After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 257 Returning to the old business

Hong Chenglue's eyes changed little by little, as if he was suddenly enlightened and angry.

"It turns out it's you!" He said coldly, "Based on this alone, I should kill you!"

As he thought about killing, the surrounding air dropped a few degrees. Wu Qing stepped back to avoid its sharp edge, but did not ask for mercy.

Because he knew that Hong Chenglue kept his word.

Sure enough, Hong Chenglue's murderous intent quickly subsided and he continued to ask him: "Why are you looking for my brother and encouraging him to die?"

Wu Qing quickly waved his hand: "Master Hong is so firm in his beliefs that he ranks among the top three people I have ever met. How can I encourage him? He firmly believes that the decay of the Yuan Palace cannot be cured. Only by overthrowing and rebuilding a new country can he It is a blessing to thousands of people. My master just lends him a little help."

"His death has nothing to do with you?"

"The rebel army was invincible and everything was going well. However, Mr. Hong was suddenly defeated and died. My master was also deeply shocked."

"Really?" Hong Cheng shook the letter in his hand, "Does your master know why the god my brother worshiped suddenly disappeared?"

"This..." Wu Qing was startled, "This is the first time I've heard of it."

"Mr. Hong...General Hong!" He took a step forward and said solemnly, "My master would like to ask you to come out again!"

"I won't go." Hong Chenglue seemed to have known that he had this request. "I swore a blood oath that I would never use my magical powers again, and I would never lead an army to kill anyone again!"

Otherwise, the hardships he has endured over the years, and the hardships his wife has endured with him for so many years, mean nothing!

"Forgive me for being frank, although you swore to God at that time, God did not bless mother and child to be safe, so your oath may not be effective."

Hong Chenglue remained silent.

His wife had dystocia during childbirth and was unable to give birth for two days. He knew that the crime of killing was too serious, and the current situation was tense, so he couldn't help himself, so he simply left with a seal and made a vow to make everyone happy. Unexpectedly, God was not willing to take pity on him, and his son was still dead. Although his wife saved a life, her roots were damaged, her energy and blood were exhausted, her meridians withered, and she gradually became paralyzed after a few years. He searched all the famous doctors and they all said there was no cure.

From this perspective, Wu Qing seemed to be right.

You ask for it, and it doesn't deserve it. Are there any commitments between you?

"What's more, if the object of your prayers was not God, but the gods..." Maybe your wishes will come true?

Hong Chenglue said calmly: "Shut up, I don't deal with ghosts and gods!"

Wu Qing lowered his head: "I heard Mr. Hong sigh more than once. If you are willing to work together with him, he will plan and you use the troops, there will be few opponents in the world, and the country will be transformed." He pointed to the box on the table and said, "Master Hong also said that although you are good at martial arts, you can only spend money on these external things. If you want to continue to live in seclusion, as long as you don't use it carelessly, this money should be enough to survive the rest of your life."

Hong Cheng smiled slightly bitterly. In the end, the people who know me best are indeed my brothers.

"But..." Wu Qing looked at the corpse on the ground, "This place is not suitable for you to live any longer." Killing an official is not a small crime anywhere.

Hong Cheng slightly nodded, he couldn't stay here for long.

"I know some fortune-telling skills, but with all due respect, Mr. Hong's reputation has been darkened and he is plagued by bad luck. He must have been very unlucky in the past few years since he retired?" Wu Qing said cautiously, "If you remove your official position, you will have no power. If you use your strength to protect me, the murderous karma you created in the past and the secret curses of others may all be applied to you." He pointed at the box, "Looking at your fortune, it's like the river is declining. Even if you get this money, you can't keep it. , it will dissipate after a while.”

How could Hong Chenglue not know?

He was not short of money when he retired last time. As a result, the house either caught fire or was hit by floods, and he had to move. He finally settled down in the new county, bought property and fields, but it turned out that the bank where he deposited his money was unreliable. It was obviously so well-known and had so many semicolons, but it failed him. He also became the victim, and his money was involved. Walk most of the way.

Logically speaking, the remaining real estate should be fine, right? No, he was in Lingzhou at that time, and of course the property he bought was also in Lingzhou. But later, Lingzhou was captured by the Northern Demon Kingdom, and the land deed in his hand turned into waste paper...

After coming to Bailu Town, he started doing business in partnership with others. As a result, he lost money no matter what he invested. The more he lost, the more he lost. Now, he has almost lost even his underpants.

It's not that he hasn't thought about doing some low-cost business, but the money he got would always disappear inexplicably...

Who says capable people can do anything? Who said buying a house can preserve its value and make money? He really wanted to chop off the liar's head with a knife!

Even though he has a huge wealth, he cannot help but destroy it like this.

He also knew that he had been secretly cursed and had been expelled several times, but he was hit again after the expulsion, and he was too lazy to spend money in vain later.

Wu Qing then took out a jade bottle from his arms and placed it on the table: "This is the red jade pill that my master made with his own essence and blood. Each pill is taken three times. Even ordinary people can relax their muscles and channel their meridians. To clear up blood stasis and blockage, take it once every ten days and take it ten times in a row, and the disease may go away.”

