After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 267 Potion and Red Light

Unable to study the bottom of this pitch-black stream, He Lingchuan and Shan Youjun walked back to the bottom of the cliff in the dark, climbed back to the high ground by clinging to their companion's hanging rope.

The return trip went smoothly without any twists and turns.

When He Lingchuan rushed back to the military camp in Xinhuang Town, the lights were brightly lit, the personnel were busy, and the atmosphere was not relaxed.

Fighting fires, cleaning up camps, treating the wounded, detaining and interrogating prisoners, counting food and grass, and exchanging news with the county government, all of this was quite orderly under the command of He Chunhua.

When he saw He Lingchuan appear, he left the officials next to him and walked over: "How about it, have you captured Dong Rui?"

"No." He Lingchuan shook his head, "Let him run away."

People with the surname Dong are probably Loaches, who are slippery and do not hold back their hands.

"This guy is not easy to catch." He Chunhua looked disappointed, but still patted him on the shoulder, "Ignore him for now, we have more difficult problems." He also knew that after Dong Rui suffered a serious injury, there would be nothing to worry about in the short term.

"There was an explosion in the restaurant earlier, and the local magistrate was still alive, but one of his legs was broken. But Mr. Mo Zhe..." He sighed deeply, "he couldn't survive it."

He Lingchuan immediately said: "My condolences on Father's Day."

Mo Zhe Jingxuan was an old man brought by He Chunhua from Blackwater City. Needless to say, he was loyal. To be suddenly found here was a big loss for He Chunhua, who was in short supply of talents.

"Also, the Xunzhou Rangers who retreated from here were met halfway, so our troops turned back."

The poor bandits pursued them for more than 30 miles, but no one could get the reward of gold, so they had to return disappointed——

Master Baili's life is too hard.

However, the Xunzhou Rangers suffered heavy losses. Nearly 300 people came, but in the end only 100 riders escaped, and more than half of them were injured.

He Lingchuan felt even worse after hearing this: "Is there someone to help?"

"After chasing Ma Mingpo, more than 200 people were killed diagonally. They were all strong soldiers and horses, so we had to give up the pursuit and return." He Chunhua's face was gloomy, and he was angry with these men.

He Lingchuan had already sensed something was wrong: "Where did these more than two hundred Xunzhou soldiers come from?" Obviously they were not under "Lord Baili", otherwise they would have attacked Xinhuang with him long ago.

"According to the prisoner's account, the name of the general whose arm you cut off is Baili Qing. He is a guerrilla general under Nian Zanli. He is well-known and has a good record. I didn't expect that he would be defeated by you in one round."

"It's a pity that this big fish escaped." The soldiers around Baili Qing risked their lives to protect him from the encirclement.

At this moment, He Chunhua also called the guard who was shooting arrows to him.

This guard looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, similar to He Lingchuan's age. He had sacrificed his life without hesitation just now in exchange for the powerful power to injure the ghost ape. Now his face was pale and his lips were purple.

Although the Ghost Eye Bow is powerful, it has side effects when used.

He Chunhua patted him on the shoulder and said with appreciation: "Well done, you have merit."

There were beads of sweat on the guard's forehead, but he was overjoyed: "Thank you, thank you so much, sir!"

He Chunhua took out a jade pendant from the storage ring and handed it to him: "Put on this amulet. From today on, you will be my personal guard."

The guard took it over joyfully.

He Lingchuan looked at him and said, "What's your name?"

"The villain Hu Xuan."

He Lingchuan nodded, and there were more and more new faces around his father. Having said that, he actually didn't know exactly how many confidants He Chunhua had.

The fire had been extinguished and the wounded had been placed in nearby residences. Seeing that he had nothing to do here, He Lingchuan went to occupy a tent in the camp and told Yan Lang to guard the door and not let anyone in.

He pressed the bottom seams of the tent tightly to ensure that not a single fly could fly in. Then he lit the oil lamp and took out the newly purchased glass bottle and looked at it carefully.

As soon as the bottle came out, the sacred bone necklace around his neck began to heat up again, and He Lingchuan could feel its desire, like a person who has been hungry all day looking at the sizzling roasted leg of lamb.

He thought for a while, took off the divine bone necklace and placed it on the bench, then uncorked the glass bottle and slowly came closer.

He didn't dare to smell it. The smell of some drugs could kill people.

What's interesting is that the round hole in the center of the sacred bone necklace slightly reveals the sound of wind, as if there is a small wind tunnel hidden inside.

He Lingchuan carefully poured a drop of the red liquid in the bottle.

Just a drop.

Then the drop of red liquid fell into the round hole in the sacred bone and disappeared.

He Lingchuan picked up the necklace and searched around on the bench, but couldn't find any trace of it. It means that the red liquid passed through the round hole and flowed into nowhere.

But now He Lingchuan already knows that the sacred bone necklace is the key to the dreamland of Dafang Pot. So who absorbed the liquid, the sacred bone necklace itself, or... the square pot?

He recalled the two times he ate the sacred bone necklace before. One was the cornerstone of the Immortal Cave, and the other was probably Hong Xiangqian's talisman. Both were extraordinary.

Now that the red liquid is attracted by the divine bone, can it prove that it is also a rare thing?

