After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 256 Is Mr. Hong here?

The tall man then rushed to the drugstore and grabbed a pair of medicines. The doctor sitting in the hall said that if the old medicines didn't work, he should take a new prescription for ten days and see.

The new prescription was more expensive and he didn't have enough money, but he could only nod and say yes.

There was a butcher's shop ahead, and he didn't want to get close, so he took a long detour home.

As soon as I entered the alley, there were curses. Mr. Hong looked sideways and saw a neighbor at the entrance of the alley holding his child and crying sadly. The few pieces of furniture in the yard were staggered, as if someone had just turned over them.

Could it be? His heart tightened and he strode home.

Along the way, the cries and scoldings from neighbors could be heard endlessly.

Mr. Hong rushed home in three steps. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that the bench in the yard had fallen over, the bundles of firewood piled in the corner were gone, and the door of the house was open.

He ran into the house and saw his wife and the quilt rolling on the floor. Everything in the house had been turned upside down, and even the bricks in the corners had been pried open——

He hid some emergency money in it, but it's gone now.

"Are you okay?" He carried his paralyzed wife to the wooden bed. "Who dares to come in and steal things?" When he asked this question, he felt a lot more enlightened.

His wife's lips were white and she grabbed his arm tightly, but she still said fluently: "The officers and soldiers came in to grab food, and they asked us to return the food. I said I didn't take the food, but they grabbed everything!"

She was a weak woman who couldn't move. Suddenly, several big men broke into her house, rummaged around, and even threw her to the ground. She didn't faint or burst into tears, she was already very strong.

Mr. Hong pursed his lips into a straight line.

Yes, the three boys who were beheaded had stolen military rations and distributed them to the villagers at night, thinking that they were thieves helping the poor.


Now that they have been caught and beheaded, the military rations distributed to the town have become the best excuse for the officers and soldiers to go door to door to grab food!

Do you also have access to military rations? Get it you!

Mr. Hong's food was stored in two halves, half in the kitchen and half under the bed. Now they are gone. Also, even a small amount of the things that could be sold at a high price in this house were looted by the officers and soldiers, such as the bundle of firewood in the courtyard.

There is no place to complain if you suffer.

Although he was heartbroken, he still comforted his wife in a low voice: "It's okay. There is nothing valuable at home, and they can't take anything away. By the way, I got my salary today, so I'm going to cook some porridge for you." "

The wife chuckled, a forced smile: "Where did the porridge come from?"

After Mr. Hong said this, his face fell.

The rice has been taken away, where is the porridge?

Drinking the northwest wind is almost the same.

A wave of anger rose from the bottom of my heart. In the past...when I was so energetic, where had I ever experienced such grievances?

The corners of his wife's eyes were a little red, but she refrained from crying. Instead, she comforted him and said, "I'm not hungry. You need to rest for a while to calm down. Even if the officers and soldiers don't come to rob, the old woman next door will come to steal things."

Mr. Hong couldn't help but feel sad when he saw her face was sallow and thin, and she was forcing herself to smile. In the past, he was determined to give her a good life.

But she never enjoyed a few days of happiness from beginning to end.

Mr. Hong fed her some water first, and was thinking of going outside to get some food when he came back. There was a bang, the half-opened courtyard door was violently thrown open, and noisy footsteps sounded outside.

As soon as he wrapped his wife in a quilt, he saw three guards walking in from outside, looking at him up and down: "Are you Hong Chenglue?"

Hong Chenglue stood up slowly: "What can you do with the three officers?"

The guard in front tilted his head to his two colleagues: "Take them away!"

The two of them grabbed the chains in their hands and shook them, before moving forward to lock them up. Hong's wife was shocked, and Hong Chenglue waved his hand: "Wait a minute, let me tell you clearly what crime I have committed!"

"The superiors just found out that your naturalization application was forged!" The officer sneered, "Now, why don't I say more? If you follow us wisely, you will suffer less!"

Dayuan prohibits the free movement of civilians. If you want to naturalize and live elsewhere, you need to issue a document from your place of origin to prove your consent, which is called "introduction." Now that the war has started in the north, Xiazhou has become a war zone. The state government has ordered a strict investigation to conduct spies, starting with the account books.

At this juncture, Hong Chenglue's citation was found to be false, what would be the outcome?

Based on his understanding of the local government's urination, if he was really locked up, being sent to a prison cell and doing hard labor would be an easy punishment. The most likely possibility is that the able-bodied men were captured and surrendered to the army.

A few days ago, Bailu Town posted a recruitment order from the state capital. Each township was to send 500 soldiers to Dunyu for unified training of the state army.

The salary given in the notice was quite high. Hong Chenglue was a little tempted at the time, but he gave up the idea when he thought that his wife was ill in bed and had no one to take care of her. What's more, are there many examples of Haotian township officials not keeping their word? Once the salaries are paid, how much will actually fall into the hands of military families?

But if he is taken away by the guards now, he will probably be sent to the army directly, and he will not be able to get a big salary.

Hong Chenglue's face was expressionless: "My wife has been ill for many years and can't live without her. The few servants are just doing their best and pretend they haven't caught me."

