In the book, there are not only monsters and monsters appearing in turn, but also all kinds of monsters. There are even endless conspiracies and unofficial secrets between human countries, between Taoist sects, and between human countries and Taoist sects.

The ruthlessness of fairies and demons, the vileness of human hearts, the barbarity of the world, and the entanglement of cause and effect are all evident.

There are even mentions of gods in the book, implying that they never show up but have a significant influence on the world.

The life experiences of Zhong Shengguang, Hong Xiangqian, Nian Songyu, Sun Fuping... these people seem to exemplify this point of view.

The more He Lingchuan read, the more he felt that, peeling away the bizarre appearance on the surface of these two books, the underlying color was gray and black, which was horrifying to think about.

The book also mentioned an important point:

Spiritual energy revived.

The author believes that the aura of heaven and earth should have gradually recovered during the Middle Ages, but it was delayed due to some reasons.

"Some reasons", even this unabashed author did not explain.

He Lingchuan found the author's name:

Ao Xun dictated it and Sun Yang wrote it.

It turns out that this book was written by two people, one said it and the other wrote it down.

He Lingchuan had read so many books in Wenxuan Pavilion before, but now he felt that all of them were not as good as these two books.

Sun Fuling's recommendation is indeed reliable. This is the difference between being able to find books and not being able to find them.

While reading, it was evening before I knew it, and the sunset was shining brightly on the horizon.

The sound of children and adults quarreling could be heard from the neighbor's house, as well as the sound of snapping. I wonder if it was pork skin being fried on a bamboo board.

But Sun Fuling's house was quiet, with no sound at all.

He Lingchuan knew that she liked to be quiet and often went out, so he didn't think much about it before. But after today's battle, he felt more and more something was wrong:

She is already at home, but why are there no footsteps?

There was only a low wall between the two houses, and with his current hearing ability, he could easily hear the movements in her inner room.

Did she remain motionless after returning home?

Or is it like him, with some cultivation?

He Lingchuan's identity in this dream world is like a player and a passerby. So far, he didn't know exactly why he came, but the appearance of Sun Fuling must have been deliberately arranged by the dream.

One day when she is not at home, should he go over and check it out? As soon as this idea came up, I couldn't suppress it anymore.

Fortunately, someone was beating a gong outside at this time. He knocked twice in succession and shouted: "The city government has issued an order. There is a curfew at 6:00 tonight. City residents must not go out!"

It's around 6:30 pm, and it's only half an hour from now before everyone goes home and closes the door. This shows that this curfew comes suddenly.

People have to go home quickly after obeying the order. Soon, He Lingchuan heard the noisy and hurried footsteps in the alley outside.

Neighbors are also whispering: "What happened this time?"

"There have been a lot of things since the arrival of Emperor Liujian. It's hard to calm down for a few days, alas!"

He Lingchuan had a vague feeling in his heart, was the temporary curfew related to the monster that appeared in the afternoon?

It shows that this thing has received the attention of Panlong City’s senior officials.

As expected, the entire city's patrol force has been strengthened. Originally, only one group of guards passed by his door within a quarter of an hour, but now there were at least three groups.

The puppet beast patrolling the streets has also increased in size.

The city is concentrating its efforts to find the monster's hiding place.

He Lingchuan was not optimistic about the search results. The thing was too fast, and it was likely to shrink in size and hide in someone's chicken shed, making no sound.

Sure enough, the next two hours were calm, and He Lingchuan didn't hear any whistles, nor did he see any signals for arrows and fireworks to fly into the sky.

The moon has passed its zenith and begins to move westward.

He Lingchuan jumped on the roof and found that most of the lights in the houses had been extinguished.

In the middle of the night, no dogs barked, and frost formed on the branches.

By this time most people were already asleep. There was only the cold wind and night watchmen carrying lanterns walking through the streets.

He Lingchuan looked down at Sun Fuling's yard.

The door is closed, but light shines through the window paper.

She's not asleep yet?

The swaying branches and leaves of the tree in the courtyard never stopped, and the ubiquitous wind seemed to have stopped.

Unknowingly, Panlong City fell into silent solemnity.

He Lingchuan was keenly aware that there was something strange in the air, as if something was coming?

He sat on the roof, with a bright moon above his head and silence all around.

But he felt as if he was being looked at and spied on, and there seemed to be small whispers in his ears, like nagging, like ridicule, which made people anxious, but when he listened intently, nothing came out.

This feeling seems familiar?

He Lingchuan thought for a while, took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it.

He turned around again and saw swarms of mighty three corpse insects!

It is indeed these things.

Since leaving the Panlong Desert, he has never seen such a spectacular army of three corpse insects. They are like tropical fish in a coral reef, swimming around every building and entering and exiting doors and windows.

Needless to say, they are inspecting every intelligent living creature.

Needless to say, they were sent out by Zhong Shengguang through the big square pot, and they could penetrate every hole.

