After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 271 Treat everyone to a full meal

The child hesitated for a moment: "I recognize Mr. Hong. He told us not to be afraid."

"Hong Chenglue?"

"He lives in Yushu Hutong. Only the front door of his house is not blessed."

This news surprised He Lingchuan: "You mean, he originally lived in Bailu Town?"

The child nodded.

"What does he do?"

"Teaching in a private school." The child got the second candy and started eating. "My father said we have no money and can't find Mr. Hong."

A murderous general lives in seclusion in a small town and only works as a teacher?

The child went to Lingguang's hand to get the candy again. He ate the candy too quickly and burped twice in a row.

Lingguang suddenly turned his head.

At this moment, a man came out of the corner of the alley. He was shocked when he saw the child talking to He Lingchuan. He rushed over and picked up the boy: "What are you doing!"

"The grain transport team was attacked. Let's look for some clues." He Lingchuan spread his hands and found a piece of broken silver lying in his palm. "This is the reward."

That bit of silver reflected in the man's eyes, even glowing. But a look of greed flashed across his face, and he shook his head: "I hid at home when I heard the cry of killing, and didn't know anything!"

"Oh?" He Lingchuan asked curiously, "What didn't Hong Chenglue tell you?"

Hearing the name, the man's mouth twitched: "No!"

He Lingchuan exhaled and suddenly snatched the child away with his hand!

The man yelled: "What are you doing..."

Before he could say "what", a glimmer of light flashed before his eyes, the ingot of broken silver was stuffed into his mouth, and the rest of his words were interrupted.

The child just reacted and was about to make a scene when He Lingchuan flicked his temple and he lost consciousness.

As soon as the man spat out the broken silver, He Lingchuan put the child on the ground, grabbed the man's neck with one hand and pressed him against the wall: "Want to eat the toast?"

He Lingchuan was taller than him, so this pinch caused his legs to lift off the ground. "If you answer honestly, you'll be fine and you'll still get paid; if you dare to lie, you two will die. Do you understand?"

The man was choked so hard that he couldn't breathe and couldn't move away, so he nodded repeatedly.

He Lingchuan let go of him and asked: "Your son said that Hong Chenglue lives in Bailu Town. When did he move here, what does he usually do, what happened a few days ago, tell me!"

The man touched his throat and coughed several times:

"The couple moved to Bailu Town three years ago. The people are very nice. I don't know what they originally did for a living, but Mr. Hong ran a private school in the town. You know we are poor here and can't afford to eat, so why study? , so he doesn’t have two children in his school, so he can’t earn much. Mr. Hong still works in a rice shop at the end of the street. He can carry seven bags of rice at a time, and he is very strong. Sometimes he also does part-time work to supplement the family income! . Recently, the war in the north has spread to the south. Two big families in our town have left, and Mr. Hong has no students. "

"Couple?" He Lingchuan grasped the key point, "Where is his wife?"

"His wife's name is Ah Jin. She is a paralytic. In the first year after arriving here, she could hold on to the wall and walk a few steps, but then she was completely paralyzed in bed. Mr. Hong always buys her medicine, and his house smells of medicine all year round!"

"Why are you paralyzed?"

"I heard that the birth of a son was not good. When the son is gone, the person becomes bad."

"If you are a teacher, why did you become a robber?"

"I don't know. Suddenly several officials died in his house. When the officials found out, the couple were gone. The officials searched everywhere, but no one knew."

He Lingchuan handed over another ingot of broken silver. After the man dug out the tablet from his throat, he hid it quietly.

One ingot is accepted, two ingots are also accepted, and the townspeople are not so strict: "But I remembered one thing: before Mr. Hong disappeared, Youyou had just punished Liu Yalin and the others for stealing military rations. Then The child was once a student of Mr. Hong and studied with him for half a year. "

"Stealing military rations?" He Lingchuan's expression changed. Yes, counting, a grain transport team did pass through Bailu Town a few days ago. "How should this crime be dealt with?"

"The execution was carried out on the spot, no need to report." The townspeople shuddered, "I heard that beheading would be enough, but you asked the executioner to chop off Liu Yalin's limbs first, and then his head."

He Lingchuan rolled his eyes: "Where is this Youyou?"

"No, I don't know." I don't care. It's best not to show up.

He didn't say the last two sentences, but He Lingchuan understood it from his eyes.

"Hong Chenglue brought people back to the town and killed the officers and soldiers and robbed the army. Didn't he talk to you?"

"No..." The townspeople instinctively wanted to deny it, but He Lingchuan's eyes suddenly turned sharp, which pierced his heart, and the conversation changed, "We had no choice but to hide when he and they killed the officers and soldiers. Later. There was no sound outside, and the Xunzhou people searched us out one by one. We were surprised to see Mr. Hong, but he told us not to panic, they would leave soon and would not hurt us. "

"Is it that simple?" He Lingchuan smiled. This castrated version didn't sound right. "They can leave whenever they want. Why do they need to gather you to inform them?"

"He, they still killed people in the town. There were two big families in the east of the town, both surnamed Liu. One was engaged in grain and oil business, and the other opened a pawn shop. Mr. Hong said that these two families colluded with the government to kill them. Let us vent your anger after the Fa is rectified."

