After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 260 Closed Door Meeting

He didn't know about the murder in the town, but he recognized Hong Chenglue, and he looked surprised: "Hong Chenglue, why did you come here?"

Hong Cheng smiled slightly and said, "I was asked to find you."

"Ah, who?"

"Liu Yalin."

The boy who was beheaded first just now was named Liu Yalin. Chen Youjiao was stunned and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"He said walk slowly and wait for you to go on the road together."

Chen Youjiu's men said angrily: "Keep your mouth clean!" He held up the scabbard and was about to slap the tall man in the mouth.

Then he flew out upside down.

The tree trunks as thick as a bowl a foot away were broken.

The officer had already vomited three liters of blood while he was in the air. He lost his breath immediately after landing on the ground, and a big hole was dented in his chest, just enough to accommodate a fist.

Another of Chen Youjiu's subordinates could not be called loyal. When he saw this, he took two steps back and shouted: "Boss, be careful..."

As soon as he spoke, something flew towards him, rapidly expanded in his field of vision, and then hit him in the face.

This man looked up to the sky and fell down.

What knocked him down was the first victim's knife, still in its sheath.

Only then did Chen Youjiu realize that he was afraid. He pulled out his sword and shouted, "What are you doing! I am doing things impartially, and those three people must be executed according to the law!"

Hong Chenglue said solemnly: "You made no achievements in suppressing the bandits in June this year. In the end, you captured the good people of Jiulinggou and took the lead. Is this also the law?"

"How can such a thing happen? You don't want blood..."

With a soft thud, Chen Youjiu interrupted his words and looked at Hong Chenglue dumbfounded. The latter ignored him and turned towards the carriage.

After he took three steps, Chen Youjiu's upper body suddenly slipped down.

He was cut open from the left chest to the right rib, and the section was neat.

Seeing his legs still standing on the ground, Chen Youjiu screamed heartbreakingly. Blood rushed out and wet the sand beneath him.

Cutting off the waist may not necessarily result in instant death. If the person is a bit longer, he may have to toss and turn over a cup of tea and endure all kinds of pain before he can finally die.

Hong Chenglue got in the car and glanced out the window: "Let's go."

Killing someone casually can be regarded as settling this past.

Wu Qing clapped his hands and praised: "General Hong's sword is still young." He could not see clearly how Hong Chenglue used his sword.

Hong Cheng slightly smiled: "Am I the youngest?"

Without the constraints of the oath, he only felt relaxed.

This is called living.

The past few years have been nothing but zombies walking.

An hour later, the carriage arrived at Wujiazhuang.

This Zhuangzi is hidden near the forest farm, far away from official roads. Except for lost travelers, almost no one will approach it casually.

Although it is called a "village", it is actually a village. There is a whole circle of anti-horse posts with pointed heads outside, which is to keep out robbers and bandits.

Wu Qing showed up and shouted, and someone from the village came out to move the horse-rejecting stakes for the carriage to enter.

Hong Chenglue got out of the car and, under the guidance of Wu Qing, first settled his wife into a nearby cabin.

Although the house is small, it has all the facilities, which is much better than his dilapidated house in Bailu Town. Even the charcoal pot at the end of the bed that is burning is an earth stove with a stone guardrail around it.

Although the dozens of large and small wooden houses here were quiet, Hong Chenglue could still notice that there were people inside.

After he settled down with his wife, Wu Qing led him to the wooden house in the middle.

As soon as the door opened, more than ten people inside stood up at the same time.

Wu Qing introduced: "Everyone, this is the General Hong that my master has longed for." Then he said to Hong Cheng, "We sneaked into Xiazhou. These are the leaders of each team."

Both parties greeted each other.

Hong Chenglue also noticed that there was a blue-robed scribe sitting in the corner with a mask on his face. He neither made a sound nor got up to salute. There was also a brown-haired monkey squatting beside his knees.

I don’t know what kind of monkey it is, but it is a bit bigger and stronger than an ordinary monkey. While rubbing its hands to warm up the fire, it also pushed a few chestnuts towards the fire. It was very smart.

Wu Qing led the two sides to sit down, and then said: "Three of our teams were intercepted by the Xiazhou Army. They magnified their results tenfold and boasted everywhere. The Xiazhou people were deeply fooled, thinking that the new general manager had brought a new atmosphere. By the way, The new governor of Xiazhou has arrived, his name is He Chunhua, and Marshal Nian has a murderous feud with him. Now the news has been sent to Marshal Nian, and he ordered us to try to cut off the grain road. "

"Spring is about to begin. If Zhao Pan's army is allowed to survive this spring and wait for the summer grain harvest, it will be even more difficult to push the battle line south."

Even if Wu Qing didn't make a statement, it was clear to everyone present that Yuanbei's battle results were much lower than expected. Wu Qing looked at Hong Chenglue, "General Hong, my master recommended you to Marshal Nian. Marshal Nian hopes that you will lead the next actions."

hope? Nian Zanli just wanted to test his quality. Hong Cheng slightly nodded: "Okay, is there a sand table?"

Immediately someone took out a square box and spread it out on the table.

It was obvious that this was a magic weapon. When it was put together, it looked like a tea tray. When spread out, it could cover the table. The sand inside quickly took shape, forming the entire terrain of Xiazhou.

"Where did you lose the last three battles?"

