After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 268 Invisible Nightmare Qi

He Lingchuan walked to the front of the row of bungalows. This place turned out to be an inn, and the guest rooms and courtyard in the front were affected by the war. On the contrary, the row of stables in the back was generally intact, with only one on the side being burned out.

Now the prisoners are sitting in rows here, with their hands tied behind their backs and leaning against the wall. Anyone who dares to move will be punished.

There were more than a hundred people here, all dejected.

The small bosses and generals were locked in two stables next door.

He Lingchuan looked around from stable to stable and soon discovered that a red light was actually coming from one of the prisoners.

Strictly speaking, it spilled from his waist.

He suddenly became interested and raised his fingers to let the soldier guarding the prisoner come closer: "When was this man locked up?"

"Just now," the soldier replied, "He was hiding in the city without knowing what he wanted to do, and we found him."

"Oh?" He Lingchuan asked curiously, "All the Xunzhou Rangers have been withdrawn, and he still doesn't run away? Has he been searched and interrogated?"

"Not yet, my lords, I haven't made time yet." The bosses are all busy, how can they have time to interrogate an inconspicuous gangster?

But He Lingchuan was very free. "Then I'll do it."

"Ah?" The soldier was stunned, "But, but..."

"You do not know who I am?"

"I know, I know!" Even if he didn't know before, after tonight's battle, He Lingchuan became familiar with half of the army, "You are Mr. He!"

"I'm interrogating prisoners that no one else has time to pay attention to. What's the problem?"

Of course not.

As soon as He Lingchuan signaled, Shan Youjun and Jiao Tai stepped forward and picked out the prisoner he was interested in from the crowd.

The man hid behind him: "What are you going to do!"

He was born so thin that he couldn't stand up to two big men, so he was lifted out like a little chicken.

He Lingchuan noticed that as soon as Shan Youjun and the others walked towards this man, the red light on his waist disappeared. He had been sitting hunched over, his hands on his waist.

So, it’s still controllable?

After the battle, there were too few bungalows left, and each one had a use. He Lingchuan could only occupy a new tent, drive the original owner out, and then throw the prisoners in.

Yan Lang moved to the door with ease and lay down there, keeping no strangers close.

Shan Youjun found two chairs and came in, sat one for Young Master He, and stuffed the prisoner into the other.

He Lingchuan didn't intend to beat around the bush: "What's going on with the red light on your body?"

The man looked confused: "What red light?"

He Lingchuan took matters into his own hands and pulled his waist apart to see if there was any, and then took off his outermost light armor.

still none.

Next, take off two more layers.

The man's face turned pale and his eyes wandered.

Watching He Lingchuan undress the prisoner, Shan Youjun and Jiao Tai looked at each other strangely. I have been with the young master for almost a month. How come I didn’t know he had this kind of hobby?

This prisoner has a shameless face and a weak figure. Why did the young master take a fancy to him?

Oops, if the young master starts to eat grass from the side in the future, will I follow it or not?

The two of them looked at each other without saying a word, and they were both tender-hearted.

Fortunately, at this time, He Lingchuan ripped open the prisoner's shirt with a clatter, and something fell to the ground.

It looks like a short staff made of copper.

He Lingchuan picked it up and took a look. The short staff was too mini, just a little longer than his middle finger. It was as thick as a flute. The top of the staff was engraved with the head of an unknown monster. It looked like a bat and a pig, with a sharp mouth, a short nose, and Fine teeth and small ears.

There were countless lines engraved all over the short staff, which looked like patterns and words, but He Lingchuan couldn't understand them.

This isn't even ancient fairy language.

But their arrangement is well-proportioned and neat, conforming to a certain pattern, and has a solemn and solemn beauty. He Lingchuan stroked these lines and had a strange thought in his mind:

Is this some kind of magic circle?

In addition, there is an oval-shaped gemstone embedded in the body of the staff, which is as big as a quail egg.

what color it is? It's hard to say, because in He Lingchuan's view, there is actually a red substance inside the gem, which looks like a liquid or a gas, or in other words, it transforms back and forth between the two states.

They account for three-quarters of the entire gem, which means they are almost filling the gem.

Reminiscent of the red light he saw outside the temporary cell, He Lingchuan's heart moved, and he turned to Shan Youjun and asked, "Have you seen this gem?"

Shan Youjun nodded.

"what colour?"

"Dark red." Shan Youjun felt that his boss's behavior for the past half hour was a bit abnormal.

But in He Lingchuan's view, it was obviously as bright red as blood. "Look carefully, can you see the color flowing in the gem?"

Shan Youjun's expression became even more confused, but the prisoner's expression changed drastically.

Sure enough, no one else could see him again.

He Lingchuan smiled and said to the prisoner: "It seems you have something to say, huh?"

"No, no."

"You can also see abnormalities in gems, right?" he asked the prisoner, "What is this thing used for?"

Prisoner Qiqi Aiai said: "There is nothing unusual. This is the toy I took from the salesman."

He Lingchuan played with the short staff, but couldn't find any other mechanism. The entire staff seemed to be cast in one piece, without even a fitting interface.

