After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 258 The He Family’s Injustice

While this man was busy with his feet off the ground, He Lingchuan became his boss. In addition to practicing hard, he took his bodyguards and rock wolves out for hunting every three days.

It had only been three months since Emperor Liujian appeared in the world, and there were still new monsters making trouble in Xiazhou, so He Lingchuan took his new subordinates to do his old job in the Panlong Dreamland.

Shan Youjun and Jiao Tai found a few more heroes for him, and they just gathered a guard of twenty people. The best way to test the quality is, of course, to put it into actual combat immediately.

In five days, they killed seven monsters, and the guard was reduced to eighteen people.

One injured his leg and the other lost his life.

He Lingchuan offered generous compensation and then sighed. These are powerful thugs that Shan Youjun has promised with a pat on his chest, and their quality is much higher than that of Xiazhou soldiers. But judging from the actual combat in the past few days, compared with He Lingchuan's patrol team in Panlong's Dream, they were still far behind.

It seems that there is still a long way to go.

On the contrary, Li Qingge heard that he was selecting his personal guards, so he recommended a disciple from Songyang Mansion to him. He had a high level of martial arts and was good at construction.

He Lingchuan needed such a versatile person, so he accepted it. Looking back, he saw that there were military doctors (monkeys) and logistics troops in this team, and the configuration was quite luxurious.

It would be nice to have another flying scout.

On this day, after getting rid of a nest of bat monsters that specialized in sucking the blood of young children, He Lingchuan led his team back to Dunyu and suddenly felt a slight chill on his face.

It's raining?

He looked up in shock, only to see tiny snowflakes mixed with traces of rain falling from the sky, making everyone's clothes and hair wet, and the horses' manes wet.

They happened to pass by Qinghu Lake, but they saw that the ice on the shore had melted, and the floating algae had sprouted a few green buds. Schools of fish came up against the broken ice, and the water surface was covered with fish mouths that could not open and close.

Only then did He Lingchuan suddenly realize that spring had truly arrived.

The wind blowing in the face has receded a little bit of coldness and replaced it with a little moisture, which is completely different from the chill of winter.

Back at He's house, He Lingchuan heard He Yue's voice before he walked into the inner courtyard gate.

The family of three plus him was complete.

He Yue, who was usually too busy to be seen, was rarely at home today. He Lingchuan found that this boy seemed to have grown taller again, but he had lost weight, probably because he worked too hard at the state capital.

"Dad, you are treating child labor harshly." He complained to his second son.

He Chunhua chuckled, smiling but not smiling.

He Lingchuan sat down with his horse and Jin Dao, and Mrs. Ying said to him: "I don't know how to change my clothes, all the dust has been brought in!" He only changed his boots, and there were still mud spots on the corners of his clothes.

He Chunhua asked him: "What kind of monster was removed today?"

Of course he knew what his eldest son was doing these days. The township officials also came to report that Mr. He had helped eliminate harm to the local area, and the villagers were very grateful.

Going out for hunting can also build a good reputation for slaying demons for the people, which is very cost-effective.

"A nest of big-eared bat monsters that specializes in feeding on the blood of young children." He Lingchuan smiled, "There are not many of them, only about thirty. Shan Youjun took them home and planned to roast them."

Mrs. Ying frowned: "Is that food edible?"

Why not? It smells like grilled chicken. He Lingchuan chuckled: "On what day is the whole family here?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized something was wrong, because behind his father, He Yue winked at him desperately, as if his eyelids were cramped, while Mrs. Ying had a look of astonishment.

As for He Chunhua, it turned cloudy and overcast, and it was so heavy that it seemed like water was dripping.

"Okay, what an unfilial descendant, how dare you forget what day today is?"

Normally, even if He Chunhua disliked his eldest son, he would never call him "unfilial". He Lingchuan secretly thought to himself, what big mistake did he make?

He Yue stood beside his father and kept giving him reminders, making a gesture of burning incense and paying homage to him, and bowed at least three times.

"How can I?" He Lingchuan laughed dryly, "Of course I remember that today is to pay tribute to..."

He Yue shook his head crazily.

Not respectful? That is "worship..."

He Yue nodded, pointing his finger directly to the sky.


He Yue rolled his eyes continuously, with an expression of "You're finished."

He Chunhua suddenly turned his head and happened to see his expression, and his eyebrows jumped involuntarily.

The two boys have grown up, dare to cheat in front of him?

While he was looking back, He Lingchuan's mind raced and he frantically recalled what was so special about today.

By the way, He Chunhua just scolded him as an "unfilial descendant". This scolding was very special.

In addition, today is the "Spring Equinox" solar term, and the plan for the year lies in spring. The story in spring... what the hell happened in spring!

He searched frantically in his original body's sea of ​​consciousness.

Perhaps he had been too diligent in dreaming about Panlong City recently, and his spiritual consciousness was getting stronger, and he actually found out the answer among the numerous memories!

Mrs. Ying coughed slightly and wanted to help her eldest son out of trouble. But He Lingchuan had already said first: "Today is family memorial day, dad, I don't dare to forget it!"

He Chunhua turned his head and snorted coldly: "I've been fooling around all day!"

It can be seen that He Lingchuan answered correctly.

This is the most important day of the year for the He family, and the original person never dares to neglect it.

He Yue and Mrs. Ying both secretly let out a sigh of relief.