"I'm so nice to you?" This guy probably doesn't know that he speaks the truth very fluently but stutters when telling lies?

"Mr. Hong said that he wanted to do this for the sake of our fellow villagers."

At this moment, a figure flashed at the entrance of the alley, and it turned out that it was Mao Tao and Shan Youjun who had rushed back.

Mao Tao reported to He Lingchuan: "I went to the bun shop to ask questions, and the dough maker didn't know anything about it. Later, when I saw no one was around, I gave him a little pain. Then he said that after Hong Chenglue killed the officers and soldiers last night, They shared some food. I mean, he himself is in rags and looks like he will fall down when the wind blows, but there are still two big bags full of good food under the chopping board!"

Shan Youjunze said: "The people of Xunzhou gathered all the townspeople in the open space at the entrance of the town last night. I took a look and there were traces of pots buried with stones, and there were unburnt branches and charcoal on the ground."

"Pot?" He Lingchuan turned to the townspeople, "Hong Chenglue invited you to dinner?"

"No, no!" The townspeople almost shook their heads, "It's none of our business if they eat!"

Yao Yuan Ling's light had been resting on He Lingchuan's shoulder, and then suddenly interjected: "The child just hiccupped and had a sour smell. I saw that his belly was a little bloated. It should be that he had not eaten meat for too long and suddenly ate a lot of food, especially meat. It causes bloating that is difficult to eliminate.”

"Eating a lot of meat?" He Lingchuan glanced at the sleeping child, and a strange thought came to his mind. Could it be?

"You just said that Hong Chenglue and the people from Xunzhou took two families named Liu to the open space and killed them. What happened next?" He Lingchuan stared at him and asked, "Where are the bodies of these people?"

The townspeople's faces turned pale and they were speechless.

Shan Youjun grabbed his collar, a short knife appeared out of nowhere, and pointed the tip of the knife at his eyeballs: "Tell me what you had for supper last night!"

"We were also forced. They said that the fish and meat village named Liu for many years should become our fish meat! So, they forced each of us to eat it!"

"How dare I?" The man actually cried out, "I just took a small bite and turned around and vomited."

His children were ignorant and wolfed down the meat when they smelled it. The people in Xunzhou were also vicious and gave the children whatever they wanted.

He Lingchuan looked at him: "Both of these two families named Liu have some beef with Hong Cheng?"

"It should be, right." The townspeople thought for a while, "The Liu family runs a pawn shop, and the prices are very low. Sometimes they can't get enough money to redeem the money. There are also many dirty things... His family is not a good person."

"It seems that Hong Chenglue suffered a lot of anger from his family." He Lingchuan frowned, "Why do people like this have to swallow their anger in the town?"

This weird feeling was as if he had been working as a handyman at the home of businessman Liu Baobao in Heishui City for several years. How could it be possible?

"I do not know."

Shan Youjun let him go, and He Lingchuan threw him another broken piece of silver: "Don't talk nonsense, at least wait until we leave the town."

The next four people rushed to Hong Chenglue's residence.

What we saw along the way was dilapidated, and most of the townspeople had sallow faces and cold eyes. Even facing Xiazhou officers and soldiers like He Lingchuan, they only had little concealed wariness and disgust.

Even without the Xunzhou people wreaking havoc, this place would still be poor enough.

He Lingchuan passed by the entrance of the town and found the traces of the stone stove mentioned by Shan Youjun here, as well as a raised wooden platform.

There was still residual blood in the cracks between the boards, and it was all black, but He Lingchuan could still smell the smell of blood with his sense of smell.

This kind of place and this kind of platform are generally used for public executions to set the record straight.

He Lingchuan suddenly remembered that Hong Chenglue's students were beheaded here for stealing military rations. As a result, within a few days, his teacher also took action against the military rations, not just stealing them, but openly robbing them.

Why did Hong Chenglue distribute food to the townspeople?

In addition to pleasing people's hearts, is there a little compassion? After all, he had lived here and suffered deeply.

So he forced the townspeople to eat meat, or the meat of two big families in the town. Was he trying to vent his anger on himself or the townspeople?

He Lingchuan thought about these questions and soon found Hong Chenglue's home.

Even the ground in this alley is uneven, and the cracks in the walls are covered with mold and moss. It was not long either, but accommodated at least a dozen households.

"It seems to be this family."

"Squeak", He Lingchuan pushed the door open. There was only a small courtyard and two short bungalows inside.

This area is only slightly larger than his wooden house in Panlong City, and the yard is at least eleven or twelve square meters. There were several wooden shelves and two empty jars lying crooked in the yard, and there were black stains of blood on the ground.

The room was not big, so the four of them walked around and met each other. Mao Tao sighed:

"Mr. Hong is so poor."

The general of the Bejia Kingdom lives here in seclusion, and it can only be described as a house with four walls.

The bedroom only has one bed and a low cabinet.

Shan Youjunze said: "The kitchen is empty as if it has been washed. There are no pots and pans, but there are traces of fire burning in the stove all year round. This is not normal."

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