The level of craftsmanship is very high. Will the salesman sell this? hehe.

Then, he pressed the gem.

The eyes of the monster at the head of the staff lit up, and it suddenly opened its mouth and roared to the sky, while the lines on the staff actually started to swim around the staff like snakes.

When He Lingchuan grabbed the short staff, he felt as if something was gathering from all directions.

In just a few blinks, red lights fell from the sky one after another and fell into the monster's mouth.

In other words, it does not growl, but gathers.

He Lingchuan finally understood where the red light he saw outside came from.

But he still didn't understand how these lights were formed. He even felt that they seemed to be illuminated by the eyes of the beast, and then they were thrown into the mouth of the monster.

He stretched out his hand and shook it, and red light passed through his palm, as if it were nothing.

The lines on the staff also became busy. They swam from the monster's mouth to the ruby, and every line shone red.

But when they swam out of the ruby, they returned to normal.

So back and forth.

He Lingchuan understood after a few glances: these lines were responsible for transporting the red light inhaled by the beast's mouth into the gemstone and storing it.

So the red material in gems is made by the pressure of these external red lights?

Well, it’s getting weirder and weirder.

The prisoner couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at him, because He Lingchuan's expression said it all:

He could completely see how this short staff worked.

How can this be! Only those disciples who have "opened their eyes" through special means can see the nightmare energy!

"If you still want to hide it, I will be punished with severe punishment." This is the ultimatum.

The captives were stunned.

Shan Youjun took a step forward: "Master, I'll do it for you."

"Well, I'll leave it to you." He Lingchuan folded his arms and took two steps back. "Interrogate me carefully, and maybe you will gain something else."

Shan Youjun and Jiao Tai stepped forward and punched him.

They were very experienced and only stood beside the prisoner, so that when they punched the opponent in the abdomen, the vomit and blood spurted from the prisoner's mouth would not splash on them.

The prisoner was beaten until he screamed, and his face was greeted several more times. His cheeks were suddenly swollen to half the height, and his eyes were squeezed until there was only a slit left.

But he gritted his teeth and refused to confess.

Shan Youjun asked someone to bring a bucket of water, and then got a cloth and soaked it in the bucket. Then he grabbed the back of the prisoner's chair and turned him over, lifting his head and feet, and then covered his face with a wet towel.

Wet wipes were already suffocating, so Shan Youjun took a ladle of water and slowly poured it over his mouth and nose.

The man whined and struggled like a fish on a chopping board.

In fact, he was in more pain than a fish out of water.

He Lingchuan knew that this was "water torture". It looked bloodless and had no wounds, but in fact, the tortured person had to experience the double enjoyment of suffocation and drowning, and his physical and psychological limits would be repeatedly trampled on.

As long as the torturer controls the rhythm, fast and slow, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, neither fast nor slow, the prisoner's pain will be doubled.

He Xiao watched for more than ten seconds, and then there was a noise outside, as if a large group of people were coming.

What happened?

He strode out of the tent and saw that a team had indeed entered the military camp from the front door. There were more than six hundred people, including cavalry, foot soldiers, more than a hundred carriages, and even soldiers whose clothes and appearance were obvious at a glance. husband.

But they were dejected. Many of them had blood on their clothes and wounds on their bodies. They looked weak and tired. When they entered the camp, they sat down and could hardly move.

He Lingchuan's heart sank.

This team separated from them two days ago and took the route to Songhuayuan in Bailu Town. There were nearly a thousand people, more than He Chunhua's team. After the battle in Xinhuang, He Chunhua also sent people to Bailu Town to inquire about the safety, but this team came first.

He still looked like he had eaten the standard meal of a defeated battle.

The soldiers in the military camp put down their affairs and looked at them silently.

The leading general Wu Shaoyi dismounted and saw He Lingchuan with a look of shame on his face: "Young Master, we were ambushed in Bailu Town! I only brought back these few carriages."

He staggered a little when he dismounted, but He Lingchuan helped him. He saw that his face was pale, his shoulder was injured, and his entire sleeve was wet with blood.

At this time, there was a faint light in the east, and He Lingchuan exhaled a cool breath in the early spring of Northland:

"Xinhuang was also attacked."

The news brought by Wu Shaoyi was truly the worst tonight.

Baili Qing, Guiyuan, and Dong Rui escaped, the Xinhuang military camp was in a mess, and He Chunhua's men lost their troops... None of these news was as shocking as the last one.


Wu Shaoyi rushed to see He Chunhua. Although the latter looked serious, he first asked a military doctor to treat his injuries.

The conversation between the two took place during the treatment.

The defensive strength of Bailu Town was more sufficient than that of Xinhuang. Wu Shaoyi and another grain-enforcing general Zhou Hongyue also focused their defense on Jutang Pass, which they would pass through in a day. After entering Bailu Town, they ordered them to rest in place. Both of them were cautious and did not go wandering around the town. Instead, they lived in a private house requisitioned by the team. As a result, Wu Shaoyi drank too much water and went out to use the toilet temporarily. Before she could shake herself off, she was knocked to the ground by the air wave of the explosion. .

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