But unlike what He Lingchuan saw in the Panlong Desert, these ferocious little things did not harm any of the city residents. They only walked around them, as if checking, and then looked for the next suspicious point.

Even He Lingchuan felt a little irritated when he was shaken by them, but he didn't go crazy.

People who are sleeping are even more unaware.

It can be seen that the large square pot has a strong binding force on the three corpse insects, and it can actually make them disobey their own nature.

This kind of method is indeed beyond the reach of human beings.

Of course, at this moment, He Lingchuan was more concerned about whether they could find the target.

Zhong Shengguang actually dispatched an army of three corpse insects to search the whole city, which shows that he attaches great importance to monsters.

After waiting for another hour, there was still no sound outside.

He Lingchuan was a little confused while reading, and the last thought in his mind seemed to be:

By the way, his knife is broken and he needs to change his weapon as soon as possible.


Haotian Township, Xiazhou, Bailu Town.

On a high wooden platform at the east end of the town, three young men were tied up, the youngest was fourteen or fifteen, and the oldest was in his early twenties.

The executioner stood aside with his knife in hand, and Youyou read the charges loudly on the stage.

It turned out that the last time the grain transport army passed through Bailu Town, these three men actually succeeded in stealing two carts of grain. One car was buried, and the other was secretly distributed at night to the same hungry townspeople.

After several days of pursuit, the three were finally arrested. According to Dayuan's law, anyone who steals military supplies during war should be executed, and this is done on the spot and does not need to be reported to the royal court.

After laying out the charges, Youyou asked them, "Any last words?"

The oldest boy cursed loudly: "My last words? My last words are, I am not at a loss, I finally had a full meal last night!"

"You robbed all the last grains of food, you lied on the bodies of the villagers to suck blood, the robbers were not as ruthless as you, why do you call them parents!"

"Why didn't the rebels at Woling Pass break into the capital, rip out the intestines of you bunch of dog officials, put them around their necks and parade them around the streets?"

"I'll just stick my head out and let you kill me. If you kill me and the people who come after me, one day you will lose your head like me!"

He was so impassioned that the high platform was surrounded three times inside and three times outside. The villagers looked up and looked at him without saying a word, and some even opened their mouths.

You You winked at the executioner, who stepped forward and chopped off the young man's hands with a knife.

Blood spurted out from both wrists.

The young man screamed in pain and kept cursing.

The executioner struck him again and chopped off his feet.

The young man fainted immediately.

The third blow, the head fell to the ground.

This is standard procedure for the first offender of stealing military rations.

Blood flowed all over the table, and the head rolled in front of the other two teenagers. The latter were already kneeling down, but now they were so frightened that they peed, screaming and crying: "Sir, please forgive me, he tricked us into stealing food!"

"We didn't know it beforehand!"

Youyou sneered: "He was also the one who tricked you into distributing food. Didn't you know when he did this?"

The two desperately begged for mercy, but the executioner raised his knife and dropped it.

As accomplices, they got a kick out of it.

"I reiterate the Xiazhou Prefecture's order: The battle on the frontline is stalemate, military supplies are of great importance, and thieves will be punished on the spot!" Youyou was full of anger. After saying this, he retreated. Someone brought water to wash away the blood, and the family members cried and collected the bodies. .

In the chaos, someone secretly took off the shoes from the corpse's feet.

After watching the fun, the dull audience dispersed.

A tall man also turned around with the crowd and tightened his wind hat on his head.

When he walked around the pawn shop's shame board, he found that there were many people inside and there was actually a queue. The people who left the counter were either angry or dejected.

Soon, it was his turn.

The young court official sitting on top asked: "What do you think it is?"

The tall man took off his jacket, turned it over and pushed it forward: "The lining is made of mouse leather, which is waterproof and warm."

Chao Feng took it and pinched it: "It's too old, the hair is gone. The price is two cents of silver."

The tall man was depressed: "When I bought it before..."

"That was before." Chao Feng was too lazy to listen to his memories of those years. Who came here and was not a hero back then?

"How much can you give me?" Online was humble, but he had gotten used to it in the past few years.

"You shouldn't pull it down." Chao Feng pushed the coat out, "There are too many clothes pawned recently, and I don't need one like yours."

"Dang, dang, add this." The tall man also took off his hat, "This is made of ermine skin."

"I've worn it for so long, it looks like any kind of rat skin." Chao Feng just touched it and said, "Seven points."

The tall man choked and his voice became louder: "It's only two cents and seven cents in total?!"

Another old man Chao Feng poked his head over from behind: "What's going on? What is so expensive?"

"It's okay." Young Chao Feng smiled back, "A demon rat skin jacket."

While taking the money, he lowered his voice and said urgently: "Mr. Hong, this is already too much. You can take the money and leave quickly."

The tall Mr. Hong was startled when he heard footsteps coming from inside the counter. When he saw young Chao Feng nodded towards him, he had no choice but to grab the two cents and seven cents, bowed his head and walked away quickly.

It's windy today, and without my jacket, it's still quite chilly on the spring streets.

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