After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 266 You chase me and run away

Rock Wolf Lu Xin's tone was very self-blaming. After all, Dong Rui was the biggest enemy of the entire Rock Wolf clan. It finally caught him once, but he actually let him go!

He Lingchuan saw that its face was covered with slender wounds, one even scratched its right eye and almost blinded it. Blood dripped down its cheeks, and it didn't have time to lick it.

He had no choice but to comfort his companions: "If this man was really so easy to catch, he wouldn't have become a wanted criminal in many countries." Judging from the experience of two fights, Dong Rui was very cunning and escaped immediately after failing to hit. Never get involved with the victim, regardless of whether there seems to be a chance.

It's hard to catch such a cautious person.

It is said that Dong Rui has only a small number of demon puppets, and each one needs to be carefully prepared. One werewolf had been lost before, but now this ghost ape should be his most powerful weapon, and he couldn't lose it under any circumstances.

So Dong Rui drove the birds to follow him, trying to find a way to take away the ghost ape.

In this case, He Lingchuan ordered everyone to follow closely.

Dong Rui tried to descend to catch the monkey, but Shan Youjun bent his bow and shot it. The arrow flew past the giant bird's wings, frightening it so much that it quickly pulled up.

He Lingchuan glared at him: "That's bad!"

It’s not that Shan Youjun’s aim wasn’t accurate, it’s just that the strange bird’s spiritual awareness was so great that he turned over and hid at the last moment.

He touched his nose, drew two arrows in a row, and prepared to perform next time.

But after being frightened this time, the giant bird refused to fly down again.

If you want to talk about why He Lingchuan didn't use the special effect of "one throw is sure to hit" with the Fu Sheng Dao, it's very simple. The distance between him and Dong Rui is more than ten feet...

The two sides remained in a stalemate and ran for more than ten miles.

The ghost monkey could no longer walk, and He Lingchuan and others could hear its wheezing sound, like a bellows with a hole in it. Earlier, He Chunhua's guards drew the ghost-eye bow and injured its lungs. Every time it exhales, it spurts out a handful of blood mist.

If this continues, it will become He Lingchuan's biggest prey this year.

At this moment, Dong Rui suddenly blew his bamboo flute. The sound of the flute was extremely sharp and spread far in the dark night sky.

Gui Yuan also heard it, suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, speeding up again!

This is squeezing the life instinct.

Rock Wolf suddenly said: "No, I smell vegetation and running water!"

In front? He Lingchuan immediately urged everyone to speed up.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The giant ape suddenly jumped while running, and its size shrank sharply in mid-air, and then——

Fell down!

He Lingchuan chased forward a few steps and then stopped urgently. The beast Xiyu let out a long hiss, and the man stood up.

Three more steps and you'll fall off the cliff.

The cavalrymen also quickly reined in their horses.

What lay in front of them was a dark canyon in the ground!

The flat terrain ends here. The crack in the ground is more than a hundred feet wide. How deep is it...

It was too dark to see clearly. He Lingchuan dismounted and kicked a stone the size of an ostrich egg down.

Crackling is the sound of rocks tumbling among the branches and leaves.

He Lingchuan listened carefully and seemed to hear the sound of water.

There seems to be a mountain stream below, with trees on the edge of the cliff and water at the bottom of the stream.

The ghost ape jumped straight down and disappeared into the darkness; the giant bird circled in mid-air and also lowered its head and swooped down, obviously wanting to meet it at the bottom.

After all, Dong Rui flew high, saw far, and made preparations in advance; He Lingchuan and others were inferior in this aspect.

that's all? Is this the end of their pursuit?

He was unwilling to do anything, so he took out the hook and said to Shan Youjun: "Brother, come with me."

After that, he jumped off the cliff!

Of course, he would not repeat the mistake of the past when he was forced to fall off the cliff by the Ghost Eye Bow at the Fairy Lake. On the way down, he threw out the hook rope, hooked the branches on the edge of the cliff, and swung away with the trend.

Shan Youjun also did the same thing. The others did not have hooks and had not practiced this skill, so they could not stand on the cliff and stare, so they found a rope and hung it down, preparing to pick up the two of them later...

There are only a few big trees at the bottom of the stream, but there are dozens of small trees, and then there are dense jungles and moss fields.

He Lingchuan swung twice and then landed. The bottom of the stream is darker than the ground. If you swing with a hook, you will easily hit a tree. What's more, the little tree probably wouldn't be able to support his weight.

He and Shan Youjun quickly connected and ran towards the direction where the giant ape fell.

There are many strange rocks at the bottom of the stream, but it is dark and dark, making it difficult to walk.

Neither of them seemed to have heard the sound of the giant bird flying into the sky, so Dong Rui should, perhaps, still be here?

Fortunately, not long after, Shan Youjun whispered to him: "Look above."

He Lingchuan looked in the direction he pointed and saw a huge protruding rock on the cliff in front. Dong Rui was squatting on it, and the giant bird was perched beside him.

From the perspective of the two of them, Dong Rui was bandaging something and was very busy.

It is not difficult to guess that it is probably a shrunken ghost ape. The latter was seriously injured in front and was chased for dozens of miles. His life potential had long been exhausted. After Dong Rui caught it, it also entered a state of serious injury and was in urgent need of immediate rescue.

