After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 269 Transcendence and Compassion

When he was rescued by his men, he discovered that the Xunzhou Rangers were attacking, and everyone in the camp was on their backs. Zhou Hongyue was killed in the bungalow. Wu Shaoyi endured the pain and got up to take command, but the morale of the army was already in chaos.

Seeing that the grain trucks were burned one after another, his own soldiers were killed one after another, and the team was in collapse, Wu Shaoyi knew that there was no way to save the day, so he had to order a retreat.

He gathered the remaining troops along the way and finally recovered this few manpower.

As for the food and grass, most of it was destroyed.

The Xunzhou Rangers went deep into the Xiazhou grain interception road. They knew that they could not transport grain and grass with their own manpower, so they usually set fire to it.

When Wu Shaoyi said this, he lowered his head and said: "I will ask your lord to punish me."

"You should be killed for being careless and losing food and grass." He Chunhua said coldly, "But now we are short of manpower, so I will spare your life first and see the consequences."

Wu Shaoyi could only thank him for his generosity.

The arrogance of defeating the people of Xunzhou last time was gone now. Half of the food allocated by Wang Ting was lost, and the person who had to go to the front line to explain it was He Chunhua.

Fortunately, half of it was left.

He Chunhua then asked him: "I remember there are policemen and a hometown protection group in Bailu Town. Why didn't they come to help?"

Wu Shaoyi shook his head: "Maybe he didn't dare to come, or maybe he went out to catch bandits. I heard that bandits have been wreaking havoc these days, killing several officials in Bailu Town, and a large local house was looted, with more than thirty people Everyone was killed."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but interject: "There are two murder cases in a small town. Isn't it strange?"

"I have stepped up my guard." Wu Shaoyi whispered, "I heard that the person who killed the officer was a town citizen, and he escaped after the attack. As for the bandits, the locals have seen them, and they are not Xunzhou soldiers. So I... …”

He had lost the battle and lost his food and fodder. No matter how he explained it, it all seemed like sophistry, so he had no choice but to shut up.

He Chunhua frowned: "Who is the enemy general? Do you see clearly?"

"More than thirty years old, tall and thin, with strong combat power, even Lu Yao is not as good as him." Wu Shaoyi said, "I didn't see this person last time when I chased the Xunzhou Rangers, but I heard his men calling him Be a general."

"The people of Xunzhou really think highly of our grain transport team. Two generals from two towns were sent out." Although they may be generals with different names. He Chunhua let out a long sigh, "I underestimated the enemy."

The grain transport team starting from Dunyu City this time was actually divided into two groups, one going through Xinhuang Town and the other going through Bailu Town. This was because the two forked roads had passes to pass, and the terrain was easy to attack and difficult to defend. For the sake of safety and security, He Chunhua decided to divide his troops to transport food, each going his own way. This way, even if one side was attacked, the other side could keep more than half of the food and grass, so that the soldiers on the northern front line would not go hungry again.

"That is to say, the Rangers are also divided into two groups this time to intercept the food transport team in Bailu Town and Xinhuang." He Lingchuan was secretly frightened, "Has a traitor exposed our plan?"

"How is that possible? We only ordered the troops to split into two groups when we reached Panjiagou. Before that, only Mr. Mo Zhe and I knew about it. After that, the two teams arrived at Bailu Town and Xinhuang in just two days." He Chun pointed to his temple, "No matter how powerful the spies are, they can't pry into my mind."

Is that just a coincidence?

"There are three ways to go north. The easternmost official road is in disrepair and no one is willing to take it, so the other side is guarding the remaining two roads." He Lingchuan thought for a while, "Although it is reasonable, it is too risky. There are not many of them. You dare to attack us in two ways."

The Xunzhou Rangers went deep into the enemy's rear, and supplies were a big problem, so the number of troops was higher than the elite. The person who came up with this idea is really brave.

He Chunhua's face was extremely solemn: "And the other party's methods are completely different from before. Could it be that someone else is in charge?"

The usual method of intercepting the enemy's food and forage is to attack dangerously in the countryside, but this time the opponent changed it to the villages and towns, catching him by surprise. He also hit the snake seven inches straight and struck directly at the leader of the grain transport team. He was quick, accurate and ruthless. It was only by luck that He Chunhua escaped.

With such an opponent, how could Zhao Qinghe and Wu Shaoyi easily win three consecutive victories last time?

"The prisoners we have interrogated don't know. They only follow the generals." This is also a means to prevent secrets from being leaked. He Chunhua asked his eldest son, "In your opinion, will they come to intercept our grain?"

When He Lingchuan saw him asking this question, he knew that his father was a little confused. Otherwise, how could he ask this most unreliable eldest son? He thought for a while and said: "No. They took Bailu Town but hit a wall in Xinhuang. They should know that this idea is tricky. Besides, their number is too small after all, and Bailiqing lost more than 200 people. We It’s different.”

After Wu Shaoyi returned, He Chunhua's army had another 1,780 people. In terms of numbers, our side has increased, but our opponents have decreased. "And we must be more vigilant in the future. It is impossible for them to repeat their old tactics."

The costs and risks of another sneak attack by the opponent are increasing.

He Chunhua pondered for a long time before slowly nodding:

"They have intercepted and burned nearly 10,000 shi of grain this time, which is a great achievement. If the general is a smart man, he should know not to be greedy for credit. Otherwise, if he intercepts again, his previous efforts may be wasted."