However, after taking a drop of the sacred bone necklace, it stopped generating heat. The wind tunnel in the center disappeared and turned back into the ordinary pendant.

"Do you want more?" he asked the sacred bone necklace. Ever since he knew that the Fu Sheng Dao could understand his questions, he assumed that this thing was fine too, but he never communicated with him.

The divine bone necklace did not respond, as usual.

That said, it has had enough. Just one drop is enough to sustain you.

He Lingchuan put away the necklace and medicine bottle, walked out of the tent, and found Yao Yuan Lingguang with the help of Yan Lang.

This monkey is treating people's injuries in the ward. He is working diligently and his hands and feet are much more agile than ordinary military doctors. He is generally loved by the wounded.

When He Lingchuan found it, it had a bib filled with nuts hanging around its neck. It was already full and had been given by patients.

He took a few peanuts from his pocket and ate them while peeling them: "I got a trophy, please help me take a look."


As a result, He Lingchuan waited for a full quarter of an hour before Ling Guang withdrew from the pile of patients and followed him back to the tent.

He Lingchuan recounted the whole process of chasing Dong Rui but failed but got the glass bottle, and then said to Lingguang: "Dong Rui was going to use this thing on the seriously injured ghost ape. It may have a first-aid effect. Since it is medicine, just hand it over. I’ve analyzed it for you.”

Ling Guang's eyes lit up after hearing this. He held up the glass bottle and observed it repeatedly, as if he had found a beloved toy. He didn't even have time to give He Lingchuan a look: "Okay!"

Seeing it occupying the tent unceremoniously, He Lingchuan shook his head and retreated.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for the people of Xiazhou.

Zeng Feixiong and his men found the body of the sentry nearby, which also explained why the sentry did not sound the alarm when Bai Liqing invaded Xinhuang. Therefore, He Chunhua ordered to strengthen the security around the station and intensify the interrogation of prisoners.

He urgently wanted to know who was commanding this operation.

After Zeng Feixiong returned from chasing Baili Qing, he and his men sat by the campfire to rest, drinking water and eating cakes. He Lingchuan walked over and handed the wine bottle to him: "Want a sip?" Tonight was really thrilling.

Zeng Feixiong shook his head: "We will be on guard for a while, no drinking."

He Lingchuan chatted with him about the battle just now, and asked about the process of chasing Bai Liqing. Zeng Feixiong was still some distance away from the soldiers, so he lowered his voice and said: "It's okay to beat a drowned dog, but it will collapse with a single blow if it hits a hard bone." As soon as Bai Liqing's response arrived, the pursuers he led withered, " The kind of team we built in Xiazhou cannot go to the battlefield in the north. "

Now that he has been promoted, he wants to express his gratitude to the manager. For Xiazhou now, it is a bit of a luxury to recruit a team that is good at fighting. There is not enough time or financial resources.

He Lingchuan was not surprised by his comments: "It takes a while to train. Look at how many armies in various places go directly to the battlefield within a few days after being recruited. How can they have the energy to train first? In fact, it is better to win more battles. Fighting is better than anything else, you have to be able to pick your opponents.”

He had personal experience in Panlong City. At least half of the bravery of the Gale Army came from confidence: the Panlong City people's confidence that they would win every battle, and their eloquent self-confidence.

Jiao Tai came over and said, "More than a hundred people escaped because of them. This battle was so frustrating!"

Zeng Feixiong didn't like hearing this, after all, he was the one leading the team. He chuckled: "Most of the soldiers who were let go were injured, and some were quite seriously injured. This is what the manager meant!"

He Lingchuan snorted.

Jiao Tai was straightforward and didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

"We think the Xunzhou people are troublesome because they ride around and it's hard to find traces." He Lingchuan explained to him, "Now they are dragging a bunch of wounded soldiers and they have to find a way to relocate them, which can easily reveal their flaws." People from the state are operating deep behind enemy lines, and it is difficult to receive effective treatment after being injured, which is a big trouble.

Dad is really insidious.

At this moment, He Lingchuan suddenly saw a red light flashing past not far away to the west.

The light was not strong, but it was eye-catching enough in the dark night.

what is that?

Under his gaze, a few more red lights seemed to flash across, a bit like lightning, but they did not cause any consequences, and the surroundings were still quiet.

He Lingchuan looked around and suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon:

The soldiers around them were eating, drinking, and chatting, but they didn't even have the interest to look there. Even Shan Youjun, Zeng Feixiong and others seemed to turn a blind eye to that light.

He Lingchuan asked tentatively: "What is that?"

"Ah?" Jiao Tai was puzzled, "What?"

He Lingchuan pointed in the direction of the red light: "Can't you see it?"

Everyone was confused: "What did you see?"

They really can't see it. He Lingchuan said angrily: "It's okay, what is it used for now?" There seemed to be several bungalows where the red light rose.

Zeng Feixiong glanced at him and said: "Detain prisoners of war."

He Lingchuan immediately clapped his hands and stood up, heading towards the red light.

At least in the minds of Zeng Feixiong and other generals who came out of Blackwater City, he had long since lost his image as an ignorant and ignorant young man. He even had half of the credit for keeping the army rations tonight, so they didn't ask him what he was going to do. Everyone just went their own way. Busy with each other.

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