but He Lingchuan can hear it on many occasions. Nian Songyu even invited a god to get on top of him, aiming to seize the big square pot, "Why do you want to help humans?"

Sun Fuling spread her hands: "How many people in the world understand such an illusory thing? I have heard countless legends, but they are all far-fetched."

She smiled and said: "You can ask Commander Zhong or General Red about this question."

Yes, the distance between these two people and gods is closer than most people.

He Lingchuan scratched his head and changed the topic: "How do you want to use these ten days of vacation?"

"I wanna go……"

A scream suddenly came from the west, interrupting her words.

The voice was high-pitched, and it was either a woman or a child.

The sound stopped suddenly, but He Lingchuan had already identified the direction, pointed to the Luan tree beside him and said to Sun Fuling: "Stay under the tree and don't move!"

This Luan tree is very big. Although it loses all its leaves in winter, the trunk forms an angle with the low wall on the side. At this time, the sun is slanting to the west and cannot shine here. It is very hidden when you stand inside.

He followed the sound and ran.

After climbing over three low walls and two mud huts, he saw a boy lying face down on the threshold.

He Lingchuan turned him over.

This was a boy about six or seven years old. His eyes were wide, his expression was horrified, and his cervical vertebrae were broken.

There were several bloody holes on his neck, as if they were punctured by sharp claws.

The boy stared at He Lingchuan, his mouth moved, and he took his last breath without saying a word.

There is no resurrection after death, so it is important to catch the murderer first. He Lingchuan put the child's body down and observed the nearby traces.

He had been a patrolman catching monsters for several times and had accumulated a lot of experience. Then he saw a footprint on the ground next to the child's corpse——

Human footprints, but not as long as his hand.

He jumped up to the wall and found two smears of blood on the tiles. This was where the opponent's forelimb had been pressed, stained with the child's blood.


He used Yan Huishen Technique and chased in the direction determined.

More than three months of day and night hard training showed results. He walked through the narrow streets and houses at a speed that was hardly disturbed by debris, which was no less than a real swallow.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a black shadow flash across the east wall, as if it had jumped into someone's window.

Caught up!

He Lingchuan followed, landed on the roof tiles quietly, and waited with bated breath.

It didn't come out for a while, maybe it was waiting for He Lingchuan to go in.

Not being fooled, he took a small medicine bottle, lit it, and threw it in through the window.

There was a clang and the bottle shattered.

Soon, a large cloud of dim yellow smoke came out of the door and window, accompanied by bursts of hoarse coughing.

Is the murderer really human?

This medicinal smoke is used to smoke monsters and beasts out of their caves, such as weasels, foxes, and cave spiders, but it is equally effective against humans.

Just a few breaths later, He Lingchuan saw a black shadow jumping out of the window and running away madly.

The distance between the two sides is only two or three feet.

He was well prepared. He raised his wrist, activated the secret box, and shot the arrow from his sleeve.


However, he aimed at the back of the heart, but the sleeve arrow hit the opponent's leg.

Attacking high-speed moving objects is still a bit inaccurate after all.

The black shadow staggered, let out a weird growl, and continued to rush forward.

He Lingchuan secretly exclaimed that it was a pity.

The sleeve arrows he was equipped with were purchased from a thin man, and their material and strength were only mediocre and passable. If it were replaced with the purple-gold sleeve arrow he specially customized from Li Fubo, the black figure's thigh would definitely be pierced, and there was a rope behind the arrow, so He Lingchuan could pull it back by force.

But here, the sleeve arrow can only have a delaying effect.

The importance of equipment is often revealed at critical moments.

He Lingchuan did not dare to delay and jumped off the roof to chase after him.

At this time, the thick smoke had not dispersed and his vision was unclear. As soon as he landed, he felt a breeze behind him and felt a chill.

There's an ambush!

He didn't have time to think too much. His knees bent and his legs softened. He rolled onto the ground. He held the handle of the knife at his waist with his right hand and slashed forward!

There was indeed another dark shadow lurking behind him, holding back the smoke and trying to hit He Lingchuan in the back.

These things actually committed crimes together!

Thanks to He Lingchuan for seeing the opportunity early.

But even so, he still felt a burning pain in his back.

He was injured after all.

If he had avoided it for even half a second, this thing would have probably poked several big holes in his back.

Fortunately, his knife also hit the opponent's chest. It was like a defeat, but there was no satisfying feeling of splitting the flesh.

But the black shadow also screamed in pain and attacked He Lingchuan like a violent storm.

