After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 262 Tasteful counterattack

When he stood up, he quietly knocked on his father's back a few times. The code meant "Be careful."

He Chunhua looked at the two of them and said nothing.

The restaurant owner also gave them directions: "There is a latrine behind, so don't look down after entering."

After the two of them left the restaurant, Shan You Juncai whispered: "Master, look at these horses, they are all good horses that are good at running."

He Lingchuan didn't pay attention at first. After all, Xinhuang was in no shortage of horses and horses today. Shan Youjun reminded him, and when he took a closer look, he saw that these three horses were sleek, with long legs, willow-leaf ears, broad chests and thick muscles, and bright eyes.

This is different from a horse pulling a cart.

One of them was digging the ground. Shan Youjun took a glance and said: "These three are all war horses, and the horseshoes and shoes have just been repaired. I was a ranger in the north, so I can't be mistaken."

Those three merchants, each one has such a good horse?

Shan Youjun said hurriedly: "We have traveled all the way north and have only seen a few groups of merchants? As soon as we arrived in Xinhuang, they happened to be here."

The central and northern parts of Xiazhou are in depression, and business travelers cannot make money, so they rarely take this route. He Lingchuan went north with the grain transport team. Indeed, he couldn't see many caravans along the way, not even a few bulk caravans.

He took a breath and said, "I know, hang out for a while and then go back."

The two took a few steps and there was a light behind them. He Lingchuan looked back and saw one of the three merchants coming out, covering his belly with one hand and saying, "I want to go to the latrine too. Haven't you found it yet?"

He Lingchuan pointed to the back of the restaurant: "I can't find it. Didn't you say it's behind the noodle shop?"

"Follow me." The merchant said and ducked into the alley behind the restaurant.

It's already dark, residents don't turn on the lights, and there are dark alleys everywhere. There are low walls less than seven feet on both sides of this alley, but the trees are very tall and provide shade during the day. Needless to say, they block the light even more at night.

The wind was blowing, the leaves were rustling, and everything was dark and dark, like a ghost.

Something is bound to happen in a place like this at this time.

After turning two corners, He Lingchuan asked the merchant who was walking quickly: "How long will it take? Why is the latrine so far away?"

"Come on, it's just ahead."

"You seem to be familiar with this area?" He Lingchuan stopped and smiled, "Do you often come here to squat?"

The merchant also turned around: "Are you going? I'm anxious."

He Lingchuan and Shan Youjun whispered something, but the merchants couldn't hear it. He Lingchuan then spoke: "I don't think you are like businessmen. You may not even have those good horses in the army."

The merchant scratched his head and said, "I don't think you look alike. How can there be any merchants heading north at this time?" Then his face tightened and he shouted:

"Do it!"

He also put down the hand that was scratching his head, but instead turned his wrist, and with a soft "whoosh" sound, the sleeve arrow shot from the secret box went straight to He Lingchuan's door.

He had good eyesight and could tell that He Lingchuan had the higher status among the two.

There was no warning about this betrayal, and the dark alley was full of darkness. Who could have noticed this hidden arrow?

At the same time, a person jumped out from behind the low walls on both sides and rushed behind He Lingchuan and Shan Youjun.

From the beginning, they had the idea of ​​tricking people into getting slaughtered.

He Lingchuan was well prepared and dodged the hidden arrow by turning sideways. The fragrant dumpling hidden in his left hand had already hit the ground one step ahead.

An indescribable stench instantly covered this narrow dark alley.

Coincidentally, the wind stopped at this time, and the smell was suddenly overwhelming.

He Lingchuan and Shan Youjun held their breaths, but the three opponents were panicked by the sudden stink bomb. The merchant who had led He Lingchuan into the alley couldn't help but bend down and retching. The two people who climbed over the wall subconsciously covered their mouths and noses before they could stand firm.

This is a natural physiological reaction.

Just now, He Lingchuan whispered to Shan Youjun, there were only two words:

Hold your breath!

The other party wants to trick them, so why don't they want to trick the other party?

The man who was retching had just bent over and knew something was wrong. He was about to hold his breath and draw the knife. He Lingchuan raised his wrist and also shot a hidden arrow to hurt him.

He only got the purple-gold sleeve arrow specially customized with Li Fubo the day before departure, and today was his first show.

Master Li's specially made equipment was not at the same level as the commercial equipment used by this man. As soon as the opponent straightened up, he felt

Explode the egg with one arrow!

He Lingchuan's hard training should have some results. Besides, how accurate can it be at such a short distance?

The merchant could not stand. He immediately fell to the ground and rolled around, screaming heart-breakingly.

But He Lingchuan's viciousness doesn't stop there? The sleeve arrow also has a rope at the back.

He just pulled it gently, snap—


The man stopped screaming and immediately passed out.

The feeling of hurting people with hidden arrows was so good. The Yuewu Hall in Panlong City would not allow him to use such a destructive weapon. He Lingchuan exhaled and turned around to find his next opponent, the enemy fighting Shan Youjun.

Not only did this man react very quickly, he immediately suppressed his discomfort with the stench and went into battle. He was also very brave. He fought head-on with Shan Youjun twice, sparks flying in the darkness.

He Lingchuan went up and kicked him. He saw the gap in his sword style and kicked the man directly in the ribs!