His eyes gradually became firmer: "Well, it's best if they don't give up, so we still have a chance to get back in the game."

After thinking about it clearly, he was no longer worried about the other party coming, but was worried that the other party would not come.

He made some more arrangements, then stood up and said: "We will rest in Xinhuang for a day and continue on the road tomorrow morning."

Everyone was ordered to leave.

The sun rises in the east, but Xiazhou soldiers are exhausted. He Lingchuan got some water, wiped off the mud and blood on his hands and face, then found a tent and lay down in his clothes.

He also ran around all night, listening to the sounds of people and horses coming and going outside, and soon fell asleep.

After a dreamless sleep, He Lingchuan was a little disappointed.

When I woke up again, the sun was rising very high.

Shan Youjun came to him: "The prisoner has spoken."

"Waterboarding will be used later?"

"No." Shan Youjun said with a smile, "This man looks cowardly, but in fact he is tough. Every time he couldn't stand the punishment, he only spoke a little. Jiao Tai almost cut off his balls before he gave in."

When He Lingchuan saw the prisoner again, he looked sluggish and his mouth was open. He didn't know how much he had suffered.

"Give him some water."

The prisoner took it, drank a large bowl of water in a few gulps, and then took a long breath.

He Lingchuan took out the short staff from his arms: "Be proactive and explain clearly and you will survive."

The prisoner had been tortured to death and no longer played tricks with him. He whispered: "This is the Dragon Punishment Pillar, an ancient treasure. Legend has it that it was taken from the copper pillar on the edge of the Dragon Slaughter Field."

"So advanced?" He Lingchuan played with the short staff. Although it looks very old, once I heard that it was an antique, the texture seemed to become smoother when I rubbed it, "What is it used for?"

"Collect the nightmare energy." The prisoner said, "In war, there will be casualties and resentful souls. The Frost Leaf Grand Master of the Bejia Kingdom asked us to carry this treasure staff with us. After the war, we can collect the nightmare energy and bring it back to them. "

"Nightmare Qi?" He Lingchuan heard the new term, "Nightmare Qi is resentment?"

"Not only that, but also the reluctance, fear and anger that people feel before they die." The prisoner's voice became a little louder, "We collected these on the battlefield and brought them back to transcendence. It is a great merit!"

"Collecting nightmare energy to go back to transcendence? Do you, the Imperial Master, have this kind of addiction?" He Lingchuan didn't believe a single word of the words "Great love has no boundaries", "He told you this?"

"This is all true, and it is not just the invention of the Frostleaf National Master!" The prisoner sat up straight, "It is the tradition since the founding of the Bejia Kingdom, which has lasted for at least five or six hundred years!"

Five or six hundred years?

"If the nightmare energy remains, it will most likely turn into something evil. Haven't you heard that resentful spirits often haunt ancient battlefields?"

Like Panlong Desert? He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows.

The prisoner continued: "After the nightmare energy of at least two battlefields was collected, the local area ushered in six or seven years of good weather! This is what I have personally experienced and seen with my own eyes!"

This man believed it with all his heart and had no idea how Master Shuangye brainwashed him. He Lingchuan did not argue with him and turned his eyes: "This Dragon Punishment Pillar can't be the only one, right?"

"Others also hold it, and they are all designated by the National Master. But I don't know the specific number."

In other words, the Bega Kingdom easily collects hundreds of thousands or millions of so-called "nightmare energy"? That means there are hundreds of thousands or millions of dead! If there really was a collection of resentment in the short staff, the amount would be astonishing.

The prisoner explained: "Not everyone can use the Dragon Punishment Pillar. Only those with the potential to 'open the eyes of the sky' can become an acolyte."

"How to open this 'eye of heaven'?"

"You have to apply a special potion to your eyes for seven or forty-nine consecutive days. Every day, your eyes will be in severe pain." The prisoner said, "If you don't have potential, you will be blind after just one application."

No wonder this guy was extremely surprised to find out that he could also see nightmare energy. He Lingchuan touched his eyelids and saw that he could open the "eyes of the sky" without suffering forty-nine days. Sure enough, he was destined to have a bug.

Is it because of those two treasures on his body?

"Then, how can we transcend the nightmare energy by bringing it back?"

"The national master will open the altar to offer sacrifices and pay homage to heaven!"

He Lingchuan shook his short staff and observed the ever-changing "nightmare energy" in the gems: "How long have you been collecting these?"

Others can't see the existence of nightmare energy, so they don't know what these people have done.

At least, this secret is unknown to most people.

"Eleven years. Ninety-seven battles or incidents before and after." The prisoner swallowed, "I have never been to a battle. I only go to the battlefield after the battle is over."

"You're really busy running around here and there every year." This guy has to travel to an average of seven or eight places a year, all of which are battlefields filled with dead people. "How much of the nightmare energy of the dead is there in this place?"

"I haven't counted them in detail. How come there are hundreds of thousands?" The prisoner looked at the short staff with a little reluctance. "Five years ago, the Mian Kingdom coup, the royal family members were killed and blood flowed like rivers. I collected the nightmares of tens of thousands of people in one go. gas."

He Lingchuan was slightly startled, a little surprised: "Is the Mian royal family so fertile?"

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