With a few clanging sounds, the weapons of both sides clashed, sparks shooting out in the smoke.

Only then did He Lingchuan realize that this guy was more than a circle larger than the first black shadow he chased, but his movements were far less flexible. No wonder his first reaction after being attacked was to lurk and counterattack rather than escape.

Moreover, the black shadow took several puffs of smoke while roaring, and the attack slowed down. If it weren't for his rough skin and thick flesh, he would have been killed by He Lingchuan.

Its skin is thicker and tougher than a century-old vine, and the patrol's Baizhan sword has limited damage to it. As long as this thing protected his head and neck, He Lingchuan was unable to do anything about it.

With this thick skin, it is nearly invincible.

He has clearly seen that this opponent is skinny, like a skeleton covered with a layer of skin, but the skin is darker and has thin scales.

At first glance, it looks like a humanoid. Its lower limbs are longer than its upper limbs, and it can walk upright and attack. However, its forelimbs only have three toes, and its claws are like scissors and have hooks. They are also surprisingly hard and can defend He Lingchuan's knife from the front.

What's even more terrifying is its face...

It has no face, and there are only two sunken eye holes on its head, with green will-o'-the-wisps dancing inside; the other hole is not sure whether it is a nose or a mouth, and it makes a hissing sound like an insect.

Suddenly, it spat out a mouthful of thick green phlegm towards He Lingchuan.

The two of them were close to each other, and it had the style of spitting and nailing it. He Lingchuan didn't dare to let it spray, so he raised his knife to block it.

Then, he heard a soft hissing sound coming from the blade, as well as a strange smell.

If this strong mouthful splashed directly on his face, then...

Is he going to say goodbye to Yingjun in this dream?

At this moment, a shadow on the wall flickered, and the agile monster that had been chased by He Lingchuan came back and joined the battlefield without saying a word.

One is ruthless, the other is fast, and it's two against one. What chance does he have of winning?

He Lingchuan is surrounded by dangers.

If he hadn't been through life and death in Yuewu Hall these days, and his character and martial arts skills had improved rapidly, he would have been disemboweled in two encounters and offline early.

But he didn't know how long he could hold on.

Should I try to take some damage and kill the agile monster first? He was making calculations in his mind when he heard a "crash" sound and someone poured a pot of boiling water from behind, all on the strong monster.

The thing suddenly screamed and its hands became confused.

Its cry is very strange, like the hissing of an insect or the cry of a night owl.

How could He Lingchuan miss such a good opportunity? When it could turn around, he struck it on the neck with a knife.

He knew that the skin of this thing was tough, so he used all his strength to suck the milk.

At the same time, something black hit the monster's head, making a "bang" sound and hitting it right into the long knife.

The cyan liquid splashed and He Lingchuan dodged.

He split most of the monster's neck open, but the bone was not cut all the way to the end, and a small section was still attached.

But his knife was broken.

The blade had been corroded before, and the owner used it to chop it violently, and it could no longer bear the heavy load.

The strong monster fell to the ground, twitching. Seeing that the opportunity was not good, its companion turned around and ran away faster than before!

He Lingchuan shot another sleeve arrow into its back and could only watch it go away.

"Why are you here?" At this time, the smoke had basically dispersed, and he could clearly see the person who was helping him——

Sun Fuling.

She was also holding a large pot in her hand, with a deep dent in the bottom.

She was the one who poured boiling water on the monster and then hit it with an explosive slam on the head. Her coordination with He Lingchuan happened to be perfect, otherwise he might not be able to split the monster's neck.

The monster on the ground could no longer stand up, but it was still reaching for people with its claws. Seeing that it was about to touch Sun Fuling's shoes, He Lingchuan pulled her away: "Didn't I ask you to wait under the tree?"

"It's too lively here." She didn't seem to be very frightened. She just leaned down and observed, "What the hell is this?" Her neck was mostly split open and she was still alive.

He Lingchuan admitted: "I haven't seen it either." Since joining the patrol, he and his team have killed at least forty or fifty monsters, and none of them look like this.

To say it looks like a monster is better to say it looks more like an evil spirit.

However, ghosts are afraid of the true fire of the sun and generally do not move around during the day, let alone under the sun.

During the pursuit, he could see clearly that the sunlight was shining on the monster without causing any discomfort.

"Where's the hot water?"

Sun Fuling pointed to the room: "I took it from the stove, it's just boiling."

"Is there anyone living here?"

"Yes, he died on the ground." Sun Fuling turned around and walked into the house.

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