With the strength of his feet, even a copper cake would be kicked round, let alone a human body?

This man felt pain in his ribs, numbness in his body, darkness in front of his eyes, and he almost lost his breath.

Shan Youjun struck again and took the opportunity to chop off his head.

As soon as the last enemy rushed towards him with his water spear, He Lingchuan blocked it. Seeing that both of his companions had fallen, but his opponent was not injured at all, he stopped fighting and ran away.

Among the three, his combat power was not the highest, but he was certainly the fastest. He rushed out two steps, supported the wall with one hand, crossed the courtyard, and turned into another alley.

He arrived in Xinhuang earlier than these two people and was more familiar with the terrain.

When I took the time to look back, it seemed like no one was chasing me.

Hurry back and report the news, something is going on here. When the troops arrive, he will cut off these guys' heads and kick them as balls.

But just as he was about to run away, wind suddenly blew up behind his head, and a knife flew from the sky, piercing his heart directly.

It goes in from the back chest and comes out from the front chest, making a double penetration.

The man staggered forward two steps before falling to the ground and dying.

He was already in the alley, how could he hit the target with this sword? He looked in disbelief.

He Lingchuan recovered the purple-gold sleeve arrow first, and then followed and drew his sword.

This arrow is stained with dirt and cannot be used again for the time being. Shan Youjun, who was following behind, was also a little surprised. He had just seen his boss throw out the long knife, but the enemy had already climbed over the wall and walked away. As a result, the knife turned around in mid-air and changed directions on its own to chase the person.

He had heard of arrows, flying knives or other magical weapons that could chase people, but he had not heard that long knives also had such special effects.

He Lingchuan pulled out the sword from the back of the enemy who was still staring at death, wiped the blood off his clothes, and sheathed the sword.

Of course, the characteristic of slashing the fleeing enemy through the chest comes from the characteristic of the Fusheng Sword that "one throw is sure to hit". He Lingchuan felt that this was better than archery.

"Go back." The enemy didn't even spare the two of them who went to the latrine, let alone He Chunhua.

However, He Lingchuan is not too worried. His father also has cultivation skills and a lot of protective weapons. It will not be easy for others to deal with him.

The two of them hurried back. As soon as they reached the entrance of the alley, there was a loud noise from the east, and the fire lit up the entire Xinhuang!

This explosion was so powerful that the ground beneath everyone's feet shook violently.

He Lingchuan's face even changed color:

The restaurant where the county magistrate hosted a banquet for Mo Zhe Jingxuan seems to be in that direction!

In the noodle shop, He Chunhua and two merchants were chatting, both of them were a little absent-minded.

There was a sudden explosion, and the store owner who happened to pick up the basin immediately spilled the water. He held on to the pillar to avoid falling.

He Chunhua, Mao Tao and Jiao Tai subconsciously turned their heads upon hearing the sound.

The two merchants then grabbed their weapons and launched an attack.

However, they had just attacked three feet in front of He Chunhua when a thin light barrier suddenly appeared in front of them, with fine patterns on the surface, like snake skin.

Their attacks immediately became sluggish, as if they were stuck in mud.

This is He Chunhua's protective magic weapon that automatically takes effect.

Jiao Tai knew something was wrong as soon as he turned around, shouted "Dare you" and rushed to protect the Lord.

He Chunhua threw forward the red silk thread wrapped in his hand, and it expanded into a snare in mid-air, wrapping an enemy in it.

Sun Fuping's magic weapon is always useful.

At this time, the windshield curtain suddenly lifted, and everyone was startled, but they saw He Lingchuan and two people rushing in, saying at the same time: "Three of them were dealt with outside!"

There was no suspense next. The five members of our team forced the other party to fight and beat him to the ground in minutes.

While Jiao Tai beat him half to death, He Chunhua had already lifted the net on the ground and said to the prisoner inside: "Tell me clearly, what's going on outside?"

The man laughed loudly: "Your chief officer is going to heaven! My brothers are here and I want to take you with them!"

He Chunhua and his son looked at each other, and then asked, "How do you know when the food transport team will pass by here?" The food transport team notified Xinhuang to prepare, only one day in advance. These Xunzhou rangers were patrolling all over the central and northern part of Xiazhou. The area was so vast that they should not have received the news so quickly.

The man smiled grimly and didn't answer.

"He wants to buy time." He Lingchuan saw through his intention at a glance, "Let's go back to the camp!"

Jiao Tai wiped the prisoner's neck with a knife and ignored the trembling store owner who was hugging the pillar. He Lingchuan did not forget to throw down a dozen copper coins as food money. The five people ran out of the restaurant, untied the horses of the three Xunzhou spies, and flew on.

Five people and three horses ran forward less than a hundred feet when they heard the sound of hoofbeats:

There is a team coming from the south. From the sound of it, there are at least two to three hundred riders!

"Drive!" He Chunhua's face changed color and he urged his horse to run quickly.

The horses turned off the main street and headed straight for the grain team camp. He Lingchuan turned around and saw a swarm of cavalry behind him.

These people pulled apart their coats and cloaks to reveal the military uniforms underneath. Even if He Lingchuan had never seen that style, he was sure that the person coming was Xunzhou Ranger.

Obviously, these guys have been lurking outside Xinhuang for a long time. When there is an explosion in the town, they rush in to kill people and steal food!

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