After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 263 One enemy

Jiao Tai and others ran behind He Chunhua, trying their best to block the flying arrows shot from behind.

An arrow hit the horse's butt, but He Lingchuan raised his hand and knocked it away. Mao Tao's luck was not so good. His horse was shot in the hind leg and fell down with a scream.

Maotao fell behind immediately.

When He Lingchuan turned around, the man got up and shouted, "Don't worry about me." He ducked into the short house next to him. There is a row of low-rise houses here. He rises and falls and disappears behind some wall.

The Xunzhou cavalry's target was the grain transport team, so they were too lazy to clean up such a trash fish, and the large troops continued to rumble forward.

The arrows from behind were like rain, unable to stop them at all, so He Chunhua simply threw a crystal medal backwards.

The sign flashed with the green light given by the Sheji Order, and as soon as it was released, it turned into a wall of ice, blocking behind the two horses.

The wall was a finger thick and more than a foot high, blocking the backs of He Lingchuan and others.

Then there were dozens of dull sounds, and dozens of arrows poked into the ice wall.

The Xunzhou Ranger shouted loudly, drew his spear, and charged forward with his horse.

The ice wall was not thick at first, but it was dug with dozens of holes, and it shattered when the galloping horses hit it.

But with this little time, He Chunhua and others had already rushed back to their camp.

Inside the camp, everyone was in a state of confusion.

After a hard day's work, the grain transport team ate and drank. Half of them lay down and went to sleep. Suddenly they woke up and rubbed their eyes. They heard someone shouting in panic outside: "Master Mo Zhe is dead. , Master Mozhe was killed!"

Mo Zhe Jingxuan was the supreme leader of this food shipment. When news of his death arrived, the team was leaderless.

At this time, a second explosion occurred in the restaurant to the east.

Some of the generals of the grain transport team were so sleepy that they could not find their way when they got up, while others got up and scolded them and returned to the team to warn them, but unfortunately they had little effect.

Then, the Xunzhou Rangers arrived.

When the guards outside the camp saw the smoke billowing, they immediately blew their whistles.

The people standing in the camp watching the fireworks realized that something was wrong and ran back whenever they shouted. The Xunzhou Rangers shouted with all their might and murderous intent. The team of 200 to 300 people actually ran out and outnumbered the 1,000-strong force. Even the soldiers patrolling outside the grain transportation camp were frightened and wanted to retreat while holding their halberds.

He Chunhua rushed into the camp at the head of the horse, and said with a sharp tongue: "He Chunhua, the general manager of Xiazhou, is here, who wants to run? Who dares to run!"

He used his true strength to roar three times in a row, which was so loud that it shook the whole place and even drowned out the subsequent explosions in the east.

As soon as the four-character sign "General Manager of Xiazhou" came out, the pace of the defeated troops slowed down.

He Chunhua took office not long ago, but he actually did several major things, especially the three-game winning streak against the Xunzhou army, which made him famous in southern Xiazhou. Most of the soldiers in the grain transport team came from the south. When they heard these four thunderous words, they were startled at first, and then they were half-suspicious and half-joyed:

The boss is coming? how come?

If the general manager of Xiazhou was to control the formation personally, then how could the dead Lord Mo Zhe be regarded as nothing? The difference between state, capital and district driving is just that.

He Lingchuan stopped riding with his father and jumped off to grab a horse.

He also heard someone shouting not far away, "Master Mo Zhe is dead, the enemy is coming." He couldn't help but follow the sound to find the man, only to see the man hiding behind the tent, staring at the field with his eyes, and shouting from time to time. A little panicked?

He Lingchuan sneered, slapped his horse and chased after him.

It's not like this person doesn't have eyes, so he turns around and runs away when the opportunity comes. He was also very aggressive in his movements, specializing in routes with many obstacles, and it was expected that He Lingchuan would be difficult to approach on horseback.

Unexpectedly, I just ran past a warehouse when a huge, furry black shadow suddenly appeared in front of my eyes...

He Lingchuan rushed over and saw the rock wolf Lu Xin suddenly jumping out from behind the warehouse, opening his big mouth without saying a word, biting the man and tossing him around.

Everyone knows the speed and power of a dog's head shake, and Rock Wolf is only as strong as it is powerful. Even though he was several feet away, He Lingchuan heard two clear "pops", like the lighting of firecrackers. In fact, it was the unlucky guy's spine being thrown out of joint in the wolf's mouth.

Fortunately, He Lingchuan arrived later and put an end to this pain.

He beheaded him with one blow, then grabbed the head and rode around shouting: "Kill the defectors with such brutality!"

The head in his hand did not belong to Xiazhou Bing, but who could see clearly that his face was covered in blood? He Lingchuan shouted several times, and the effect was indeed seen. Many defeated soldiers saw him approaching and quickly turned to meet the enemy.

At this time, the supervising team also came to their senses and began to perform their duties. After they killed five or six deserters to scare the monkeys, the collapse of the grain transport team improved greatly.

Another person who shouted to disturb the morale of the army was caught up by Shan Youjun.

These Xunzhou people had a very clear division of labor. Some went to bomb restaurants and tried to send away senior officials of the grain transport team. Some disguised themselves as merchants and hid in restaurants, taking the opportunity to assassinate the generals who came out to eat. The rest of the group hid in In the countryside, using the explosion of the restaurant as a signal, they launched a sneak attack on the grain transport team's barracks!

Even the matter of disrupting the morale of the army was done by dedicated people, and two people with particularly loud voices were selected, which shows that the plan was quite detailed.