No wonder before he went out to slay the demon this morning, his father told him that he must be back before evening. He Lingchuan didn't think much about it at that time and agreed immediately.

Every family has a festival day, but the He family's family sacrifice is a thorn in He Chunhua's heart, and he never allows any mistakes.

Therefore, in the He family, this matter never needs to be notified in advance, and everyone keeps it in mind.

He Chunhua glared at him: "What are you still waiting for? Go take a shower and change clothes, the time is coming!"

"Yes!" He Lingchuan responded quickly and flew away.

As soon as he returned to his yard, the servants brought in a large wooden bucket and filled it with water.

The so-called "fragrance soup" is of course different from ordinary washing. It requires the addition of fragrant herbs such as angelica, peach peel, and green wood incense, which can ward off evil spirits, remove filth, and refresh the body.

He Lingchuan cleaned himself up, and it was almost getting dark. He put on white clothes and a white hat, took off all his accessories, cleaned his teeth with willow salt and rinsed his mouth with bitter tea, and then his servants led him to the ancestral hall.

The renovation of He's house was ongoing, but the ancestral hall was the first to be built. Its shape is simple, with black tiles and gray walls, and it will remain low-key among the building complexes in the future.

Under the eaves of the ancestral hall, the newly replaced white lanterns swayed in the increasingly heavy rain and snow, sometimes bright and sometimes dark, making the faces of people change.

All members of the He family arrived, and the butler Lao Mo directed his servants to carry the sacrifices one by one to the tribute table.

The three animals placed in the front row are whole pigs, whole cows, and whole lambs, which are roasted and shaped;

Then there is the five fruits, which are made from local materials and five common local fruits.

There are also sixty-four large and small bowls for various dishes.

According to the regulations of the Yuan Kingdom, only the three major animals such as pigs, cattle, and sheep are used in Tianjia sacrifices or large-scale public sacrifices. From officials to civilians, most small animals such as pigs, chickens, and fish are used.

The He family's sacrifice was not in line with etiquette, but He Chunhua obviously didn't take it seriously. He Lingchuan remembered that since his father became the prefect of Qiansong County, family sacrifices seemed to be like this.

In the past, it was because the mountains were high and the emperor was far away; now that they had moved to Xiazhou, why they still violated the taboo? He thought He Chunhua had his own considerations.

Besides, the He family has always closed the door to worship, and outsiders are not allowed to enter at this moment.

After everything was neatly arranged, the housekeeper Lao Mo lit a white candle on the desk, and the family temple fell into silence.

This wait lasted for half an hour.

He Chunhua and his wife were in front, and He Lingchuan brothers were behind. They all stood still with their eyes on their noses and their noses on their hearts.

The rain outside the window seems to be getting heavier.

The candle in front of the desk was never extinguished by the night wind, and it also illuminated the densely packed tablets in the shrine.

He Lingchuan knew that there were 126 tablets with death dates written on the same day.

That was also the darkest and bloodiest day in the history of the He family.

The housekeeper Lao Mo suddenly said: "At the quarter of the hour, the hour has arrived."

He Chunhua's voice was loud and clear as he recited the prayer.

He doesn't need to memorize manuscripts, every word comes from his heart.

He Lingchuan listened and sighed in his heart.

This is the world.

The He family was originally a prominent family in the capital, and his great-grandfather was a high official. Even if the situation was chaotic, he could still keep the He family safe.

Nineteen years ago, his grandfather, He Chunhua's father, was framed on charges of vengeance, treason, and treason, which directly exposed the monarch's rebellion. The old emperor was so angry that he personally ordered the whole family to be executed, but he was still executed immediately!

He came back to his senses the next day, but the He family was basically wiped out, leaving only an eleven-year-old boy who was far away and was not affected for a while.

The old emperor thought to himself that I regretted it but I didn't say it. He caught the person who framed the He family and used his backhand to kill the entire family. He also superimposed a "Jiu Jiu Clan" and then waved his hand:

The main culprit has been brought to justice, but the He family tolerated the concealment, which was inappropriate and was regarded as an accessory. Now, He Chunhua, the youngest son of the He family, will not die and be demoted to Qiansong County!

So magnanimous.

From then on, He Chunhua, the third son of the He Mansion who was famous in the capital and had a bright future, suddenly turned into a bleak future.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, He Chunhua was not sent away, but "relegated".

The word "derogatory" is used very spiritually. He Chunhua was still young and not in an official position, but he was "demoted" according to the order. On the contrary, it shows that he was not beaten as a commoner, let alone a criminal, and there was no need to have inscriptions on his face.

The way of survival was not cut off, nor was the opportunity to be promoted completely cut off. This was the greatest kindness the old emperor could show him.

He Lingchuan looked through his original memory and knew very clearly how He Chunhua climbed from a mere station clerk to his current official position step by step, with two exceptional promotions in between. This kind of comeback against the wind, in addition to the hardships that are unknown to outsiders, also requires great luck.

After half a cup of tea, He Chunhua finished reciting.

There were more good news reported to deceased relatives this year, including the fact that he had made several meritorious deeds and was promoted to the general manager of Xiazhou and became a high official in the border area. In terms of power, he is already higher than his ancestors.

Therefore, He Chunhua's expression this year is more high-spirited than in previous years. He took a deep breath, took two steps forward, knelt on the futon, and began to kowtow.

He kowtowed thirty-six times in a row, making a banging sound that everyone could hear.

Then, he took the incense from the butler and gently pressed it into the incense burner.

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