Seeing that the coach was not dead, Commander Xiazhou breathed a sigh of relief and remembered the word "reward" again.

While He Chunhua was escaping from the giant ape, He Lingchuan had already arrived in the opposite direction. With a touch of the storage ring, he took out the Soaring Dragon Spear and stabbed the giant ape directly in the right eye. This big monkey stands more than a foot tall. Even if he is riding a horse, he still needs a spear to hit him.

When the giant ape saw him, his eyes suddenly turned red, obviously remembering the painful past of being pinned down by the walnut boat. Then the bone armor above the eye suddenly stretched, completely covering the right eye.

He Lingchuan's spear hit him immediately.

The black gold spear head was also mixed with meteorite iron when it was made. Its sharpness and hardness are extraordinary and comparable to that of ordinary swords.

The bone plate shattered, the Soaring Dragon Spear pierced the giant ape's right eye, and blood spurted out.

However, the resistance of the bone armor was great. He Lingchuan used all his strength, but the tip of the spear did not penetrate deeply into his eyes. The man was hanging in the air, and just as he was about to think of a way to draw his gun and insert it again, the giant ape let out a shocking roar and grabbed him!

The speed of reaching out was even faster than before.

He Lingchuan thought that it was bound by a curse and was slow in its movements, but he was not prepared in time. The word "Zha" on its forehead shattered at the same time and dissipated into nothingness. It can be seen that this shot greatly stimulated its ferocity, and even the spirit spell cannot restrain it.

He Lingchuan suddenly felt that his body was being imprisoned, and all the energy and blood in his body had been squeezed out of his limbs and head, leaving only one hand that could still be used. I am like a balloon that can be easily popped.

The Fusheng knife was also stuck in his waist and could not be pulled out.

Elder Liang saw this scene with his own eyes and lost his voice: "How is that possible!"

He had been practicing this Spiritual Speech Mantra for twenty-five years, and he spent fifteen years practicing the Silent Mouth Technique, which meant he pretended to be mute for fifteen years and did not speak a word. In this way, the energy of daily intensive cultivation is concentrated on the warm and nourished spirit of speech, brewing deeper and deeper.

This one-word curse has less burden on him and less backlash. Regardless of its power, even if it is cast on the master of Chuanyun Pavilion, it cannot be lifted in just a few breaths.

This giant ape did it, why?

He Chunhua's eyes were cracked: "Chuan'er!"

The other Xiazhou soldiers bravely stretched out their spears to stab, but how could they break the ghost ape's bone armor?

Just scratching an itch.

How could the giant ape be so polite? He squeezed He Lingchuan hard as soon as he caught him! With the strength of its hand, it was easy to pinch He Lingchuan until he turned yellow.

However, it suddenly felt that its hand was empty, and the sense of fullness that it squeezed was gone.

He spread his hands and saw that the little thief who had injured it twice had indeed disappeared out of thin air!

However, there seemed to be something falling in the palm of his hand. It was so small and light that it was blown away by the wind before the giant ape had time to take a closer look.

At the same time, He Lingchuan suddenly appeared behind it, and before the ghost ape could react, Fusheng was already unsheathed.

The cold light slashed through the two ankles of the ghost ape, cut through the gap in the bone armor here, and cut the Achilles tendon in two!

The ghost monkey howled in pain, turned around to catch him, and at the same time took a step back.

This step is heartbreaking.

He Lingchuan was also frightened.

If he hadn't thrown out the Ghost Shadow Cicada in time and used Li Daitao's Zombie Technique, he might have burst like a balloon by now.

He Chunhua's sadness and joy suddenly changed, and he immediately said: "Chuan'er, give me the ghost eye bow!"

He Lingchuan dodged the attack of the ghost ape, took out the ghost-eye bow and arrow with one hand, and threw it without thinking.

Yes, why did he forget this treasure?

But he was reluctant to trade his life for power.

He Chunhua took the bow and arrow in his hand and did not use it himself. Instead, he stuffed them into the hands of the guards around him and said in a deep voice: "Shoot!"

The guard also took the bow and arrow without hesitation and aimed at the giant ape.

The ghost eyes on the bow began to move around, whispering in his ears. The soldier said solemnly: "I will sacrifice five years of my life!"

After accepting the sacrifice, the ghost eyes immediately opened and locked onto the giant ape's face.

There was a sound of "咻", and the arrow left the string.

The giant ape not far away seemed to know how powerful it was. He sat down on his butt and dodged the arrow that hit his face.

However, it knew nothing about the characteristics of the Ghost Eye Bow, so it suffered a big loss. The arrow flew to the back, turned a corner, and accelerated back a second time.

After all, it actually had eyes on the back of its head, and a hand suddenly grew out of its back, and it suddenly grabbed the arrow.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

With a muffled "bang" sound, Gui Yuan was hit by an arrow in his right back, and a large mass of flesh and blood was blown away.

From He Chunhua's perspective, he could see a big hole punched through his right chest.

"Kill it!" He gave the order, and the Xiazhou troops rushed forward.

This ghost ape suffered severe injuries to its right eye and right chest, and its left Achilles tendon was severed. It is no longer as brave as before. Youdao is like breaking a drum and being beaten by thousands of people. The bone armor at the wound has fallen off and cannot withstand human swords and guns.

The pain from the wound made it retreat. The ghost ape propped up its body, jumped and crawled, and ran quickly to the countryside, completely ignoring the stray arrows and spears behind it, and just knocked away any obstacles in front of it.

Its left leg couldn't touch the ground, but it still had three limbs that could run. Now it was running for its life again, and its speed was really not slow.