The most amazing thing is that the people of Xunzhou actually chose to attack in the town instead of the wilderness and dangerous place that the He family and his son thought. This time they were really caught off guard. You must know that because the central and northern parts of Xiazhou were attacked by Xunzhou soldiers, big families from all over the country recruited strong men to build rural protection groups and civil security teams. The Xunzhou people are likely to encounter additional resistance here.

But tonight the county magistrate is hosting a banquet for Mo Zhe Jingxuan in a restaurant, and local bigwigs must also be there to accompany him, so they are all treated as one.

Of course, several generals recognized He Chunhua and immediately came forward to crowd around him. Some of them were still disheveled and had obviously just gotten out of bed.

He Chunhua didn't blame him, he just shouted the order: "The whole team will attack! Pass on, the enemy only has a hundred cavalry!"

Since the general manager of Xiazhou was present, the generals' mentality had stabilized, and they went to gather the troops while yelling and scolding. The commander continued: "Meet the enemy, meet the enemy! The enemy only has a hundred riders!"

The Xunzhou Rangers broke into the military camp and indeed caused chaos. They cut down people when they saw them and burned tents and food trucks when they saw them. It seemed that they were unstoppable. The Xiazhou soldiers were stunned for a moment, and they could only run away or hide.

Seeing this, He Lingchuan pursed his lips and whistled several times, two long and three short, then turned his horse's head and charged towards the nearest enemy general.

This was his way of summoning his men. When Yanlang and Shan Youjun heard the whistle, they dropped the unlucky eggs in their hands and quickly followed.

Not far away, Jiao Tai was originally guarding He Chunhua, but there were more and more personal guards around the steward. When he heard the whistle, he immediately turned his head with his men.

The oncoming Xunzhou general was quite brave. With a flash of vitality all over his body, he could knock off a soldier with two shots. There was also a thin Xiazhou soldier who was attacked from behind and stabbed in the belly by him while fighting.

This man's gun had a hook on the top, and when he pulled it back, it pulled out his intestines.

They also call it flying a kite.

The soldier fell to the ground and rolled around, wailing. How could the Xiazhou people next to him dare to step forward? The man burst out laughing, jumped out of the crowd of guards, and charged in with all his heart, as if he was in a deserted place.

He was happily killing when he suddenly felt the wind blowing from the back of his head, but it was He Lingchuan who stabbed him diagonally, slashing with his sword without saying a word.

There is no abnormality on the Fusheng sword. It looks like an ordinary long sword. He Lingchuan himself only wears ordinary soldier armor. The Xunzhou general looked sarcastic and fired back.

Every inch longer and every inch stronger, you want to fight his spear with your saber? Innocent!

He used his spear carefully, and first stabbed out with a spear, aiming for He Lingchuan's throat. If the opponent resisted, the tip of the spear would be detonated in advance and pierced into the opponent's belly.

He wanted to fly a kite again.

At this moment, an arrow flew sideways.

But it was Mao Tao who hid behind the burning warehouse and saw the opportunity to shoot him straight into the eye.

The general couldn't block it in time, so he had to turn his head to dodge. In this way, the gun in his hand missed by two inches, and he didn't have time to make a move.

Just two inches.

His hand was steady enough, and his upper body was tilted back without preventing the tip of the spear from jumping. He still picked He Lingchuan's chin like a poisonous snake.

The young man in front of him actually held the knife with both hands and moved it diagonally from bottom to top, making a mistake that novices would make.

This trick is thankless. If you catch it, you will just swing the gun; if you don't hold it, you will have a hole in the cheek with the spear, and it has no ability to control the enemy's backhand.

However, He Lingchuan's movements were as fast as lightning, and his "wave cutting" day after day finally paid off.

Confidence, momentum, and strength are all indispensable.

He had to deliver a powerful blow.

The Xunzhou general's men saw them passing by, and Xue Lian's light almost blinded them——

When the weapons clashed, the long knife, which had always been very low-key, finally burst out with strong murderous intent, like a tiger that had been lying dormant for a long time and then pounced.

The two of them ran in both directions, and the time to react was very short. It was a so-called gap, and the general felt a light touch on his hand, and then several things flew into the air——

an arm;

A handful of angry blood;

Half of the spear also flew out, and the fracture was extremely neat.

The general screamed in pain, and blood gushed out from his broken arm. The opponent was actually intact, and he was about to rush back again after turning back.

His Bu Qu was shocked: "Master Baili is injured!"

"Protect Lord Baili!"

Dozens of people rushed forward and protected the injured "Master Baili" layer by layer. The latter's arm was broken, blood was flowing from his right shoulder, and he fell down in pain. If his bodyguards hadn't rushed up in time, he would have been attacked by Rock Wolf Lu Xin - this guy would bite people's throats when he jumped up. .

He was shocked and angry, and even though he was in severe pain, he did not forget to spit out the fragrance to He Lingchuan.

He was careless. This man's sword looked too ordinary. He was no different from the dozen or so soldiers he had killed before. He was actually a wolf hiding among the sheep.

That knife... that knife was strangely sharp. With just one encounter, it could easily cut off the cold iron spear that had been with him for many years!

With such a magical weapon in hand, can he be an ordinary person? Why do you still wear soldier leather armor and mix with the stragglers?

Master Baili felt like he was picking peaches from a tree. When he caught them, he realized that they were not peaches. When he looked up again, he saw the angry face of the lion very close at hand...

All respectable people have to rely on their status. Why is this guy so shameless?

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