After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 254 Many Mysteries

He Lingchuan followed closely and realized something was wrong:

Why did she get here so quickly?

He and the monster ran in tandem, running faster than a rabbit, and climbed over countless obstacles in the middle. Is that something that ordinary people can keep up with?

Also, he was listening in all directions during the fight. Although the thick fog had not cleared at that time, he did not hear the sound of her approaching at all.

Not to mention him, there were neither those two monsters, otherwise how could he have been attacked?

After he became suspicious, he looked at Sun Fuling's clothes again and saw that there was no splash of hot water or green liquid on her.

It was obviously such a fierce fight that even his own clothes were etched with several small holes by the green liquid acid, but she was able to avoid even a drop of it.

Is she really just a teacher at Shuling Academy?

Sun Fuling didn't care what he was thinking. After entering the house, she pointed to the ground: "Look."

Lying on the ground was a sixty-year-old man. The frightened look on his face was still frozen in his face, but his whole body was so shriveled that it looked like it had been sealed in a vacuum.

There was also a big hole in her neck.

He Lingchuan knelt down and took a look and said, "Her flesh and blood have been drained. It seems that the monster feeds on humans."

Sun Fuling also said: "The head of the house you rushed to was a young mother, and the body looked like this."

So there are two monsters, and they sneak into people's houses to eat separately. One of them is discovered by him, and he comes to find his companions to join forces to fight back?

"How could such a monster appear in Panlong City?" Panlong City is a rare peaceful place in this turbulent continent. Although the rules are strict, the security is also very high, so that people can live and work in peace and contentment.

Sun Fuling asked him: "What are you going to do now?"

Before he finished speaking, the outer door was pushed open with a creak, and four or five people ran in.

He Lingchuan walked outside the house and happened to meet several guards.

"What's going on here?" No one could ignore the monster on the ground, and these people were all startled.

They happened to be patrolling nearby, and the noise of the fight between the monster and He Lingchuan was too loud, which alerted the residents to report to them.

They thought it was an ordinary family dispute, but they didn't expect that as soon as they walked in, drink!

He Lingchuan was on vacation and was not wearing patrol clothes, so he took out the sacred bone necklace and shook it at a few people: "About forty breaths ago, we heard children screaming on the way home and found two monsters hurting people. We just This one was caught and the other one ran away.”

In the eyes of Panlong City people, the sacred bone necklace is a symbol of identity. These people immediately said: "In which direction did you escape?"

"East. It's agile." He Lingchuan stretched out his hand and three people ran in that direction.

The remaining two patrolmen entered the room and saw the mummies on the ground. Then they heard He Lingchuan mention that there were two victims not far away, so their expressions became more solemn.

They asked the incident in detail and repeatedly, and then said to the two of them: "We want to report it as soon as possible. Please leave first. If necessary, we will ask you for further questioning."

Just as He Lingchuan nodded, he suddenly heard Sun Fuling say: "Look!"

The monster's screaming voice had weakened, and everyone looked down and saw that its body was shrinking rapidly.

It was originally almost as tall as He Lingchuan, but now it has shrunk severely, shrinking to the size of a fist in full view of everyone!

This is not much bigger than a newborn cat.

After shrinking, it looks less scary, but still weirder than before.

Even the police officer was dumbfounded: "This, this?" Do you want to carry this thing back to work?

Sun Fuling poked at the monster with a branch: "It's alive and breathing. I think it's a larvae, not fully developed yet."

"The larvae..." He Lingchuan's face looked ugly. Was he almost defeated by two immature monster larvae? It would be a shame to say it out loud.

The larvae are so fierce, how about the adults?

"How could something like this sneak into the city?" Panlong City's city gate card is very special.

Sun Fuling sighed: "Let's go and let the officials do their work."

The two of them walked out, and there were crowds of onlookers outside. When they saw them coming out, they asked why.

Sun Fuling dealt with it in a few words.

On the way home, both of them remained silent.

The monster appeared strangely, seeming to cast an ominous cloud over both of them.

Got home.

Sun Fuling did not open the door and go back, but glanced at his back: "You are injured, why don't you take care of it?"

"Uh..." He didn't really care at first. After all, when he exited the dream and then entered again, his body was like a stick, and he could be resurrected even if he died. But when she mentioned it, he felt pain again, "I'll go find A Luo to deal with it."

Sun Fuling hesitated for a moment and then said, "I'll give you the medicine, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind." He Lingchuan scratched his neck, "Of course I don't mind, please come in."

The two walked into He Lingchuan's courtyard.

His room was too small for the two of them to turn around, so they simply went into the kitchen. Sun Fuling moved the small bench to the bright window and said to him: "Sit down."

Before He Lingchuan could see clearly, Sun Fuling raised the brazier and added two small pieces of charcoal and a small bundle of firewood.

The freezing room warmed up little by little.

He Lingchuan asked her: "Do you want to take off your clothes?"