Wu Qing broke off a branch and clicked three times on the map: "Our three-way ranger was ambushed at these locations. Xiazhou Prefecture posted a notice, and the two generals leading the army were both under He Chunhua, named Zhao Qinghe and Wu Shaoyi. As far as I know, Wu Shaoyi was originally from Hong Xiangqian's old department and was later recruited by He Chunhua. There is no specific information about the other Zhao Qinghe. "

"The officers and soldiers of Xiazhou were exhausted. We should not be defeated by them." Hong Chenglue had lived in Xiazhou for several years and knew exactly who the local officers and soldiers were. It's fun to do things like fake heads, empty wages, and steal chickens and fishes, but it doesn't work once you go to the battlefield.

As soon as these words came out, the generals looked a little confused.

"The main reason we lost the battle last time was that we were caught off guard." Hong Chenglue had already calculated, "Now that we have sent out rangers, three hundred people in each team are too many. We need to be more streamlined, otherwise everyone will be able to see us coming and going. "Xiazhou is not a prairie. Three hundred people have to eat, drink, and sleep. It's too conspicuous to come and go."

"How do you want to coordinate?"

"Isn't this the only one of our strongholds in Xiazhou?" Hong Cheng said briefly, "break it into parts, each team has no more than ten people, and pretend to be business travelers traveling in and out of the city and countryside to inquire about news. The others stay at the stronghold and don't go out randomly."

Someone said: "I heard that the newly appointed state officials have some tricks to get a lot of military resources and escort them to the front line." Otherwise, why would Marshal Nian be upset?

"We delivered a batch ten days ago, and several villagers stole two carts of grain while passing through Bailu Town. This shows that the guards are lax." Hong Chenglue clicked on the sand table a few times, "Transporting grain from south to north, regardless of the early stage, No matter how you go, you can’t get around the three thoroughfares of Bailu Town, Xinhuang and Jiaziguan.”

Wu Qing nodded: "Yes, He Chunhua's army attacked our army in Xinhuang and won, saving that batch of food and grass."

The generals looked at each other: "Are we going to wait and see in these three places?" Even if you choose one of the three, the chance of betting on the wrong thing is not small.

"That's right." Hong Chenglue said, "Under the premise of insufficient intelligence, stupid methods are good methods. How many people do we have?"

Wu Qing said a number.

"Okay, we'll guard Bailu Town and Xinhuang separately, abandon Jiazi Pass, and send spies disguised as merchants to enter. This time we will be ambushed by grain and grass."

A general asked suspiciously: "Abandon Jiazi Pass?"

"I have been to Jiaziguan. The official road there has been in disrepair for many years and is very difficult to navigate. It is also poorly defended and has many bandits. If I were a grain transport officer, I would not choose that road; on the other hand, Bailu Town and Xinhuang The official road is straight and flat, and the distance between the two places is only forty miles, so it is convenient to call for help if something happens." Hong Chenglue analyzed, "Besides, we are short of manpower, so we need to focus on the two routes of Bailu Town and Xinhuang. ”

All the generals responded in unison.

Hong Chenglue has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he knows that they may not be convinced if he comes by air to make irresponsible remarks. Besides, how can there be any guarantee of success in a war?

As long as you win, whatever you say is right.

Then everyone discussed and made some detailed arrangements.

Two days later, Wu Qing hurried out and came back, reporting to Hong Chenglue: "Our informant in Dunyu sent news that more than 900 grain trucks from the south have arrived in Qingping Township!"

This military meeting ended only after dark.

Wu Qing is a businessman who is only responsible for intelligence and logistics and does not participate in direct combat.

Just as he was about to take stock of the horses and medicines, a soldier suddenly came over: "Master Wu, General Hong's wife has invited you."

Wu Qing was surprised, pointed at his nose and asked: "Is she looking for me?"

"Yes Yes."

"But is there anything poorly arranged?"

"The villain doesn't know."

At this moment, Hong Chenglue was presiding over the military meeting. Wu Qing thought about it and went to Hong Chenglue's residence.

The door was closed, and he knocked gently: "Madam?"

Ajin's voice came from inside: "Please come in."

When Wu Qing entered, he saw Ah Jin leaning on the head of the bed, covered with a quilt and a pillow behind his waist. The charcoal basin at the end of the bed was burning brightly, making the room feel like spring. Because of the food and charcoal warmth, her face was much rosier than before her escape, and her eyes also regained some aura.

"Madam, is there a place where the hospitality is not good enough?"

"No, everything is fine." Ah Jin said softly, "I heard that Mr. Wu is planning the entire team's supplies?"

"Yes, I have to take care of the food and drink of these hundreds of people." Otherwise, the pie will not fall in vain.

"I would like to ask Mr. Wu to find something for me." A Jin said, "I heard from Hong Lang that in the past, the scouts of the Bejia Kingdom and the spies who sneaked into the enemy country all carried this with them. Mr. Wu also has it, right?"

Then she asked for something. Wu Qing's face changed greatly when he heard it, and he waved his hands desperately: "No, no! If I dare to give you this thing, General Hong will chop me up."

"Just in case of emergencies." Ah Jin sighed, "If there is a good life and hope of recovery, why can't I think about it?"

Wu Qing refused to say anything.

Ah Jin looked at the sky, fearing that Hong Chenglue would come back at this time, so he lowered his face and said: "If you refuse, I will tell Hong Lang that you are looking down on me, insulting me behind my back, and threatening to throw me into the ravine. "

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