The people of Xunzhou also knew that the situation was over. It was difficult to compete today. The people of Xiazhou became more and more capable as they fought. There were also many practitioners mixed in. The magical powers and techniques blessed by Yuanli were really too much to bear.

If they don't leave, they will be suppressed here. Lord Baili, who had lost his arm, retreated under the protection of his own soldiers.

To say that we are retreating is almost the same as escaping.

The Xiazhou army was in high spirits. He Chunhua ordered Zeng Feixiong and two other generals and ordered them to pursue them fiercely.

In the military camp, He Lingchuan rushed to express condolences to He Chunhua: "Dad, are you okay?"

"Maybe a rib is broken." He Chunhua's face turned a little pale, "It's not a serious problem."

He Lingchuan looked around and saw that Xiazhou's army had suffered many casualties, especially the few throws of the ghost ape, which directly crushed more than twenty people to death. The disciples of Chuanyunge participated in the battle for the first time with the army, and several of them were injured.

Yao Yuan Lingguang emerged from nowhere and began to help treat the injured.

Food was thrown everywhere, and many tents and carriages were still burning.

But compared with the serious consequences of military assets being robbed, this loss is really negligible.

If this batch of military rations was really robbed and the northern frontline faltered again, the prestige that He Chunhua had finally built up would also be destroyed.

He said to He Chunhua: "Dad, you are in charge here, I will chase that monkey."

He Chunhua knew that Gui Yuan was seriously injured and his threat was greatly reduced, so he nodded: "Be careful of Dong Rui."

He Lingchuan whistled, and the barge beast ran out of nowhere and stopped in front of him. It was a mess just now, and he was worried about the beast being injured. But now it seems that this guy is very smart, and his body is still smooth and smooth without any damage.

After changing horses, he called Mao Tao, Shan Youjun and others, and chased them out following the clues left by the giant ape.

Before leaving the camp, he seemed to hear He Chunhua dispatching another mission: "You go to Bailu Town to check the situation, and hurry!"

Yes, Xinhuang was attacked here. I wonder what the situation is like in Bailu Town. The Xunzhou army that was beaten away also retreated there. However, the giant ape was running in the opposite direction to the Xunzhou people, so he couldn't take a look.

It is not difficult to track the giant ape. The wound on this guy is like a waterfall, and the blood stains left behind are very obvious even in the dark night.

The most important thing is not to let it disappear from sight. He Lingchuan didn't forget that this thing could get bigger or smaller.

Fortunately, the terrain outside Xinhuang Town is quite flat. There are only one or two hills for a few miles. There are only a few big trees and the ground is full of shrubs.

This kind of terrain is the most disliked by monkeys.

He Lingchuan led his men to follow it, all he had to do was keep the giant ape's back in his field of vision.

The injured beasts are the most terrifying. Now there are less than ten of them, and there is no army to assist them. The best solution is to use up the ghost ape's physical strength as much as possible.

If it is large, it will not last long.

Sure enough, after following for ten miles, the Ghost Ape's speed slowed down significantly.

It's not easy to walk on three legs, not to mention there are so many wounds on the body bleeding. The faster you run, the faster the blood flows.

At this moment, Shan Youjun suddenly reminded him: "My boss is in the sky!"

He Lingchuan looked up and saw that there seemed to be birds circling in the night sky, and they were quite big.

Strictly speaking, it circles the giant ape's head.

"That's Dong Rui's other demon puppet." He Lingchuan squinted, but he couldn't tell in the night whether there was anyone on its back.

In other words, Rock Wolf failed to complete its mission.

At this moment, several wolf howls were heard not far away.

He Lingchuan followed the sound and soon saw a black spot running from a distance, getting bigger and bigger in his field of vision.

Say Rock Wolf, Rock Wolf is here.

Its tongue was sticking out, white mist was coming out of its mouth, and everyone could still hear its huffing and puffing breathing. Judging from this appearance, he has been running for a long time.

"What's going on?" When the rock wolf and the beast walked side by side, He Lingchuan asked it, "Where is Dong Rui?"

"On the back of a bird!"

It turned out that Rock Wolf left the battlefield after receiving the order, and chased back all the way after smelling the scent of the ghost ape. Since it was sent by Dong Rui, if you sniff it back in the opposite direction, you should be able to find its owner, right?

This idea was indeed correct, and soon it discovered Dong Rui's figure more than a hundred feet away from the Xiazhou military camp.

He squatted on the roof of a house and looked at the battlefield, wearing the bronze mask on his face and a bald bird on his shoulder.

Being so close, Rock Wolf can smell his scent——

This smell is unmistakable. Old and new hatreds suddenly came to mind.

It hid itself in the shadows under the house and approached quietly.

However, Dong Rui's spiritual awareness was too keen, especially the bald bird on his shoulder that seemed to be able to sense the approaching crisis. It yelled "croak", forcing the rock wolf to jump up and attack in advance.

Unfortunately, it's a step too late.

The bald bird suddenly grew bigger, spread its wings with a kick of its feet, and took Dong Rui with it to fly.

The rock wolf missed the first pounce and accelerated on the roof. Then it pounced a second time, biting its tail, and then dragged it to the ground.

The giant bird stretched out its claws to scratch it, almost blinding its eyes.

Everyone was wrestling, and Dong Rui took the opportunity to cast a spell, injuring Yanlang's front paw.

This big bird is also quite powerful. It flaps its wings upwards and finally shakes off the extra burden.

The rock wolf only bit a piece of hair.

It was unwilling to give in and followed the big bird in the sky all the way here, where it happened to meet its owner.

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