After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 259 Winning over and siding with one another

Mrs. Ying followed suit.

Then there is He Lingchuan.

He Chunhua stood in front, his expression and tone were solemn: "Kowtow to your great-grandfather."

"Kowtow to your grandfather."

"Kowtow to your grandmother."

"Kowtow to your second uncle."

He Lingchuan also knocked thirty-six times and was a little dizzy when he stood up. The last kowtow was given to Uncle Jiu, who was He Chunhua's younger brother. He was only six years old when he was cut in half and abandoned.

The 127 members of the He family, ranging from an eighty-year-old man to six-year-old children, were not spared. Except for He Chunhua, only one person survived.

It was He Yue's turn.

The two brothers passed each other, and He Lingchuan mouthed to him silently: "Be gentle!"

He has rough skin and thick flesh, and his forehead will be red and swollen after kowtow. He Yue has thin skin and tender flesh. In the past few years, after family sacrifices, the housekeeper had to apply medicine to his wounds.

He Yue looked back, expressionless.

When he knelt down and kowtowed, his voice was no softer than that of He Lingchuan.

He Chunhua looked at him, but his eyes were unfocused, and he was actually a little lost.

He Lingchuan looked at his father, but felt that his expression was hollow and a little ferocious.

No matter how gentle he looked, the hatred and unwillingness in this man's heart never faded even a bit.

After kowtowing thirty-six times, He Yue squatted for a while and then stood up to burn incense.

Sure enough, blood dripped from his forehead again.

"Okay, the He family has gone through a great calamity, and it's time for a chance to be reborn." He Chunhua took a long breath, "How did I teach you in the past? In order for my He family to clear up the injustice and restore the lintel of the family -"

The He family brothers looked at each other and said in unison: "We will be crushed to pieces, and we will not give up even if we die!"

The person who framed the He family back then is dead, but the He family still faces the crime of being an "accomplice". Because of the nobility and dignity of the royal family, this injustice has not been resolved to this day.

In the past twenty years, He Chunhua has been very fond of it and has never dared to forget it.

"Okay, they are all good children!" He looked excited and even closed his eyes slightly, as if there were a little tears shining in the corners of his eyes. "You must remember and practice your oath today!"

Of course the brothers should say "yes".

The housekeeper Lao Mo had already prepared ointment and treated He Yue's injuries three times, five times and two times.

When the incense burns out, the family burns paper money.

The first ancestor worship ceremony held in a different place was coming to an end. He Lingchuan remembered that he had to be careful about his words and actions today. He could not laugh, drink, or go out to have fun.

But He Chunhua seemed to have dispersed all his depression in the ceremony just now, and the low pressure around him disappeared. He patted the two brothers on the shoulders and said warmly: "Okay, are you all hungry? It's time to eat."

Be vegetarian on family memorial days.

But the atmosphere at the dinner table had calmed down. Mrs. Ying said to her two sons, "I'll ask the tailor to come to the house tomorrow and make you a tailor. At least three sets of new clothes will be made for each of you." Both sons have grown taller. Old clothes don't fit. "Also, in a dozen days' time it will be the Shangsi Festival on March 3rd. A temple fair will be held in the west of the city, and both young men and women will go."

Both brothers said oh.

He Chunhua put down his chopsticks after taking a few bites, took out two letters and lined them up on the table: "Both of these letters are from Li Shangshu. The first one was sent five days ago, and the second one arrived this morning. Yue'er has already I’ve seen it, Chuan’er, come and take a look.”

The great supporter of the Li family finally wrote a letter to the new manager of Xiazhou.

The Li family has suffered so many grievances at the hands of He Chunhua, it would be strange not to cry to Li Shangshu. He Lingchuan knew that one of the reasons why his father did not let go of Dunyu was that he was still afraid of Li Shangshu's reaction.

After all, they hold a high position and have direct influence on the monarch.

Just looking at He Chunhua's relaxed expression, He Lingchuan knew that Li Shangshu's attitude was not bad.

Li Shangshu's first letter was written in hundreds of words. The general idea was that the Li family's descendants were mediocre and stupid, and they actually found trouble with the Zhan family without any evidence. Mr. He had done a good job in educating the Li family -

However, is it excusable that Li Zhaoxin died and his family was so grieved that they acted inappropriately and made a big mistake?

Then Li Shangshu held a court meeting with various ministries to raise a total of 20,000 stones of grain and grass to transport to the north.

He Chunhua added: "In terms of time, this batch of military supplies will arrive in Dunyu in at most two days. At that time, they will rest here for a while before being sent to the front line."

"Words carefully." He Lingchuan shook the letter and said deliberately, "I thought Li Shangshu would use his power to suppress others and order Dad to release Li Yu."

"He dares?" He Chunhua sneered, "It is better to be in charge than to be an official. Xiazhou is now my territory and one of the two front lines that attracts the most attention from the royal court. If he dares to bully others at this time, I can directly give him his trust." Send it to the capital and give it to the king for reference. So at this time, he must be very angry and can't let me catch him."

Rather than saying that Xiazhou has attracted much attention, it is better to say that this place is a mudflat, and Wang Ting is struggling with the two-front battle. If he drops his pick, no one else will be able to pick it up.

Li Shangshu dares to promise that he will recommend a new manager to Xiazhou who can do a better job than He Chunhua?

So at this time, He Chunhua was not afraid of him.