Otherwise, Dong Rui shouldn't risk stopping here.

He Lingchuan and the two could see so clearly because there was a light source around Dong Rui. After all, he also needed lighting to treat the demon puppets, but this man was still careful and found such a semi-high place in advance so that he could escape at any time when the crisis came.

The two of them lay low and slowly sneaked over.

There were many grass blades at the bottom of the stream, so they set their feet carefully for fear of making any noise. When the giant bird or Dong Rui glanced over, they stopped.

After a few minutes of tea, the distance between the two sides was reduced to less than ten feet.

After arriving here, He Lingchuan felt much more at ease.

At this time, Dong Rui seemed to have taken care of the giant ape's wounds. He was taking out a transparent glass bottle from his arms and gently shaking the red liquid inside.

He Lingchuan winked at Shan Youjun and slowly pulled out the Fusheng knife. Shan Youjun also bent his bow and drew an arrow. It was common for a man like him to hitch a horse with a bow and shoot an eagle in the wilderness in the past. He would never allow this strange bird to escape from his arrow a second time!

Perhaps because they both locked onto the target, Dong Rui suddenly realized something. He moved his hands and glanced here.

Can't wait any longer.

He Lingchuan aimed at the focus one last time and threw the Fusheng knife away.

No matter how forbearing this knife is, the blade is much brighter than the arrowhead. Dong Rui saw a flash of silver light in the darkness below and immediately lay down without thinking.

The big bird behind him had excellent eyesight. He stretched out his beak and pecked right on the blade.

There was a "ding" sound, and the tip of the big bird's beak was gone.

It dared to tap the blade lightly, and Fusheng would certainly not be polite to it, but the blade was also knocked away.

The pursuers are coming! Dong Rui shuddered, threw a handful of smoke at the hiding place of He Lingchuan and others, picked up the ghost ape himself, turned over and jumped under the rock.

He had cooperated with the strange bird for many years and made almost no mistakes. The latter turned sideways and spread its wings, carried him on its back, and then lifted him up.

If it flew into the sky, He Lingchuan would have nothing to do with him.

Fortunately, the Fusheng knife spun around and suddenly folded back.

As soon as Dong Rui raised his head, he saw a cold light flashing in front of his eyes. He screamed in fright and raised his staff to block it——

Yes, he just took out his short staff and wanted to give He Lingchuan and others a look.

As a result, the Fusheng knife flew past in a swirl, and even the head of the stick and his fingers were cut off!

Dong Rui shouted "Ah", and something slipped from his palm and fell off the bird's back.

At this time, Shan Youjun's arrow also shot out, directly taking out the wings of the strange bird.

This thing is really alert and can flip in mid-air more easily than a kite.

However, Shan Youjun predicted its prediction, and the second arrow arrived and hit its bat-like wings.

The thing let out a loud "quacking" sound and staggered forward as it slid to the ground, as if it was about to crash.

He Lingchuan and the two rushed there.

However, they had only taken a few steps when the strange bird suddenly stabilized its figure, flapped its wings twice, flew close to the ground, and then slid behind the tree!

With the tree blocking it, Shan Youjun's bow and arrow could do nothing. He could only watch the one behind it rise up, gradually fly up to the sky.

Only then did the two discover that its bat wings could be divided into upper and lower parts, just like butterfly wings. Shan Youjun shot and damaged the lower piece, but it did not prevent the upper piece's wings from operating independently. At best, it would only make it less flexible to fly.

This thing was a thief, knowing that it would still be shot down if it took off immediately, so it simply pretended to be hit by an arrow and fell, distanced itself from the two people, and then flew high again.

"Alas!" He Lingchuan sighed as he knew he couldn't defeat him.

Shan Youjun's face turned red. Fortunately, the night was dark: "My boss, I... it was my fault. Please punish me!"

This strange bird went up to heaven and screamed loudly, as if it was a continuous taunt to him.

"If punishing you is useful, if I can bring these three back, I will punish them severely!" He Lingchuan sighed, "Okay, let's go back home. Dad still needs manpower."

The two walked back angrily. When they passed the protruding rock, He Lingchuan's heart moved.

Just now, when Dong Rui was attacked by Fusheng Dao, something seemed to have fallen.

He walked near that location, took out the fire seal, and lowered his head to look for it.

After a while, Shan Youjun shouted: "I found it, I found it, this..." He picked up something and sighed, "It's Dong Rui's severed finger."

What He Lingchuan was looking for was something that fell from Dong Rui's hand.

Just as he was about to turn his head, the sacred bone necklace around his neck suddenly became hot.


This thing has been silent for a long time. He Lingchuan even forgot about it. Why did it suddenly show its presence again?

The last time it got hot, it was because there was something good nearby.

He Lingchuan circled nearby, determining the location of the treasure based on its temperature changes.

Finally, the toes seemed to hit something, hard and round, and rolled twice in the grass.

This is?

He picked it up from the grass and looked at the light.

"Medicine bottle."

This is the glass bottle that Dong Rui took out earlier. Before he could take off the lid, He Lingchuan's Fu Sheng Dao swung it over. Fortunately, the bottle was really strong and was still intact when it fell to the ground, and not a drop of the red liquid inside was spilled.

After getting the bottle, the sacred bone necklace stopped, and he seemed to be no longer anxious.

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