Hey, hey, hey, the tiger falls in peace. He moved his right hand and made a few noises.

Among the three officers, one looked at the disciples in front of him with a look of unbearable expression on his face, but the other two were indifferent: "These days, who has nothing to hide? Let's go, don't leave any trace!"

The chain rang and was put around Hong Chenglue's neck.

The police officers use it to capture people all year round, and they are as skilled as the herdsmen in roping horses. With only one set and one lock, it is difficult for the suspect to break free.

But Hong Cheng stretched out his hand and somehow grabbed the chain and pulled it back.

The officer couldn't stand, and was pulled over with his body and chains. The other party was as easy as catching a chicken. Before he could react, Hong Chenglue's fingers were like eagle claws and he pressed lightly on his neck.

Click, the Adam's apple was broken.

Another officer subconsciously drew his sword and was about to shout when Hong Chenglue threw out his chain and pulled him close. It was too late to call for help at this time. The chain was getting tighter and tighter around his neck, and his cervical vertebrae were becoming more and more painful...

There was a soft click and the cervical vertebrae were broken.

The last officer standing there was stunned. You must know that they have official badges hanging on their waists and are blessed by Yuanli. Ordinary strong men are no match for them. But this tall and thin man in front of me...

It wasn't until Hong Chenglue glanced at him that he realized what he was doing, turned around and fled.

Hong Cheng hesitated slightly, not wanting to deal with him.

However, the officer had just escaped into the yard when he suddenly flew back and danced around, hitting the foot of the bed with a loud bang, causing his head to explode.

There was not a single cry from the beginning to the end.

Seeing the red and white things overflowing all over the floor, Hong Cheng slightly frowned and took two steps back to block the door.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door of the courtyard: "Is Mr. Hong at home?"

The courtyard door was open, and this person knocking on the door at this time was both polite and strange.

"Who is it?" Mr. Hong walked out and saw that the man was in his forties, with a round face and a round nose. He looked friendly and made money. He was carrying a bag behind him and looked like a traveling businessman.

But it was such a person who threw the official back and beat him to death.

He closed the door with his backhand, bowed to Hong Cheng slightly, and then said solemnly: "My name is Wu Qing, and I was entrusted by another Master Hong before his death to hand over the relics to you!"

Hong Chenglue narrowed his eyes: "Another... Mr. Hong?"

"He is your biological brother, but his name is taboo, so I won't mention it. This is what he handed over to you." Wu Qing took off the baggage behind him and presented it with both hands.

Hong Chenglue opened the bag and saw that there were not many things inside, only a thin leather box, a dozen talismans, a folding fan, and a letter sealed with lacquer seals.

The talisman on the talisman looks familiar, and it was indeed made by my brother.

He opened the box first, and inside were ten folded banknotes of varying denominations, but any one of them was enough for him to escape poverty and be promoted to a well-off level with land and a house. There are also several mysterious crystals in the box, ranging in color from dark green to reddish.

This is the aggregation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, a treasure that even money cannot buy. Even the new general manager of Xiazhou who has just arrived does not have as much wealth as these Xuan Jings.

But Hong Chenglue turned them aside without looking at them, because there was also a toad carved from wood pressed on the banknote, which was just a little bigger than the belly of his finger. His knife skills were exquisite, and even the small bumps on the toad's back were carved. out.

He stretched out his index finger to pick up the wood carving and stared at it for a while, seemingly in a trance.

Wu Qing didn't bother him.

Hong Chenglue closed the box after seeing enough.

The wife in the inner room hadn't heard anything for a long time and was a little worried: "Hong Lang?"

"Here." He responded, "My brother asked someone to bring some things over, please wait a moment."

There was no words in the inner room.

Hong Chenglue then picked up the letter, broke the paint seal, and spread it out in the yard.

The handwriting on it was very familiar, and it was indeed written by his long-lost brother. And the letter was written in code, which only his two brothers could understand.

When he first read the letter, he had mixed feelings in his heart. After all, the last time they met was ten years ago, but at this time, he could only "see the words as the face", and heaven and earth were forever separated. But the further down he looked, the more his heart fluctuated.

The signature on the last page of the stationery can be interpreted as two words in code:


And a toad was drawn with cinnabar next to the name, which is lifelike.

Hong Chenglue still remembers that when he was a child, his brother took him to play by the river. He liked to catch dragonflies and shrimps the most, but his hands were clumsy and he could only catch toads in the end...

"You still say that you are following destiny? Hey!" He chuckled and sighed deeply: "Do you know the content of the letter?"

Wu Qing shook his head: "Only you in the world know."

"My brother is dead, who is your current master?"

Wu Qing bowed his arms to the end and did not dare to straighten up.

Hong Chenglue's eyes turned sharply: "What does this mean?"

"Before I tell the truth, please spare my life, Mr. Hong."

Hong Chenglue didn't get angry but smiled: "Okay, okay, tell me."

"I come from the north and was ordered to serve Lord Hong for three years."

The one from the north? Hong Chenglue looked at him more carefully: "Are you Nian Zanli's subordinate?"

Wu Qing shook his head, with a hint of arrogance in his expression: "The New Year's Praise is nothing, it's just a lowly role!"

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