After taking this medicine for three months, maybe my wife will be able to walk? Hong Cheng was slightly moved, only to realize that the opponent had saved his trump card for last. To persuade people, you need to be moved by emotion and reason. Wu Qing simply threw out two favors, knowing that it didn't make sense in terms of "reason".

"Okay, let's go with you." Hong Chenglue let out a long sigh, and if he didn't struggle, "We have to find a way to get out of the town."

Wu Qing smiled: "The carriage has been prepared and is parked outside the door. At this time, every household is in danger and no one will care about us. The caravan will set off this afternoon and can take us out of Bailu Town."

Hong Chenglue thought of the three young men who had been beheaded for no reason. Although Xinzhou Official has just taken office and has a great reputation, he understands that it is impossible to make much change in Haotian Township or Xiazhou, no matter who is in that position.

In fact, the same goes for the entire Kite Kingdom.

Otherwise, why would brother Hong Xiangqian go through fire and water?

Since he had nothing, he picked up his baggage, picked up his wife, and got into the carriage.

Wu Qing locked the courtyard door for him.

An old woman walked by not far away, her eyes full of curiosity: "Mr. Hong, where are you going?"

Hong Cheng smiled back and said nothing. The curtain of the carriage was lowered to block other people's sight.

This old woman always liked to go into his house for a walk and pick up some things.

Soon, the car reached the alley. Hong Chenglue looked back for the last time, and the messy alley became smaller and smaller in his field of vision. This is the home where he has lived in the streets and alleys for six years. It does not have the comfort of being "hidden in the city". It only has the pain that ordinary people cannot express, and is tortured by life.

From now on, he wants to say goodbye to this wasted time.

Wu Qing handed him a letter of appointment, a scale-like sign.

The brand is very thick, and I don’t know whether it is imitating a tortoise shell or a snake shell. There are very small serrations on the edge. When turned over, there are only a few words, blood red:


General Qingwu.

He bit his index finger and stamped it on the sign, then grabbed the sign. Suddenly, Hong Chenglue's body glowed with a thick yellow light!

Thanks to him being in the car, no one else could see him.


He closed his eyes and silently felt the long-lost energy.

At the moment when the yellow light came on, all the bad luck, curses and bad luck that had accumulated on him were swept away!

Before Hong Chenglue opened his eyes, his body and mind suddenly felt relaxed, and his mind became clear.

The troubles that had troubled him for many years were easily overcome.

Wu Qing held up his palms and smiled: "Congratulations to General Hong, Chen Hui has been eliminated, and you can show off your talents again!"

Hong Chenglue also sighed in his heart. Yuan Li can be used in such a wonderful way, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how heroic you are, you still have to go to the royal court to find an official position.

Once you have experienced its benefits, how can you give it up so easily?

His wife grabbed his arm and was very uneasy: "Are you going to go back to your old business again?"

Hong Chenglue looked at her and said seriously: "You have to get better and stand up!" If he doesn't go back, he won't be able to get the remaining red jade pill.

"But that fate hexagram said you, said you would eventually..."

"Died in a military disaster?" Hong Cheng smiled slightly, and there was light in his eyes again, "Ah Jin, I have lived in seclusion enough. You and I both know that the only thing I am good at is decapitating the enemy with the sword and gun in the palm of my hand. ”

When he said this, the momentum around him gradually appeared, as if a sleeping lion had just woken up and exposed its fangs.

From this moment on, he seemed to be a different person.

"Just think about it clearly." His wife Ah Jin didn't know how to persuade her. He sighed deeply and asked Wu Qing, "Where are we going?"

"Thirty miles north of Bailu Town, there is Wujiazhuang." Wu Qing also respected her. "The three groups of people will meet there, and many people are waiting to meet General Hong."

Soon their carriage merged into a caravan and headed north.


Another piece of good news came from the north:

Zhao Pan led his army to regain Songlin Pass in Xiazhou.

The Xunzhou army invaded Xiazhou and had been trying to capture the city to gain a foothold. Zhao Pan's move destroyed an important stronghold and pushed the Xunzhou army back more than 20 miles to the north.

Here, Xiazhou's timely delivery of military supplies to the front line was also one of the important reasons for the victory. The soldiers on the front line do not have to suffer from hunger, and their morale will naturally increase.

In fact, according to the description of the grain transport officer who returned to Dunyu, as soon as the grain and grass were transported to the front line, there was a cheer in the camp.

Of course, Xiazhou Prefecture shared this good news with the people of Dunyu as soon as possible.

After the victory in the two battles, Dunyu's people were inspired, the city gradually became stable, and all walks of life were back on track.

This is of great benefit to He Lingchuan, because Ding Zuodong has already rented out the shops he bought a few days ago at a price that is 10% lower than the market price.

He originally specialized in acquiring popular shops in good locations. After the market popularity increased, he naturally became popular. According to his report to He Lingchuan, the properties under Mr. He’s name now include:

There are nearly 100 acres of fertile land, 27 shops, a fishery, two self-operated restaurants, a medicine store, a time-honored oil store, a business, and six large and small warehouses.

Two months ago, He Lingchuan would have spent at least twice as much money to buy these high-quality assets.

Of course, these industries are all left to Ding Zuodong to operate.

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