"No need." Sun Fuling looked at his back, "The blood scab is stuck to his clothes. It's not good to just pull it off."

She went to the inner room to take out the scissors and external wound medicine, and walked behind He Lingchuan: "If it hurts, just tell me."

The cold metal soon felt on her back, and He Lingchuan knew that she was using scissors to cut open the clothes sticking to the wound.

The monster's sharp claws opened a long gash in his back. The two wounds were almost parallel, the skin and flesh were everted, and the blood that seeped out was light green and foamy.

"You've been poisoned." After cleaning the wound, Sun Fuling held a pill in her hand and handed it to him, "At least two antidote pills are needed, one for internal use and one for external application."

He Lingchuan looked at her hand and said nothing.

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't this my elixir?"

"Mine, um, my brother's." She crushed the other one and applied it to the wound. He Lingchuan felt a chill on his back, and just as he was about to shiver, it immediately turned into a burning sensation.

Ice and fire, ice and fire.

“Hiss—” The skin and flesh were almost cooked due to the burn, and he remembered that no medicine he had had was so powerful and heavy.

Sun Fuling held his shoulders to prevent him from moving: "It's very effective. Just bear with it."

Sure enough, the burning sensation quickly subsided and turned into a pleasant coolness, and even the pain was greatly relieved. Sun Fuling wiped off the foam from the wound, and the blood that came out was bright red.

Then she quickly wrapped it in the golden medicine.

He Lingchuan could feel her fingers gently pressing near the wound, which were also cold. But she was very close, and her breath was warm and warm on his back.

From entering the house to applying medicine, this Miss Sun was so deft and unexpected.

He had nothing to say: "Why did those two monsters appear in the city today?"

Sun Fuling didn't even raise her head: "They shouldn't be able to get in on their own."

"Yes, if they are really still larvae, then 90% of them were brought into the city by others." He Lingchuan said in a low voice, "This thing fights based on instinct, and it is on par with me. I don't know how powerful the adult body is. What does it look like?”

"What I'm more worried about is that there are more than one or two of these things." Sun Fuling sighed, "We can find two on the way home. Where are the others?"

That kind of monster can also shrink, hiding in the huge Panlong City is almost invisible. How can we find these things?

"Hasn't the one we caught been handed over to the authorities?" She said softly, "I hope to find a countermeasure as soon as possible. Okay -"

She patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder: "The medicine is good. Don't touch water or sleep on your back today and tomorrow. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Doctor Sun -" He Lingchuan smiled, "Your skills are no worse than A Luo's."

Aloko is much rougher than her.

There seemed to be a chuckle from behind.

Next, Sun Fuling got rid of the blood and dirty things, washed her hands again, and then yawned, looking tired: "It's done, I have to go back and take a nap."

"Be careful and call me if you need anything."

"Well." She originally picked up the book and was about to leave. After thinking about it, she turned around and handed the book to He Lingchuan. "I'll lend it to you first. You can just throw it back into my yard after reading it." After saying that, she waved her hand and opened the door. Went in.

Hearing the creak of the wooden door next door, He Lingchuan opened his palm and looked at it.

The female neighbor's hands were shaped like shuttles and her fingers were long and slender. They were so beautiful that they almost glowed with white light in the dim room. But just now when Sun Fuling handed him the pills, he clearly discovered that there was a thin layer of calluses on the belly and base of her right finger——

Same as him.

He is a cocoon trained in martial arts. Where is Sun Fuling? Could it be chopping firewood for cooking and doing housework?

Oh, no way.

Thinking that he was fighting two monsters, it was Sun Fuling who provided the key assist, otherwise he would have been trapped in a life-and-death battle.

Even he wasn't aware of her approach.

Besides, what girl wouldn't turn around and run away when encountering a monster like that? This Miss Sun is surprisingly calm when things happen. Is it because she is a bold artist?

The more He Lingchuan thought about it, the more he felt that his neighbor was full of doubts.

The two books she lent him were nearby.

He picked it up and looked at it. It was called "The Strange Tales of China" and it had two volumes.

He casually opened it and browsed, and found that the content of the book was a collection of various legends, anecdotes, and strange things from the medieval period, and its authenticity was doubtful. After all, even the author himself has indicated that he only collects and does not conduct research, so everyone can enjoy reading it.

Taking the disasters of heaven and earth as the boundary, before that it was called the Antiquity period, and after that it was the Middle Ages, which lasted until 800 years ago.

After that, the human country truly matured and prospered, and the Taoist sect declined correspondingly, no longer occupying a dominant position.

So the Middle Ages was actually a long period of more than two thousand years. It is difficult to verify how many things happened during this period.

He Lingchuan did not expect that Sun Fuling, a serious teacher, would also like such an unorthodox idle book.

Forget it, he had nothing to do when he got home, so he just used these two books to pass the time.

Unexpectedly, he was so mesmerized by the sight that he didn't even want to take a sip of water.

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