He Yue interjected: "The Western Front is also crying for food, and General Ke has gone to the capital to ask for food. Li Shangshu is raising 20,000 shi of food for the Northern Front at this time, just to show his kindness to his father and to hope that he will show mercy."

He Lingchuan said: "Old fox, he can still get food." Rations are the lifeline of soldiers. "Twenty thousand shi of grain is enough to feed Zhao Pan's army for a month."

This gift was not unimportant. What was annoying was that He Chunhua still wanted to give it away and send it to the north.

"If it's shipped here, it won't be 20,000 stones." He Chunhua shook his head, "That's all, it's always a good thing."

He Lingchuan picked up the second letter and read it a few times, and finally couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Is this letter from Li Shangshu only after our two great victories reached the capital?" In terms of time, it was just right. This Li Shangshu's figure is really soft.

He Chunhua also had a hint of smile in his eyes: "Yes."

Li Shangshu's second letter was much more enthusiastic than the first one. He first congratulated the new general manager on his great success in his first battle, then encouraged him to keep up his efforts, and then, in an awe-inspiring manner, he asked him to severely punish the unfilial descendants of the Li family who had committed crimes. Give him face.

The finishing touch was left at the end. Li Shangshu was very pleased, saying that after the traitor Sun Fuping was killed, he recommended the hero He Chunhua to the monarch to be promoted to the general manager of Xiazhou, which seemed to be a move that benefited the people of Dayuan.

"This time I take all the credit." He Lingchuan exclaimed, "Dad, it turns out he recommended you?"

"It's not that simple, he was just involved." He Chunhua shook his head, "It's their usual routine to take credit for their own gain."

He Lingchuan felt something move in his heart. It sounded like his father knew the situation very well. Was there someone in the court?

Yes, Dad’s social skills have always been excellent and should not be underestimated.

"Brother Li Zhi and Li Yu, what sentence does father plan to give?"

"Just how to judge." He Chunhua said lightly, "It seems that Li Xiaoliu and Li Shangshu have already established a good relationship."

Li Zhao's two sons are considered useless. Li Shangshu may want to survive with his arms broken, kick these two annoying cowards who only know how to fight among themselves, and support Li Shuang, the third generation of the Li family, to take charge of the Li family.

From an overall perspective, this is better for the Li family.

"This batch of military supplies sent by Wang Ting cannot be delayed. It must be sent to the northern front as soon as possible." He Chunhua said to his eldest son, "Chuan'er, please come with me."

He Lingchuan was startled: "Daddy wants to personally guarantee the food?"

"Well, I also want to take this opportunity to observe the public sentiment in Xiazhou and then meet with General Zhao Pan." Xiazhou is Zhao Pan's rear area and supply line. As the new general manager, he needs to meet Zhao Pan as soon as possible. Play cooperatively. "In addition, Zhao Qinghe told me that Xunzhou's rangers are still roaming in central Xiazhou. Maybe there will be an opportunity to train troops this time."

After dinner, everyone went back to the house to rest, and He Chunhua entered the study.

Lao Mo came to him with one person: "Sir, there are people coming from the capital." After saying that, he went out to guard and closed the study door with his backhand.

This man was dusty and looked more like an old farmer than a messenger. He took out a letter and a brocade bag from his arms and presented them with both hands: "Today is the He family's memorial day. My master has asked me to come to Dunyu within today to express his sincere feelings."

"Thank you for your hard work." He Chunhua took the letter, took off the paint seal on it, opened the letter and read it.

Sign at the end of the letter:

Be strict with your heart.

He Chunhua took a quick look, and the solemnity on his face relaxed a little, and he smiled a little: "It seems that the position of national master is already in Mr. Yan's bag."

Previously, Marquis Songyang had been discussing with him the dispute over the vacancy of the imperial division left by Sun Fuping's death. Unexpectedly, Manager He had actually hooked up with one of the candidates.

Shi Huan's trip was not in vain.

Politics is the biggest gamble. As long as you choose the right side, you will benefit for life.

"My master, thank you for your support."


Hong Chenglue knew that three police officers died in his home and he would soon become a wanted criminal, so he did not dare to stick his head out of the window when he left, for fear of being recognized. After all, there are few people in the town, and all the neighbors know each other.

I don’t know how Wu Qing and others managed it. It may be because the dead man in his yard has not been found yet. The convoy drove out of Bailu Town smoothly without being inspected the whole time.

Going further north, there are fewer and fewer people on the main road.

After four miles of walking, there was an open-air drinking shed on the side of the road.

Most of these sheds were erected beside wells or rivers. Passers-by could drink hot water and sometimes hot tea here, and horses that were tired from walking could drink from the trough, of course, for a fee.

There are only three people in the drinking shed except the man who pours water. As soon as Wu Qing's motorcade arrived, they mounted their horses and left.

Hong Chenglue actually urged him: "Hurry up and fill the water, we have to catch up with the three people in front."

Wu Qing nodded, went down and drank two bottles of hot water, then urged the coachman to hurry up, hanging leisurely behind the three riders.

After walking another two miles, there was no one else on the road.

Hong Chenglue untied his horse and rode after him.

The three people were discussing the matter of apprehending the criminals. When they heard the rapid sound of hooves, they turned around. The leader was none other than Youyou, surnamed Chen, who had previously executed a boy who had stolen food in the town.

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